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4th July

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    Re: 4th July

    MAE ALL...

    Just checking in...foot is improving, continuing my anti biotics for another week but at least I don't need IV. Got my second vaccine booked so that's off my mind. Other than that the boss is driving me crazy, but I'm getting there.

    Sorry for the short post. Supper is ready so gotta go. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 4th July

      ,Mae all -

      Det, so good to hear how you are doing...wonderful,news. Fingers and toes crossed for your big job to work out...

      Lav, good luck in the storm tonight... and so sorry to hear that you had the tooth problem. Glad you saw a really good person to deal with the root canal. Hope you have a bettter night tonight, despite the stor. Send you you best wishes for cooler air.

      Mick, love all the travel,stories, sounds so lovely... so funny, the sheep,that wanted to be the engine leader.

      PPQ, good luck with the boss. I'm so glad to hear that you have a date for your 2nd vaccine, and that the foot is getting better... hoping you get some good rest soon.

      Hello to Pauly - would love to have you catch up,with us here...! Also hi hi to Sam and all others,... hoping all is well...

      Working away here, have been dealing with a lot of sadness these days, but that's all part of it
      , I guess...
      wishing all well...


        Re: 4th July

        Hiya are we then ?nuvver got day today..and I've just got back From a 16k bimble..feeling weary..ended up at Muncaster Fell went via Muncaster Tarn...full of water lillies.



        Tomorrow is the miniature railway gala..then Sunday home

        Hiya Lav..How's the tooth? When I got my root fillings done same as you .. surprised...gone were the massive metal syringes etc..take care

        Hiya ppqp you ..glad you have got 2nd jab sorted out..take it easy with the foot

        Teegee hope you have had more than most so yes it is no surprise that you are sad at times. Big hugs from all of us take care

        Big shout to all
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 4th July

          Greetings friends,

          Feeling & looking much more human today, thank goodness. I slept an epic 10 hours last night!!! I haven’t done that in decades, no kidding. I got up to go to the bathroom once & took more ibuprofen then went right back to sleep haha! Most of the swelling is gone today, only a little left & nowhere near as painful as yesterday. Phew!!!

          PQ, so glad you have your 2nd shot scheduled. I hope it doesn’t give you any grief. Even with the side effects I’m still glad we got the vaccines. I’m on an antibiotic for a week now too - right there with you

          Cyn, I hope today was less sad for you :hug:
          We lucked out with the tropical storm. As it approached our tri-state area it took a right & headed to the coast of NJ, they got slammed pretty hard. All we got was a bit of rain & wind, no big deal. Having another thunderstorm right now. I know you’re working hard this summer but please take some time to rest yourself too.

          Mick, I love the water lilies. We had a very small pond at our previous house with several different water plants. They’re always so pretty. Sounds like you’re getting lots of exercise too, nice

          Det, keeping my fingers crossed for you! Keep up the great work.

          Pauly, c’mon & check in with us please.

          Hello to Sam & Pie.

          Have a good night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 4th July

            hiya all ...out today at a steam fair ...all old steam and traction I rode on 6 different miniature locos ..absolutely fantastic...Julie did it for my birthday ..overcast ,supposed to rain ...on the way home in the morning ..till the 23rd ..take care everyone x
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 4th July

              Greetings all & thanks for the pics of the locomotives today Mick
              Glad you are enjoying your vacation trip. Have a safe ride home!

              Sunshine & blue skies here today for the most part after yesterdays storms. I’m feeling mostly human, glad to report & have only grabbed the ibuprofen bottle once today. There’s just a little bit of swelling left, hardly noticeable, grateful for that! Wow, that was one harsh week that i hope to not repeat anytime soon. Looking for soft foods to eat i found this recipe & boy was it ever good
              Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff Mac and Cheese | Rabbit and Wolves
              Makes a lot so I have leftovers. Also sauteed a fresh local zucchini. Oh & of course pork chops for the huge meat eater in the house haha.

              Hello to all the regulars -PQ, Cyn & Det. Hello to Pauly, Sam & Pie. I hope everyone is doing well.

              That’s about it so I’ll wish everyone a nice night!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 4th July

                MAE ALL...was going to post (#%&)-9#()% yesterday but decided to just take a deep breath and wait. Program coordinator has been delayed getting back and she texted me around 2pm yesterday to say her and the boss have changed their minds on a certain procedure and wanted me to change things. I'd only spent 2 days getting the original procedure programmed and tested!!! The change they wanted isn't available so would mean spending the weekend doing a work around. And of course with the time difference there was no support available. Finally got a hold of the boss and said nope this isn't happening. Suggested a work around which puts the onus on me to manual manipulate the program for the next 3 weeks but that's better than wasting my weekend. Frig!!

                Lav...I'm glad the swelling is almost gone, what an ordeal. I have only ever had one root canal and it was a disaster, refuse to get another one. We have hit another heat wave so am staying put indoors.

                TG...sorry you're dealing with sadness, and it sucks that's it's all part of it, I know. :hug: I hope you can find some peace and get some rest soon.

                Mick...sounds like your birthday was a huge success and what a gal you have in Julie. Pics didn't come through on my FB so will check my phone. Safe travels home and I'm sure the Peskies will be happy to see you.

                Time to get this foot elevated again. Hope we all have a restful night.....:smile:PPQP

