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26 September
26 September
Hiya all welcome to the start of a new week. Hope all is well. Been overcast and warm today cleaned the van off ..just finished it and a bird decided to show it's approval. Still massive queues at the fuel stations today. Apart from that been a really quiet since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: 26 September
Mick...thanks for kicking us off again this week. The bird was just christening the new wheels! LOL I did do a little bit of work yesterday when I realized I hadn't included the "legal covid clause" in the rental agreements. So redid them and sent them out so we're good to go tomorrow. Gorgeous day today so I've been out walking through the fallen leaves and now am watching some of my taped season premieres. Keep thinking the bathroom could use a good cleaning but it can wait. LOL
T-5 starting tomorrow. Hoping everyone's had a good weekend....:smile:PPQP
Re: 26 September
Sunday evening greetings to all.
We had another beautiful, just perfect day here. My grandson accompanied me on my walk this morning without any complaints - miracle, haha! He was finally picked up around 4 pm by his mother-owner, Lol
Mick, it’s fun keeping a new vehicle clean until it isn’t haha. My car is so dusty right now it isn’t even funny. The minute I wash it it gets covered with dirt & dust from all these farms around here.
Glad your weekend has been quiet & pleasant.
PQ, It’s so nice to walk when the weather is pleasant. The summer was so awfully hot I just couldn’t deal with it so I didn’t go.
How come you’re doing work on the weekend??? Stop that haha!!
Cyn, hope you are doing well.
Same to Pauly, Det, Sam & Pie.
Have a nice night all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 26 September
Mae all,
Good to hear of the good weather and nice walks. I took a couple of stops on my way home today from Napa, and walked some each time, so I am feeling better after this trip than last weekend. Lav, no lines in the west for Walmart... I stopped on the way back and got a nice back support, fancy tire pressure gauge with ability to inflate tires, and an aerosol "fix tire" thing. Trying to be prepared. I always take a break after each 2 hour stint, and never go below a half a tank of gas, but I am preparing myself to be extra-vigilant about getting gas on the way east... sounds like it might be harder to find as I go.
Mick, sounds like the van is all set - do you have a destination in mind for the next stop? Kudos to Bonnie, whatever she did.
PPQ, glad you knocked out what you had to... good luck with the coming week...
Det, hope all is well in Dets-ville, and that you scored some gigs to make up for the other one...
Pauly, it would be great for you to give a quick update... I am hopeless at social media right now!
Wishing all a great week - will let you know how things are shaking out...
Cheers -
Re: 26 September
Mae everybody, not much going on here with ne which is good,no news is good news these daysMick never fails with the birds,I switched Brady parking spots in the driveway cuz the birds kept shitting on my suv and really stood out and it was embarrassing when making deliveries so we switched and of course they NEVER shit on his truck! They must just take their revenge out on me haha,Lav glad you got to enjoy a walk with your grandson
Cyn,I haven't really been on fb or insta lately just here and there as well,there's still alot of my peeps on their whining about stuff I don't care about so I avoid for the most part,PQ,sounds like things are going OK for you,that's good wishes for a great BF Monday(feels like a Monday fo sho)
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 26 September
hiya all how are we today then? pouring down with rain here,just been out to the shops ,still massive queues at the pumps ..what is crap is the rip offs with fuel..the usual price is about £1.24 perl litre petrol and diesel £1.27Prices in some places have been hiked up to £1.39 for the former ,£1.48 for the latter.its crazy and all you get from the govt is dont panic ..what the fk does that mean ...of course people will d o it ..thats human nature ..
hiyapauly ,great to see you again ,hows life treating you?hope all is well with you.sounds like the birds in your place are the same as ours the biz anywhere!!take care and have a good one .
tee gee bluette is getting some treatment and new pressies .I hate those tyre inflators ,I always buy a spare wheel ,even a low profile spare .Best of luck with your trip.We are off to Wales ...Bron y wendon near Colwyn Bay. Hopefully the weather will hold you take care .
hiya are you then?hope all is well. Why do tomorrow what can be left till tomorrow .has the boss finally gone?
hiya Lav ,how are you then?all good hopefully..that is apart from being eaten out of house and home. Take care and have a good day .
hiya det ..hope all is well
take care folks .af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 26 September
Monday evening greetings,
Another nice day here but it looks like Mick’s rain will be making an appearance tomorrow.
I convection roasted some turkey tenderloins today so we have something to eat this week. I think another pot of soup will be in the makings this week too
Cyn, I have one of those tire inflators in my car too but haven’t needed it yet. It does give you a little peace of mind though.
Glad to hear you’re getting a little walking in as well. You’ll be in good shape for your long ride home, nice.
Mick, I filled my gas tank today & noticed the cost was up about 30 cents/gallon since my last fill up. They get you coming & going I swear. The post office has announced they are planning even slower deliveries than what we have now & the cost of stamps is going up again. Supposedly they have bee operating in the red - whose fault is that? Not ours!!
