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18th July

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    Re: 18th July

    another hot day today ...32 degrees far Ive eaten 4 ice lollies !took the rabbits down to rabbits ville....we are off in the morning ..still got to fill the van up ...the roads are pretty mobbed atm .this is where we are off to .

    Wold Farm Caravan and Camping Site - Wold Farm Caravan and Camping Site | campsites near Flamborough | campsites near Bridlington | Yorkshire Coast Glamping | Caravan sites near Bempton Cliffs | campsites near Filey | Flamborough camping | Camping near Flamboorugh | Yorkshire Coast

    hiya pauly you ok?hope so ..take it easy

    hiya ppqp are you apart from having a swell foot...?yep orf in the morning..madame said to me last night ..I dont mind when I retire if we sell one of the cars and get a smaller car which we can tow ..12 months ago I made same suggestion a resounding no ...the only difference this time it was prefixed by .."you know ...I was thinking .."anyways thats a take care of yourself .

    hiya lav hows you then ?good I is supposed to break but not to phased with that .hows things at the roost?all ok?Well Im on the last episode of homeland tonight ..the one wherethey accuse the president elects dead son of being a coward.Its a good series ..tho not too may episodes left now .have a great weekend

    hiya teegee ...hope you are ok today ..its ok to shed tear or six ...xx take care

    and to everyone else ...have a good weekend

    I have a serious drinking problem.

    My wallet is empty.

    Remember when you would get kicked out of a nightclub for experimenting with untested drugs?

    Now it is a prerequisite to get in.

    BBC NEWS - Liverpool stripped of World Heritage status.

    Not a nice feeling when someone takes something from you. Eh Scousers??

    Prince Harry said to release his memoirs in a nail-biting tell-all thriller.
    When asked how they felt about the upcoming revelations, Britian replied “We’d rather blow torch our own nipples off than wade through that tripe”.

    Top tip … two hits off a crackpipe will get you into outer space longer than Jeff Bezos’ rocket.
    Last edited by Mick; July 22, 2021, 10:24 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 18th July

      Greetings friends,

      It’s a pleasant 77 degrees, low humidity & I’m hanging out on the deck with the hummingbirds. I just refilled their feeders & they always seem to know
      The smoky air has moved out, grateful for that. Made a vegan tomato tart for dinner ~ yum

      Pauly, hope your day was a good one!

      PQ, good to be off the Abx but what’s the continued swelling all about? Time for some vascular studies I think. Can you get a compression stocking on that foot & leg to help relieve some of the swelling during the day. I’ve used them & they do help. Hope your day worked out well.

      Mick, that looks like such an interesting place to visit, good for you! I’m sure you guys will have a grand time hiking & observing!
      YB was just complaining this morning that he has 60+ thousand miles on his 4 year old truck. Now he wants to buy himself a car to give the truck a little rest, haha. He can buy whatever he wants to buy as long as he uses his personal funds to pay for it & insure it as well, haha! I’ll bet. You anything he ends up buying a new truck instead, just watch!

      Hello to Cyn, hope your day has been better today.

      Hello to Det, the busiest guy we know

      Sam, Pie & anyone else looking in, hello.

      Have a nice night all!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 18th July

        Mae everybody, Mick ,my daughter Lb (the one who moved back from Portland) has the fantasy of buying an RV and just living in it and traveling haha,I don't know how reasonable that idea is,I'd feel like she was homeless or something, her MIL is STILL staying with them in their 1 bedroom Casita so maybe she just wishes she could get away from her,lady needs to figure something out, she talks like she's soooooo broke and can't find a house yet talks about opening a new business so obviously she has some money,PQ,I'm sorry the swelling is still going on,scary hope they figure it out, Lav,I did have a good day yesterday, Kell had a test in the afternoon so I had the boys for a bit,Romeo had surgery last week to remove his top front teeth, something about jaundice as a newborn made his teeth weak and soft and the dentist said it could effect his grown teeth so now he has that cute toothless smile like a 6 year old when they lose their teeth haha,Cyn,I seen Lake Tahoe has another fire? Or Is it old footage? Was just on the news,hope you're good,much love and wishes for a great BF Fryday!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: 18th July

          Hello all - still chugging away here... musicians and dancers will rehearse today for their performance tomorrow night. I am overseeing a party tomorrow after their performance, then will drive to Napa and back on Sunday. More about that later...

          Sending everyone good weather - especially you Mick! Safe travels, and say hello to the puffins for us...


            Re: 18th July

            Just posted, but I don’t see it here (on my phone..,)

            Wishing all well today! I am going into a big weekend... will catch up when I can.

            Safe travels, Mick -


              Re: 18th July

              Hiya all how are we then?all OK I hope. I'm at the site now.. can got here OK but I'll definitely have to get that battery terminal sorted out .went for walk along the cliff edge.saw some puffins. First time julie has seen them in the wild.sent you all some pics individually if they don't turn out or you don't want them just yell no offence taken. I'm doing this on my phone hence short and sweet . Take care all of you x
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: 18th July

                Good evening friends,

                Mick, loved the pictures, thanks so much. Have a great time with those cute birds

                Cyn, you sound busy. Hope everything is going OK. Take care of yourself :hug:

                Pauly, I never heard of that tooth issue but who knows? I hope Romeo is OK & can figure out how to eat without his biting teeth. It’s going to be a while before his permanent teeth grow in, poor kid. Kids are usually pretty resourceful though. Sounds like the MIL needs a boot to her behind, geez. Why would anyone do that to a young couple is beyond me, sad. Is she at least paying part of the rent or contributing to overall expenses? Hope your weekend is good!

