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13th September

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    Re: 13th September

    MAE ALL...

    Det...I had a look at what a "Persian shirazi salad" is and it looks great unfortunately I just can't eat cucumbers anymore. Hope you got your gym visit in. What else did you have with the salad?

    Lav...I can't believe how late it stays dark in the mornings. So did you and the dog get out this morning for your walk? I was disappointed to hear #45 survived his visit to Philly. LOL I bet the people at the place that sells your chicken feed just smiles when they see you coming.

    Sam...this is the first day we haven't had smoke in Calgary from the fires. I just can't imagine what it's like in Seattle. We've had cooler temps here too and I'm all for that.

    Pauly...I've been told that you can develop an allergy at any stage of your life. At least you have a place to start trying to figure things out. internet was very wonky yesterday, hence the no post. "she is currently in rabbit prison.awaiting sentence" LOL I even googled some rabbits in prison images but couldn't find one that looked like Bonnie. Of course you had some cabling in your bag. I think it's lovely that you and your friend will walk the moors, you'll have lots of memories to share.

    Shout out to Pi and TG...

    Got a call from the doc this afternoon and you were right Lav, the mass is a calcium cyst, so nothing to panic over. Can now get that off my mind. Had a day of sitting on the phone on hold. What a waste of time. Did manage to get through and fix the two issues I had so I figured I should leave on a high note, and I did. LOL Hope we all have restful sleeps tonight....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 13th September

      Greetings Abbers!

      Det, I think we cross posted yesterday. Saw your pictures on FB today, awesome!! Doing a bit of charity work is good for the soul, you’ll get blessings. I am currently mask making for our hospital because they asked nicely Hope today was a good one for you!

      Sam, I’m enjoying the chill, haha! This summer was freaking awful here on the east coast. Hope your brother is OK in the smokey PNW. My brother & his family are in the Sacramento area & said it’s been pretty bad. YB found a small owl sitting on top of the chicken’s outside water can last night right after I closed them up for the night, weird.

      Pauly, I had the same shitty sleep last night, awake more than asleep for absolutely no reason.
      Allergies & food intolerances are different but both are annoying. I’ve stayed on 2 Zyrtec/day as the allergist suggested & I haven’t had any skin reactions to anything BUT my stupid nose still runs constantly, haha!

      Mick, I had to laugh at the rabbit prison remark but I completely understand
      We love our pets & sometimes we want to strangle them, haha!!
      Sorry you can’t attend your friend’s funeral, such an extra harsh year for all of us. Once all the flowers are gone & the grass has turned winter brown I’ll start missing all the lush greenery too. I’m just so happy to be done with the excessive heat & humidity!

      PQ, yes we got our walk in this morning. The horses weren’t there to greet us as usual, I guess they had other plans, Lol
      All the TV stations including CNN reported Trump told 22 lies during the town hall meeting. He got his lunch handed to him by a local professor in the Philly area too. She was in the midst of askingn her question when her interrupted her & she told him to stop talking haha!!! Then he responded to her with a lie about health care insurance. Can’t wait until he’s in prison!
      Good news about your CT scan, that’s a relief & I’m happy for you!

      Hello to Pie & Cyn.

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 13th September

        hello all are we today then? hope all are well.Sunshine day here today again..unfortunately the covid rates are pretty /very high..Just to prove that you havent got the monopoly on idiots .

        403 Forbidden

        oh well means my social diary has room for improvement in the future .rabbits are outplaying ,yep bonnie is too ..she has a ball and chainon herleg!!(only kidding)

        out walking tomorrow..wont see too many people on that.

        hiya Lav ..45 told a lie? never.I wonder what he would have said if he had chopped the cherry tree down as his predecessor did .I slept well last night..hope you have a good day today.

        Pppq I am chuffed for you with regards to the calcium can get on with partying now..after sitting on the phone for yonks !have a great day.

        hiya pauly how are you today then?hope all is well for you.Take good care

        hiya Det how are things with you now mate? hope all is well with you mate.

        big shout to everyone else ..

        Murphy's Laws
        Never have sex with a stranger unless you are stranger than them.

        Abstain from wine, women, and song; mostly song.

