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march 7

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    Re: march 7

    Mae all -
    Beautiful day here too Lav, but not as warm as you. The sun does feel so good.

    Mick, glad to hear about FIL... I hope that dialing the meds down will,do,the trick... enjoy your next projects...

    PPQ, sound like work,is happy, I'm so glad for you.

    Greetings to Pauly, Det, Sam and all else...

    I have no "appetite" for life right now... I'm sure many feel that way... just thinking about a year ago is so sad... but this too shall pass, and in the meantime I have been working with my former Organizing clients, so I feel a little more human, seeing other beings... Sending hope and tenacity to all...


      Re: march 7

      Originally posted by treegirl View Post
      Mae all -
      Beautiful day here too Lav, but not as warm as you. The sun does feel so good.

      Mick, glad to hear about FIL... I hope that dialing the meds down will,do,the trick... enjoy your next projects...

      PPQ, sound like work,is happy, I'm so glad for you.

      Greetings to Pauly, Det, Sam and all else...

      I have no "appetite" for life right now... I'm sure many feel that way... just thinking about a year ago is so sad... but this too shall pass, and in the meantime I have been working with my former Organizing clients, so I feel a little more human, seeing other beings... Sending hope and tenacity to all...
      This is how I feel too Cyn I don't know if it's cuz we both had a loss of a loved one,the state of things or a chemical thing but I just feel "bleh" don't wanna do anything really,hope we both snap the fuck out of it soon,I love you friend love everyone here, we've never met In person but I feel like I can count on this group to always be my rock! Anyhoo, wishes for a great BF Thursday for us all!
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: march 7

        hiya all how are we today ? still no sun yet ...82mph winds during the night lawn flooded again ...more on the way tonight ...Im so glad the rabbits are inside ....

        hiya pauly ,how are you? its12 months now since the who called a pandemic ..a lot ha happened in 12 months ,a lot of people cruelly taken ,I lost a lot of friends as did many others and those like you and tee gee relatives..It has taken a lot to retain our santiy ..I would suggest there isnt one of us who hasnt said wtf is this all about .and yet here we all are ....sober

        have look at this says it all


        teegee next project started ...window ledge getting sanded fact its not far off finished

        stay strong xx

        hiya ppqp ..hows you then?hope all is good with you ...just think 8 weeks and you will get your jab..we are doing well over here ..thats since they handed control over to the army should never have been the nhs ...they arent geared up for logistical take care and stay safe ...

        ah the Pennsylvanian sun stealer are you today then ?a bronzed goddess perchance???Wouldnt say it was flooding over here but some guy called Noah was at the door this morning asking if the 2 rabbits wanted to go on a boat trip..hope all is well with you .....

        right folks ...take care ...pauly and teegee stay positive easy to sayI know ..but we are here for you

        I've been hunting treasure with my metal detector and the signal goes mental every day, yet I never find a thing.

        I'm going out again today and the weather will be hot, so I may wear sandals instead of my steel toe cap boots.

        There are almost 50 million kangaroos in Australia and 3.5 million Uruguay citizens. If the kangaroos were to invade Uruguay each person would need to fight at least 14 kangaroos.

        The inventor of the cassette tape has died at the ripe old age of C90

        "Britain's Got Talent 'set to be cancelled' this year because of Coronavirus"

        Don't believe a word. They've simply run out of talent.

        The corona virus has stolen everything from me to catch the fcking liverpool strain

        What's a psychiatrists' favourite food?

        Kentucky Freud Chicken

        No reply as Prince is asked about interview

        if only Andrew had took interview tips from Charles

        I was ecstatic when I read Piers Morgan was leaving Britain.

        Then I looked again and someone had placed the words Good Morning in front of it.

        Still, it's a start.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: march 7

          Greetings folks,

          OK it was sunny & 71 degrees here, sorry not sorry, Haha!!! Tomorrow it all starts to go to hell with rain & chilly temps once again.
          Cleared out my herb garden & now I know I need some new plants, so I’ll keep an eye out for them.

          PQ, sounds like you have a good work plan in place, hope it all works out for you.
          It’s so true, the elderly are often over medicated, especially when there’s several doctors involved. It was one of my jobs to point out things like that & get as many discontinued as possible. Every patient needs an advocate & I was glad to step in & help out. Still no vaccines available for us here in this area so we continue to wait.

          Cyn, it’s perfectly understandable you feel the way you do right now. What a horrific year it’s been especially for those who have suffered family loss. Know that I am always thinking about you :hug:

          Pauly, the same goes out to you. I am so sorry for your family’s loss too :hug:
          I really think those of us who make it thru the pandemic are fortunate & we owe it to ourselves & society to lift others as much as we can.

          Mick, I an no sun goddess but I do like seeing a little sun Lol
          By the time you read this it will be dark & damp here too. Glad the bunnies didn’t have to swim thru the flood, geez.

          Hello to Det, Sam & Pie.

          Have as nice night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: march 7

            Mae all -

            Mick, 82 mile per hour wind? Holy cow, that's something, sending good weather vibes for you! Looking forward to seeing your latest job perfected... how are the trains? Thx for the support, I am fine... this too shall pass...

            Lav, wow, that's summer weather! We broke 60, and that was plenty warm... still some snow, but much of it is gone.we also will be headed for cooler temps - no surprise in mid-March... but nice to have had a sneak peek at spring. Some green plants are breaking the surface of the ground, I always admire their courage!

