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Mar 28

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    Re: Mar 28

    Greetings friends,

    Rain here that’s why Mick & PQ have sun - you’re both welcome haha!!!
    Not looking forward to a return of cold weather though, oh well.
    I made a nice batch of dairy free coconut macaroons with mini DF chocolate chips, yum. I figured it’s healthier than buying a giant coconut cream Easter egg in the store.

    Cyn, if you want to make those enchiladas you can skip the sweet potato & use zucchini or any veggie you like. I like leftovers too
    The wind has died down now it’s just damp. Our landscaper said he will be starting the job later in the day tomorrow hoping things dry out a bit first. Good luck with the iPad, I use mine for most things.

    PQ, that’s interesting but I have not heard of germinating seeds in the IP. I’m not usually in that big of a hurry, haha.
    So the steroids rushed your cataracts along? Hmm, I have not heard of that but anything is possible. As long as you have clear enough vision to work & drive there’s usually no rush to do anything about them.
    I think I’m grateful for the rain, this could have been snow, ugh!

    Mick, sounds like you have a good plan in place. Let the young guy do that back breaking work, OK?
    Your campground looks nice. Do they also have water hookups besides electric at each site? It’s nice when they do. We used to carry drinking water , just in case.
    My daughter just told me yesterday that the hospital where she works just started letting visitors in again, first time in over a year. They have closed down their Covid ICUs so things are moving along. I’ll feel better when most people are vaccinated, honestly.

    Hello to Pauly & Det. Hi Sam & Pie.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Mar 28

      Well, here. It is 24 hours later & I’m back haha!!!
      Nothing exciting here today, went grocery shopping in the sunshine but it’s very chilly & windy!!
      Mick contacted me & said he couldn’t get on the site earlier. Seems to be working OK now.
      The landscaper waited until lunchtime due to all the rain we had yesterday & overnight. He got right to work starting to clear out the foundation beds in the front of the house, bless him.

      Hope everyone is OK & has a nice night!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: Mar 28

        MAE ALL...

        Lav...that has happened to me before too, believe me you are not talking to yourself. LOL Yes, dealing with my Iritis I was taking prednisone drops, which grew the cataract. When that one was removed, I don't know about 4 years ago, the doc shot my eye up with prednisone and it's been just fine. Always did have the one in my left eye but it's not interfering with anything. We are currently under a wind warning, yup it's blowing out there, but it's sunny and no snow. Sorry the site was not accessible for Mick but glad to hear that's all it is. You never know.

        I got an Easter Present when I ran into the "Neighbours from hell" and found out they were moving out. :yay: Maybe my nights will be uninterrupted for awhile. Thinking of all of you and hope everything is same old, same old. LOL Have a peaceful evening all...:smile:PPQP


          Re: Mar 28

          morning all are we today then? hope all is well with you. Tried to get on yesterday, but it wasn't having any of it. kept coming up with a timed out message .So I just got on with some work ..was a lovely day so I got some wood from the timber yard and framed the garden out. bought tanalised boarding 4 inches wide and initially set them at that height, but it looked cazy ,so I undid it all and dug them in to 3 inches. Still to much of a step, so I think I will dig them in to 2 inches .

          if you look at the pic ,now that Ive thought about it I will use the top of the metal base on the greenhouse as my datum point and level everything off to that. In addition to that 3 soakaways will be dug at a diagonal across the grass and filled with limestone as a eater run off ...hopefully that will help. The side bed with the trees in it will be gold gravelled .Work starts next Friday 7 am ,hopefully finished same day. Booked the rabbits in next Sunday ,into the rabbit hotel ,as long as we can get away .Julie is off work today so we will check the van came up will with the cleaner the other day.

          hiya Lav, how are you then? aren't computers and tinternet mad ..when they work they are superb, then they don't they are so frustrating now its just frozen up!!Yes the pitch we have booked has got hook up for leccy and direct feed water into the tank. In addition to that ,the van can carry 60 litres of water plus I take 2 containers holding 60 l as well. best of luck with the landscaper ..are you still running the old dogs home or has she gone back? hope you have a good weekend .

          hiya ppqp are you then? so you have your own sunshine have you? I may be borrowing some from you. Glad the eyes are ok. hope you have a nice weekend .

          hello everyone else are you all doing? hope everyone is safe and well..

          I was chatting to this really nice girl.

          I said, "Where are you from?"

          She said, "Wakefield."

