Hidy Ho ABerooooodles!!
jeepers, what a few days it's been in garlic-land. my PA job got postponed yet again which is just killing me as I've cancelled work to make time for it. waaaaa!
And I spent the whole morning working on the stupid car and replacing the overly-complicated battery, but she's running again so I've succeeded.
Tree, girly seems to be doing a bit better again and even showing signs of gratitude which is great. Yep, back in school and even though it's a large school they don't require maks
and have had zero covid cases or bad illnesses which is great.
Jeepers, I was mostly packed and ready to blast, so getting back into the realization that this work trip is probably doomed is something I'm still digesting. At least i have meditation/recovery class
tonight so I'm sure that will help, as it always does.
Mick, new vinyl? that's pretty darn groovy. There must be something wrong with me as I never listen to music...like... never. It's always just annoyed me for some reason. And you don't want to see me try
to dance

PPQ, I'm looking forward to winter also. we got a cold-front the last couple of days and it was so nice.
Lav, did you get that bread recipe dialed-in?
Pauly, hows crazy-town treating you?
off to learn some new software tricks....
be well loves!