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13 June

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    Re: 13 June

    Good evening friends,

    Warm & sunny today but not bad.
    Came away from the visit with my NP with a Rx for a 2nd BP med, ugh. I really hate tossing all these chemicals in my body but nothing else seems to be helping. Hope I don’t end up bottoming out & fall flat on my face, LOL
    We also discussed the likely possibility of needing Covid booster shots this fall. I am going to hold out for the Pfiezer vaccine since I had such a harsh reaction to the Moderna vaccine.

    PQ, glad you had everything under control yesterday
    I do know what you mean by the feeling of tightness in your foot. Since I’ve been doubled up on the diuretic my feet & lower legs look & feel normal for the first time in 6 weeks or so.
    I got all my questions answered today & helped choose which BP med to add to my regimen. That’s why I like seeing a NP instead of a doctor. They don’t listen as well & just want to write orders, haha!

    Cyn, my life’s work has taught me when to get excited about something, don’t sweat the small stuff, so to speak
    Hope you’re doing OK & your back has healed :hug:

    Mick, you would be surprised if I told you how often I have to get one of my crowns glued back in my mouth per year, LOL Us girls have to take care of our crowns!!!!
    Nice your friend was able to get out for some fresh air. My friends who have had Covid say it really takes time to get your strength back.

    Det, hope you’re busy snapping nice pics!

    Pauly, you’re quiet, what’s up?

    Hello to Sam & Pie.

    Hope everyone has a nice night!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 13 June

      MAE ALL...

      TG...Next Wednesday could be a different story if the 2nd truck shows up. Will probably have to go back and help out. It will be the last Wednesday the kids are in school so after that the parking lot is pretty quiet.

      Mick...Any extra wages? :rotlf: Glad you were able to get out for a walk with your friend even if it was in slow motion. LOL If I were a drinking gal I'd be on a pretty good bender right now! My morning started with an email from a Board Director stating she had contacted the City and changed some credentials that I had just set up. She had no right to do that and now I am in damage control mode. And really it all boils down to the fact the boss was supposed to talk to her weeks ago which he didn't.

      Lav...hope the new B/P meds help. The little brats turned all the taps on in the garden again last night so had to go over and shut off the water. We will now have to keep it turned off and the gardeners will have to bring their own tap handle to turn it on and off. What a pain. I wonder if the program coordinator pissed somebody off. LOL

      We are gearing up to bring our renters back in September so now I'm creating new contracts and rates for everyone. That'll keep me busy for awhile.

      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


        Re: 13 June

        Mae all -

        PPQ, you are always busy! One project to another... sorry the boss flaked out on you and now you have to do damage control, sheesh. TGIF tomorrow, and I hope that you get some weekend time off...

        Lav, sorry about the extra BP med... but hopefully it will work well and you won't have to be uncomfortable and worried. I have an article to get to you re: the vaccines and heart issues... haven't read it all, but I don't find the theory surprising. I continue to be out of breath quite often, so there's something going on. Good luck to you; I'm crossing fingers that all will be better.

        Mick, it will be a long time before I get another dog.... though I know it is supposed to be a good antidote to the grief. My life is so uncertain and peripatetic that I will be finding it easier to navigate for awhile without a pet of any sort. I will be able to stay with friends now, won't have to worry about pet restrictions, extra fees, etc. Though it was a little difficult, I don't regret a moment that it gave me with Zander... but he was special, and I don't want to get back into that now. Maybe someday, we'll see...

        Miss hearing from you, Pauly - hoping all is okay... Det, good luck on all, I hope the work is stabilizing, and feel terrible about you in this heat driving w/out air conditioning... pls be careful!!

        Big hellos to Sam and Pie, hope all is well...

        Okay, better close before I fall asleep,at the keyboard... night all...


