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17 October
Re: 17 October
Mae all -
Once again, sorry to be out of touch... I just read back on the last group of posts, and see that all are keeping on. I have settled in to stay with an organizing client of mine - I'm doing some work for another client up here, and also did a good deal of paper downsizing in the storage unit - just in time for the last Bank Shredding event of the season, so that was a bonus. Despite the chance to be with dear familiar people, I am a little depressed... mostly a grief "halo" that follows me around... I see places where Joel and I were together, I see all the places I took the dogs (we had 2 then)... etc. Maybe that's why my birthplace of NE seems a safer place to settle - not many grown-up memories... I left for college and never returned there to live. And then there is my brother and SIL and niece and 3 grand-nieces... so trying to prepare to have the locker contents shipped to NE, even before choosing an apartment. Who knows what will finally work out...
Mick, hope the dental work was okay... and hope you had a good hot water bottle waiting for you after getting drenched detecting! But congrats on the haul of coins - very impressive!!!
Lav, glad to hear that the "girls" habitat is all clean and tidy. How is your walking going? My client/friend told me an interesting story - right after her 2nd Moderna shot, she had heart issues: a-fib and some other issue (can't remember now) that got her into the ER... end of story, it's all being controlled by meds, she feels fine now, but it was a very scary situation for while. Gracious! Good luck with your regimen. PS - Did you do the craft Faire already? I hope it was successful...
PPQ, it sounds like things are gettting sorted at your work place... good luck, and I hope whoever the new boss is ends up learning everything from you! Glad you have a little late warmth to enjoy outside.
Det and Pauly, sending good wishes your way...
Take care all --
Re: 17 October
Good evening frineds,
We had our 4 pm class at Longwood Gardens & created two very nice looking outdoor containers. The best part was actually touring the new nursery complex - Oh My!!! It’s huge & gorgeous & now YB wants a bigger & better greenhouse with all the bells & whistles, Lol. We stopped for a bite of dinner on the way home, just got back at 7:30. It was an enjoyable afternoon. It’s chilly now, heading down in the 40’s tonight, nice
Mick, sounds like your day was good - except for the rain. Hope you’ve dried out by now.
Cyn, I am sorry you’re feeling so sad right now, it’s understandable after everything you’ve been through. Maybe a change in location would be the best thing for you. It would be good to be near family too.
I’m keeping up with the walking although I came up 15 min short today due to the class. I’ve dropped 5 lbs, my B/P is improving for the most part, still spikes from time to time but not too bad.
I see th eCardiologist next Monday on the 25th, I hope he’s happy with my efforts. Glad your friend is doing OK. These side effects were not in the least bit funny. The craft fair is coming up this Fridaty, the 22nd.
Hello to Det & Pauly, Sam & Pie.
Have a good night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 17 October
Mick...sorry about the rain but good job finding the coins. I assume you didn't fly the drone?
TG...good job on catching the shredding event. I know our community sure likes it when we bring them in. Understandable about being a bit depressed and I hear you about the grief "halo". Not going to give you any cookie cutter advice, just know I'm thinking of you. I hope whoever the new boss is they're open to communication. We shall see.
Lav...glad your Longwood class was a success. Oh oh, maybe you should leave YB at home next time. LOL Son brought home some carrots, beets and potatoes from his communal farm, so followed your lead and roasted them up. Got to say it's the first time roasting veggies has worked for me. LOL
We're in for cooler temps tomorrow and that's ok with me. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 17 October
Hiya all. How are things with y'all today,hope all is well. Pouring down with rain here today. Had to fork out today for a new pair of boots. Got a good pair..they cost a few Bob,but as Julie says buy cheap buy twice
In addition to that I had to go for an aorta screening too.passed..nothing least there is something in good nick
Hiya teegee. How are you today?hopefully a little better. Yes,when you think about it,memories are made of things people places and it's no wonder you feel it when you go back. Hopefully you will settle in to your current place
Hiya ppqp how are you doing then,?hope all is well. Yes completely soaked ..took the drone yesterday but never flew it due to the weather Roasted veggies are lovely. How's life at work?
Hiya lav how are you doing?congrats on the weight loss. So when are we looking at a bells n whistles greenhouse then?yesI got soaked but skin is waterproof. Well done on the containers at longwood you take it easy.
