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28 November

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    28 November

    Hiya all how are we then?all good?glad I never went detecting..the roads are very icy...and then it started to snow over it.there have been no cars up and down this road. It is pretty much blocked.Julie has sorted out her dad,he is ok .hope everyone has had a good weekend?

    ppqp ....

    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, was originally founded in 1875 by a detachment of North West Mounted Police (NWMP). This group of 150 men marched west across the prairies from Fort Dufferin, Manitoba, arriving in the summer of 1874.

    After staying the winter in harsh and unfamiliar territory – with the help of the Blackfoot - they began building Fort Calgary in September of 1875 at the confluence of the Bow and Elbow Rivers.

    Colonel James F. Macleod
    After Calgary was founded, it was named Fort Brisebois, after the NWMP detachment’s leader Captain Ephrem-A. Brisebois. Fort Calgary was renamed as such in 1876 under the recommendation of NWMP officer Colonel James Macleod.

    History of Calgary - Fort Calgary
    James Macleod adopted this name after his home in the Scottish Highlands. Calgary Bay was a beautiful cove not far from where he lived, which according to the City of Calgary is what its name takes after.
    Last edited by Mick; November 28, 2021, 10:13 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 28 November

    Hi Mick,

    I’m a relatively new Calgarian and I learned a few things from your post. Thanks! Macleod Trail is a block from where I live. Calgary is a beautiful city and is close to the Rocky Mountains. If you haven’t visited this part of the world, you should give it serious thought. In non-Covid years, millions of tourists from around the world come to see our majestic mountains.

    AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
    F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



      Re: 28 November

      Greetings friends,

      Chilly but now snow here today & that’s OK
      Working on my craft fair stuff for next Saturday. Nothing else happening except my grandson turned 13 today!!!!! Can’t believe it’s been that long since his arrival.

      Mick, thanks for the history lesson. That’s not something we learned in school over here.
      I hope you’re all snuggled inside staying out of that nasty weather.

      QW, nice to see you. Stop by more often.

      Cyn, saw your post from last night. Sorry about the snowy drive at night, can be scary. I’ve only ever heard good things about the PODs so your stuff should be in good hands.
      Nightmares sure do have a way of getting your attention. I always figure someone is trying to send me a message & I should shut up & listen. Hope you get better rest tonight.

      PQ, how was your weekend?

      Pauly & Det, hope you are well. Hi to Sam & Pie.

      Have a nice night all!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Re: 28 November

        Mae all -

        Just in case anyone stops by tonight -

        Mick, mygoshnwhat a storm... I heard people were nearly blown over by the wind in Belfast. Glad you are home safe and sound. It was bad as I drove home on Friday, but the snow is pretty, and today we got another inch or so... but calm winds... I took an early morning walk as it was snowing... very pretty in the country here. Take care.

        Lav, good luck on getting all ready for next week... I know people will love your things!

        QW, nice to have you drop by - welcome!

        Well another long day of work for me, but progress is being made... more details in next week's halter.

        Hello all, and sending light -


          Re: 28 November

          hiya QW , welcome to you..I know parts of Calgary fairly well in the past .I was in the forces and in total think I went to Batus 6 times .I was in a Scottish regiment ,and there is a massive affiliation between Scots and Canadians .I know of at least 4 of my friends who now live in the Calgary area .I recall a pub in Calgary called the Highlander many moons ago .I was fortunate to travel a bit and see the area , Ralston, Medicine Hat Calgary Edmonton Lethbridge Banff to name some Went to the stampede ,and also went ranching for 4 days!Yes you are right it is a lovely place take care and stay safe/
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 28 November

            Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope everyone is doing ok. I am not going to be on here long I need to tidy up shortly. I have been messing with both the car and van all day today day the car was completely frozen up this morning, and I snapped one of the wipers so I had to go and replace that. The temperature last night was - 5 degrees. I didn't realise that I had not opened the taps in the van comma with the result that when I went to them m this morning they were frozen solid and would not move up or down or from side to side as the mixer taps should do do. Thankfully I never turn the water pump on otherwise I would have been looking at a hefty bill. I've just started the van through, I checked the fresh water tank and it was solid ice, I've had to unscrew and remove both the surge damper and the water pump from the van and the filter they were full of ice. Hopefully I have got away with my stupidity otherwise there would have been a serious bill. I didn't have a clue how to take the water pump or the rest of it apart or out of the van but did it via a video call all with a guy in South Wales who has exactly the same van as me post-op take care and look after yourselves normal service will be resumed tomorrow
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 28 November

              MAE ALL...

              Sorry for MIA but I took the weekend off and binge watched Christmas shows. LOL When I needed a break I went on a couple of walks, it was 57F and a lovely Sunday. We had a group meeting with the boss today and everyone seems pretty happy with him. He is definitely community minded and I can see good things happening. My one-on-one meeting is Wednesday so will let you know how it goes.

              Mick...what's with all the snow!!! Usually it's me complaining. Glad you didn't go anywhere. Good job on fixing the car and the van. Thank god for video calls, how did we ever get by without them. Glad Julie's Dad is good. How long is this storm supposed to last? Thanks for the history lesson. I knew some of that but not all.