        Never argue with a women when she's tired -- or rested.

        A woman never forgets the men she could have had; a man, the women he couldn't.

        It is better to be looked over than overlooked.

        Don't say no, say maybe, say any old thing, say come back in the spring but don't say no.

        A man can be happy with any woman as long as he doesn't love her.

        Folks playing leapfrog must complete all jumps.

        Beauty is skin deep; ugly goes right to the bone.

        Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation; the other eight are unimportant.

        A sexy woman went up to the bar in a quiet rural pub...She gestured alluringly to the bartender who approached her immediately. Seductively signalled that he should bring his face closer to hers.

        As he did, she gently caressed his full beard. "Are you the manager?"

        She asked, softly stroking his face with both hands. "Actually, no," he replied.

        "Can you get him for me? I need to speak to him?

        " She said, running her hands beyond his beard and into his hair.

        "I'm afraid I can't," breathed the bartender. Is there anything I can do?"

        "Yes. I need for you to give him a message," she continued, running her forefinger across the bartender's lips and slyly popping a couple of her fingers into his mouth and allowing him to suck them gently.

        "What should I tell him?" the bartender managed to say.

        "Tell him," she whispered, " there's no toilet paper, hand soap, or paper towels in the ladies room

        There's a man with a bald head and a wooden leg who gets invited to a Halloween party. He doesn't know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg so he writes to a costume company to explain his problem. A few days later he received a parcel with the following note:

        Dear Sir:
        Please find enclosed a pirate's outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head and, with your wooden leg, you will be just right as a pirate.
        Very truly yours,
        Acme Costume Co.

        The man thinks this is terrible because they have just emphasized his wooden leg and so he writes a letter of complaint. A week passes and he receives another parcel and a note, which says:

        Dear Sir:
        Please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg and, with your bald head, you will really look the part.
        Very truly yours,
        Acme Costume Co.

        Now the man is really annoyed since they have gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to emphasizing his bald head so he writes the company another nasty letter of complaint. The next day he received a small parcel and a note which read:

        Dear Sir:
        Please find enclosed a bottle of molasses. Pour the molasses over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your butt and go as a caramel apple.
        Very truly yours,
        Acme Costume Co

        Real Notes to British Milkmen
        Dear milkman I've just had a baby, please leave another one.

        Please leave an extra pint of paralysed milk.

        Cancel one pint after the day after today.

        Please don't leave any more milk. All they do is drink it.

        Milkman, please close the gate behind you because the birds keep pecking the tops off the milk.

        Milkman, please could I have a loaf but not bread today.

        Please cancel milk. I have nothing coming into the house but two sons on the dole.

        Sorry not to have paid your bill before, but my wife had a baby and I've been carrying it around in my pocket for weeks.

        Sorry about yesterday's note. I didn't mean one egg and a dozen pints, but the other way round.

        When you leave my milk knock on my bedroom window and wake me because I want you to give me a hand to turn the mattress.

        Please knock. My TV's broken down and I missed last night's Coronation Street. If you saw it, will you tell me what happened over a cup of tea.

        My daughter says she wants a milkshake. Do you do it before you deliver or do I have to shake the bottle ?

        Please send me a form for cheap milk, for I have a baby two months old and did not know about it until a neighbour told me.

        Please send me details about cheap milk as I am stagnant.

        Milk is needed for the baby. Father is unable to supply it.

        From now on please leave two pints every other day and one pint on the days in between, except Wednesdays and Saturdays when I don't want any milk.

        My back door is open. Please put milk in 'fridge, get money out of cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table in pence, because we want to play bingo tonight.

        Please leave no milk today. When I say today, I mean tomorrow, for I wrote this note yesterday.

        When you leave the milk please put the coal on the boiler, let dog out and put newspaper inside the screen door. P.S. Don't leave any milk.

