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28 November

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    Re: 28 November

    Greetings friends on this first day of December!!!

    It’s always a super busy month for me & probably all of you as well. Trying to focus on one thing at a time so I don’t get overwhelmed, haha!
    Craft fair is Saturday then I can turn attention to holiday stuff like finishing shopping, decorating, cookie baking & of course our big gathering Christmas eve. It will all get done, one thing at a time

    PQ, having a Christmas tree in the building is a good start. Glad to hear the new boss is a regular guy.
    Here’s a link you may like: Healthier Banana Doughnuts - Baked not Fried - 2 Cookin Mamas
    I would say they’re semi- healthy in that they’re not overly sweet & not fried. Losing weight has been a monumental task for me. I have always eaten healthy but I needed to up my exercise & that’s what did the trick I think . The end goal was to get my BP down & it has improved!

    Mick, no matter how many times I warn you you still take some crazy risks. I’m going to have to tie you to the chair again, haha!!! Glad you got the problem resolved without any injuries
    The weight loss thing at our age is not easy. You almost have to run around like a crazy person to be active enough, LOL

    Hi Techie, nice to see you!

    Hello to Cyn, Det, Pauly & Sam.

    Have a nice night everyone.
    I have to get back to crafty work.

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 28 November

      MAE ALL...

      Great meeting with the new boss. We seem to generally be on the same page about things. One comment he made was the prog-coord must be feeling a little nervous since she doesn't have my ear. He was surprised at some of the things she was doing as they're not program related. One of his first tasks is going to be to define who does what. Sort out the job descriptions. YAY Another goal is to restart the community events that I used to run but that the ex-boss & prog-coord stopped. I'm looking forward to bringing back the positive vibe we had at the community centre. The snow has arrived, started as rain and everything will freeze tonight. Must remember to leave early tomorrow as I know I'm going to have to thaw the car out.

      Mick...sounds like you had a productive, positive day with no injuries. Well done. I don't think that's quite what Lav had in mind though. LOL Tree is up and decorated, and we decorated most of the lobby. You got to watch what you say to the childcare director because now she's made stockings and we're going to put staff pictures on felt xmas bulbs She's been on a roll. Yes, it is a bonus him showing up, that came up in the meeting as well. Our building may be bare but I don't think it qualifies as sad building syndrome. What a great idea getting to choose your next posting.

      Techie...hope you have a wonderful December as well. make sure you schedule enough time to make all those perogies. Thanks for the link, I may actually try those. Nice surprise for xmas day. The boss has announced a Christmas Lunch for the staff on our last day of work, Dec 17th. One person has already declined, can you guess who that was? We're not booking any events in December but hope to start again in the new year. He'll have a lot of learning to do but at least we can work together and decide on procedures, pricing and scheduling. What an about face with the ex-boss not communicating anything and making changes on the fly. I have a much calmer outlook on my job.

      TG...hope you're not overdoing things, everything will eventually get done.

      Shout out to Pi, QW, Det, Sam and Pauly. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


        Re: 28 November

        Mae all,

        Lav, all your hard work will definitely make for some very happy customers!! I hope you arrive with a full truck and go back home with an empty truck! Do take care of yourself though... I find that my eyes are not as good at close work as they used to be... take care!

        PPQ, glad that you are escaping the worst of the weather up there... but did I just read about flooding? QW, I hope the flooding isn't affecting you! So, PQ, i think today you were meeting with you mew boss one on one... I hope that meeting went well! Looking forward to hearing about it...

        Mick, yes and yes. My family name is Dunbar, and I assume that means that we came from there - but nearly all lines of my family - both sides - left the islands in the early 18th century. Someone in the family worked hard on genealogy and traced the Dunbar who made the first crossing. I'll have access to those family records when I move close to my family. I still have a chest that came with the "second wave" of Dunbars later. I've been all over the British Isles, but very little in Scotland, so I hope to get there.someday. (PS - I just heard about a cross-country hike... ocean to sea... have you ever done that? Sounds interesting)

        Hi to Pauly and family. Det, please let us know how you are feeling... are you getting any better? Hello to all else stopping by...

