Mae all,
Sorry to be gone... just more long days and short nights.
happy belated birthday, PPQ, sorry I am late in welcoming you to Seniorhood... I'll be there in June...
Wow, Lav, no wonder your BP was rising, I had no idea he might have been called for last night's debacle, that would have been tough for me too...
Mick - brick forks? And yes, I would have thought the Glasgow police were the ones that could control that crowd of yahoos.
Pauly, hope all is chugging along for you - pls take extra care...
Det, congrats on keeping on... great to hear, sending energy.
Sam, I thought of you today when I did a super-fast run into the grocery store. Lasted just long enough to hear the whole "Thank God I'm a country boy" - about pickin' and playin' - loved it.
So far so okay with brother and SIL... hopefully the monoclonal antibodies will keep them safe from the dreaded Day 10 (tomorrow). Not happy that my brother's o2 won't get higher than 95... and he is prone to respiratory infections... still saying lots of prayers. Thanks all for your concern.
I haven't turned on the tv since Xmas day, and I didn't turn it on last night... I just can't bear the talking heads dragging me through every detail a million times. I read newspaper stories as they came onto my laptop, that was bad enough. But the video (from inside) of them crashing through the Capitol building door, and the still of the standoff at the Chamber door was absolutely sickening. Unbelievable. Damn him. But Go Pelosi, back at her (defiled) post, calmly wiping the gavel with an antibacterial wipe... that was leadership. And Romney, apparently shouting at the T-supporting republicans... excellent. Some bright spots in a dark day.
Stay well all, please please. Will be back when I can... big doings again this weekend... uuugh.
Lav, we finally had sun today - hope you did too...
To the Light.