        No milk. Please do not leave milk at No. 14 either as he is dead until further notice.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 13th September

          Mae everybody, Mick, I'm sorry I assumed you'd be able to go to the funeral, at least you can watch it if you choose, yep bunnies and cords!!! When I had Dr. Chocolate all those years ago I went thru soooooooo many phone chargers! Lav, all he does is lie! He seems kinda "over it" so I wonder why he's even running again, seems like he accomplished his goal of being a president but he just seems to have checked out if you get my drift, PQ, glad it's nothing serious! I was hoping it would be nothing, stupid amazon fired Brady cuz when he took time off for his wreck they had scheduling issues cuz he needed a doctor's release and by the time he got it they said he missed too many days, makes no sense! He'll be ok hopefully find something less stressy, much love to all and wishes for a great BF Thursday!
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: 13th September

            Happy Thursday ABerooooonies!

            Mick, I guess bunnies don't make the best IT personnel... drat. Hope you get the cable sorted soon.

            PPQ, that's a relief on the cyst! whew. more than ever being healthy is a darn good idea I'd say.

            politics has come up on the thread again I see but I'll opt for some popcorn for now. I'm so incredibly disappointed by our
            political theater from left to right and wonder where the middle ground went... that's where I'll be waiting.

            yes, I'm busy alright! truly a blessing so long as I can manage my stress levels adequately. Had a HUGE crazy house out right next
            to the Red Rock mountains which was really cool. Especially doing the drone footage. I'll see if I can grab some of those shots to share.

            still smokey here... ack! but not as bad. I'll be doing 3 big jobs today including being mobile cameraman for an agent that's doing a zoom
            meeting presentation. That should be interesting.

            Pauly, are you doing food delivery? I can't remember. darn brain!

            Sam, always good to see you pop in.

            my Dad called yesterday complaining about the insane new levels of lockdown that Hawaii has foisted upon its citizenry. A report
            made their news lately when a married couple was pulled over and cited/fined for being in the same car together which is now
            illegal. WTF? a married couple? you can now only drive solo there with no exceptions. You can only go to the beach if you are solo
            and wearing a mask. on the freaking beach in the direct sun.... somebody pinch me....Im having a bad dream about a dystopian nightmare.
            I'm really wondering if we will ever return to that thing we call 'normal'. I suppose like everyone else I'm just watching in morbid fascination
            as this unfolds. Seems that EU nations with very restrictive quarantine measures are seeing spikes in infections.

            I hope at least we can all stay as healthy and happy as possible. Remember your vit D3 and C.

            Refuge meeting tonight which is good. I may have to run directly from my last job to attend it but we'll see how it goes.

            oh, with the shirazi salad we had some simple but very good wagyu beef burgers. nothing fancy for busy-dude.

            that's my ramble for the morn.... more coffee is in order and I'm off.

            keep a careful eye on those rabbits....

            be well loves!
            Last edited by Determinator; September 17, 2020, 10:26 AM.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              Re: 13th September

              Good evening friends,

              Cloudy but cool all day, not so bad. At least the air is breathable here unlike the west coast.
              Spent some time sewing, some time caring for my feathered friends, nothing extraordinary, haha!

              Mick, i’m curious about your ‘forbidden’ link haha!!
              Glad to hear Bonnie is out of solitary & enjoying the yard. Hope your walk is pleasant tomorrow.

              Pauly, you are right about 45’s apparent disinterest in the job of the presidency. He thought all he would have to do it sit & dictate orders, Lol
              Sorry about Brady’s job. Hope he finds something real soon. In the meantime Show him where the vacuum & scrub brushes are, haha. I certainly would

              Det, it’s been a dystopian nightmare for me ever since Trump first announced he was running for office 5 years ago. I just knew he would be the disaster we are witnessing right now. The US should not have two men in their 70’s running for office. Where the hell are the 50 year olds? Someone must have qualifications for the job. Crazy about having one person per car, not exactly great for the environment having extra cars on teh road. Hope today’s work is as good as it sounds!

              Hello to PQ, Sam, Pie & Cyn!

              Have a nice night everyone.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 13th September

                MAE ALL...

                Mick...I'm glad Bonnie has been sprung. Did Jeeves miss her? Was surprised when I clicked on the 403 Forbidden link it actually loaded the page. And you wonder why I get into so much trouble with our internet. The thought that keeps going through my mind is "Here we go again." Boss texted me at 7am to see if I was at work. My one word reply, No. He thought the painters were coming in but wasn't sure because nobody confirmed. How do you not know when contractors are coming into the building! Will be thinking of you tomorrow.

