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2 may

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    2 may

    hiya all are we then today? Hope all is well. Started raining ...Julie feeling better today, watching Jeeves first thing ..thought nope he aint well...gave him some meds ..and 3 hours later he is eating and pooping for fun. Meanwhile I watched Bonnie eating the new grass ..bearing in mind its fenced off to a height of just over 37 inches. I watched her jump the fence.

    hiya Sam the man ...firstly well done on the whisky give away ..yep believe me if you like Scotch it is difficult ..or was ..I recall numerous times where no was the answer to my favourite falling down juice..and now problem at all with it ..sounds like you are working hard my friend..take care .

    hiya lav ,,,hows you then? slept like a rock? woke up in the garden surrounded by plants ..I was going to try my bike out this morning but didnt ..couple more jobs to do ..hope you have a great weekend .. go for log tonight ..slept like..

    hiya ppqp...howzyoo then today? hope all is well.did 3 hanging baskets yesterday...have a good weekend.

    hiya tee gee how are you then? hope you are doing ok ..Sounds like you are doing some long driving ..and tired too ...literally .glad you are feeling better after the jab ..

    hello everyone else you ok?

    Called the vets this morning...

    Me: "Hello, I need to make an appointment for my pet Ostrich."

    Vet: "Ok what's the problem?"

    Me: "He's holding his head to one side."

    Vet: "Hmm, maybe neck's weak?"

    Me: "Haven't you got anything sooner?"

    I asked my wife, “I’m stuck on a crossword clue—Overworked Postman— can you help me?”

    She said, “Sure. How many letters?”

    I said, “I’m guessing—too many.”

    The Reunion

    Dave and Jack meet in passing on the street, after many years and Dave decides to introduce his children to Jack.
    Dave "Jack, this is my eldest he's called Dick"
    Jack "Hello there, what's Dick short for ?.
    Dave "Dick is short for Richard and look, here's Meg"
    Jack greets Meg and then asks what Meg is short for.
    "Meg is short for Margaret" says Dave.
    Finally Dave points to his third child "This is Mike"
    "What's Mike short for ?" asks Jack, predictably and thereby angering Dave.
    "Mike, this must be fcking obvious" yells Dave "Mike is short because he's a dwarf you annoying git !"

    The phone rang. It was BBC Radio 1.

    "Congratulations," the voice burbled. "You are live on air, and if you can answer this maths question, you will win our prize!"

    "Maths question?" I said excitedly. "I did 4 Unit maths for the HSC and also studied it at university, for part of my degree! Give me the question!"

    "Great! What is 100 divided by four? If you get it right, you get two tickets to the upcoming Justin Bieber concert, and get to meet him back-stage!"

    "Oh," said I. "Is it 13?"

    If you get an email from me about spiced meat, don't open it, its Spam.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 2 may

    Sunday greetings everyone,

    Sunny & a warmish 81 degrees today, wow!
    No kids around again so quiet it was . Spent a good deal of time outside pulling weeds, etc, just nice to be outside. Rain on the schedule for tomorrow which will make more weeds grow, haha!

    Cyn, you are such a brave girl doing all that driving. Sorry to hear about the tire but i do love the cars that tell you what’s going on. Same thing happened to me here, just a mile away from home. Glad the fix was easy enough. I hope Zander keeps you company & enjoys the ride. Also hope you find some decent weather too, geez!

    PQ, at 81 degrees the AC popped on again today. I’m glad these things take all the guess work out for me, Lol
    I’ll send this warm weather up your way, hope you get it soon.

    Mick, you have a fence jumping bunny, wow! I bet Bonnie could get a job in the circus!!
    I hope she doesn’t eat all the brand new turf. This week we’re going to get some netting to throw over the blueberry bushes planted along the driveway. They are full of flower buds right now so we will be having a good crop if we can keep the birds away from them. It’s always something around here. Last summer was groundhog destruction of the broccoli & cauliflower plants. It’s always something.

    Hello to Pauly, Det & Pie.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 2 may

      MAE ALL...

      Mick...glad you got Jeeves back on track. LOL Bonnie is one determined bunny. 3FT! Just can't take your eyes of your kids even for a minute. LOL Just as well you didn't try your bike out today, your body could probably use the healing time.

