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Abbers May 9~2021

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    Re: Abbers May 9~2021

    Greetings folks,

    Nice day here, nothing like Mick’s weather, Lol
    Nothing important happening here but that’s fine with me.

    Cyn, glad you are back in biz with the internet connection. I don’t like being forced into seclusion either, that’s not fun. Hope everything else is going well.
    I’m beginning to wonder about these lingering side effects from the Moderna vaccine. It’s weird, they seem to come & go. Even with my new med regimen my B/P is still spiking in the evenings & almost too low in the mornings, very strange.

    Mick, I had a feeling Jeeves was giving you the runaround, haha! Glad he’s feeling better & eating. Don’t be too offended by his behavior, he can’t help himself haha!
    Glad you got some sun after this morning monsoon, geez!

    PQ, I saw my kids separately yesterday. Still no movement in the estrangement between those two. I keep hoping but not holding my breath if you know what I mean.
    With my adult inset ADD I could not handle those long meetings anymore, honestly. I feel for you! No storms down this way tonight so maybe you will get one

    Hello to Det, Pauly, Sam & Pie. Hope everyone is OK.
    Have a nice night all!]

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Abbers May 9~2021

      Mae all -

      Not too much of interest to relate tonight... was part of a 2-hour Board Meeting, then ran tot the office and worked until 4:30. Was absolutely famished and tired (poor sleep last night) and then realized I hadn't eaten lunch... very rare for me to skip a meal... where is my head?!

      Lav, sorry to hear about those weird reactions... I am afraid we got more than we bargained for with the Moderna... my pulse rate has been high since my mild case last spring, but especially since the shot. Oh well, I imagine this will ease and go away eventually... I was feeling pretty normal until the shot. We'll give it time. But BP is so crucial... good luck!

      PPQ, good job doing the bosses work so you could have a shorter meeting!!' ��. Hope your weather continues in the Spring vein.

      Mick, well, you finally have Jeeves' number... glad that he'll take food from Julie! Hope you are feeling better from the weather-related pressure changes, or whatever they were.

      Pauly, how are your little guineas? Behaving?

      Det, hope you are hanging in... good luck for all! Sam, how is spring in your valley? Hello to all dropping by...


        Re: Abbers May 9~2021

        Mae everybody,Mick how's Jeeves today? Hope good what's Amy been up to these days? Haven't heard anything lately,hope she's doing well too,PQ,4 hours yikes! Well better than in person I guess haha, Lav,glad you git to spend some time with all the kids,I stopped by Kells yesterday to keep an eye on Rome for a bit and he was being sooo mean to me! Usually I'm his favorite person but yesterday he was a turd,hurt my feelings. Cyn,the pics you've posted on fb are beautiful guineas are hanging in there but I'm thinking about downsizing,I never should have kept all Smores' babies when she had them but it was in the height of lockdown so I didn't want people coming over to look at them,Petsmart wasn't taking animals and I was in awe but so many piggies and it's hard to keep up on the cleaning, can't play with them cuz we sneeze,they're sorta antisocial when they get in a group,they're mean to Wibur so he's on his own,just don't know what to do,I love them but I'm feeling overwhelmed, I wish I lived in a place where they could forage in the yard but then there's the problem that I have 2 males and I don't want them reproducing anymore thats why I have their cages separated by a divider,sheesh listen to me go on! They say never ask a guinea pig lover about their pigs=they never shut up hahaha! Anyhoo much-needed to the gang a d wishing us all a great BF day!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: Abbers May 9~2021

          hi are we today then ..?hope all is well.Supposed to go away tomorrow ...not happening ..yup youve guessed it ..Jeeves ..wouldnt eat this morning just very subdued .even madam agreed not prepared to put him into boarding when he isnt well ..that isnt fair on anyone .end of .If Im worrying or thinking about him and wrap the van around a lamp post who knows .
          They have already done blood tests on him..all organs ok ..white blood cell count low ..antibiotics and change meds ..if that doesnt work then ultra sound scan.

          anyway this site aint just for Jeeves !so I bid you a great day take care stay safe
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: Abbers May 9~2021

            Good evening folks,

            Nice day here, no complaints.

