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    Re: 11.11

    Good evening friends,

    We had our odd 70 degree day but the clouds have moved in along with some rain. Tomorrow we go back to cold temps, more seasonal anyway.
    We have an appointment with our financial planner tomorrow afternoon then we’re hosting grandsons & their mother for dinner & cookie baking. Not even sure if my son is in town at this point. I never could keep track of that kid, haha!!

    PQ, you absolutely should write the new procedure for hiring a GM. Why not? You know what the place & people need, right? And you should also demand a raise while you’re busy writing
    My daughter explained that she hasn’t completely quit the hospital just yet but told them she will work 1 Saturday/month. I imagine they will say OK & hope they can get her to do more, haha!

    Mick, sorry you have to put up with the tooth issue a bit longer. There’s no real easy answers to some of this stuff.
    I used to go outside in the early fall & cut back all the plants but i’ve stopped doing that. Turns out certain bugs & bees need a place to hang out in the winter & prefer to use the old plants. I’ve been serious about protecting the dwindling bee population, our pollinators need our help. So, garden cleanup doesn’t happen until things are ready to re-bloom in the spring. That’s my story anyway, Lol

    Hello to Cyn, hope your day & weekend goes well.

    Hello to Pauly & Det.
    Det, your cave pictures are truly awesome, good job!

    Wishing everyone a nice night!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 11.11

      MAE ALL...

      Just a quick jump in to say hello. Getting ready for the AGM tonight

      Mick...I remember now. Wow, you sure are ambitious. I always thought I'd like to have wooden worktops, never thought about the upkeep though. Hope you can get some relief for your tooth.

      Lav...I hope the hospital doesn't try to take advantage of your daughter. It must reinforce her decision to change jobs every time she works her 1 Saturday. Have fun baking cookies tomorrow.

      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


        Re: 11.11

        hiya all how are we today then? hope all is last worktops are finished must be honest they do look quite good. This time I used a satin finish as opposed to gloss which I used the last time and I thought it was too shiny and in your face. Not only that however, her who must be obeyed has decided that at the the accessories namely coffee tea sugar tubs and and a paper towel holder and any other such junk will be made of wood smiles sweetly and juggles the marbles about in his head! Taking the best course of action say nothing haha. I bought some Christmas decorations yes me I bought some Christmas decorations for the van when we are away. We don't usually celebrate Christmas as for us it isn't a really happy time however this year we thought we would make the effort being as we are in the van on and on a site. I also went to a charity shop this morning and got a really thick windproof waterproof jacket that is almost new you for a pound and in Uncle Sam money that equates to about 80 cents. I looked the jacket up on the internet and to buy it brand new, it would be £75 so I didn't do too bad on that one
        Hiya lav how are you today then? Hope all is well over there sounds like you are going to have a busy day today, I don't know which will be be the worse the cookie baking etc or the Financial Planning. That's a good idea about cutting the stuff back, and asked for the bees I totally agree with you. One of the local jails up this way has even got about 11 hives with a prisoner who has actually done the apiary course and can teach others. I didn't realise there were so many different kind of bees I thought the Old Bus and that was it end of story. Hope you have a great weekend

        Hiya ppqp how are you today then? Hope everything is ok over there on the plains. How did the annual general meeting go? The worktops do look good but they do take a bit of looking after, but in fairness this new stuff I bought although it is expensive va it is very easy to maintain allegedly we shall see haha hope you have a nice weekend take care and look after yourself

        Hiya teegee hope all is well with you...likewise pauly and the rest of the crew

        Last edited by Mick; November 19, 2021, 08:56 AM.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 11.11

          Mae all -

          Mick - I used to love that show with the ?barrister?judge? And I might even have gotten a "she who must be obeyed" mug for someone at some time... I should look for the show again... sorry about the tooth... good job on the jacket!!

          Lav - I hope the cookie baking went well, you are sweet to do that. Looks like you might get some weather for Thanksgiving; I think we will be missing it... and what are your Thanksgiving plans? I hope you won't have to do all the hosting, for once. Nice approach on keeping things over -wintering for the bees and all... better than being out in the cold rain trying to put it all to bed...

          Pauly, I hear you on the state of the world... I took a TV diet last year, and haven't gone back. Somehow I hear most of the important part of the news... sending you lots of love and support.

          PQ, good luck with the new Boss... sounds like it is Time for a good change. Crossing fingers for you that all works out well.

          Busy Det, what's on the menu for Thanksgiving?

          Well, I had expensive news about my car... I knew some things were funky, but the car still drives really well... but a lot of weird electrical , etc etc, So, after taking 2 days to give it a serious look-see, the garage (that I like very much) let me know that I have, in total, about 3K of repair work. So... thank goodness for credit cards... At least I will feel confident about driving half-way across the country whenever the car is done. With the holiday next week, it will be December before I get started. Oh well! I am lucky to have a car...

          Hello to all stopping by...


            Re: 11.11

            Greetings friends,

            Honestly - I’ve been stood up by my DIL. I could be very mad right now but can’t really be bothered with her. To invite yourself & family somewhere for dinner & not show up is pure ignorance. Two hours later she texts to say she’s sorry. Whatever!!! If they show upover the weekend sometime they can reheat & eat for all I care.
            Th etrip to the financial advisor went well, he always has some good ideas up his sleeve

            PQ, I hope your meeting went as well as possible.
            I’m confidant that my daughter will handle the hospital beggars appropriately haha! She has a degree in communications & really knows how to get her point across, haha!