Hello to everyone elseaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 17 October
Mick...I forked out for boots last year so I'm good to go. Glad the aorta screening was good, that's a major artery to keep blockage free. No rain here today but it was quite chilly. Just mother nature warning us it's coming. LOL Work went by a lot faster today. I've delved into documentation for one of the childcare programs so that will keep me busy and out of trouble. Other than that same old, same old. Maybe we'll hear something after the board meeting Wednesday morning.
Lav...did your post end up cyber space? Hope everything's ok, I always wonder when I don't see something I'm expecting to. Are you ready for the craft sale or are you still creating?
It's election day here so we'll see a whole new city council in the morning. I won't be staying up to watch the results, what will be will be. Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 17 October
Good evening friends,
I’m a bit late checking in tonight. I had to finish up a blanket I promised to a local customer.
Went to bed last night with the AC stillon & woke up to the heat on - FALL IS HERE!!! Lots of sun & fluffy white clouds today & much cooler temps.
PQ, glad you tried the roasted veggies. They taste so much better roasted!!
I meant to tell you we have a shredder but I often find YB burning large piles of paper in the yard - the old fashioend way, LOL. I’ll be reday for the craft fair by the tome I get there Friday afternoon haha!
Mick, good news on yuor scan. That reminds me I should have my carotids checked, it’s been about 20 years since the first ultrasound. Father & two plder brothers had or have had clogged carotids, ugh.
Congrats on the new boots, keep them clean & shiny
Cyn, thinking of you :hug:
Det, Pauly, Sam & Pie, hello to you all.
Have a n ice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 17 October
Mae everybody, just a quick pop in to say helloI haven't been sleeping good lately and it's irritating me! My unisom isn't doing shit,anyhoo everybody sounds good,waves and wishes for a great BF day!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: 17 October
Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope everyone is ok. The weather over here today is pretty grim it hasn't stopped raining at all. I've just been up to Rochdale to get some carpet for the inside of the van where the cooker is so that the main carpet throughout doesn't get marked. I previously got a piece but true to form I got the wrong with length and Colour apart from that it was spot on! Not a lot happening today uh-oh obviously the weather has put a bit of of a dampener pardon the pun on everything it's not even worth going out to try my new boots. I don't know where everyone has gone on the thread, the numbers have definitely windows so does that mean that less and less people have nowadays got issues with alcohol? Or the site isn't advertised enough? I don't know.i don't for one minute think itis the former
Hiya ppqp how are you then today?hope all is well. Yes the new boots are good and needed too. Did you get the council you wanted?hope you have a great day
Hiya lav how are things with you today ? Hope everything is going good for you. When is the new greenhouse arriving haha I'm sure there will be one on the way soon!! Hope you have a great day
Hello everyone else hope everyone is well
.af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 17 October
Lav...I figured you were working on a project. Yup, boys have to play and fire is one of the fun things to do. It's been downright miserable here. Overcast with a strong, cold north wind. At least there's no precipitation.
Pauly...good to see you. I usually take Unisom too and find it stops working. But I find if I switch it out with something else and then go back to it I have better luck. Perhaps we build up a tolerance to them. least I'm not getting the rain (or snow yet). Wrong width, length and colour. LOL Is that kinda like measure twice cut once? I agree it's not the former, if anything I'm sure more and more people have developed issues. Its been a long haul for all of us. I'm very happy with the new council. First time in history Calgary has a female Mayor. Not sure how the newbies will make out but some of the trouble makers are out. I just hope they can all work together and get things done. (Sounds like where I work LOL)
Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP
Re: 17 October
Good evening friends,
Nice day here butI won’t brag about it, haha!
Catching up on some craft fair stuff, delivering blanket to my customer & getting a new loaf of sourdough bread started filled my day.
Son stopped by this morning to help move some heavy plant benches in the greenhouse. I realized I haven’t seen him in months & he only lives 7 miles away, haha!
Pauly, good to see you, sorry about the crappy sleep. Like PQ said, you have to switch up the OTC’s from time to times. I like using Mellodyn, works pretty well & doesn’t leave any hangover. You have to order it online & it’s a little more expensive but sleep is vital.
Mick, sorry about the crappy weather. I guess at some point you’re going to send it this way.
Maybe you should have a mat of some sort that’s easier to clean in front of you stove. - just thinking out loud
I post in the Newbies Nest daily & there’s only been one person visit since I posted last evening. The whole site seems to be very slow these days.
PQ, I hope you’re bundled up & not freezing already!!
Maybe the female mayor will shake up the good old boys club & get some things done, you never know
Maybe you’ll also get a lady boss at work, it could happen!!!
I see Det is busy posting pics on FB & IG so he’s a busy boy as usual.