            Mick, sorry to hear about Jeeves. I know you take the best care of him but sometimes these things can’t be avoided. I hope he responds well to his new meds. You can always reschedule a road trip, right?
            Take care & try not to worry too much :hug:

            Pauly, I would be looking into birth control for your piggies, haha!! Separate crates for now definitely!!!
            It’s kind of hard when you see one of your grandkids in a foul mood, I get it but we have to remember they’re just human too. I even tell mine “I won’t take that personally’, haha!

            Cyn, I remember those long busy days, forgetting to eat. It wasn’t healthy then & it sure isn’t now. Aging brains really need a continuous source of fuel, Lol
            I haven’t been as lethargic & achy today, so that’s good. These effects will wear off sooner or later I’m sure. You take care too :hug:

            My dog is barking at someone so I have to go,
            Have a good night all!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: Abbers May 9~2021

              MAE ALL...

              Lav...oh, I thought maybe the estrangement had been sorted. No storm yesterday and apparently it's supposed to be sunny and hot (77F) this weekend. That could produce something. I hope the dog wasn't barking at a hen house intruder!

              TG...2 hrs I could handle. Off to the office I'm not so sure. LOL I took you as a person who pays attention to their health/eating so no wonder you were tired. I on the other hand have very poor eating habits, although Lav's been trying to get me on the straight and narrow.

    're right it was better than in person, could help myself to coffee whenever I wanted. Rome is probably feeling all the stress of Covid like the rest of us. I wouldn't put any stock in it. I think you better figure out what to do with your piggies sooner, rather than later.

    , I was so sure things would work out ok. You're right though, nobody would benefit from you going away. You can always make this site about Jeeves! Let us know how things go, we'll be thinking of you.

              Popped into 7-11 this morning to pick up a few things and the counter staff pissed me off so much I just turned around and came home. It did prompt me into working on the new programs and wow did I ever accomplish a lot today. Will need to get groceries tomorrow though. LOL

              Always thinking of the rest of our group, would be really nice to get a wave from you. :hug:

              Have a good evening all....:smile:PPQP


                Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                hiya all are we then? all good I hope ....just got Jeeves back ..he is now on 5different lots ofmeds per day ..apparently he has had an infection which has completely lowered his white cell level and they arent sure he is making them again ...The holiday home they are going to are happy to med him .so I take them down tomorrow ..We are going on Sunday down to Llanberis near Snowdon .....hope everyone is doing good ...sorry its a short post ..not even had my tea yet ..travelling through Manchester in the rush hour isnt fun.

                A fleet of aeroplanes is being prepared to charter flights for english football fans to travel to the UCL final in lisbon. They're only for the Chelsea fans. The man city ones are going in one micro lite

                My wife left a note to say she was leaving me because of my constant petty criticisms.

                Criticisms was spelt wrong.

                Today a man knocked on my door and asked a small donation for the local swimming pool.

                I gave him a glass of water.

                I was putting atoms together for chemistry. Until I put magnesium and oxygen together.


                I was feeling sick whilst travelling the other day so I opened a window for some fresh air, I’m now no longer allowed to work on a submarine

                "18 elephants have been struck by lightning in India."

                "Are they wild?"


                My dog went missing and, after 4 weeks of hearing nothing, my missus suggested we put an advert in the local paper. So I placed a £550 quarter page ad that read: “Rover, here boy. Home boy. Good dog. Good boy Rover.”
                Then we remembered that Rover can’t read. How we laughed
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                  Good evening Abbers,

                  Nice day here except for the mammogram appointment at 10:30 this morning LOL I survived so now I’m trying to forget about it, haha!
                  Feeling less weird than I have for the past 3 weeks post vaccine so I guess that’s good.