        Countdown to a powerful New Moon... stay well all -


          Re: 28 November

          Hi Everyone,

          Mick, I don't think the Highlander Pub still exists but from what I found online, lots of people miss it. I think it's a lumber store now.

          PQ, I'm in the SE, Macleod/Heritage area. It's been a bit of an adjustment being in Calgary after living in small town Alberta for years.

          I've had several Day 1's in the past but the current quit is sticking. Currently I'm on day 1009.

          I used to be active in Newbies Nest, Roll Call, great to see some familiar names - Lav, Ava, PQ and others I've missed. Mostly I hang out in Cattlemans Cafe these days. If you haven't visited, please do.

          I'm a retired economic developer, small business consultant, wedding photographer, banker, and full time curmudgeon. I've been a volunteer for many years for 3 youth justice committees, a volunteer with a national and a provincial Parkinson’s Association, Justice of the Peace, Rotarian, and community producer for a community TV station.

          My wife was diagnosed with Parkinson’s about 5 years ago. I’m her care partner as we navigate this hideous disease. Every day brings new challenges it seems.

          Thanks for the welcoming comments! Much appreciated.

          AF since 26-02-19 NF since 04-83
          F*ck PD, cancer, dementia & covid-19



            Re: 28 November

            Good morning all, and how are we today then? Hope everyone is well well. I finished on the van yesterday. Thankfully there were no leaks.I ran the system up complete in both hot and cold water . after I'd done that I drained it all off completely, and yes last night we had a Frost. Once bitten twice shy

            First and foremost a big welcome to to our new member in the Gang quit whining. Lovely to hear from you, and about your background .using the word curmudgeon there must be some Anglo in your background too! An old English word it belongs in the realm of footpad etc .. You seem to have got a handle pretty much now on your 1010 day one! Good for you, well done. A bit about my background then. I was born at a very early age, and I have an ongoing Project to leave this Mortal Coil at a very late age! Whatever happens in between is a bonus. Take care and have a great day. And yes I noticed your signature at the bottom of your post. You can add dementia to your fk list for me!

            And hello techie , you also my friend have a great December and I hope Santa brings you everything you want. what? You don't believe in Santa Claus? You will be telling us next that storks have nothing to do with baby delivery or elves don't live in the bottom of people's gardens !take care

            And hello TG how are you today then ? hope all is well. I think what you are talking about is the Cape Wrath Trail across Scotland. As I recall it is about 250 miles long, two of my friends are doing it next year, I was supposed to be doing as well but I have seen sense.firstly I don't believe my back would hold up to the distance, and if I twist it in the middle of the Wilds, it is a burden on the others until I am
            Casevaced. I certainly intend to do part of it, but how much will depend on a) how I feel and b )where we are with the van at that particular time. Definitely if you get the chance to do that part of the coast in Scotland where your ancestors came from it is well worth it. some lovely views across the river forth. The rpigh dates you gave for your ancestors going across the sea is about the time of the first Jacobite Rebellion 1715, then the next rebellion 1745 . after that came the Highland clearances. We're taking the van back home next year to do about 3 weeks worth of travelling. Take care have a great this and tell me that it doesnt lift your head ..

            Remembrance Sunday 2021 Edinburgh - 2 SCOTS P&D escort armed forces down Royal Mile - YouTube

            Hiya lav how are you then? hope all is well in your part of the world. They have just discovered the first new variant of the virus in Lancaster that's our Lancaster not yours. I like the sound of the bananas however I'm not allowed to eat them ,grapefruit and I think pineapple as well because of the potassium content. Yes the losing weight is a bit of an issue to some of us not so young youngsters, but as with everything it's when you quit quitting the wheel comes off..... that is unless you are a cyclist! We have just booked an extra day over Christmas at the campsite with a motorhome so that now means we are there from the 23rd till the 28th, so I will be able to see things like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory The Wizard of Oz The Sound of Music and all the other stuff that gets dragged out for Christmas we can watch it in the van... not! Take care and have a great day