            Mick, your countertops look perfect - nice job!
            I mixed up two cookie dough recipes this morning for them to bake but they’ll keep in the fridge for a few days.
            I learned that there are some bees that will use the inside of larger dried flower stems to hunker down in the winter. So it’s messy looking but I leave that stuff for them. Prisoners learning bee keeping is unusual but cool.

            Cyn, we have been invited to our daughter’s house for Thanksgiving, so we’re going. My son & his family were disappointed to hear because they always expect me to cook & entertain. I’m grateful for the break, honestly. I’ve been putting on holidays family gatherings since I was 20 years old I think.
            I am sorry to hear about your expensive car repair. I guess it’s out of warranty? That’s a shame but you’re right about credit cards - they serve a purpose.
            Not sure how the weather will be next week but I’m not expecting anything major - we shall see. Have a good weekend!!

            Hello to Det & Pauly & anyone else looking in tonight..

            Have a nice night all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: 11.11

              Heya Aberooos! finally feeling a bit better, though certainly not all well yet after having a nasty flu that turned out to be the big C, so now I feel so trendy and hip
              will test again tomorrow as see if I'm still infected. having to cancel more shoots etc but that's life in the fast lane. Thankfully I'm pretty healthy and strong so that's boding well.

              Treegal, very cool about maybe getting a new place, not so much the car...owch but yes better safe than sorry

              Pauly great to see you here. I've been such a stranger I'm not sure who I may be missing... ack!

              Lav, glad to see you're so busy despite strange relatives and such. no plans for certain on Tgiving except I did get some cornish hens so I've gotten that far. ha!

              PPQ, between your work and the disaster conditions...yikes! it's a good thing you are a rugged person

              oh dear, I'm probably missing someone but still a bit dopey as I get back rolling here....sloooowly. sigh.

              The very worst part of this sickness is that this is day two of not being able to taste anything! aaaaaaaargh!!!! that just gets me...... another sigh

              anyway, behaving myself by trying to not get overly rambunctious too fast.

              Mick! good greif mate, almost spaced out totally. Amazing craftsmanship once again despite being in toof pain... now that's an inspiration.

              ok, time for a green tea.

              be well loves!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Re: 11.11

                Greetings friends,

                Feeling chilly but I like this weather overall.
                Ran around & did a bunch of errands today, such excitement, haha!

                Det, sorry to hear you have covid, ugh. You are young & healthy so you should recover completely. Just give your body a chance to heal & eat healthy stuff, even if you can’t taste it right now. Throw some sweet potatoes in teh oven with your mini turkeys - you’re all set for Thanksgiving!!

                Mick, hello & I hope everything is OK with you!

                Same to PQ & Cyn!

                Hello to Pauly, Sam & Pie. I hope you all are doing well.

                I may check back later to see if anyone else shows up
                Have a nice night all.

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 11.11

                  Oy, surprise, it's me again ABeroooskies!

                  Thanks Lav, I do love sweet potatoes. (and cooler weather). I'll probably cube up those plus some butternut squash and put them in a roasting dish, roast them for a bit, then top with whole sage leaves crisped
                  in butter (along with drizzing on the butter). it's an old Roman thing as I recall and super yummy. As soon as I can taste again

                  Glad you liked my cave pics. they were so tricky due to the extremely low light and I couldn't bring a tripod, so I just had to be creative.

                  Felt well enough today to do some errands with my gal. A nice slow day here. Got back and wrapped some gifts. It's cold outside, but sunny and beautiful.

                  be well loves
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    Re: 11.11

                    Oh dear Det! So sorry about the Covid... but as Lav says, youth and health are on your side... take it slow... wishing you well...

                    Lav, that is just totally unacceptable - not showing up for dinner?! You are handling it well, but I would be ballistic. Sheesh. I am so happy to hear that your daughter is doing Thanksgiving! You totally deserve a break... it is one big lift getting all that ready for a group. I still feel tired just thinking about how tired I was in past years... I know you'll enjoy...

                    Mick, hope all is well with you - my bunny friend was out in the middle of the field today... brave bunny! Take care -

                    PQ, hoping you had some time off today...

                    Pauly, what are your holiday plans?

                    Hello to all stopping by...


                      Re: 11.11

                      Just Lav stopping in again

                      Det, good to hear you’re feeling better-ish!
                      Yeah, those cave` pics were super awesome, good job I roasted some sweet potatoes today because we have a good supply from the garden, love them.

                      Cyn, I have had enough experience with my manic DIL to know that she gets her head so wrapped up in ‘something’ that everything & everyone disappears. I don’t take it personally because it would just drive my BP up. To think she is a therapist ‘helping’ other people just blows my mind.
                      Hope you are having a good weekend & getting a little rest.

                      Still missing a Mick appearance.

                      Be well everyone!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: 11.11

                        Hiya all did a quick jump in on my phone yesterday ,it was Julies dads 80th birthday ,so we took him out for ameal ,but before that ...he had water dripping through the downstairs light fitting ,I thhink it was coming from the shower .but it is one of these disabled walk in showers..and they put it in ..with no means of access to the pipework .that means to get to the leak ,going to have to cut an access hatch in the kitchen ceiling downstairs it happens I know someone .Saw Amy last night with her limpy foot ,she moves in 2 weeks .hope everyone is well how are doing det?

                        Ive just checked my phone cant recover spoken messages ...
                        Last edited by Mick; November 21, 2021, 05:13 AM.
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