                  PQ, I don’t know what it will take to get my kids in the same room again, possibly the death of one of us, sad to say. So much stubborn stuff going on there that was made worse by their spouses.
                  You will be having warmer weather than us this weekend. Looks like next Wednesday the 80’s will be arriving. Turned out my dog was barking at the young boys from across the road. They come over to collect eggs & watch the chickens. Matilda knows this & knows them but she still barks, duh!! Don’t know what the 7-11 folks did to you but I hope you made a lot of noise, haha!

                  Mick, that’s great about Jeeves, I hope he improves while you’re away. Try to relax & enjoy your free time

                  Hellos going out to Cyn, Pauly, Det, Sam & PIe. I hope everyone is doing well :hug:

                  Have a nice night all!
                  Last edited by Lavande; May 14, 2021, 04:52 PM.
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                    MAE ALL...

           least you got some answers and it's great that the holiday hotel will look after him. I assume it's the same hotel as usual and you can rest assured he's in good hands. Time for a little bit of you and Julie time eh?

                    Lav...when I had my last mammogram I said "What, that's it?" They've come a long way since the tortures here. Glad you're feeling better and I won't even get into what they say about people who have side effects being a good thing! At this point you probably don't want to get your kids in the same room, I know it'll never happen in my family even after the death of our Mother! Warmer Weather!! - Summer has arrived! Well at least until Wednesday. LOL Maybe Matilda is just saying hi? Re the 7-11 folks, I remembered that you can't control what others do but you can control what you do. So I was a very polite Canadian.

                    The prog coord emerged later today with a request for a virtual meeting on Monday. I am not going to accept the meeting unless I see that she's actually done something since the 4 hr meeting last Tuesday. I think I may have an appointment at that time. I was going to work on the next steps of my programming this weekend but decided I'd spend my time in the sunshine.

                    Hoping all is good with the rest of us, have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                      Mae all -

                      So nice to hear what's going on... Pauly, yes I guess you had better make a plan before you have a little G-pig farm - hard though! Lav,,what a relief to hear that you are now starting to feel normal - really hoping it continues. I guess Matilda still has good sight!? Mick, well glad you know what is going on, and there are folks you trust to take care of Jeeves... I'm sure that the meds will help him feel better soon. Safe travels, and let's see some pics... PPQ, I like your plan for "wait and see" about others' work.. very sensible. And good job being a polite Canadian! Det, hope all is picking up for you. Sam and all others, wishing you a good weekend...

                      I was wide awake at 3 AM this morning, and it took a good deal of deep breathing and mantras to get myself back to sleep... not sure what that was all about. Just left me very sleepy tonight, so I'll keep this short and wish all well... will be nodding off in a bit...

                      Be well all...


                        Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                        Top O the Weekend ABErooooooos!

                        oh my, another nutty stressful week of being a freelancer but I'm hanging in there.

                        Tree, my sleep is an off/on struggle constantly and I just don't know either... breathing and meditation do help at least. adjusted my computer monitor night settings to be considerably stronger so
                        perhaps that will help.

                        it sounds like (aside from mamogram) that all is good and pleasant in AB-world which is great. Holiday plans anyone?

                        Darlene's cousins are coming to visit in about a week so we'll be trying to play tourguide as best we can. looks like we'll be running back down to Moab and the Arches National Park. it's a 3 1/2hr drive but so pretty.

                        I'm trying to post a bit more frequently on IG and FB... I'm so lousy at social media and almost feel like a hipocrite for supporting it at times but it's a necessary evil for doing business anymore... especially for
                        a little guy with no advertising budget to speak of.

                        Did a live networking even last week and it was excellent, so looking at another one this coming Tuesday. nothing beats face-to-face meetings even in these days.... trudging along!

                        Mick, any buried treasure adventures?

                        my brand new camera that my dad helped me buy with a personal loan (it's for doing high quality video) has a defect and has to be sent in to Sony. AAAAAAAfffghghghg! bastardos! things have just
                        been so damn frustrating I could scream. I really miss my old meditation group...must keep trying to connect with a group here. Ok, whinning session over.... must seize the day.....

