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April 18th
April 18th
afternoon all are we ?a grand welcome from the sunny Pennines. The weather is glorious here today. The rabbits are lying sprawled out on their patch of grass.emptied the van today ,it will be going for a couple of jobs to get done.Julie back at work tomorrow ,the first time really in 12 months .hope everyone is well ..take care n stay safeaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: April 18th
Mick...sounds like all's right in your world today. Going to be a tough one for Julie to get back in the swing of things, good luck to her. After 20C yesterday, woke to a Winter Wonderland this morning. It's been snowing since 6am and is supposed to go all day. Seems like a Nintendo Sunday to me LOL
Re: April 18th
Greetings all!
Mick, your day sounds good & well organized as usual
PQ, Merry Christmas???? Sorry about the April snow, just doesn’t seem right
I hope you had fun with the Nintendo today.
Kids have all gone home & I spent the afternoon out in the yard putzing around, nothing special. We’re due for our 2nd shots of vaccine tomorrow morning. Plan to do nothing for a day or two depending on side effects. Better than getting covid for sure.
Hello to Pauly & Det, Cyn, Sam & Pie.
Have a nice night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: April 18th
hiya are we ? another absolutely fantastic day over here today with regards to the weather.really gorgeous .temps in the late 20s early 30s ..been on a tip run ,and done some more in the garden and yes,hat on too.
hi Lav of luck with the vaccines..hope everything goes well with it it is quiet now the kids have gone home ..did you have any effects from the first jab?
hiya ppqp are you then?hope you are well.Snow ??????
yep Julies first day at work will be better Im sure ..I helped by giving her a cheery wave from the doorstep...take care and have good day
hello everyone else ..hope we are doing ok?stay safe everyone ....
"Finances are getting tight, we need to economise " my wife said. "Start with the little things such as using toilet paper to clean your glasses when you are on the loo instead of using expensive specs cleaner"
I wish she had told me what order to do it in though.
The inventor of the PDF has died. According to documents.
ABBA’s Bjorn accuses UK of tactical voting in 1974 Eurovision Song Contest.
In other news, the Pope found to have links to the Catholic since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: April 18th
Greetings friends,
Nice day here weather wise
We did get our 2nd shots this morning, no problems so far, hope it stays that way.
Mick, yes, the house is quiet without the boys here haha! My dog has done a good job cleaning up crumbs left behind so I don’t even have to vacuum, LOL
Glad you’re enjoying nice weather too. I hope Julie’s day went well.
I had to do some watering outside for my little wildflower seedlings, no rain due until Wednesday I believe.
PQ, How much snow did you get?
Cyn, I hope your numerous projects are behaving for you
Hello to Pauly & Det, Sam & Pie.
Have a nice night everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: April 18th
morning all how are we today then? hope everyone is well...another sunny day over here.yesterday was busy but seemed like one of those busy doing nothing days...not a great lot to show for to go and get some noo glasses today not drinking ones ....Julies first day in the main went ok...some of the decisions baffle me but not my business.
hiya Lav how are you then today? hope you are good .so youve dog as a hoover? Ive got 2 rabbits as lawn mowers,,hey can take it down easily .Ive kept them off the big part of the lawn so far but you can see them looking at it thinking yum yum....Ive not planted much at all this year ...even with the greenhouse the weather has been crazy.
hiya ppqp ok?hav you still got the crazy weather?I watched the deer playing again this morning ..they are getting closer and is work going?
hi teegee how are you doing?is it still as crazy or are things getting a bit more "normal?" I hope so
hiya pauly how are you then?hope ll is well with you .
right good people have a nice day ...
A doctor was having an affair with his nurse. Shortly afterward, she told him she was pregnant. Not wanting his wife to know, he gave the
nurse a sum of money and asked her to go to Italy and have the baby there.
"But how will I let you know the baby is born?" she asked.
He replied, "Just send me a postcard and write 'spaghetti' on the back. I'll take care of expenses."
Not knowing what else to do, the nurse took the money and flew to Italy.
Six months went by and then one day the doctor's wife called him at the office and said "Dear, you received a very strange postcard in the mail today from Europe, and I don't understand what it means."
The doctor said, "Just wait until I get home and I will explain it to you."
