Evening greetings friends,
Better day, no wicked storms to deal with, thank goodness. We have been blessed with honest to God cool weather. It’s 70 degrees now, down in the 50’s at night - woo hoo!!!!! Mostly the awful humidity is GONE, haha! Never left the premises today, just putzed around. Made a batch of granola this afternoon too

PQ, the NWS designated our tornado as an EF-2 with 115 mph winds!! No wonder there was so much destruction where it touched down. I don’t want to see another one of those, that’s for sure.
If the boss is being ‘nice’ because he wants you to pick up more work - the answer is NO!
Mick, sorry about the back issues continuing. My daughter is still home resting hers as well. Takes time to get full relief.
This is Labor Day weekend, a 3 day weekend that means absolutely nothing to me anymore haha! We’re being advised to avoid gatherings because the Delta variant is sickening so many people. And still there’s a huge number of people refusing the vaccines, dumbasses

Hello to Cyn, hope you are OK & on your way home :hug:
Pauly, Det, Sam & Pie, thinking of all of you too.
Have a nice night all!