Pauly, good to see you. What’s keeping you busy lately? Watching kids? I’m still getting pulled back into that once in a while, haha!
I’ve gotten a few messages this summer from SK. I’m a little confused about her current situation but she’s recovering from a stroke I believe & not driving, using ride share services, etc.
Hello to Det who is probably busy doing something interesting
Hello to Sam & Pie too.
Have a nice night all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 26 September
Lav...nice that your grandson went with you on your walk yesterday. What, he didn't stay for supper? LOL OK, the only reason I did the work on the weekend is I really wanted to get this one group set up for their Tuesday class. If she could get everything back to me on Sunday I could get the boss to sign off on it today. Which I accomplished. It's supposed to be cooler tomorrow with possible rain so it's good timing for them to come back in the building.
TG...sounds like you've got everything in order for your trip. Will definitely have to practice my deep breathing this week. You can just see the frustration levels growing with everyone. You let us know when you head out so we can all keep an eye on you.
Pauly...always good to see you post. Glad everything is same old and there's no drama in your life.
Mick...your gas woes was on the new this evening. If it's not one thing it's another. There was a reason for doing tomorrow's work yesterday as I explained to Lav. I'm glad I did, this group has been with us for 25 years and I really didn't want her going somewhere else. I've already lost one long term group. Boss is in all week. He asked the accountant for his 3 week vacation pay and I thought she was going to loose it. Our fiscal year started Sep 1st and she didn't think he deserved it. LOL
Time to turn the old brain off and play some mindless computer gangs. Hope we all have a good night....:smile:PPQP
Re: 26 September
and good afternoon all how are we today then?hope all is well with everyone .Raining here today, and the fuel queues are crazy again .They have put the army on standby to drive tankers, most of this being caused by the media and stupid remarks by politicians .
hiya are you then?all good? well done on getting your stuff done on time .yes and well done you getting that group into your programme.Is your weather bad ? its pretty wet here ...
hiya Lav how are you then? this your practice run for thanksgiving?toikey everything .we went through that with thepost office was nationalised ,then they put it out to individual contracts...and it went wrong now they are relooking at nationalising them take care of yourself
hello evereyone else ,hope you are all doing good .af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 26 September
Mae all -
Busy days here getting ready to leave Tahoe... thank goodness. I will be returning most of that tire (tyre) stuff I bought, as I found out yesterday when I had the oil changed and the car checked out (all good!) that I need a new set of tires. So down to Reno I go today for that. So happy that I have held onto the "extra" money from the purchase of the car... I have bought an Extended Warranty policy for a year, covering major things like engine, etc., and now the extra money will pay for tires. So I should truly be good to go. (And yes Ted, I have a spare tire, but thx for the reminder... I will have them check it to see if it is viable and filled with air.)
So, just continually packing, donating and mailing things off to people. I keep wondering how, (even though I have embraced a minimalist life)
I still have stuff to deal with. Ah well, I guess it is like peeling the layers of an onion... there always seems to be another layer!
Lav, I love the food ideas, fall is in the air. Mick, mmmm Wales. I am reading du Maurier's "Rebecca" right now, so my mind is in Cornwall, but Wales sounds wonderful as well. Pauly, so great to hear from you! Glad to know that you are there, keeping on... thx for dropping in! PPQ, good luck with keeping your sanity in this transition! Det, hoping all is well, and the gifs are filling in. Greetings to all else. Wishing good vibes for us all...
Re: 26 September
Good evening friends,
We only had a quick shower this morning & it’s been sunny & nice since. Cold front moving in tonight - so they say. I took the extra fans out of the chicken house so they don’t freeze overnight haha.
I turned the leftover turkey into a casserole so there’s several meals to keep us fed this week. I told Mick that YB put his just paid off tractor up for sale on Marketplace yesterday & it sold within a few hours. A young guy came all the way down from norther NJ with his truck & 21 ft trailer, loaded it up & hauled it away a few hours ago. He said the tractor will have a lot of work to do on his farm
PQ, that was thoughtful of you to take care of your old client that way. I hope they appreciate you! I’m not sure if this cold front is coming from your part of the world butit’s supposed to go down in the 40’s at night this week. Better for sleeping i say LOL
Mick, the news media does no one any favors these days. They did the same thing here when there was a computer hack at the processing plants a few month ago. They drove everyone into a frenzy, completely unnecessary. How frustrating! Stay dry over there, I’ll send some sun.
Cyn, new tires, great idea to make your trip safer & more comfortable. I think we’re all guilty of collecting too much stuff, haha! You notice it more because you’re moving around a lot.
I haven’t decided on the next pot of soup yet but I will especially if it’s feeling cooler. I have an appointment for an echocardiogram tomorrow afternoon. Looking for possible structural changes that may be affecting my B/P. Gosh, it could be anything i guess but I’m trying to stay positive.
Hello to Pauly, Det, Sam & PIe. Hope everyone is doing well.