          Re: 13 June

          Mae everybody, I'm sorry to be quiet I really have nothing to add,got some stuff going on with Brady that I need to be alone with my thoughts for a bit,he got into some trouble being a spiteful brat,don't want to talk about it and really just want to spend time with family,much love to all and I wish you all the best
          Last edited by paulywogg; June 18, 2021, 07:31 AM.
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: 13 June

            hiya all are we then? all is dark here funderstorums on the way ...Scotland England football match tonight ..apart from that its a quiet day here .

            hey pauly ..lovely to see ya ..yes we all need quiet time ...but we are here for you if you need to chat it out .

            hiya teegee .hows you today?I understand about getting another pet ..the ease of travelling around your peripatetic lifestyle...doesnt that sound a lot more interesting than living out of a suitcase???haha you take care

            hiya ppqp...on abender eh? those days are gone its a rant or a tant ...or for heavy duty ..bothsounds like you have got a fair bit of work on your hands!take it eazee.

            hiya Lav hows you then? oh I couldnt imagine you without your crown ....majesty!!we were talking about the booster shots ..they are on the cards over here .today onwards over here anyone 18 and over can get jabbed up over here .hope you have a good weekend

            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 13 June

              Greetings friends,

              Busy today running around getting important things done like getting a haircut, picking up chicken feed, etc haha!
              This weekend looks to be pretty uncomfortable with 90+ degrees & extra humidity, ugh. Staying inside is the plan
              Keeping my fingers crossed for future improved BP readings!!!!

              PQ, I think. You could use a large pack of German Shepherds patrolling the grounds at the Community garden overnite ~ just sayin’
              Sorry you’ve had even more work dumped on your plate, time for a raise maybe??

              Cyn, when did you develop the SOB? After you had Covid or after the vaccines? I think we’re going to be hearing a lot more about side effects in the near future. 300M shots administered in 150 days so far, lots more to go to get this country up to speed. My 12 yr old grandson has gotten his, hopefully the 10 yr olds will be eligible soon.
              I think you may eventually be ready for another pet companion, I know I would love to have another. I really miss having a big dog around for a lot of reasons. You take care :hug;

              Pauly, sorry about your troubles. They always say the bigger the kid the bigger the problems, I get that. We are here for you if you need us, take care!

              Mick, hope you are enjoying the football match tonight!
              I’m on my deck waiting for the usual evening wildlife show, haha! We have no shortage of deer, groundhogs, bunnies, birds, etc.

              Hello to Det, Sam & Pie!

              Have a good evening all!

              Last edited by Lavande; June 18, 2021, 07:32 PM.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 13 June

                MAE ALL...

                TG...looks like I will get some weekend time off as the program I need to use is scheduled for maintenance and will be down. :yay: I think you're wise on waiting to get another dog, there's plenty of time for that to happen.

                Pauly...thanks for checking in and sorry you're dealing with family issues. I hear you about being alone with your thoughts but remember you're never alone with us. :hug:

                Mick...I'll go with tant! LOL Laptop making some very suspicious noises again, just hoping it doesn't crash. That would kinda be the icing on the cake. I love the Calculate your next your next destination, may have to repost that.

                Lav...saw the heat wave covering your area on the news tonight and thought of you. Hope you BP reading improve as well. German Shepherds would be a good idea except I've been trying to keep people from bringing their dogs to the garden for awhile now. LOL

                We're having a heap of perogies for dinner tonight so must get at it.

                Thinking of everyone else. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                  Re: 13 June

                  Mae all,

                  Pauly, sending love - really good to hear from you, even if it is hard times... we are here for you.. big hugs

                  PPQ, happy weekend!

                  Lav, the fruit seems to be racing through summer... glad you are not getting the Midwest and west heat waves... BP okay?

                  Mick, hope the soccer match turned out how you had hoped...

                  Wishing all a good Saturday...


                    Re: 13 June

                    mae all how are we then? hope all is turned out to be a nil nil draw.....lovely sunny day here today again ..we have been promised thunderstorms all week and as yet nothing .I have felt absolutely rubbish for the last few days ,runny nose ,watery eyes and that ever present clearing cough ...and on top of that tired and dozy much so that last night I ordered a covid test kit ,it came this morning so done the test and sent it back ...but I've been taking hay fever tablets ,one of the contents makes you drowsy nauseous sore throat runny eyes and listless ..jeez!so I never had one today and feel absolutely tons better ..and thats one crappy tablet a day caused that .!

                    hiyapauly hope the weekend is better ..thinking of you .

                    hiya teegee how are you today then? hope things are moving in the right direction for you.are you doing anything over the weekend?

                    hiya ppqp..hows you then ?all good? hows the computer?not introduced it to the new version of windows yet? Windows thrown through...Now why would you want German Shepherds at a community centre in Canada..the sheep no sprechen die deutsch..and on that note .........

                    hiya Lav ...hows you then?hows the blood pressure doing?any change?did you get the wildlife show?...take care ..

                    big shout to everyone .