Later that evening the doctor came home, read the postcard, fell to the floor with a heart attack. Paramedics rushed him to the ER. The lead
medic stayed back to comfort the wife. He asked what trauma had precipitated the cardiac arrest.
So the wife picked up the card and read, "Spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti, spaghetti; two with meatballs, two without."
One day, Gramma sent her grandson Little Johnny down to the water hole to get some water for cooking dinner. As he was dipping the bucket in, he saw two big eyes looking back at him. He dropped the bucket and hightailed it for Gramma's kitchen.
"Well now, where's my bucket and where's my water?" Gramma asked him.
"I can't get any water from that water hole, Gramma" exclaimed Little Johnny. "There's a BIG ol' alligator down there!"
"Now don't you mind that ol' alligator, Johnny. He's been there for a few years now, and he's never hurt no one. Why, he's probably as scared of you as you are of him!"
"Well, Gramma," replied Little Johnny, "if he's as scared of me as I am of him, then that water ain't fit to drink!"
As a mother was bribing her little boy with a quarter so he would behave, she said, "Why do I always have to pay you to be good; why can't you be good for nothing like your father?"
A lady noticed her husband standing on the bathroom scale, sucking in his stomach.
Thinking he was trying to weigh less with this maneuver, she commented, "I don't think that's going to help."
"Sure it will." he said. "It's the only way I can see the numbers."af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: April 18th
Mae everybody, Mick how does Julie feel about being at work again? Lb is still doing her job from home, think she'll freak out when they have to go into the office again, she's having a hard enough time with her job, it's a call center for auto loans and she gets yelled at alot poor thing, she lets it get to her, Lav, glad you got your second shot without any problems, PQ, I seen it snowed in Colorado here and I can't even imagine, although when I lived in Utah it snowed on memorial day once-that was weird, much love to all and wishes for a great BF day for us allI have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: April 18th
oopsie... I'm so frazzled here I accidentally deleted my post. ack!
Ahoy ABerooooskies near and far!
glad all are hanging in best we can and Julie's in good hands.
zooming like a madman still doing marketing full force and managed to line up a handful of shoots for the next week and a half and trying to add more. I'll get there one
way or another dang it.
Got out to the tulip festival last weekend as an early Mum's Day thing and it was so pretty. A few pics here:
PICS Shared album - London Lewis - Google Photos
Made the mistake of watching a bit of the news yesterday.. oh boy. that was a mistake. I'm better off stressing over work.
hmmm... I'd better make myself do a meditation before i get more stressed and can't sleep again. (someday I'll get smarter).
I wish you all a pleasant and vibrant afternoon!
be well lovesnosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
Re: April 18th
Mick...all good here, just a little busy. Yesterday was a busy day for me, had 3 programs to set up and when I was finished I turned off my laptop. I thought you just got new glasses? Good idea keeping quiet about some of the decisions at Julies job. LOL Your yard looks great and I bet those peskies want to get at the new lawn.
Lav...we got about 6 inches and it's all gone now. We're heading up to 18C tomorrow and then Thursday will be a repeat of Sunday. Only difference is it's supposed to stay cooler for a couple of days. At least we might get some moisture in the ground before I plant the garden. I think we've decided to just make it maintenance free and plant sunflowers. Glad you got your 2nd shot, you don't usually have issues with vaccines do you?
Pauly...sorry LB is having a tough time with her job, I can just imagine how frustrated people calling in could be. Snow in April isn't unusual for us, it's just that March was so nice we were all hoping it'd be over and done with. We can get some wicked blizzards on May 24th long weekend, the official kickoff to camping. that looks like spring, great pics. You do sound a little stressed and I'm sure deleting your post didn't help. Yep, forget about the news and concentrate on work. I only listen to the Alberta updates just to see if they're restricting anything further.
Got a couple of follow up things to do for work so must get back at it. Hope you all have a great day....:smile:PPQP
Re: April 18th
Good evening all,
Well, I was feeling a little headachey last night before bedtime & checked my B/P. I’ve never seen it so high, it almost hit the ceiling! Scared me so I took an extra double dose of my morning diuretic. not caring if it kept me up all night. I slept thru & it was mostly better this morning. Checked it a few times during the day & it’s real low now but I still have the headache so I guess the vaccine is responsible, who knows? Still glad I got it though, just don’t lkike being scared like that.