          I said, "I lived there for 5 years."

          She said, "Really, which part of Wakefield?"

          I said, "The prison."

          What do you call a Chinese woman who's just had a face lift?

          Niu Chin

          _ _ _ ISHMENT
          _ _ _ CTUATE
          _ _ _ ISHERS
          _ _ _ CHING
          _ _ _ ISHED
          _ _ _ TERS
          _ _ _ DITS
          _ _ _ TED
          _ _ _ TER

          no PUN intended.

          The wife is gonna hit the roof when she finds out I replaced our bed with a trampoline.

          After being away on business for a week before the Christmas Holiday, Bob thought it would be nice to bring his wife a gift.

          "How about some perfume?" he asked the cosmetics woman at the Department Store. So, she showed him a bottle of $50 perfume.

          "That's a bit much," said Bob. The woman then returned with a smaller bottle costing $30.

          Bob complained, "That’s still a lot of money."

          Growing disgusted, the woman brought out her smallest little bottle of $15 perfume.

          Bob grew even more restless and replied, "No no… What I mean is I'd like to see something really cheap!"

          So the clerk handed him a mirror!!

          A Man Moves into a Nudist Colony.

          He receives a letter from his grandmother asking him to send her a current photo of himself in his new location. Too embarrassed to let her know that he lives in a nudist colony, he cuts a photo in half and mails it.

          The next day he discovers that he had accidentally sent the bottom half of the photo. He's really worried but then remembers how bad his grandmother's eyesight is, and hopes she won't notice.

          A few weeks later, he receives a letter from his Grandmother.

          It says: "Thank you for the picture. Change your hairstyle... it makes your nose look too short."



          Jane calls the doctor in a panic. "Doctor, doctor! My little Johnny swallowed a dozen aspirin. What should I do"?

          The doctor asked Jane, "Are you sure it was a dozen"?

          The frantic mother says, "Absolutely! Doctor, I'm scared to death"!

          The doctor tells the mother, "Calm down. Is little Johnny crying"?

          Jane says "No".

          "Is he sleeping" asks the doctor?

          "No" says Little Johnny's Mom.

          The doctor goes on with routine questions, "Is his color funny"?

          Again Jane says "No".

          "Did your Little Johnny throw up" asks the methodical doctor?

          "No" says the Little Johnny's worried Mom. "But I'm so scared. All that aspirin... shouldn't I do something"?

          To which the doctor says, "Try giving him a headache".

          Who’s your Daddy - from Manchester Women
          The following are all replies that Manchester women have written on Child Support Agency Forms in the section for listing "father's details;" or putting it another way....

          Who’s your Daddy?

          These are genuine excerpts from the forms.

          Be sure to checkout #10. It takes 1st prize and #3 is runner up.

          1. Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, Makeeshia was fathered by Maclearndon McKinley I am unsure as to the identity of the father of Marlinda, but I believe that she was conceived on the same night.

          2. I am unsure, as to the identity of the father of my child as I was being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind. I can provide you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps.

          3. I do not know the name of the father of my little girl. She was conceived at a party at 360 East Bolton Avenue where I had sex with a man I met that night. I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted. If you do manage to track down the father, can you please send me
          his phone number? Thanks.

          4. I don't know the identity of the father of my daughter. He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels. Perhaps you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he's had it replaced.

          5. I have never had sex with a man. I am still a Virginian. I am awaiting a letter from the Pope confirming that my son's conception was ejaculate and that he is the Saver risen again.

          6. I cannot tell you the name of Alleshia dad as he informs me that to do so would blow his cover and that would have cataclysmic implications for the economy. I am torn between doing right by you and right by the country . Please advise.

          7.Tyrone Hairston is the father of child A If you do catch up with him, can you ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs? Child B who was also borned at the same time.... well, I don't have clue.

          8. From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Euro-Disney World; maybe it really is the Magic Kingdom.

          9. So much about that night is a blur. The only thing that I remember for sure is Gordon Ramsey did a programme about eggs earlier in the evening. If I had stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at 56 Miller St, mine might have remained unfertilized.

