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April 25

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    Re: April 25

    MAE ALL...I don't know where the time goes these days!

    Mick...when I bruise it takes forever to heal, something to do with my injections. Hope the swelling on your hand is going down. We're into summer weather today but rain/snow on the weekend. They say you shouldn't plant outdoors until the overnight temp is 10!C for a week. I'd never get a garden growing!

    Lav...Did you get the drape hung in the greenhouse? It's hard to think of heat when it's snowing outside. LOL I love the smell of Lilacs. My boss calls them old people flowers.

    TG...hope your travels are safe and uneventful.

    Sorry for being short in my posts but when I'm in programming mode I get my fill of computers. Wishing everyone a peaceful evening....:smile:PPQP


      Re: April 25

      Greetings all,

      Didn’t sleep much last night even though we put the AC on. Somehow my body just knows when it’s too hot outside regardless of the inside temp, haha. Now the weather people are calling for 30 degree weather Saturday, ridiculous.

      Mick, have you looked for a you tube video about the satellite system installation? There’s likely one or two out there that may help.
      We’ve had a few quick showers today, not a big deal. May be facing 50 mph winds tomorrow - just because haha!
      With your health history I would think keeping your B/P low would be a #1 priority. That would include avoiding all the self inflicted injuries . Hope the bruising is improving.

      PQ, the guys did get two big tarps upon the greenhouse last night. They just cover the one side to help keep the extra sun/heat out of there.
      Your weather is as bad as our, changing every single day, crazy stuff, haha!

      Hello to Cyn, Pauly, Det, Sam & Pie.

      Guess I’ll go play outside with the chickens since it’s not raining at the moment.
      Wishing everyone a good night!

      Last edited by Lavande; April 29, 2021, 05:21 PM.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: April 25

        Mae everybody, Mick that's some nasty bruising! I rarely bruise anymore, only when I drank alot I'd bruise super easy, you take care of yourself, dumb about opening for a concert, they're pulling the same stuff here yet Washington state, Michigan and parts of Oregon are going back into a small "pause" again cuz their hospital rates are up, I just sit back and do my own thing, sure as hell ain't gonna rush to no huge events anytime soon, Lav, I couldn't sleep Tuesday night for some reason, it was awful with our little catnap nights, sheesh. PQ, sounds like you're doing good Cyn, love the posts on FB lately, nice to see such talented people who've done so much, not much else going on, I need to figure out my password so I don't hafta keep using Lou's phone and only check in sporadically ugh, much love to you ALL and wishes for a great BF Fryday!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: April 25

          hiya are we today then? Hope all is well. Dull today with rain forecast ...Let the rabbits loose on the lawn this morning..they think its ace ..A frosty start this morning again ,too cold to put plants out.Been up to Oldham..a place where they recycle bikes pun intended..we are looking to get a couple to bimble about on ..on holiday

          hiya Lav ,hows you ?hope all is well ...did you get the expected weather ? I think my bp is normal now ...what difference the hbp tablets make I dont know..I guess my bp is normal,the fear is in case it spikes and trans me into a beetroot..but the downside is the tabs take my bp lower than normal.oh well.the bruising is doing great ..its like a Piicasso picture ..Julie gets her second jab today..

          hiya ppqp ...glad you are ok ,and that its just being bizzy thats held you back ..yep it takes me ages for bruises to go ..the swelling is going down in my hand .I think Ive got 110 wee plants to put in but not yet sounds a lot but they dont go that far take care .

          hey pauly hows you then? hope you are ok .whatcha been up to .?

          teegee are you doing? are things starting to slow down for you?hope you are ok....

          Sam hows you ? Pie where are you ,how are you doing?Det my man hope all is well with you

          right folks have a great weekend ...

          My plan for today is to go with the wife to get us both some new glasses. After that, we'll see

          This is how weird my thought processes are :

          My wife said, "Isn't it strange how little people change?"

          Now I'm thinking, "Do dwarves put on clothes differently to the rest of us?"

          I realised I was the poor kid at School when I was the only one who turned up at band practise with a shoe horn.

          on a 50 story construction site, a guy working at the top accidently knocked a brick off the 50th story, when looking down he saw that his boss was in line for the brick to land on his noggin and briskly yelled, "Falling Brick". The boss looked up after hearing the yell and moved to one side as the brick crashed to the ground.