            Hiya ppqp ,and how are you today then ? hope all is well in Calgary on Sea . sounds like this new boss is actually trying to play the part and good for him. It sounds like he has been watching and looking to see what actually has been going on, when he comes out with things like redesigning job specs and questioning what people are actually doing as opposed to what they should be doing.....interesting comment you made about the program coordinator not having his ear , suddenly says to me he's a man on who's quite shrewd and wants to make this Community Centre as it's title says I centre for the community. All power to his elbow .hope you have a great day

            Hiya Sam the Man hope all is well with you and likewise you Pauly. Has anyone heard from pie?

            all the best have a great day look after yourselves stay safe and sober. See ya'll tomorrow
            Last edited by Mick; December 2, 2021, 04:55 PM.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 28 November

              Mae everybody, hi Sam,long time no seesounds like everyone is doing OK,hope Det checks in soon so we know he's OK waves ro the gang and wishes for a great BF day!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: 28 November

                Mae all -

                Techie, thanks so much for the wishes and for stopping by! Sending you good wishes right back.

                QW, hello as well, and thanks for your post... I am sorry that you are a caretaker for a beloved that has dementia... that must be exhausting; what a journey.

                Lav, don't work your fingers to the bone! You sound so busy, but also seem to have everything in hand - in your Lav way! Wow, banana doughnuts, that's a new one... good luck on all.

                Mick, goodness! I am glad that all has gone well for those repairs. Thx for the history info and the video - amazing! Take care, and try to take it easy on the projects, right?

                PQ, wow this new boss sounds just wonderful, congrats. I can see the center being decorated in my mind's eye - wonderful.

                Det, are you healing? Hope so -

                Pauly good to see you - yes, I hope,we hear from Det soon... how is shopping going for Xmas? I'm doing nothing!

                Sam, good to see you, and glad to hear some music got mixed into the work schedule. Wishing you happy holidays...

                I am working hard to track down all bills and receipts that can be billed to my late husband's estate... I am working on the final settlement form, and it is nerve-wracking - not sure what's allowed, etc. but made an appointment to see a lawyer next week and get a second set of eyes... in the meantime I'm keep at it...

                PQ, sorry to say, this is a BIG new moon influence apparently - but in a good way - ushering fulfillment of wishes/work for the next 6 months!... anyway that's what some say...
                take care all -


                  Re: 28 November

                  Good evening friends,

                  I think I have finished all I wanted to do for Saturday’s sale. We pack it all up & take it to the site tomorrow evening to set up. The sale starts bright & early at 8 am Saturday. Then i really need to start getting serious at setting up a Christmas here at home, haha!

                  PQ, you sound so much happier & relieved since the new boss arrived. That’s just great & I hope the happiness & cooperation continues for a very long time!
                  Guess what? My daughter is relieving me of perogie duty this year, yay!! She plans to get them made & frozen & cook them when she gets here Christmas eve. She heard my moaning & groaning & offered to pitch in & help. I am happy . Sorry about your weather but you do have a nice Christmas lunch to look forward to now.

                  Cyn, all this work is hard on the aging eyes, that’s for sure. I’m in the process of looking for a new eye doctor & hope I can get an appointment before June, geez.
                  I hope the new moon is kind to us. It’s been one rough year. You take care.

                  QW, I do remember you mentioning your wife has PD, awful disease. I know there’s been some new meds introduced since my nursing years & even surgical procedures for some. I hope you have some good back up help, it’s hard being the sole caregiver. Congrats on your AF time, you’re doing great.