          10. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby, after all, like when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one made you fart.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: Mar 28

            Mae everybody, Mick funny jokes have fun on your getaway, Lav, your rain sounded nice, sometimes a good rain storm is cool,, PQ, sounds like things are going well there, posting quick before the site boots me again haha, dunno what's been up but it's weird, waves to Cyn and Det hope we all have a great BF Fryday!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: Mar 28

              Greetings friends,

              It was 29 freaking degrees this morning, geez! What happened to spring??
              Yes, I still have old Maggie here, hopefully the kids will be back late tomorrow & pick her up. She’s been pretty good, considering haha. I baked up six 3D chocolate fudge bunny rabbit cakes this afternoon, hope the kids like them. I’ll have to give that baking pan to someone, I think my grandkids are getting a bit too old for that kind of thing, haha!
              The landscaper was here all day, not done yet. He’s coming back tomorrow with some helpers & wil hopefully finish up. It’s looking so much better already out there

              PQ, are you planning a ‘Go the hell away” party for your neighbors?? Haha! Glad they’re levaing & hopefully you’ll get some quiet replacements.
              Glad you’re keeping your vision in good shape, we need that. Hope your weekend is relaxing with no precipitation.

              Mick, I couldn’t see your pics but it sounds like you’re still working like a madman, Lol
              We did a good bit of camping when the kids were you but I grew tired of it, honestly. As long as you still enjoy it then have fun. It’s nice to have the hookups ready for your comfort

              Pauly, we usually do have plenty of rain here but there have been a few years where we had ‘drought conditions’. The last one I remember was 2003 when we built this house & moved here.
              I hope you have some fun stuff planned with teh kids this weekend.

              Hello to Cyn, I imagine you have this biting cold wind too, Brrrrrr! Stay warm!

              Hello to Det & Sam & Pie.

              Have a nice night all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: Mar 28

                oy peeps, sorry to be so brief, blasting down to Moab/Arches national park! woooo! back in a couple days
                love to all
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Re: Mar 28

                  MAE ALL...

                  Couldn't get onto the site yesterday and when I tried this morning got the same error. After texting Mick and Lav I decided to delete my shortcut and try the browser. Success!
                  Been a quiet Easter Weekend and I haven't logged into work once. Will have a read back to see how everyone is. Have a good day all....:smile:PPQP


                    Re: Mar 28

                    hiya are we today then? hope all is well with you all.27 degrees out there today, it is lovely ,these is cracking the flags ,and yet ....wait for it.. snow forecast in a weeks time...yes thats right the week we go away....Van has been checked over and it is fine .I saw Bonnie in a place where she shouldnt have been ....I watched her jump a height straight up of over 3 feet .Watching the deer again this morning ,.
                    And Ive got a problem ...I am allergic to something ..Idont know what but something gives me a blocked up nose ,sore and red eyes mucus /congestion ..there is a choice of what I think it could be based on activities.Now bearing in mind Ive got scarred lungs from newmoanya many years ago they are allergic to all sorts of rubbish ...

                    so its either

                    dust ....from the sanding
                    sawdust from cutting wood
                    hay from the bale and handling it for the rabbits
                    hay fever ,
                    allergic to rabbits

                    I dont think its the last one ..if it is then tough with it ...but I really do need to find out what it is...any answers ideas or suggestions welcome

                    Hiya Pauly how are you then? hope you are well?...Im sure you will have the mad crowds over the weekend there as well as we have. mind you... 10 bin lids.thats your own crowd!!take care and stay safe.

                    hiya det ...hope you enjoy yourself down at the R Cheese park

                    hiya Lav ,hope all is well with you ? hows the landscaping going?..nearly finished? you are NEVER too old for cake ...or ice cream...but hope you have a great weekend

                    big hello to everyone else ..happy easy to yizall....remember chocolate over easter is calorie free...

                    My Chinese mate is a sound engineer

                    Wan Too

                    Now on ITV4 the long awaited documentary, "When Men Expose Themselves".
                    WARNING: Contains flashing images.

                    Maricopa County officials in Arizona are refusing to allow use of their premises for an audit of their 2020 presidential election. They have offered to deliver the records for auditing.

                    Anyone know if I can get odds on a very specific truck catching fire?.

                    Just rammed my shopping trolley into Asda's surplus Easter bargain bin, trashing everything.

                    Serves them right for keeping all their eggs in one basket.

                    An Australian greeted me in town yesterday.

                    He said G'friday.

                    Paddy: "I can't wait to see Godzilla vs. Kong."

                    Murphy: "Why?"

                    Paddy: "I hear it's based on a true story."

                    Vladimir Putin is voted Russia's SEXIEST man: Survey of 2,000 Russians finds the president is the country's most good-looking male.

                    Gorbachev came in a close 2nd.
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

