Greetings friends,
Has anyone seen the news about the collapse of a 12 story condo building near Miami? Search & rescue units have been working all day looking for at least 99 people. 3 have died, so far. How sad is that & for it to happen in the middle of the night, just awful.
I’m good, all set for tomorrow’s craft fair. Looks like the weather will be good, grateful for that. My ailing chicken seems to be holding her own, at least for now. She’s had one issue or another since she was just a chick. She’s very calm, let’s me pick her up & take outside for fresh air & a snack of fresh grass, apple, tomato, whatever. Who knows? I have been taking care of sick dogs & chickens non-stop for the past 20 years or so, that’s what I do

PQ, I hear you about getting tired so easily especially with outdoor activities. My a$$ will be dragging when we get home tomorrow night probably after 10 pm, haha!
I’ll bet you’re looking forward to a nice long vacation - good for you!!! You’re lucky to be able to take all that time off at once. The hospital never let us use all our vacation time & we ended up with a big fat paycheck at the end of the year. Once you got them to approve a week off then they tried over & over to get you to cancel it, geez.
Our heatwave will start on Monday, so I hear, yuck.
Mick, your next trip sounds nice. We had some really good fish & chips in Galway, Ireland, much better than anything we get here of course.
I was also awake darn near every hour last night. The full Strawberry moon is tonight then hopefully we can all resume normal sleep again, haha!
Cyn, how’s things with you?
Pauly, how about yuo?
Hello to the busy Det, Sam & Pie as well.
Have a nice night all. Not sure if I’ll be awake enough to post tomorrow night after. The craft fair, we’ll see.
Have a good night all.