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28 November

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    Re: 28 November

    MAE ALL…

    TG…thunderstorm and thunderclaps, I’m jealous. It has been snowing all day today, light fluffy flakes, and the temp was ok. Tomorrow is supposed to be colder which is ok as long as the snow isn’t the heavy wet kind. I’ll be interested to hear what you find out about the powerful new moon. What a good friend helping your mate/friend/client get organized for her flight. It always feels good to help someone else. Time for you now.

    Lav…glad YB will have someone to talk to on Saturday. Your daughter’s new job and my new boss seems to be working out for both of us. LOL I know I need to get a new pair of glasses, mine our so old that the finish on the lens has corroded. WOW…I’m so glad you had such an amazing craft fair, all your hard work has paid off. Sounds to me that the “Buy Local” really came through for you.

    Mick…back to the normal weather forecast I see. LOL I’m glad everyone is remaining negative, isn’t that a strange statement. LOL I’m so excited about Julie’s gift, she’ll be chuffed. What a great deal! Never thought about all the stuff the Highlander had. You’re right it was very Scottish. I used to work in the little Scottish lounge.

    Well, got bored with my Christmas stories so started watching some of the shows I had taped and then the TV went black. Checked to see if I’d paid the cable bill and yup I’m up to date. I can get the guide to come up but no programs. Guess it’s time to hunker down and read.

    Waves to Pi, Det, Pauly, Sam, QW….have a good night all…:smile:PPQP