          The boss looked up at the worker and yelled, "A $100 bonus for you laddy".

          Another guy working a floor below had observed what went down with the brick and decided he'd have a go for a $100 bonus, the problem was he was a bit of a stutterer, as he kicked the brick off the side of the building he looked down and yelled with a loud voice, fffffffffffffffff "FCK HE'S DEAD".

          Old Fred's hospital bed is surrounded by well-wishers, but it doesn't look good for him. Suddenly he motions frantically to the pastor for something to write on. The pastor lovingly hands him a pen and a piece of paper, and Fred uses his last bit of energy to scribble a note, then dies. The pastor thinks it best not to look at the note right away, so he places it in his jacket pocket.

          At Fred's funeral, as the pastor is finishing his eulogy, he realizes that he's wearing the jacket he was wearing when Fred died. "Fred handed me a note just before he died," he says. "I haven't looked at it, but knowing Fred, I'm sure there's a word of inspiration in it for us all".

          Opening the note, he reads aloud, "Help! You're standing on my oxygen tube"!

          Creative Answering Machine Messages

          Ø Hi. Now you say something.

          Ø Hi, I'm not home right now but my answering machine is, so you can talk to it instead. Wait for the beep.

          Ø You know what I hate about answering machine messages? They go on and on, wasting your time. I mean, all they really need to say is, "We aren't in, leave a message." That's why I've decided to keep mine simple and short. I pledge to you, my caller, that you will never have to suffer through another long answering machine message when you call me...

          Ø (Drawling granny voice Way back inna winner of fifty-two, we didn' have fanshy gadjets like no ansherin' machine. You jusht had to call and call until shummbody got home. Now, shum people, dey shay dey don' like 'em, but I shay it'll shave you a lotta trouble if you jusht leave a meshage. Thanksh a lot.

          Ø You have reached 934-2435. We picked this machine up at a garage sale in "as is" condition. You can try to leave a message on it, but we are not sure it will be recorded. If we don't return your call, it means the machine did not work.

          Ø Hello. I'm David's answering machine. What are you?

          Ø Hi, this is John's answering machine. He's not here, but I'm open to suggestions.

          Ø Hi! John's answering machine is broken. This is his refrigerator. Please speak very slowly, and I'll stick your message to myself with one of these magnets.

          Ø Hello, this is Ron's toaster. Ron's new answering machine is in the shop for repairs, so please leave your message when the toast is done... (Cachunk!)

          Ø Hello, this is Sally's microwave. Her answering machine just eloped with her tape deck, so I'm stuck taking her calls. Say, if you want anything cooked while you leave your message, just hold it up to the phone.

          Ø Hello. You are talking to a machine. I am capable of receiving messages. My owners do not need siding, windows, or a hot tub, and their carpets are clean. They give to charity through the office and don't need their picture taken. If you're still with me, leave your name and number and they will get back to you.

          Ø you, and I'll think about returning your call.

          Ø (In a bored voice Heaven, God speaking...

          Ø Hi, this is George. I'm sorry I can't answer the phone right now. Leave a message, and then wait by your phone until I call you back.

          Ø Hello, this is Ron. I'm not home right now, but I can take a message. Hang on a second while I get a pencil. (Open a drawer and shuffle stuff around.) OK, what would you like me to tell me?

          Ø We're sorry. You have reached an imaginary number. Please rotate your phone 90 degrees and try again.
          Ø You're growing tired. Your eyelids are getting heavy. You feel very sleepy now. You are gradually losing your willpower and your ability to resist suggestions. When you hear the tone you will feel helplessly compelled to leave your name, number, and a message.

          Ø As the drugs take hold, you feel you are losing your grip on reality. You begin to hallucinate. You see a telephone... The telephone is next to an answering machine... You hear a faint click and a light flashes on the answering machine... You hear a beep...

          Ø I don't exist at the moment, but if you leave your message, name and number, I'll call you back when I am...

          Ø I'm only here in spirit at the moment, but if you'll leave your name and number, I will get back to you as soon as I'm here in person.