              QW...Welcome aboard. Mick's a wealth of information, I always learn things from him. I'm a Calgarian living in the NW and I agree, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

              Lav...and now the teenage years begin. LOL Mick's history is the kind I think they should teach here in school. I learned about fiords. We're supposed to get a bit colder by the end of the week but still no snow. It's going to be a real bummer when it hits. I'm sure you've got lots of goodies for the sale. It's indoors this time right?

    , sorry for the snow covered drive in the dark. Yuck! Glad you made it home safe and sound. Glad you were able to enjoy the snow this morning. It can be very pretty as long as you don't have to do anything or go anywhere. I'm glad progress is being made just don't over do it.

              Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP

              I keep getting logged out of the site but I copied my post just in case. Glad I did.
              Last edited by porqoui; November 29, 2021, 04:40 PM.


                Re: 28 November

                Mae all,

                Mick, holy cow what a story about all your ice... it reminds me of my years living in MN! Glad that nothing burst in the van... now you'll know for sure how to winterize for the future... good luck! Close relationship with the Scots in Calgary/Banff? No wonder my Scottish blood (Dunbar) was so happy when I was there.

                QW, I spent one summer in Banff at the arts center, studying music, and I fell in love with the area. I didn't get to see much of Calgary, but what I saw of Canada I loved. Nice to have you with us.

                Lav, you okay? Probably working like mad to get ready for the December show? Hope all is well...

                PPQ, thx for the report of the new boss... I look forward to hearing about Wednesday. What are your favorite Xmas movies? I only know the ones from the. 40s... there's one from that era with a young Barbara Stanwyck, "Christmas in Connecticut." I love it because she's a professional writer for a NY newspaper who doesn't have a clue about homemaking, but writes a popular column about cooking and her "country" home... she gets caught when they want to come up and see her in her house. It's funny and sweet, and nice to see a "professional" woman heroine in a film of that vintage...

                Det, feeling better? Pauly, is Lou any better? Hello to all stopping by...

                Judging from my moon-sighting early this morning, a new moon is coming up... time to put resolutions in place... ��


                  Re: 28 November

                  Good evening friends,

                  Yep, I’m good just busy stitching my brains out, Lol
                  I’m also busy getting side orders done for some regular customers. Retirement can be a busy time

                  Cyn, yes it is an indoor craft fair. I’m not too eager to spend 7 hours standing outside in the cold freezing my hands & feet. We still haven’t had even a flurry that i’ve seen. Glad yo seem to be enjoying your early snowfall.

                  Mick, I hate it when things freeze up like that. Glad yuo were able to get some help to sort things out. Stay warm in that cold weather!!

                  PQ, I get seriously bored after a few Christmas shows, they’re all the same, haha!
                  Sounds like you’re having some really nice weather, good for you! The new boss is actually going to be a positive influence for your office, that’s great!

                  Hello to Pauly & Der, Sam & Pie.
                  Have a nice night all!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 28 November

                    Good morning all and how are we today then? Hope everyone is ok. Glad to report all the ice has melted here, it is raining and I must be honest it's a long time since I've been glad to see rain like this. Last night before I went to bed I heard a massive crash outside. It was a large chunk of ice coming from the top roof if on to the smaller roof and then hitting the floor only problem is as it came down it brought small section of drain pipe with its I need to replace that today.

                    Stitching your brains out lav,? I am definitely with you you who said retirement was about doing nothing. Again like you I'm getting bored with all the Christmas repeats I think know what program I like on television and this time of year is the Coca-Cola lorry advert for Christmas! Take care and have a great day

                    Hiya ppqp how are you today , so what you are a wealth of knowledge in respect of fjords are you? Always handy to have if you are Norwegian! I don't know what it's like now but when I was at school back home, we used to get taught Scottish history which in fairness was Milly about Scots getting drunk fighting and watching spiders in the corner of a room and going out and doing more fighting! Then going round the world inventing things like television penicillin building things like the Royal Mint Bridges stuff like that who stop I don't know what gets tort nowadays I'm sure a lot of it we'll have been binned off because of the snowflake brigade and possibility of offending some Person somewhere in the world! As I said the snow has all gone from here it's your turn now! Have a great day day keep watching I'm sure Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Chitty Bang Bang and a whole stable full of John Wayne films will be out soon!

                    Hiya teegee how are you today then Hope all is well with you you. Was Dunbar your name or where your your ancestry came from? The birthplace of st. Cuthbert the patron saint of Edinburgh. A nice place no it's seen it's fair share of battles down the centuries of History from the Vikings and the norsemen to the English Civil War and and the never ending battle between the Scots and English. Must be honest you sound a lot chirpier well done you! The new laws start over here today from now on on it is going to be mandatory to wear a face mask in shops, I can see the point of that however it is not compulsory in nightclubs pubs and other places of crowded gathering. Again a lot of it is media hype, I don't know what it is like over your way but the media seem to have poetic licence to print and say what they want and if if they get caught then the find and compensation are offset against the original moneys they have made! Anyway you look after yourself and take care

                    Right folks that's me me and Big shout to everyone else out there it is 0 555 a.m. Pitch Black out there as well as raining so there isn't really a lot I can do till daylight hits so time for a coffee take care be safe
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 28 November

                      morning all,
                      been awhile, hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. Been a summer from hell.... work work and more work. lots of music and so it goes. Time is such a fast moving thing, speaking of such, any one keeping up with the Webb telescope that's suppose to be launched?
                      Liberated 5/11/2013


                        Re: 28 November

                        Good evening friends,

                        Sam, nice to see you! I agree with you, time has gone by fast this year. Glad you’re keeping busy with work & finding time for the music. I have so many things floating around in my mind these days the Webb telescope has taken a back seat for me unfortunately.