                  Mick, glad you’re able to stay ahead of the icing conditions. Sounds like you have a nice Christmas trip planned good for you!
                  I take a diuretic to help lower my BP so I actually need the added potassium in my diet so why not in the form of a donut? Haha. Time for me to hop on my bike that goes nowhere, Lol

                  Hello to Det, Pauly, Sam & Pie. Hope everyone is oK.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: 28 November

                    And good afternoon everyone how are we today then? hope everyone is doing well. I have just had to take a covid test, we just found out that Julie's nephew's wife and one of her kids has got it . the big problem is on a Wednesday she comes up to clean Julie's Dad's house and brings the kids . my test came back is negative Julie's test came back as negative so she has just gone down to test her dad . fingers crossed it comes back as negative otherwise we do have a problem Houston. Very cold over here today, and in fact last night it snowed again. Only an inch or so and then it turned to rain and took it all away. As I say a short post, I'm making the tea while Julie goes and sees her dad, just in case. Both rabbits doing well however they are a bit smart we buy Timothy Hay and also normal meadow hay and I usually put a bundle of each for them mixed up up. They are that cute they actually separate the two types out and eat the good stuff. That is £18 for 6.5 kg the other is £6 for a large Bale and guess which one they like! sorry this is a short post but I need to get on with things take care look after yourselves and have a great weekend
                    Last edited by Mick; December 3, 2021, 11:14 AM.
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 28 November

                      MAE ALL…
                      Was going to post yesterday and the next thing I knew it was 11pm and I went to bed.

                      TG…the flooding is occurring in BC. They’ve had 3 atmospheric rivers in a row. No flooding here in Calgary. Yes, the new boss seems ok. He’s been feeling everyone out so see what concerns anyone has and I’m sure he’s still trying to sort it out. LOL There’s been a lot of unhappy campers for a while now. I hope you’re nearing the end of settling your husband’s estate. Wise decision to have a lawyer look at it.

                      QW…you’re right the Highlander is now a lumber store. It was a wild place in its time. I was born in Calgary but lived in Duchess (north of Brooks) for a while. Calgary used to be a small cow town but not anymore. Congrats on day 1011, we’ve all had many Day 1’s. LOL You have an interesting bio. Sorry to hear about your wife’s diagnosis, hope you have a support system you can lean on.

                      Mick…congrats on all the repairs working, now you can rest easy. Calgary on Sea would have been the 2013 floods, so sorry about BC, been there, done that. You are absolutely correct, he’s been watching and learning what’s been going on for the last 5 years. Sorry to hear about the Covid test but glad it’s negative. Hope her Dad comes out negative too. You two certainly don’t need that. We didn’t get much snow yesterday and today is still mild. Tomorrow, of course Saturday, temps are dropping and snow starts in the morning. At least I don’t have to go to work. You know you’re not raising dumb bunnies, don’t you. Enjoy your tea.

                      Pauly…hope your day was good yesterday. Det has probably recovered and has been running his butt off with shoots. At least that’s what I’m thinking.

                      Lav…it’s nice that you’re able to set up the day before your sale. I always ran our craft sale that way but not the prog-coord. LOL Thanks, I do feel a lot calmer these days. Wow, I can’t believe your daughter is making the perogies. You must be doing something right – got out of making Thanksgiving Dinner and now this. LOL I am looking forward to the Christmas lunch. He has also invited all of the childcare staff, not just the directors. Always a first time for everything.

                      I had an eye appointment with an optometrist at 3pm. I haven’t seen an optometrist for 30 years, always just went to my ophthalmologist. My right eye has started getting foggy and I don’t see my ophthalmologist until February. Since I official became a Senior in January I figured I’d see an optometrist as it’s covered by my health insurance. Actually, not all of it is, had to pay $30. I guess uninsured it’s $110. He discovered one of my cataracts has started growing over and sent a not off to my ophthalmologist. Guess I could have waited till Feb and not paid for anything. LOL It was as 15min appointment so started my weekend 2 hours early so I think it was worth it.

                      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all…..:smile:PPQP


                        Re: 28 November

                        Mae all -

                        Mick, I hope it is good news for Julie's dad... that's not a problem any of you need. Glad to hear you and Julie are in the clear. Ooh, the bunnies have good taste... ��

                        Lav, As I write this, I am hoping that you are home (though probably worn out). I hope the setup went smoothly today. Good luck and best wishes for good sales Saturday.. Great news about the pierogies! The next generation is stepping up... love that. Wishing you a good sleep before your day tomorrow...

                        PQ, probably good to have a first "second opinion" about your eye... never hurts to have more info. Sorry about the weekend snow, but glad you won't have to travel. Enjoy your movies!