Cyn, thinking of you :hug:
Hello to Sam & Pie, please drop in & say hello.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 17 October
WOW, nobody on the thread today?
Just checking in as I'm heading out to pick u some groceries before heading home.
It was a quiet day at work, I'm going to miss being bossless. quickly time files. Nice your son was able to help out. My son asked me yesterday if it was ok to clean the oven. The answer is always YES! He gets bored and starts looking for things to do. LOL I don't know if I can stand another female employee in the office. There always seems to be a lot of drama.
Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 17 October
Greetings all,
Getting ready to go to bed & I remembered I forgot to check in, haha! Distracted & busy I guess but in a good way
PQ, I have often said I miss having a teenager around here to help out with certain things, haha! Maybe my grandsons will get to the point of being willing to help out for a few bucks, who knows? Working with mostly women can be a huge pain, I know, I’ve been there. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Hello to everyone & wishing a nice night for all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 17 October
Hello and how are we today then? The weather over here is absolutely brutal I have never seen storm so much for a long time it hasn't stopped yet I took a video that's me sitting in the car are and it's still going on now with lightning as well most of the roads are flooded, it is just coming straight down
Hiya pauly lovely to hear from you. Apart from not sleeping hope everything else is going ok for you
Hiya ppqp how are you doing. You sound well pleased that there is a new mayor and a female too hope it all goes well. Maybe she will bring a different perspective to the way thi go run
Hiya lav how are you doing today then? If you are struggling for weather just give me a shout happily send you some of this rain over to water your plants yes I agree with you the whole site seems very slow at the moment I don't know why.o well not to worry you look after
Hiya teegee you good,?hope so....hopefully thingsare settling down for you
right folks take it easy .
Hiya all ...well I posted yesterday ,but I did it on my phone ....and here it is !!it never went anywhere apart from the great beyond! So the above is yesterdays that Ive just restored ...what a difference a day makes is really sunny here today ...Windy though ,I drone out but it was too windy .the rabbits arent too impressed with it either .how are we all then? good I hope .
Saw your embroidery work Lav ,looks really good ..well done .
ppqp...did you get the oven cleaned ? I love seeing them sparkling ..I hate seeing a dirty cooker ...dont know why its just one of those things.
I see the covid is on the increase over here again ...not surprised ,everyone doesnt give a rats any more go into a shop wearing a mask now and folk think you are crazy .theyhave already brought the first measures in ,and are "suggesting "people wear masks in crowded places .suggesting ass wear it .
big hello to everyone else ..xLast edited by Mick; October 21, 2021, 09:03 since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 17 October
Mae all -
Was I away for so many days? I think my brain has given up on trying to understand the movement of time. I have taken myself in hand and gave myself a lecture on "bucking up" generally, and working through the scary business estate issues. Seems to be working okay. I was in a "state" about the possible loss of my car title in the mail - the temporary tags have expired, and the dealership in Nevada was asleep at the wheel... didn't get it mailed until last week, and sent it by pony express (usps). But this morning, good news!!! It arrived at the main DMV, and I actually got through to a human being who could tell me how it all works from here. If lucky, it will get scanned and vetted today, and by tomorrow (after a friend drives me 45 minutes away) I may be able to actually register the vehicle. Sheesh!!! Now on to the Estate Banking difficulties... hopefully some magic will happen there as well...
Mick, so glad that at least the rain stopped... that sounded brutal. I hope today's weather is better and that the rabbits approve! Mask on... it's the safe thing to do, and yes, everyone should. I am lucky here in the east... everyone is always masked indoors. Congrats on the medical test, what a relief.
Lav, congrats on getting all you embroidery work moving along... when s the Faire? How did the sourdough turn out? When I was visiting my niece on the x-country tour, she made rye/white sourdough... it was delish, especially for avocado toast. Did the full moon bother you? It seemed exceptionally bright this month... how nice that your son stopped by! Hopefully more often now... I can't believe the grandsons are almost teenager, goodness!
Pauly, sorry about the sleep issues... I think the full moon might be playing a part? Hope you feel better soon - so good to see you, I hope all are well in the family.
PPQ - good to hear that work is remaining calm for now. And yes to roasted veggies! The best part of autumn eating... enjoy. (And a clean oven to boot? - wonderful!)
Det, hoping your hard work is being rewarded! Or at least is rewarding!
Hello to all stopping by... cheers and hoping for good weather for all - lovely crisp, dry fall day here. Just came in from a walk...