                        Mick, sorry about the ice slide off your roof. I know what that sounds like, yikes!! Be careful getting yourself up there to replace gutters. I prefer to hire younger folks to do that kind of stuff these days.

                        We had a few snow flurries today & I really mean a few. I don’t think we’ll see any more for a while since it’s supposed to warm up a bit.
                        Baked a batch of banana donuts today instead of giving the over ripe bananas to the chickens like I usually do. Can’t eat too many & ruin my 8 pound weight loss - woo hoo

                        Hello to pQ, Cy, Pauly & Det. Hope everyone is doing well.
                        Time to get back to my machines.
                        Have a nice night all!

                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: 28 November

                          MAE ALL...

                          One of the things the boss mentioned in the group meeting was that he found the building very drab and unwelcoming. He admits he didn't know what it looked like before the fire but perhaps a Christmas Tree? So Childcare brought in a tree this morning and headed over to Goodwill for decorations and lights. We spent a good part of the day decorating the lobby. The boss commented he'd better watch what he wished for. LOL He had his meeting with Childcare this morning they are quite happy with his outlook.

                          TG...I think I know the show you're talking about. I just have the TV on while I'm doing other things. There's one channel that runs Xmas shows all day long. Hope this new moon isn't as strong as the last one.

                          Lav...I agree about the positive influence of the boss. He was just shocked that we haven't recognized Christmas for the 5 years the old boss was here. He said that's just not right. This weather has been unreal. We actually had a fall this year. Things are going to change as I think we're going to get some of the weather BC is experiencing. It just amazes me the things you come up with to bake. Never heard of banana donuts before. LOL 8 pounds! Yay. Losing weight is my next goal.

                          Mick...never thought I'd hear you say you were glad to see rain. LOL Wow, glad nobody was hurt or anything damaged when that snow came down. I hope you were careful replacing that drain pipe. Yes, I learned a lot of useless stuff in school. Much like the Scottish history I think. The public school board has proposed a new curriculum and everyone is up in arms over it. Glad I'm not dealing with school or kids anymore. I think the media is pretty much the same all over. New travel rules in effect here but we've always had the mask mandatory inside public places, unless your business implemented a Restrictions Exemption Program and then you can basically do what you want. I just shake my head.

                          Sam...good to see your post. Glad to hear it wasn't all work. The year did seem to go fast even though we didn't really do anything. I had to google the Webb telescope, first I'd heard of it.

                          Waves to Pi, Det QW and Pauly. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                            Re: 28 November

                            Hello everyone and how are we today then? hope everyone is well. Today has been a busy day, but the results have been positive. I got the last remaining bits of ice out of the law doctors today, Lav I heeded your advice, I went up at 9 this morning as opposed to possibly 12 so there you go for a younger guy went up! I've also primed field and check the water pump and everything else I've had water running through the taps there are no leaks whatsoever the water heater is working and also the hot water system. It was very lucky considering such a stupid mistake. We are expecting - 2 tonight so I have drained all the water off left the taps open everything. Up I've also made and and tested and emergency water pump as a spare.
                            Hiya Sam the man how are you mate? Hope all is well with you buddy. Glad you are still into the tunes mate full stop take care and look after yourself

                            Hiya ppqp how are you today then? It sounds like you are a similar scenario to us you have always statutes laws and regulations in place but naturally nobody gives a rat's about them or in forces them at all. Did you get the Christmas tree and lights put up? I hear what you're saying about the building being unwelcoming and depressing. I once worked in an establishment where one building was a real gloomy hole despite being quite modern. It was actually officially given what they called sad building syndrome and it was recognised as a rubbish place to work so much so if you did time in there, you chose your own next posting within the establishment you got to pick where you worked next. Up at least it sounds like he's doing something about it even turning up is a bonus! You take care and have a nice day

                            Hiya lav how are you today then question mark hope all is well with you? I take it you aren't top of the chicken hit list at the moment no bananas for them instead of pile of doughnuts they will be well impressed. Well done on the 8 lb weight loss I've lost between 7 and 9 9th but don't seem to lose much more at the moment. Actually I don't think ice cream helps the calorie control haha have a great day

                            A big shout out to everyone else hope you're all doing well looking after yourself oh and by the way anyone that was thinking of buying me a Christmas present please don't bother haha take care all
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Re: 28 November

                              Wishing Mick, et al, a wonderful December!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