We had to go get chicken feed today & stopped at an Amish grocery store that sells their own homemade peanut butter, yum.
Mick, hope the n ew glasses are awesome. I need some myself, have been too lazy.
Good to stay out of Julie’s work stuff I guess. We just had a similar discussion today that neither one of us could survive a day back at our old jobs, things have changed way too much, haha!
I love having a dog or two to clean the floors after the kids have been here, LOL
Pauly, I guess you can go for the vaccines now too - anyone 16 & over can go. Get yourselves appts & get it done. You’ll feel safer, honestly!
Det, love your flower pictures, gorgeous! Great that you are finding business, I know it’s not easy. Don’t forget to be proud & give yourself a pat on the back! You’ve come a long wayTake some time to focus & breathe!
PQ, we supposedly are getting an Arctic blast on Thursday. Now I have to drag plants inside & cover others if I want them to survive.
A garden full of sunflowers sounds nice, love them.
I don’t always have issues with vaccines, just a few have been problematic. I had to have a series of 3 thyphoid shots before nursing school (for some damn reason). They all caused a fever & lethargy for a few days. Flu shots are jjust a sorm arm (depending on who gave me the shot). Some people are just bad at giving shots like pharmacists, haha!
Cyn, thinking of you friend :hug:
Helllo to Sam & Pie.
Have a nice night all!
LavLast edited by Lavande; April 20, 2021, 06:12 PM.AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: April 18th
Mae all - so sorry to be away... long days here, and I seem to forget to communicate...
Lav, which vaccine did you have? I got the first shot of Moderna, and I had a bad headache for days as my only symptom. I am supposed to have my second next week, if I am still here in the east... I think it might be worth staying for the shot, with all the variants and stuff going on... and having to drive cross-country... Hope you are feeling better today.
Mick, so nice to hear about your beautiful yard and the peskies. How is Julie feeling about being back at work? Did you say that she is going to retire soon? Glad to hear you wore a hat when you were out and about...
Pauly, so sorry to hear about Lb... that's hard to be yelled at all day... hope you are staying well - but like Lav said... get the jab!
Det, so good to hear from you... sending you good wishes and best of luck to get more shoots lined up. Remember to send good vibes out so that you can attract good things back in -- you so deserve to have good stuff flowing your way! Raising the vibe and sending it to you -
PPQ, sheesh, that pic was a heart-breaker! I was glad to hear that it had already melted.... I also love the idea of a collection of sunflowers... sounds cheerful.
Well, I may be getting the legal docs in a few days... I was actually able to talk to a human in the county courthouse, and it sounds like my case was reviewed and I will get the docs soon. I can't tell you how that has changed my anxiety level... I guess I didn't ever realize how nervous I was about this whole thing. So now I can start to plan my trip out west... need to mail some boxes and put another load back into storage, and then pack the car and drive... I was afraid that I was going to be in limbo forever...
Wishing all well - and vaccinated ...
Re: April 18th
Hello and how are we today then? Hope everyone is well well. Bit of a panic yesterday I bought a load of geranium plants in their little pots all sitting in the kitchen on the floor waiting to go out and yes you guessed it Bonnie decided she was going to have a party she managed to push the conservatory door open into the kitchen and proceeded to eat about 11 leaves. When you read all the books it says geraniums are highly poisonous to rabbits so I was giving her all sorts of food grass water etc to try and flush it out of her to the extent I'm checked her at midnight 1 and 2 this morning all she wanted to do was eat full stop up as bright as a lark this morning she is doing well unlike me sleep springs to mind. The horses are in the fields today for the first time they are really bouncing about enjoying themselves.
Hiya lav how are you today? hope everything is ok with you. I take it still no side effects from the jab
Hiya teegee how are you today question mark are things settling down with you? Hope you're feeling better from the Moderna job. I get my next one on the 11th of May the AstraZeneca. You asked how long has Julie got left before she retires? She has as4 teen months 3-weeks and 1 and 1/2 Days and not counting she will have done 38 years in the prison service 13 more than me me but I did 12 in the army so she has certainly seen some changes. And definitely not for the better in a lot of cases take care and look after yourself
Hiya ppqp how are you today then question mark hope everything is well in sunny calgary. Hope work is ok for you take care.
Hiya Pauly you doing ok? Hope so you putting any plants in this year?