      Lav...Sunny and not warm here today. 37F and snow, then rain, then snow. So no weeds here, LOL. Thanks for sending the warm weather, we could use it. Speaking of the netting over the blueberry bushes reminds me of driving to my Dad's place in White Rock, BC and all along the coast was acres and acres of fruit bushes covered in netting. Oh, I remember the groundhog destruction.

      Got my first vaccine (Pfizer) shot today and so far so good. Alberta is having a tough time getting the positivity rate down with record high infections right now. Sticking close to home but at least I've got the start of some protection. Hoping everyone has a restful sleep tonight....:smile:PPQP


        Re: 2 may

        hiya everyone are we today then?hope all is well with everyone .. tis pouring down ..I got soaked putting some flowers out earlier.Both rabbits doingok this morning ..thankfully ..Julie is ok too the way the order of merit there is random not by preference ...Bank holiday monday today ..roads are very quiet too.I just went to Manchester..picked up and almost new aquaroll for carrying water ,and also a waste water container ...almost new ...should be about £ it for £50 ..kerching ..First concert held in Liverpool last night ...

        Covid: Packed pilot festival brings the good times back - for one night - BBC News

        hopefully its a sign of things to come ..

        brew time ...

        hiya ppqp...hows you then? you are right leave that pair for a minute and they are at something! How are you feeling after your jab ..I get my second one next week .doesnt it make you feel better knowing you have had it?I just hope the opening up here doesnt put us back..I still think we should seriously look at the issue of foreign travel.

        Hiya Lav how are you then? ok I hope ...yes Bonnie can jump is a pic ...where the cane is acrossthe fence top ...she cleared that


        Ive got a good few plants to put out .. my biggest bugbears are frost ,snails and ...horses ..they are back in the fields you we have rain today ...Ive finished 24 and Jack Bauer ...need another series like that ..

        hiya pauly teegee and everyone else ..hope you are good ...

        A young man robbed a bank wearing a suit made of many mirrors, but he turned himself in after taking some time to reflect. Luckily, the judge was lenient... he saw a lot of himself in the young man.

        Manchester United fans were protesting because the owners are only interested in the money.

        Riots are expected in December, when they find out that Father Christmas is really their dad.

        "Queen in security scare after couple scale fence at Windsor"

        I knew Harry was desperate to get back in his grandmother's good books but I'm surprised Meghan agreed to go with him.

        "So, what do you like?" she asked.

        "I'm a big, heavy, metal fan fan," I said.

        "Why did you say fan twice?" she asked.

        "Because I like windmills," I replied.

        Allegations of corruption have been leaked from the Professional Referees Association.

        Authorities are trying to identify the whistle-blower.

        A man was looking to buy a bird of prey.

        “How much is this one?”

        “That Peregrine falcon is £5,000.”

        “Do you have anything similar but cheaper?”

        “I have these for fifty quid.”

        “Why are they so much less?”

        “They’re just a pair of green falcons.”

        My dog and I are feuding.

        He refuses to pee outside until I stop peeing in his water bowl.

        1. A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years.

        2. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water and is fat.

        3. If walking and/or cycling is good for your health, the postman would be immortal.

        4. A tortoise doesn't run, does nothing ..yet lives for 450 years.

        ...and you want me to exercise????????????

        The first rule of the company is that each evening a service technician has to phone the household and confirm the following days appointments.

        One evening a call was made and a man answered the phone. The technician said, "Hi, this is Henry from Acme Pest Control we have an appointment scheduled for tomorrow."

        There was a long silence and then my husband heard the man on the other end say, "Honey, it's for you....someone wants to talk to you about your relatives."

        Joe walked into his dad's study while his dad was working on the computer.

        "Dad", said Joe, "Remember when you told me you'd give me 20 dollars if I passed my math test"?

        Dad nodded.

        "Well, the good news is that I just saved you 20 bucks".

        Sam: Dad, would you do my math homework for me?

        Dad: No, son, it wouldn’t be right.

        Sam: Well, at least you could try.

        A teenage girl had been talking on the phone for about half an hour and then she hung up.

        "Wow!" said her father, "That was short. You usually talk for two hours. What happened?"

        "Wrong number..." replied his daughter.
        Last edited by Mick; May 3, 2021, 12:42 PM.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 2 may

          Greetings folks,

          Mostly cloudy & quick little rain showers all day so it’s kinda yucky out. Could be worse, I know.
          I’m working on a batch of masks for someone but my hands keep cramping up on me, wth??? This getting old stuff stinks.
          I heard from Cyn (Treegirl) last evening , said she wasn’t able to logon here but she’s doing well. She is stopping to see relatives on her way west & has made great progress on her journey.

