Good evening friends,
Cloudier today & the temp is dropping below freezing. Supposed to get a little S___ tonight, tomorrow & then a bigger amount 5-8 inches on Saturday, ho hum.
Guess I’ll get to the store tomorrow morning for a few things. I’m happy to cook up a few things then live on leftovers for several days, haha. I don’t mind cooking, just don’t want to start from scratch every day. IT takes away too much of my crafting time, Lol.
Cyn, I think you’re getting more S___ than I am. I’m OK with that haha. As long as I can get over to the chicken house a few times each day I don’t really care how much we get.
Do you put a sweater or coat on Zander when he goes out? I’ve never done that with any of my dogs but it may not be a bad idea. Don’t know if they really help.
I wonder if one of those meal delivery services would work for you. I wouldn’t mind trying one just to see provided I could meet my weird dietary needs.
Det, i hope your trip to Park City was enjoyable, sounds like fun!
I let my daughter pick out the birthday gifts including a pair of funny looking animal slippers & two huge white fluffy throw pillows for granddaughter’s bed. I’m going to pick up a Roblox gift card locally so she she be happy
Mick, how nice of you to build a new hutch for your fur friends. We actually have heat in our garage that’s always turned off unless I have some young chicks out there. We do a lot for our animal frineds!
I’m not buying any kid an iPhone but I will buy a Hello Kitty, haha!!
PQ, I know the arctic air is on the way so I’m just going to stay in my work shop & ignore it the best I can.
The chickens have a red heat lamp to provide a little heat for them, not much more I can do out there. The younger chickens seem fine, the older ones are slowing down, it’s pretty obvious.
Hope you got those work emails squared away.
Hello to Sam & Pie.
Pauly, how are you today?
OK, heading back to my work for a bit,
Have a good night all.