          Ø I don't want to bore you with metaphysics, but how do you know this is an answering machine? Maybe it's a dream, or maybe it's an illusion, or maybe YOU don't really exist. One way to find out is to leave a message, and if it's reality, I will call you back.

          Ø I'm not at home today, and I might not be home tomorrow. So please leave a message after the tone. I didn't take a shower today, and I might not take one tomorrow. So if you don't leave a message after the tone, you might have to deal with me in person.

          Ø (Noisy pick-up of phone.) Hi, I'm a burglar and I was just about to steal Troy's answering machine. If you give me your name and number I'll... Uh, I'll post it on the fridge where he'll see it. Uh... By the way, where did you say you live?
          Ø If you are a burglar, then we're probably at home cleaning our weapons right now and can't come to the phone. Otherwise, we probably aren't at home and it's safe to leave us a message.

          Ø (Drunken voice You have reached Bob's hotline. We are not able to respond due to uninevitable circumcisions. But if you leave your name and noomber, we won't be in wonder... pa-a-a-a!
          Ø I can't come to the phone now, so... Hey -- that's a nice phone you have there. Hey sugar, you call this number often? I bet you have answering machines bothering you all the time... Yes indeedy. Why don't you give me a call sometime and we can listen to some old recordings... I might even play my beep for you.
          Ø Hello, you've reached 344-1312, the Apartment at the End of the Universe. Please leave your message, name and number at the sound of the tone. Keep your hands, feet, extremities and obscenities inside the car at all times. Enjoy your ride.

          Ø (Darth Vader voice Speak, worm!

          Ø Alpha Centauri Space Station. Commander Marlin can't come to the phone right now. He's either saving the universe from some dread, unnamed peril, or perhaps taking a nappie. Leave your name and number after the beep and he will return your call.

          Ø A bubble in the space-time continuum has connected your line to a channeler in the 23rd century. Any message you leave will be broadcast into the future.

          Ø You have reached the offices of the planet Zarton. All our agents are busy undermining the governments of the Earth and cannot come to phone at the moment. However, your name and number can be left at the tone and a representative will gladly contact you shortly to arrange for your assimilation into the new order. Long groblint the ultimate blenstron.

          Ø Steve has been captured by a flying saucer and can't come to the phone right now, but if you leave your name, phone number, and a message, I'll have him call you back as soon as he gets away. Read all about it in next week's National Enquirer.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: April 25

            MAE ALL..

            Not much happening here. Nice day weather wise although windy we did get up to 21C. Been doing a little bit of website updates as the covid restrictions seem to change hourly. Other than that I've started my weekend off.

            Lav...way too early for those high temps! Have to admit we've had the AC on a couple of times, I can't sleep either if it's too hot. We're cooling off tomorrow with rain, at least it's not snow!

            Pauly...sounds like thing are going ok for you too. All we can do is keep ourselves safe and forget about all the rest of the nuts.

  , must have felt like Christmas for the peskies, all that nice new grass. LOL No frost this morning here, it was 12C at 6am. It's what we call a false spring. LOL Still won't plant anything till after May 24th. Looking forward to seeing the garden after you plant the 110 "wee" plants. I think getting a couple of bimble bikes for your adventures is ace. At least I won't feel so exhausted after reading you posts. LOL

            Thinking of the rest of the crew. :hug: Have a great Friday all....:smile:PPQP


              Re: April 25

              Greetings all,

              I ended up getting the boys after school today & bringing them here for dinner. Everyone is now fed & off in their own corners playing with their phones, haha!
              Their parents had to go out of town for a funeral, should be here to get them in an hour or two. Crazy wind, gusting to 60 mph today, tomorrow we wake to 30 something wind chills. Crazy weather!!!

              Pauly, I’m still not sleeping right & I don’t know why. It’s hard enough dragging my a$$ out of bed at this age, don’t need the sleeplessness LOL

              Mick, sitting here hoping the power stays put with all these wind gusts.
              The B/P med I’ve been on since around 2005 generally does a good job but i do get occasional spikes, scary high spikes. So I’ve added a diuretic to my daily meds & it helps for the. Most part. I don’t know what caused the last spike - could be related to the 2nd vaccine I had, who knows? Glad you’re healing up on schedule, no more bruises this week, oK?