          PQ, the hummingbirds have arrived already, earliest I’ve ever seen them here. Usually it’s much warmer before they make a showing. I’m a real bird geek anymore, haha!!
          I hope we can save the blueberries this year before my bird friends get to them. Hope your day was fabulous!

          Mick, Bonnie deserve the Gold medal for high jumps, haha!! Must be nice to be that flexible
          Now that we are considered ‘fully vaccinated’ I still won’t think about doing any traveling just yet. I want to wait & see what the summer brings, ugh.

          Hello to Pauly, Det, Sam,Pie & the treveling woman Cyn :hug:

          Have a nice night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 2 may

            MAE ALL...

            Mick...saw the pilot festival on the news and was impressed with the organization. I'm very interested on their findings in a week. Alberta on the other hand had a no mask/no care rodeo just north of Calgary. We're at record high cases/positivity rates and there's so many with the who gives a "F" attitude. Our "leader" had a press conference today to announce there would be further restrictions announced tomorrow. WTF, why not announce them now! The Federal Government has extended their wage subsidy program till September so my job/income is secure for now. I definitely feel better knowing I've got the first vaccine jab. The arm is a little sore but other than that no side effects happy to report.

            Lav...mostly cloudy & quick little rain showers all day here as well. Tomorrow is supposed to be steady rain so you're right it could be worse. LOL I agree, getting old stinks. Are you keeping well hydrated? Look at me asking medical questions to the nurse. LOL Thanks for the update on TG, I think of her daily. Glad her trip is going ok so far. No wonder the hummingbirds have arrived early, those lilac bushes look great! You too are way ahead of us. I had a quiet day, arm a bit sore and felt very tired today so did nothing. LOL That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Don't know when I'll get my second shot but Pfizer supply is ramping up so hopefully it'll be within the 21 day recommendations.

            Thinking of you Det, Sam, Pi and Pauly and hoping life is just rolling on, same old, same old. Have a peaceful evening all....:smile:PPQP


              Re: 2 may

              Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope everyone is well well. We have had pretty high winds and also rain as well and it is forecast for the next few days so we shall see if the work on the back garden has stopped the flooding. It will be certainly no thanks to Bonnie who yet again jumped the fence today
              Yes she is certainly enjoying herself in in that little feast. Was going to put some plants out today but rain stopped play
              Hiya lav how are you today then question mark hope everything is ok over in in your part of the world. You will need to see if you can get some pictures of the hummingbirds like you I like bird life too. I get my second needle a week today and 3 days later we will be driving around Welsh Land. Hope the weather is at least half decent anyway have a good day and take care
              Hiya ppqp how are you today then? Hope everything is ok interesting it is 21 days recommendation for your second needle and ours was 12 weeks. It sounds like you are going through the same shambles we were initially with the pandemic hope everything goes to plan in the meantime stay safe
              Hello everyone else hope we are all doing well and the same goes stay safe
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 2 may

                Hello friends!

                Waiting for more rain that we definitely do not need after last night’s deluge. Feast or famine I guess!

                PQ, I definitely had a nagging headache for a week after my 2nd shot, felt a bit lazier than usual too haha! I don’t care about side effects so much, just so we get the needed immunity. Our state governor announced today that restrictions will be lifted for Memorial Day at the end of the month EXCEPT for masks. Our Covid cases are way down, hope they stay that way, fingers crossed.
                I’m happy to know all my friends here are getting their vaccines

                Mick, I tried to get a pic of a hummingbird last evening using my iPad - it turned out looking like a blob, haha! I think we need Det’s camera skills to get good pics.
                Did you get the Astra Zeneca vaccine? The Pfizer & Moderna vaccines we are getting here require 3-4 weeks in between. They’re all a little different I guess.
                I hope Bonnie hasn’t turfed up your beautiful lawn with her chewing skills. Lol

                Hello to Pauly, what’s up?
                Hello to Det, Sam & PIe.

                Cyn, I hope you are enjoying your family visit & are avoiding this crazy weather.