Have a nice night all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 26 September
Very frustrating day at work. Prog Coord showed up at 10:30 and the boss rolled in around 11:30. I guess they don't have to tell anyone where they are or when they'll be in. Other than a 2+ hour meeting with the prog coord he's said nothing to anyone else. The accountant did say he told her he had a meeting with the board over the weekend to toss around some ideas. One being he would continue to approve payroll. WTF! If he's gone than be done with him. The account prepared his ROE so if he does continue to do payroll it would be on a contract bases. A lot of deep breathing today.
Mick...the weather has been really nice. Still sitting around 64F and supposed to continue well into next week. Saw some pictures of the lineups at the gas stations on the news tonight. Yup, I agree with you on the media and stupid politician remarks.
TG...I used to carry around an air compressor because on of my tires had a slow leak. Last fall bought new tires and it was the best thing I did. No more worries and winter was a breeze. I'm glad you're returning the tire stuff, you're much better off.
Lav...glad you're looking after Stella and no I'm not sending down the cold front. LOL The client had her class in the hall today and yes she is very appreciative. She announced that I was the one who has been working hard to get them back in. I'm telling you at this point I don't care what happens I just want it to over. Good luck at the echocardiogram tomorrow.
Brought home a couple of books from the Little Free Library so I'm looking forward to tucking myself in early tonight.
Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 26 September
hiuya all are we then today ? all good I hope .really windy here today ,and raining ..this morning I stripped the cooker down wasnt working and in my mind needed a clean too cleaned and fixed .Then up in the loft ,cleaning the railway tracks ,and trying out the locos ..seems ages since I did that .Id actually forgotten some of the codings for the locos!!
hiya teegee ,best of luck with your travels ,glad you have a spare tyre, those puncture fixes are ok ,but no good if you hit and split the tyre.I love Cornwall too,Ive been there so many times ..I went to Jamaica inn was actually quite disappointing .stay safe on your journey
hiya Lav how are you today?how did you get on with the ECG?It is getting cold over here too ...the rabbits had their first hot water bottle last night .we await with bated breath what YBs next necessity will be ...says me !ha ha take care and thanks for the sunshine !
hiya ppqp...soundss like your boss and the co ordinator are both richard craniums .dont waste your breath or energy on them .what are the books you got? enjoy them .
hiya everyone else hope all is well.
I came into some money and bought a petrol tanker and drove it to the petrol station. The massive queues of drivers were so friendly and let me go to the front of the queue.
Such a shame there was no petrol left after Id finished filling it up.
Jeremy Clarkson to host a new show merging Millionaire with Top Gear.
Who wants to win a tank of Petrol.
From October, 1st new regulations will change driving lessons to include orderly queuing at petrol stations and forecourt self defence techniques.
I strolled past a queue of cars with my petrol lawnmower to fill it up and was accused of cutting in line.
I was in morrisons earlier and I saw a stressed looking bloke buying 4 cases of San Miguel, 5 paella ready meals and 6 chorizo sausages. I thought to myself.....
'Hispanic buyingLast edited by Mick; September 29, 2021, 03:23 since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 26 September
Hey friends,
Nice day here, sun & all
The Echo went well & the tech who did the ultrasound used to work at the same hospital I did, haha! I have to wait a few weeks to see the cardiologist again for results but the tech said ‘don’t worry about this, OK?’ So I take that as a good sign. I’m taking advantage of the nice days & getting lots of walking done, housework not so much haha!
PQ, for quite a long time I’ve had the feeling your boss & The coordinator have ‘something’ going on behind the scenes….could that be a possibility or just my imagination?? Sounds like both of them need to move on & out. Well our weather lady said we’re getting a cold front from Canada so maybe you should talk to her, Lol Hope you enjoy your books!
Cyn, thinking of you :hug:
Hellos going out to Det, Pauly, Sam & Pie.
Mick, can I hire you to clean a few things around here? I wish I had your energy & interest in doing stuff like that.
It does seem like a long time since you talked about your trains, seasonal I guess. I’m going to close windows in the chicken house tonight, getting chilly at night!
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 26 September
Good news, boss not contracting to do payroll. :yay: He's spent the last two days talking to staff individually and handing out their responsibilities. My turn tomorrow so I'll let you know how that goes.'ve got way too much energy, you should share. LOL It has been ages since you've been up in the loft, I'm sure it all came back to you. Yup, that would be the title I would give them. She sure has been sucking up to me since her meeting with the boss yesterday. Wonder what that's all about. Just picked up some more murder mysteries. My usual authors Coulter, P.D. James, Baldacci. My sleeping has been so hit and miss I don't want to be without reading material.
Lav...small world, glad the echo went well. Even if the techs aren't allowed to say anything I'm sure the comment gave you some relief. I've had the same feeling about the two of them but I don't think it's possible. I've met his wife and kids and I'm sure they have a solid relationship. Did want to float the rumor around though. Your weather lady must have been talking about another Canada. LOL travels and we'll be thinking of you.
Hello to Det, Pauly, Sam & Pie. Hope we all have a good night....:smile:PPQP