                    My wife asked me to put olive oil on the shopping list.

                    Now it's all fcking soggy.

                    An Englishman, a Scottish man and an Australian walk into a bar.
                    The Englishman says, "Excuse me landlord, a pint of your best bitter please."
                    The Scottish man says, "And a wee dram for me please."
                    And the Austrailian says," I'll have a schooner of the old amber nectar".
                    The landlord laughs," Ha!, how do you think it was I'd know what you were going to order as soon as you walked in the door?"
                    The Englishman says, "Because we're your only fcking regulars, Paddy. We come in every lunchtime."

                    I asked the wife to buy me some lighter gas. She came back with helium
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 13 June

                      Greetings friends,

                      Hot & humid just as promised today & even had a brief rain shower this afternoon that improved absolutely nothing, haha!
                      The B/P reading i am concerned with is the evening one - 9-10 pm. It was slightly better last night, hope to see the same tonight.

                      PQ, when you are having a heap of pierogie for dinner you have to add a side of kapusta - yum
                      I see on of Joe Biden’s shepherds died yesterday, sad. I’ve had two of them over the years, great dogs & the best watch dogs ever!

                      Cyn, yeah our 2+ acre fruit bowl just keeps going. Blueberries are ripening now, so are the raspberries. We try. To share as much as possible & freeze what we can’t consume.
                      Hoping you have some good ‘me’ time this weekend :hug)

                      Mick, the pollens & allergens persist. I’m sick of them too, we just have to wait it out I guess.
                      I’m 99% sure you’re dealing with allergy symptoms but will keep my fingers crossed for a negative test for you. Take it easy this weekend

                      Pauly, thinking about you friend!

                      Hello to Det, Sam & Pie, wherever you are.

                      Have a decent night all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: 13 June

                        MAE ALL...

                        TG...hope you're having a peaceful weekend. I know I am, absolutely no work involved!

               forgot your coat on the way out. LOL I think I'd rather put up with the hay fever allergies as opposed to all the side effects of the cure. With feeling better after not taking one I'm sure that's what you were reacting to and not covid. Fingers crossed anyways. Computer has quieted down so once I again I'm in "out of sight, out of mind" mode. One of these days it's going to just pack it in and will be my cue to retire. LOL

              's been a cool, overcast and rainy day and I loved it. Kapusta, had to look it up but YES! Love cabbage, sauerkraut and mushrooms. Will be trying that out next. Hope the B/P reading tonight is even better.

                        Thinking of the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: 13 June

                          Mae all -

                          Busy work weekend for me, but I also did a lot of walking on the beautiful trail up above the lakeshore, so moved around a bit also...

                          Lav, all these symptoms have been since I had my mild case over a year ago. I lost my other oximeter on my travels, so got a new one that is fancier... shows the heartbeat. My o2is always around 93, never higher than 95, so I'm going to watch that. How's your BP? I saw an article on the heart issues with the vaccine... and did you hear that the amount of antiviral in the Moderna was 100-somethings, as opposed to around 30 -somethings for Pfizer? We got a big dose!! Love to think about all your fruits coming in... sounds delish.

                          Mick, I sure hope you are okay, and that it is the annoying allergies... green microscopic pine pollen is covering everything here... coated, gets into the car, etc. Not my favorite thing. Good luck to you...

                          PPQ, I love the sound of retirement for you - glad that you are thinking of it! Hoping the computer hangs in for the time being though.

                          Pauly, hoping things are straightening themselves out.... sending lots of support your way. (That was a hysterical video of the unicorn game...,)

                          Det, hoping all is well, and you got kudos today for being a good father-role model! You too Mick! How is Amy doing?

                          Hello to Pie and all others... happy Solstice...