              Hello to Cyn, I am sending you warm wishes for a safe trip when you get started.

              PQ, this weather bouncing around like that does not help those of us with sensitive sinus issues, ugh. Why can’t we ever just have spring anymore??? Hahha!!
              I hope your weekend is relaxing.

              Hello to Det, Sam & Pie.

              Have a nice night all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: April 25

                hiya everyone are we today then? hope all is well...sunny day here ,bit cold though ..May bank holiday weekend...its supposed to chuck it down on Monday. Went up to Oldham this morning a bike for Julie ..(great swap!!!)no seriously though ..its a good bike .so now comes the learning to not fall off again time .Im going to start the hanging baskets after .

                hiya ppqp are you then? Hope all is well over there with you ?still got the temperatures there?Julie got her jab yesterday. She reckons she is ok ...have a great weekend ...

                hiya Lav how's you then? No more bruises for me....yes as I recall we are on the same bp meds ...strange it sends you one way the other ..hope you have a nice weekend ..

                hi everyone else ...have a nice weekend
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: April 25

                  morning all

                  been kinda crazy busy with work, actually a bit overwhelming. Been doing field work then office work till about midnight each night with an occasional music foray. Nice to jump in and read how everyone is doing. Had a moment the other night, we were playing outside and it turned cold. one of the folks listening bought the band a round of whiskey. I gave mine to the other two members. It is a slippery slope I avoided but there was a twinge of regret how I know I just can't have it. No pressure on their part, they know the deal. Still there are those fleeting moments and so it goes. I was glad of the final outcome!

                  have a good one everyone!
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Re: April 25

                    Good evening friends,

                    Nicer day around here, sunny & not windy like yesterday.
                    I slept like a rock last night, finally made up for the 3 previous not so great nights. No kids here today, much saner, haha!

                    Mick, I miss bike riding but i am too fearful of falling off & breaking something (anything) at this point in my life. I hope Julie enjoys the ride
                    We didn’t have frost last night but it was super chilly this morning. Have fun making your planters.

                    Sam, good to see you!
                    I suppose as long as we live we will have those occasional ‘why me moments’. As long as we remember why we are choosing to abstain we’ll be OK
                    You’re working awfully long hours, geez. Schedule some me time so you don’t burn out & really put yourself at risk. We can’t afford to lose friends :hug:

                    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pauly, Det & Pie. Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far.

                    Have a nice night all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: April 25

                      MAE ALL...

                      Lav...and the crazy weather continues. It felt like a winters day out there with wind and rain starting up around 5pm. My sleep has been useless lately so maybe I'm due for a good night, here's hoping. I will fall asleep and then have the strangest dream and wake up 2 hrs later. Didn't get up to much today, no energy. I get my jab tomorrow so maybe that'll be one thing off my mind.

            're such a card, you'd miss Julie. We're still going below freezing at night so no planting for us yet. I'm jealous that you can start your hanging baskets, it's always great to see colour everywhere. We will get there eventually.

                      Sam...good to see you pop in. I agree with Lav, you're working way too many hours. Good job on passing on the drink, I hear you about the twinge of regret, but you got this. I'm glad your band members know the score and have you're back.

                      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Here's wishing us all a restful sleep....:smile:PPQP


                        Re: April 25

                        Mae all -

                        Quick hello to all - have made it as far as Chicago... torrential rain the first day, blowin a Hoolie the second, thought the trucks were going to come right over onto me!, easier day today. Off to my family in NEbraska tomorrow.

                        Lav, I thought of you when I crossed into PA at Port Jarvis - so pretty. But they need to clean up those roadways... the next morning I got a staple in my tire, and thank goodness the car tells you if a tire is losing pressure... I barely made it off the ramp, and then eventually to the tire repair place (a block away)... that was a great bit of luck...

                        Sending all love; very tired at the end of each of these days, but staying awake while driving, so that's good. Mick, gentle gentle, heal those bruises, Lav, later on I felt wretched from the vaccine, but it has eased (love lilacs), Pauly, always happy to see you, PPQ, hoping that your work eases soon, hello to all else, wishing everyone well... more soon when I can stay awake! 👍