            Pauly, big hugs to you. I think one thing that we have learned with our journeys here is that persistence pays off, and to keep going... so much easier when there is a wonderful group to be I like this one... I totally agree with you, I feel so lucky to have this place...

            PPQ, hope work is feeling good to you, and hope the weather behaves.

            Det, here's to Lacrosse and Proms and your photos shoots... hope all keeps chugging along.

            Sam, Pie and all... take care.

            Looking forward to tomorrow's New Moon - a chance to push the "reset" button...

            Wishing all well...


              Re: march 7

              hiya all are we then? hope everyone is well.blowy here but its no where near as bad as it was ..Finished sanding down the window ledge this aft..let the dust settle spirit it and then start oiling it up some of you saw I went shopping and came back to .....


              teegee trains are doing 2 upgraded ...possibly back tomorrow hope you are ok today

              hiya Lav

              you tak
              how are you then? the rabbits wouldnt get their feet wet ...they would want carrying take care

              A big shout to everyone out there stay safe ..remember we are here for each other ..
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: march 7

                MAE ALL...

                Why is it that everybody waits till the last minute to do their work.! Very frustrating. Trying to submit my monthly news articles to the publisher and although 3 people said they have something I've seen nothing. Just sent out reminder emails so I'll see what comes back. Practicing my "Sorry, you missed the deadline statement." I will be glad when today's done and I can start my weekend.

                Hope everyone is well. Have a good Friday....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: march 7

                  Good evening friends,

                  Nice day but a little less sunny, rain on the way for the weekend.
                  Found the pussy willow bush opening today, sure sign of spring yay! We uncovered the garlic to find it’s already sprouted 4 or 5”. Uncovered the strawberries as well, looking good Now that we have all that going the temp is going to drop like a rock, always does in March.

                  Cyn, hope you got some of this niceness up your way today. Just being outside helps me a whole lot, don’t you agree?
                  I believe the snow is gone, for the most part anyway & That’s OK.

                  Mick, I hope you bought the bunnies a nice surprise at the store today, haha! I know my animals take advantage when we leave the house. They always leave little traces of themselves on the furniture & beds haha!! Hope your weekend is enjoyable & you can get outside.

                  PQ, I don’t think I would have a lot of patience with the chronically late people either. Let them learn the hard way I guess!!!
                  Hope your weekend is relaxing.

                  Det, I’ve seen your pics everywhere so I know you’re busy & that’s great, nice job

                  Pauly, hope you are well.

                  Hello to Sam & Pie.

                  Have to go close up the chicken house. Have a nice night all.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: march 7

                    Good evening all,

                    Well, my Friday night was productive... 12 boxes packed to send... from medium flat rate to large moving boxes... filled with stuff to go to others or go ahead of me our west. Still more to organize, pack and send, but pretty happy with this result.

                    Gorgeous day here, lovely evening light. Hoping all have some beauty in this day... Lav, thx for the pussywillow pics... spring really is coming... PPQ, sorry about those laggards, Pauly, sending hugs... Mick, the peskies looks entirely to comfy to move...

                    Cheers all, wishing you well...


                      Re: march 7

                      And how is everyone today then hope we are all doing well. It is pouring down with rain here and blowing an absolute Gale and it seems to be like this for the next week as well. So far finally sanded the window ledge and put 2 coats of Danish oil on itit so I need to let those dry now

                      Hiya treegirl how are you today then question mark are you feeling more positive? You seem to have got a lot of boxes shifted out so far good for you. Yes Bonnie has taken over this house you take good care

                      Hiya lav and how are you today then? Yes I've got the same lots of sprouting shrubs and buds and then along comes Mr Frost and takes them all out. Actually yes I did buy something from the shops for the rabbits yesterday some hay additives which aren't harmful and they're actually found in the wild hope you are having a good weekend I've already decided the next project after this one it's the ceiling at the top of the stairs take care have a good one

                      Hiya ppqp and how are you today then question mark hope all is well. I had to read your post twice where you put in the word reminder for some reason I thought it said reindeer so I knew one of us was mad and it isn't you has the pennsylvanian sun pilferer sent the rays back to you? They certainly haven't come this way! Have a great weekend look after yourself

                      A big shout out to everyone else look after yourself take care
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: march 7

                        Good evening all,

                        Sorry (not sorry) the sun is still hanging over my house but it has gotten chillier. I thought we were supposed to have rain this weekend but nothing yet. I heard this morning that Denver was expecting 1-4 FEET of snow, Wow!! I sure hope that storm is dried out by the time it hits the eastern seaboard.
                        Don’t need the calories but I baked a chocolate cake today with the sourdough discard - Oink!! Also made a pot of mushroom soup, my fav.

                        Cyn, I am always so happy to see the pussy willow opening up, gives me hope.
                        Are you planning a return to the west soon or is it in the summer? Great to hear you’re making progress with all the mailings. Take care :hug:

                        Mick, sorry you’re still getting drenched. At least you have the ability to entertain yourself inside, haha, some don’t.
                        Can you grow some greens in your greenhouse for rabbit snacks? We do that for the chickens since they’re not free ranging & there’s not a single blade of grass left in their fenced yard. I’d love to let them out to roam but it seems to attract the fox so I don’t anymore.

                        Hello PQ, hope you’re having a fab weekend. Same to you Pauly!!

                        Sam, getting some warmer days down your way I imagine. How’s your chicken flock doing. I’m getting an average of 15 eggs per day & I feed all my friends, family & neighbors haha!

                        Det, I hope you’re busy getting more good pics

                        Hello to anyone stopping in tonight & wishing a nice night for all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