                        I think a visit to the farmers market will cheer me up report to follow.....
                        be well loves!!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                          hiya all are we then ? all ok ?thank you for your comments over the little fella ,I took the2 of them down this morning to their holiday inn...its pouring with rain...but hey ...looking forward to getting away..

                          going to leave about 11 tomorrow morning..2.5 hour drive ..

                          have you seen the latest on Bolton.?its the covid high spot for theIndian variety ..heres the action ..

                          403 Forbidden they are offering everyone the vaccine .

                          hiya Det ....and breathe...nice and slow are you mate?...get the bp levels down if your head explodes it makes a mess did you get anything at the farmers market? take care buddy .

                          hiya teegee good? Ive been waking up really early ,wiith a splitting headache too..dont know what thats about ..hope all is doing good for you now ..are you getting into some sort of a routine ?

                          hiya ppqp ...hows you then? hope all is good with you.tell me at your meetings do you have minutes and an action plan?an easy way to give her work to do and monitor its progress..hope you have a good weekend .

                          hiya Lav, how are you then?glad you are feeling less weird ..tell was your eyesight affected ? sorry to hear about the you say other influences good or bad will affect them .You look after yourself .

                          hiya pauly sam and pie ..hope you are doing ok .

                          take care folks ...
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                            Greetings Abbers,

                            It was nice here today although it tried to rain, just a little, haha!
                            Went to a brand new Amish grocery store today with lights & freezers & everything. They have found if they bring in one ‘English’ partner who will put their name on the electric company account then they can have all the modern amenities LOL. Picked up a few necessities & enjoyed the trip. Glad to be over that funk I had for the past 3+ weeks, geez.

                            PQ, yes, the new 3D machines are much kinder in the long run, haha!
                            Enjoy that warmer weather while you can. We are supposedly past any possibility of freezing now, hope so anyway. Sounds like you have a good work plan in place, good for you!

                            Cyn, sorry to hear your sleep is crappy right now. Sometimes there’s just no reason either. I hope you can catch up so you don’t run yourself down too much. Matilda is just highly reactive &barks at almost everyone, annoying. Her hearing & beagle nose are functioning at 110% at all times. You take care!

                            Det, love all your pics on FB & IG. Good job, I know it’s a lot of work but people will see your work
                            Good luck with the company, you may have a good time too.
                            Sorry your video camera is defective. Sony should stand by their products, at least I hope so. I hope that gets straightened out quickly. Hang in there!!!

                            Mick, glad your plans are coming along & I hope the rain gives you a break for your trip.
                            In addition to the nagging headache I had my eyes were having a harder time focusing, yes. No wonder I’ve been grumpy the past few weeks, haha! I will be getting in touch with my medical provider in a few days to let her know that I am still having problems with a too high B/P in the evenings. Time for a complete change in meds I think. Enjoy your trip!

                            Hello to Pauly, Sam & Pie.

                            Have a nice night all.
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Re: Abbers May 9~2021

                              Mae all,

                              Det, so good to hear from you - it does sound like maybe you should spend a little extra time zeroing in on a meditation group... support is so important. Sorry about the camera, sheesh. Glad that you are doing networking... my hat is off to you - that's not easy, but you seem to have the knack. Deep breaths! Good luck!

                              Lav, that is kinda funny about the Amish stores, slightly hypocritical, right? But if the stores are good for you, then that's great. I am so glad someone else has mentioned about eye issues!!! Because I got the shot and started driving 2 days later, I kind of thought it was driving eyestrain... but since I arrived I have had such a hard time with looking at screens for a long time... even just household things, my eyes "fall out" of focus. Hmmmm, vaccine-related? I guess if it can make pulses and blood pressure higher it could mess up eyesight too. Looking forward to all of this wearing off...

                              Mick, wishing you good weather and good luck on your journey tomorrow. Looking forward to some pics. Glad the peskies are all set.

                              Pauly, PPQ, Sam and all visiting, wishing you well...

                              Take care all ....