                        Pauly, hello, hope all is well. Det, you must be busy as heck, hope so. Hello to all else dropping by...

                        We had a whee of a thunderstorm last night, incredible thunderclaps in the dark, and the sounds of lashing rain this morning. It dropped a little snow, then the sun came out - good thing, as it still felt quite frosty. I'm going to look again at some sites that talk about this powerful new moon... I want to be in a good "head-space" as we head into the darkest part of the year...

                        Sending peace to all...


                          Re: 28 November

                          Greetings friends,

                          Back after the set up & all ready for the morning. I don’t have enough brain power to do stuff like that at 7 am, Lol
                          So the guy setting up the table next to us is a retired Maryland State Trooper. Now YB will have someone to talk to besides me, haha!

                          Mick, sorry about the testing but it’s safer to know your status. Hope Julie’s dad is in the clear as well.
                          Fortunately my chickens don’t get picky about what I feed them. With the way the plow thru 50 lb bags of feed they better not be expecting the super expensive stuff, haha! Glad the snow didn’t hang around too long.

                          PQ, I am truly grateful that my daughter has taken the reins this year. I think her new job has left her in a better mood with more energy to do stuff.
                          That’s nice everyone will be included for the Christmas lunch, the way it should be really. Hope you don’t get stuck with much snow, who needs it? I’m glad you got your eyes checked. Cataracts can sneak up on you & I’m wondering if I’m developing one too. We shall see if I ever get an appointment.

                          Cyn, yep we’re all set upi & looking forward to the last event of the year. Who knows what next year will bring, right?
                          We haven’t had any real rain for several weeks after having such a soggy early fall. Thunderstorms at night are always fun, LOL
                          The winter solstice is only 18 days away so light will be returning, yay!

                          Det & Pauly, hope you are OK Sam & Pie, hello to you both.

                          Have a nice night kids
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 28 November

                            hiya all ,how are we today then? hope people are doing good today .did another test this morning ,negative again …Julies dad was neg last night .I've got the cold but hey its not surprising the amount of bugs flying around .It is hammering down with rain today .Hit a real bargain yesterday .Many moons ago ,Julie as into dolls houses ,making furnishing them etc ,She always said that when she retired that's what she was going to do again ..I was watching one on the Facebook market place ,in immaculate condition ,the woman got bored with it .Now bearing in mind to buy the kit ,it is currently £517 ,but are on special offer atm for £385 ,I got it for …..£30. yep thirty guess who is in the good books .

                            hiya Lav ….hope your weather is better than over here ….best of luck to you .So you have an ex state trooper on the next stall? No doubt the box of "when I s" will be out …Yes the snow didn't hang around ….but seasoned campers are always prepared for frost and bad weather …..not .hope you do well today .

                            hiya teegee, nice to see you .Yes the rabbits are shall we say spoiled say the Lav says the solstice isn't far away …..have a lovely weekend .

                            hiya you then ?all good I hope .well done on going to the eye guy....they are very precious. The Highlander could get a little lively at times ….I wonder what happened to all the stuff that was in there ? it was covered in all things Scottish ..they had a thing for shortbread tins with pics of Edinburgh castle and tartan on them ..Kind of indicates my Canadian adventures …the highlander and the sin bin ..ha ha ….you sound well chuffed with the new boss ….take care and have a good weekend .

                            hiya QW how you then? Hope all is well ….and likewise det pauly and sam the man

                            have a great weekend ..

                            A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew. She would occasionally walk around to see each child's artwork. As she got to one little Johnny who was working diligently, she asked what the drawing was.

                            Little Johhny replied, "I'm drawing God."

                            The teacher paused and said, "but no one knows what God looks like."

                            Without missing a beat, or looking up from his drawing little Johnny replied, "They will in a minute."

                            Quotations from Actual Students Essays

                            Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two other sides gently compressed by a thigh master.

                            His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.

                            He spoke with wisdom that can only come from experience, like a guy who went blind because he looked at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a pinhole in it and now goes around the country speaking about the dangers of looking at a solar eclipse without one of those boxes with a
                            pinhole in it.