                Have a nice night all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 2 may

                  Ahoy ABerooooos! just a wee quick check-in for the garlicky one. super busy so happy to report... work has been picking up most fortunately.
                  Mick, glad Julie is ok
                  I did say quick? working on some online stuff for clients and also pre-prepping dinner and getting ready for girly's lacrosse game ... hence prepping dinner.
                  back soonish with some pics!
                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Re: 2 may

                    Mae all - still traversing the enormous US... in Laramie , WY tonight. Thinking of you all every day, even if I don't post... just have to use all my energy to get the the next place, love to all...


                      Re: 2 may

                      Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope everyone is doing ok despite the threats of rain today it has been a pretty nice day. I took the fence down today day and the rabbits have been having a real feast must be honest the grass does look pretty good
                      Julie's bike arrived today so I cleaned that up. It's funny because the lad I got my bike from down the road his wife came to the door earlier on on and asked me to look out for a parcel that they were getting delivered. We were talking about bikes and she said oh I've got one at home oops I thought say nothing here boy.. her husband obviously hasn't told her that he had given the bike away so I will need to speak to him tonight
                      hello treacle how are you today then? So you are in Laramie? That's where bonanza came from wasn't it and The High Chaparral. You take care and look after yourself stay positive.
                      Hiya det how are you then mate hope all is well you take care and look after yourself

                      Hiya lav how are you today then question mark hope everything is well well from stop pity about the pictures of the hummingbird. I put a load of plants in this morning fingers crossed the frost doesn't destroy them. Up yesterday in the United Kingdom there were no deaths attributed to the virus the first time for a long long time full stop it seems to be under control now fingers crossed except for those people wanting to travel abroad and people coming back into this country I think our government are drawing it out with all sorts of questions to be asked before they will allow people to travel abroad hoping that other countries will get their act together soon in a poll throughout Britain only 30% said they wanted to travel abroad for holidays that is a massive boost in staying at home holidays take care and look after yourself full stop it was the AstraZeneca needle I got.

                      Big shout out to everyone else wherever you are whatever you're doing stay safe
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 2 may

                        MAE ALL...

                        Mick...Bonnie looks like she's in heaven. LOL The Alberta government put in more restrictions yesterday. The one that effects us is kids in kindergarten to grade 6 will go online starting Friday till May 25th. I don't know if that means we're laying off childcare staff or not. Thankfully not my call. Other than that nothing really changes for me.

                        Lav...yes, I'm glad most of my friends are getting the vaccine as well. I sure hope as things open up it is done slowly to keep an eye on the numbers. It's been cool and windy here but supposed to be nice. Am going to get out for a walk today.

                        Det...glad the jobs have picked up, that's always a load of your mind. You sound a lot less stressed these days even if you are busy.

                        TG...we're thinking of you too and Lav keeps us up to date with your travels. Drive safe and stay healthy.

                        Will see if the boss actually returned from Manitoba and we get going on some more programming. Other than that I don't have a busy day today. Be well all....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: 2 may

                          Greetings all,

                          Crazy weather day from pouring rain to sun to windy right now & getting cooler. I’m sitting on the windy deck watching the hummingbirds fight the wind to get to the feeders. They are very determined little birds!Met my friends for lunch which was nice. We’re all vaccinated now & happy about that.

                          Cyn messaged me this afternoon & said she will try to check in tonight.

                          Det, glad to hear business is booming, awesome!!!

                          Mick, maybe heaven is all green lush grass - just hope we don’t have to mow it, haha!!
                          Good story about the bike, hope it works out, haha! Hope your plants stay safe, I think i’ve lost 2 from frost & will have to replace them.

                          PQ, Biden is saying he plans to have 70% of us vaccinated by July. I hope people cooperate so we can finally get a handle on this virus. Can’t believe anyone in their right mind would refuse but they do.
                          Hope you enjoyed your walk!

                          Hello to Pauly & Sam, wherever you are.

                          Have a nice night all.
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 2 may

                            :furious: *$)%&#$_##*%(&$#+ :furious:

                            Just had to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening. :smile:PPQP


                              Re: 2 may

                              Mae all - thank you, Lav for being the messenger! This will be short, as I started the day with a 6 AM to 9 AM fight with big snowstorm on the interstate... fortunately I found a truck to follow, and just hunkered down... I knew if I kept going I would drive out of it, which is what happened, but it was a long slog. Got into NV on the 9th hour of driving. Tomorrow a shorter day to get to North Lake Tahoe, my destination...

                              Good to see people and their stories ... hoping all are well... (hello Pauly, would love to hear from you too --)

                              Take care all --