                Pauly...Dr. Chocolate, what a sweet name. LOL That just sucks about Brady. Sounds a little shady to me.

      're sounding happy as well. Big relief on the health front and I agree being healthy is a darn good idea. LOL Yes, you need to manage your stress levels, does your Refuge meetings help with that? Boss and prog coord yakked for 2 hours today and there was a lot of talk about our client renters. I could just feel my blood pressure going up. Client renters are my job unless the boss has decided to let her do it without telling me, again! So instead of sitting there getting my nose out of joint I emailed him and flat out asked. Then I went for a long drive to give my attitude a shake. He did come to talk to me and say no, he asked her to put together a covid protocol for renters as she'd done all the research for her programs. Blood pressure back to normal but what I've learned is to speak up and clear the air right away. I can't believe what's happening in Hawaii. I have upped my vit D3 and C.

                Lav...sounds like you had a pretty easy going day, including breathing. LOL Checked on my package and yay it's left Oxford. Where it ends up is anybody's guess. I'm not worried. There was a package at my door on Monday and I thought Oh the masks have arrived but no, it was addressed to someone I don't know (with my address) and was going to throw it back in the mail but hadn't got around to it. Yesterday I went to work and my neighbour asked if I'd received a package and do I still have it. Yes, I did and yes I do. I now know my neighbours name and she can get her mom to update her mailing address. I was glad I hadn't put it back in the mail.

                For some reason I have Chinese Food on the brain so must see what I can do about that. Have a restful evening all....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: 13th September

                  morning all, quick check in. overslept!! I'm late!
                  White Rabbit - I'm Late Scene - YouTube
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Re: 13th September

                    Mae everybody, PQ, I had a package of mine delivered two streets over! Luckily they were kind enough to drop it by especially since they don't even know us and could have easily just kept it, what would your boss do without you? Seems like you're his right hand woman haha, Brady was getting kinda burnt out anyways, amazon doesn't treat their warehouse employees very good and they use the get fired thing as a scare tactic, I thought about not shopping with them anymore but no I was on there last night ordering some leggings haha! Lav, I really wanted someone fresh to run, someone exciting, I still have the newspaper of when Obama got sworn in I was so elated but I'll be with Det on the sidelines munching on popcorn, a vote means alot to me and I don't want that on my hands, I can't complain if I don't vote as they say, Mick hows the restrictions getting where you are? Was reading the army thread and it seems like they've imposed more? Sam, always wonderful when you check in, much love to all and wishes for a great BF Fryday as Mick would say!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: 13th September

                      Good evening folks!

                      Just a quick hello tonight. My younger grandson decided he wanted to spend his weekend here so I said OK.
                      Taking him tomorrow so he & my granddaughter can enjoy a hayride together, should be nice. Then we’re all having dinner somewhere.

                      PQ, I have so little faith in our postal service anymore, it’s sad. That’s why I wanted to get your masks in the mail asap. Trump’s new postmaster general has royally screwed things up over the past few months. Ihope they share a jail cell together somewhere.

                      Pauly, we would all like a younger, intelligent person as the next president but that’s just a dream. We have to choose the best possible person from the two that are running. If you don’t vote then essentially you are voting to re-elect Trump, please don’t do that.

                      Sam, hope you got caught up today

                      Hello Mick, thinking of you!
                      Hello to Pie, Det & Cyn!

                      Have a nice night all!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: 13th September

                        MAE ALL...

                        Sam...thanks for sharing the White Rabbit video. At least we were entertained. I hate being late for anything.

               miss-delivered package actually had a phone number on it. Turned out the owner lived in the next complex. I would always like to find the owner than send it back. I always vote. Even if only to support the women that made it possible a long time ago.

                        Lav...a hayride sounds like great fun. And eating out will save some of your food, well maybe not. LOL When my sister lived in London they actually had 2 mail deliveries a day! No way our postal service could do that. I appreciate you getting the masks out asap. It's kind of fun watching when and where they go. We were blanketed in smoke today. The sun was a dull red ball in the sky.