Right folks I need to go it's 5:05 and I'm on tea making dutiesaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: April 18th
Good evening friends,
Feeling better today, still a bit of a headache but it very well could be weather related. B/P is back in the good range, thank goodness for that.
Just finished bringing in potted plants & covering the others since we are expecting a freeze tonight. Stupid weather for this time of year. I’m trying to get back into sewing & embroidery mode after some time away from that. The lack of planned craft shows has been holding me back.
Cyn, I had 2 doses of Moderna. I believe you need to have 2 doses of the same vaccine to be effective. If you can get it before you start heading west it would be a good thing, keep yourself safe.
Glad to hear the paperwork saga is almost over. I can’t even imagine the tension that must create. I hope your trip west is smooth & easy & you get a chance to breathe normally & relax :hug:
Hello to PQ (getting your weather), Pauly, Sam, Det & Pie.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: April 18th
Mae all,
Good news ,Lav, the legal docs have been sent to me - hopefully will get them tomorrow. So now it's up to getting banking done, which is what I needed these for... if I can find a bank that's open- sheesh!! And by the time I get all that done it will be the 27th and time for my 2nd vaccine, so no worries, I will have it before I head out. Hope you get involved in your embroidery work again... your things are so beautiful... I may have to get you going on another project...
Mick, hope you got caught up on sleep - yep, the pets, they seem to be able to sleep through anything, while we caretakers suffer. wow, that's an amazing amount of time to work in the prison system... I bet Julie has stories she could tell...not too long before she retires, then you'll be off on a holiday every other week!
PPQ, I hope your work is smoothing out a bit... and thanks for the cold and sleet, but you can have it back now. Stay warm!
Pauly, hope the the GPs are still having a fine time and entertaining everyone... take care..
Det, more jobs on the way? Hope so! Sending you light...
Huge storm this afternoon, scary winds, century-old trees coming down, hail, torrential rain, the whole impressive theatrics... whew, I was out driving in it, and it reminded me to have rain gear at the ready for my trip... good reminder that not everyday may be sunny.
Wishing all a good day tomorrow... hold the light...
Re: April 18th
Hello and how are we today then? hope all is well. I'm doing this on my phone so apologies for any mad bad or sad grammar punctuation words that are inappropriate or phrases that don't make sense. Actually last it doesn't matter because I don't really make sense a lot of the time anyway. I've been in the garden most of the day planting and messing about the temperature today is 32 degrees it is absolutely crazy yesterday it was so frosty and today it is absolutely boiling. I just watched two red kites the birds that is not kids with box kites soaring on the thermals really smart. Julie isn't at work tomorrow and the weather is supposed to be the same so I think we may go out somewhere.
Hiya lav how are you feeling now then? It probably is down to the vaccine that to be honest with you a small price looking at the papers over here today so far they have vaccinated over 33 million people in this country and since they started vaccinating people the hospitalization cases has dropped by 98% our local figures today day are 42 positive cases in 10000 so things are definitely coming down the scary bit is everyone is clamoring to go abroad on holiday and the government is now being pressurized into to considering this passport seriously indeed. Yes the new glasses should be quite good 7 days it will take for them to be made etc stop you take good care of yourself
Hiya ppqp how are you today then question mark hope all is well with you you. Would you like some of this glorious sunshine we have here I really keys now I know but never left happy to share. Yes the new glasses I'm getting our sunglasses I'm at the stage now on my eyes hurt when I'm driving so I'm getting to pair of long-distance and one pair of readers. Hope everything is going ok with you over there you sound pretty busy don't forget the me time! Have a great day
Hiya det how are you my friend? Hope everything is going well for you full stop at times it sounds like you are having it a bit difficult but the utmost respect to you you have stuck by your guns if you'll pardon the pun and not resorted to old habits the utmost respect to you my friend you have come a long way take care and stay safe
Hiya Pauly how are you today then? Hope things are looking a bit brighter for lb. Have you booked your vaccination yet? It honestly is a great relief when you do do take care and stay safe
Hiya TG how are you today question mark hope things are running smoothly for you? I picked her Mark up the other day that you made about Wales being your motherland and I didn't know you were Welsh is that by descent? Hope today is a shiny Bright outlook for you keep smiling stay positive and take careaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12