                PQ, how’s your foot today? Any improvement? I really would look into compression stockings, they help a lot. Hope your weekend is good too!

                Det, loved your rodeo pictures! I can honestly say I have never been to one!

                Not much going on here.
                Have a good night everyone!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 18th July

                  MAE ALL...

                  Mick...glad you hydrated with ice lollies before heading out on your adventure. LOL Do the Peskies get preferential pricing with frequent bookings? Things are going good, gently easing myself back into office work. As far as Madam's suggestion of getting a smaller car that could be towed I hope your answer was, great idea! LOL The site looks great and the pics were incredible. Hope you have a great time.

         refilling the hummingbirds feeder makes me think of my sister. She sure had a strict routine and rules. Would drive her husband crazy. LOL The foot is much improved with little swelling. I've been diligent in keeping it elevated or at least the leg extended. With going into the office this week and being active I've also noticed a big difference. I'm going to go the tension bandage for now as I had a painful experience with compression stockings, probably the wrong compression strength but still leery of them. I am being very diligent in monitoring any changes and am booking my annual physical for September. Will keep on top of it.

                  Pauly...I have seen lots of people who have done exactly what Lb is thinking of. Some successful, some not. She should Google it and have a look. Her MIL is another issue all together. LOL I figure if there's still swelling in my leg after my physical the Doc will send me for further investigation, at least the infection is gone. I also had my son's top front teeth removed because they were weak and soft. It was due to the fact that I would put him to bed with a bottle of apple juice because I was going through a hellish divorce, looking after my other toddler and had to actually sleep at night. Lesson learned but didn't have any more kids.

                  TG...rehearsals today, and performance tomorrow :yay: the end is in sight. Got me curious about your quick trip to Napa tomorrow. Safe travels to you.

                  With all the smoke in the city from the BC wildfires some tennis lessons had to be cancelled with make up classes this weekend. That is definitely on the prog coord as I am not turning on my work computer this weekend. My son has been gardening out at his property in Strathmore and has rented plots to others. We're going to do a road trip to check it all out. First time he's asked me to so looking forward to it.

                  Shout out to the gang....have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                    Re: 18th July

                    Mae all -

                    PPQ, actually this is just the beginning of 3+ weeks of total chaos and 18 hour days... but by August 16th, this season will be done and dusted... really looking forward to that. So please pardon me of I am not on as often as usual for the next weeks...

                    Mick, will go have a look at your pics... they must be wonderful. PPQ, good luck,with the foot, Lav, good luck,with the weather! Say hello,to your him,ingbirds for me, I miss them, Pauly, so great to hear from you - hoping that the MIL moves it along soon..., Det, best of luck, I hope business is picking up,for you.

                    Okay all, I'm off to do my 4th shift of the day, then will nod off. Sending all love ---


                      Re: 18th July

                      Mae everybody, Mick loved the pics Lav,hah she just told them last night she needs to be put on the lease so she has proof of residence to open a bank account here,she's got balls and I'm afraid it's gonna backfire on Lb and her bf,that little house is made for a couple not a trio and tbh if I were the owner I'd be irritated, the house sits right behind the owner ers house so they see everything that goes on,I don't know why she didn't stay in Portland with her other son and his wife and destroy their happiness instead haha! Seems thats where she wanted to be anyways since she bitches about Vegas so much,meh I'm staying out of it.PQ,his teeth looked bad from the moment they came in so I'm sure there's some truth to what the dentist said but could be the milk they gave him in his bottles when he was little, he dropped the bottle pretty early tho so who knows,just thinking my mom let one of my brothers drink a bottle til his was 4! He'd probably still e using it if me and my other brother hadn't broke him off it haha,Cyn,waves to you friend,hope everyone has a great BF day!
                      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                        Re: 18th July

                        hiya all how are we today then? I ve just got back ..we went to Flamborough head (lighthouse)where yep ..saw another puffin and a colony of seals .then went on a boat cruise ..and yep I burnt my napper was over cast but ......sent some pics to yizall..hope we are doing ok.
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: 18th July

                          Greetings Abbers,

                          Mick, where was your hat????
                          Thanks for the pics, they were great. Keep on having a good time

                          PQ, glad to hear your leg is improving.
                          I want you to know I have an agreement with the hummingbirds. I keep their feeders filled & they show up every evening & put on a free show haha!!
                          Take the weekend off lady & enjoy yourself

                          Cyn, August 16 can’t come soon enough, right? So much work goes into the preparation. I hope people appreciate that! Get lots of rest & don’t wear yourself out. Today was real nice but tomorrow the heat & humidity return, oh well.

                          Pauly, that woman sounds really obnoxious. Why would anyone do something like that. I imagine he son back in Portland is rejoicing that she’s moved out of his place.
                          I’ve always been a bit of a tyrant where it comes to kids & brushing their teeth. You can’t start. Them too young, that’s for sure! I told my kids the dog chewed up their bottles & that was the end of that, haha.
                          I heard last night that my SIL will be in Vegas the first week of August for an IT conference. He doesn’t drink & I can’t imagine him gambling, Lol

                          Hello to Det, Sam & Pie.
                          Have a good night all!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