                            She grew on him like E. coli and he was room temperature Canadian beef.

                            She had a deep throaty genuine laugh like that sound a dog makes just before he throws up.

                            Her vocabulary was as bad, as, like, whatever.

                            He was a tall as a six foot three inch tree.

                            The revelation that his marriage of 30 years had disintegrated because of his wife’s infidelity came as a rude shock, like a surcharge at a formerly surcharge free ATM.

                            The little boat gently drifted across the pond exactly the way a bowling ball wouldn’t.

                            McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a hefty bag filled with vegetable soup.

                            From the attic came an unearthly howl. The whole scene had an eerie surreal quality, like when you’re on vacation in another city and Jeopardy comes on at 7 pm instead of 7:30.

                            Her hair glistened in the rain like nose hair after a sneeze.

                            The hailstones leaped up off the pavement, just like maggots when you fry them in hot grease.

                            Long separated by cruel fate, the star crossed lovers raced across a grassy field toward each other like two freight trains, one having left Cleveland at 6:36 p.m. traveling at 55 mph, the other from Topeka at 4:19 p.m. at a speed of 35 mph.

                            They lived in a typical suburban neighborhood with picket fences that resemble Nancy Kerrigan’s teeth.

                            John and Mary had never met. They were like two hummingbirds who had also never met.

                            He fell for her like his heart was a mob informant and she was the east river.

                            Even in his last years, grandpappy had a mind like a steel trap, only one that had been left out so long, it had rusted shut.

                            Shots rang out, as shots are wont to do.

                            The plan was simple, like my brother-in-law Phil. But unlike Phil, this plan just might work.

                            Young fighter had a hungry look, the kind you get from not eating for a while.

                            "Oh, Jason, take me!" she panted, her breasts heaving like a college freshman on $1-a-beer night.

                            He was as lame as a duck. Not the metaphorical lame duck, either, but a really duck that was actually lame. Maybe from stepping on a landmine or something.

                            The Ballerina rose gracefully en pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant.

                            It was an American tradition, like fathers chasing kids with power tools.

                            He was deeply in love when she spoke, he thought he heard bells, as if she were a garbage truck backing up.

                            She was as easy as the TV guide crossword.

                            Her eyes were like limpid pools, only they had forgotten to put in any pH cleanser.

                            She walked into my office like a centipede with 98 missing legs.

                            Her voice had that tense grating quality, like a generation thermal paper fax machine that needed a band tightening.

                            It hurt the way your tongue hurts after you accidentally staple it to the wall.
                            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                              Re: 28 November

                              Mae all,

                              Just finished up helping my hose-mate/friend/client with wrapping her packages for her family. Then packed them in 2 boxes which we will send to Boaton. She is flying, so no way to carry all that. I feel like I've done my holiday duties now! Done!

                              Mick, good job on the dollhouse - you are getting Julie all set up for her retirement, right?
                              PQ, hoping your eyes will be healthy and good to go.
                              Lav, have been thinking of you today, hoping that the sale is going well...
                              QW, Det, Pauly, and all... sending light - though as Lav says, the light will be growing stronger soon...

                              Wishing all well -


                                Re: 28 November

                                Good evening friends,

                                Well I had the most spectacular day at the craft fair, possibly the best ever, haha!
                                I ended up sending YB home to bring back more stuff I had left at home because I didn’t think I could possibly need it all. Wow, it was exciting & fun. Thanks for all the best wished!!

                                Mick, good find on the dollhouse! That’s a great gift & a great bargain to boot I hope Julie has a lot of fun with it in her retirement.
                                No rain here & it’s a bit warmer than it really should be this time of year.

                                Cyn, you are a regular holiday elf, haha! That’s so nice to help your client like that. Good job!
                                I’m hoping to work up some motivation to begin decorating & wrapping & baking, etc.

                                Hellos going to PQ, Det, Pauly, Sam, Pie, QW! Hope everyone is doing well.

                                Have a nice night all.
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

