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Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

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    Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

    Breez, well done to half a year AF! What a feat - No wonder you always sound so breezy in your posts! How are you feeling about the future, compared to when you first quit alcohol?

    Day 18 for me today and I'm feeling fabulous darlings! I am going to be flat chat with work until early August. I'm going to need this holiday to Europe! I have had 5 new clients in the past 3 weeks... and 4/5 of them are really big ones! Mick sat up with me til midnight last night helping me get through a bulk of work... what a man! so I pulled another 12 hour day yesterday. I'm not used to working this hard :H but also looking forward to getting on top of it all and feeling back in control. Too much at the moment! I'll be hiring a part time assistant in a few weeks time... I really need one now but don't have the time to train up properly.

    So busy that I have to do internet grocery shopping, and our new cleaning woman isn't working out.

    I had a brief passing thought of a glass of wine last night but I recognised it for what it was and it passed by.

    Better get back to work! Big hug for you Breez. You must be feeling pretty damn good, and so you should!

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

    Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

    1/2 year AF!!! That is something else. You are a HUGE inspiration to me Breezy!!! Congratulations...
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

      wowsers Breeze!!!!!! happy day to you.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

        Breeze Wow, if I can do 1/2 year like your even I will eat the SPAM. You Rock!. for those of you who know I'm crazy check out the recipe thread.

        Here's to another half Breez.

        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


          Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

          Congrats, Breeze!!!!



            Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

            Great Job Breez, we love u.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

              Fantabulous! Congratulations, Breezey!
              "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                6 months is great well done!
                Day 5 for me here( or 11 if I just miss out lapse on saturday).
                I survived evening without drinking with my friends but sadly caved in to cigarettes.
                Have e mailed for support from an org over here in UK, i really want to quit.I think i feel deprived and like i won't fit in.its like i stick out by not drinking and aren't prepared to stand out anymore, scared about not fitting in I'm 34!!! - words of wisdom greatly appreciated.
                I feel stuck and like i can't do it. I spat out some nicotine gum before my first cig - Ismoke 2-3 nights a week usually when pissed but is social for me I can smoke 20 a night so is a lot a week. 'm running and losing weight too and it doesn't fit, it's tied up with identity I eel stuck etween new healhty life and old life and I'm ed of losing people- I knowt's my life but....aaarggh!!
                one day at a time


                  Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                  A big congratulations to you Breeze on your 6 months AF..

                  Oh bear, You're right it is your life and only you can do something about it.. These thoughts you are having about drinking and smoking, that is all they are just thoughts, you don't have to act on them.. I'm sure your friends don't like you because you smoke and drink with them, they like you for what you are.. As you say, you really want to quit but you feel deprived and you think you won't fit in, again just thoughts, come on, you CAN do this, you know you can..

                  Good luck, Louise xxx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                    well done breez i hope i can say that 2 myself soon, good goin, scooby, shame im in england, cos im one of the best cleaners in our town, im a right proper scrubber lol!!
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!


                      Fantastic achievement Breez -Well done!!!

                      Think the difference giving up the booze has made to you and your family shines through in your posts. You come across as so happy and free. Am thrilled for you.

                      Starlight Impress


                        Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                        I'm gonna start smoking!

                        Congrats Breezy on reaching 6 months. you need never go back now!
                        hey, Bear...i'm considering starting the smokes up again..I can't bear ( pardon the pun) not having an addiction!! i tried chocolate but my face broke out and i'm too vain to be doing with that!
                        Any suggestions? I make a mean virgin cranberry juice but it just ain't cuttin it with the crew!!!!
                        Jane :H
                        Jane :heart:


                          Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                          :thumbs: Well done Breez!!!

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                            Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                            Morning & thank you all!

                            Happy first day of summer!

                            Wow-6 months. Who would of thought. The most I ever did was 3 months on my own & 10 months while pregnant. It really comes down to wanting to change your life for the better, keeping that positive mindset, and determination. Now that it's summer and having 6 months under my belt that thought of having a drink floats around in my head-but I don't want to. I want to see 1 yr. AF. Why spoil a good thing?

                            Double UUUGGHHH! You know how my beautiful gazing ball was stolen the other day ....WELL...I walked to the side of my house to weed & low & behold, right next to St. Francis statue behind my bush-MY OTHER GAZING BALL GOT STOLEN! Not only did they take the one from the front of the house but took their butts over to the side of the house (which is not lit so they had to have taken a flashlight) and stole a bluish purple one as well.:upset: The audacity! How rude. Hubby said it has to be someone from around here because driving by you don't notice the one on side of house unless you are a frequent walker or some pranksters.

                            Scoobs-I'd love to help hun but I hate cleaning as it is. A little suffering and you'll be on top of things in no time.

                            Melissa-Spam no~deviled ham yes. Don't like square processed pork. Round pork processed meat yes.:H

                            bear- You're bettering your health & yourself. You go first. Just like Louise said-thoughts. You make your thoughts. Congrats on "surviving" a night with them. As you keep doing it-it gets easier.

                            jane-:H I need a new addiction. Too funny. I started to eat (I never ate when I drank-either forgot or passed out). Now I've gained weight so I'm trying to change my addiction to exercise-but it's soooo much work{whinning}.

                            Bless you all! Kitty, Jane, Star, Rachel, Louise, bear, sujul, SK, Julie , Melissa, Deter, Lushy & my thoughtful Scoobs-thank you. Monthly Abs always makes my day better! Together we can do it! Love ya guys!
                            Have a Great Day. Attached files [img]/converted_files/270211=1150-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                              Thursday 21st June - Congratulations Breez!

                              Congratulations Breez!