                        Mick...hope the weather was good for you and your friend's walk on the moors. What a great way to spend your time remembering.

                        Shout out to Det, Pi and TG.

                        It was a slow boring day at work today. Man did it ever drag on. At 4pm told the boss I thought I should pack it in. He said well if that's what you think, so I did. LOL Deck work has been delayed so I'm still maneuvering around my fort. Hope we all have a peaceful night....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: 13th September

                          hiya are we ...mia yesterday..went for a walk,, we only did about 25ks but it was a nice leisurely bimble the pics on my fb are from yesterday as are these .





                          download (1).jpg

                          we chatted laughed remembered and actually had a good day .Yep we have more restrictions in place and on the way ...Ive got a feeling there will be a full lock down soon the schools are on holiday so its an opportunity ,

                          you are right ppqp ..we used to get a 9am and 4pm post ...they have gone now .its as and when o clock now...

                          busy week ahead ..getting the little van all shiny shiny goes on Friday..pick the other one up .

                          have a good weekend everyone

                          I think the person that called them "Umbrellas" meant to call them Brellas, but they had a moment of hesitation beforehand.

                          Sky Sports “Watch the women’s football show”

                          Err no thanks we’ve got some paint drying in the dining room.

                          He looked into her dark mysterious eyes in a questioning manner, a glint in his own eyes.
                          She looked back at him imploringly.
                          After a few angst ridden seconds he softly spoke.
                          “The time has come“ he said wistfully.
                          “I know she replied....but...but..” she answered.
                          “But nothing” he gently responded.
                          “But it’s my first time she stammered....please be gentle”.
                          But, dear readers, he wasn’t....he cruelly smiled as he tasered her.

                          So, people be warned, don’t shoplift at Walmart

                          My Grandad always said: “Problems always solve themselves in the end.”

                          Top bloke, shit maths teacher.

                          Pretty sure we could test the entire UK in 24hrs if we let Aldi checkout assistants run the testing centres

                          Recently someone nearly got away with stealing several paintings from the Louvre. However, after planning the crime, breaking in, evading security, getting out, and escaping with the goods, he was captured only 5 miles away when his van ran out of petrol.

                          When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such a foolish error running out of fuel, he replied,

                          "I had no Monet to buy Degas to make the Van Gogh."

                          I bought this big picture book for my gifted young son titled "How Science Works."

                          I was absolutely amazed to open it and read on the first page, "Come up with something about a virus or the climate that especially frightens women and the elderly, and you'll get a plum job and a large government grant."

                          I sat my son down on Zoom to tell an online Santa what he wants for Christmas as he can't sit on Santa's lap anywhere this year.

                          It was the sweetest thing when my young son said, "I don't wish for anything for me, but can you make my daddy's wish come true for Christmas this year, especially with all he has to put up with in this house !"

                          Santa just paused, looked worried, and then replied, "Son, I think it's beyond Santa's magic to set a president ad a bunch of virus experts on fire !"
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 13th September

                            MAE ALL...

                            Mick...glad you had a good day. Great pics. You nailed it with the post its when o clock now. lol

                            Lav...I see the masks have hit Canada just not sure where. lol

                            Good morning to the rest of the gang, going to get breakfast started for us. Pi...I think we need some "Sunday Brunch" dates.......:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 13th September

                              Good evening friends,

                              Had a nice afternoon out. The cousins were happy to see each other & the hayride was fun. Families were spaced out nicely, everyone had a mask on & it was nice & cool!
                              If I ever go on another hayride I’ll remember to wear a mask because there was no sneezing today, yay!! Didn’t know that was possible, haha!

                              PQ, glad the package is getting closer to you! Thanks for checking on it for me.
                              Narilly said it was smokey today too & I know you two are in the same area. Hope it clears up very soon.
                              I guess they would be wanting to get the deck work done before the snow arrives, Lol

                              Mick, glad your bimble went well & thanks for the pics!
                              I can remember having mailed delivered twice a day during the Christmas holidays but not any more. Have fun getting your van ready to turn in.

                              Hellos going out to Det, Sam, Pauly, Pie & Cyn!

                              Have a nice night all!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

