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5th December

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    Re: 5th December

    Hello and how are we today then? Hope all is well. I think the storm has gone, or at least this one has until the next one arrives, it is quite cold this morning however this sun is out in the sky. Yes got my car, it wasn't as much as I thought it was going to be so result. Julie ordered a work table for what used to be by the spare room but has rapidly turned into the hobby room so yesterday afternoon I spent building that. I hit a bad spell yesterday afternoon, I suddenly went dizzy sweating etc had to stop and sit down. Ok I hadn't had too much to eat during the day, but when I check my blood pressure it was 79 over 63 full stop the second time I checked it it was 82 over 68 and third time 92 over 71. I had a couple of sandwiches which didn't seem to alter anything so I ended up having a couple of chocolate biscuits and fell asleep. I know what the problem is, but it is one of those things I have to take high blood pressure tablets, even though my blood pressure I suspect is normal call as one of of veins I think it is on the right hand side of my head which carries the blood is very weak and then any rise in blood pressure would blow it full stop and downside to that is taking tablets to lower your blood pressure takes it way down and that's what happens every now and again, but yesterday it was a real one comer but hey here I am yet again the bad penny!

    Hiya lav how are you today then? Sewing cooking embroidery everything wow how many hours are in your day? Yes investigation into use of cocaine by members of Parliament... quite strange that it was leaked to the newspapers on the same day day as they decided to put in a new drug strategy including for those in prison. It just shows just exactly how much they do know no about prisons and the system currently used because the measures they were discussing and talking about have been in place for at least the last 15 years to my knowledge it seems like all they've done is taken a strategy from a shelf dusted off and reissued it. Staff searches drug tests Monday through drug testing for prisoners voluntary drug testing for prisoners rehabilitation therapeutic communities and drug issues linked to to discharge from prison and also incentive and earned privilege schemes nothing new there. You aren't going to believe this,(or maybe you will) I have just cut a piece of carpet for bonny to lie on in the conservatory in the sunshine! Take care and have a great day

    Hiya ppqp and how are you today then? Have you still got our snow? As I saying the weather is absolutely crazy see in the last week we have had snow, 2 pretty big storms I know today it's sunshine. How is work going? Is the new boss getting a grip of it all. Take care and have a great day.

    Hiya teegee how are you today then? Have you recovered from your travelling times yesterday? Hope so. Hopefully it will all be sorted out for you pretty soon. Take care and have a great day

    Big shout out to everyone else out there hope you are all doing well take care and stay safe
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 5th December

      Mae everybody, Mick sorry about your dizzy spell that's scary,sounds like you got it under control though,Lav glad you had a successful art sale and here you were hesitant at first,it ended up being great yay! Lous sick AGAIN! Told kell I'm ready for them to just homeschool again cuz this is getting ridiculous, he's missed so many days cuz each time they take him to the doc they're told to keep him out of school,his fever was 102 the other night so the doc gave him antibiotics, hope it works sheesh,hi to PQ and Cyn,woke up tired but gotta get thru this day grrrr then try to finish this damn Christmas shopping honestly it just came too fast! Much love to all and wishes for a great BF day for us all
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: 5th December

        Greetings friends!

        We had the chimney sweep here today, first time since we built this house too. Apparently we need to get a cap put on up top but other than that everything was OK.
        I am hoping to finish up this work tomorrow & then get started on my own Christmas. Still have a little shopping to do, decorating, baking, the usual

        Cyn, I sure hope the lawyer can get things wrapped up for you soon. It’s been on your mind all this time & it must be exhausting.
        Glad yuo didn’t have to deal with a snow storm while doing all that driving. Take care.

        Mick, I occasionally have very low BPs like that too but in the morning. I think we dehydrate overnight causing dips in BP. sometimes it’s also a sign of not having enough sodium & potassium in your diet. We are told to reduce sodium intake to lower our BP, sometimes we just need to add a little back.
        Politicians doing drugs at work - WTH?? The world has gone crazy.

        Pauly, good to see you!
        I agree Christmas has arrived sooner than needed this year. My shopping list was quite small this year because everyone is mostly getting cash, LOL. Even the kids are big enough now to know what they want so they can buy it theirselves. Sorry Lou is sick again, rough year. My granddaughter spiked a 102 degree temp yesterday, it’;s still close to that today & no other symptoms showing. They all got rapid tested & are negative so I don’t know what she’s fighting off. Man, we all need a break from this nonsense.

        Hello to PQ, hope the snow isn’t too bad.

        Hello to Det, Sam, Pie & QW.

        Have a good night all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: 5th December

          MAE ALL…

          Late check in for me, where does the time go. So we’re getting to know the new boss more and more every day. Things are still ok between me and him but he’s starting to ruffle some feathers with childcare unfortunately. The accountant is still “brown nosing” and has turned into a “me HR boss”. I just shake my head. As long as my responsibilities are spelt out the rest can do what they want.

          Lav…glad the snow was a no show yesterday. Next week our temps are dropping just below normal, of course, I have my annual physical to go to. Don’t be looking forward to even a dusting, be careful what you wish for. LOL Nice that all you need is a cap for the chimney, wait till after Christmas though, you know. Good luck in finishing everything tomorrow so you can get on with the more important things. Ya, more work. LOL

          TG…so glad you like your lawyer, mine was a “b*tch from h*ll”. She never did do anything for me and tried to stick me with a $19K bill. I refused to pay, she took me to court, and I won. LOL That was a good day. It may cost you but in the long run I think it will be worth it. Elated is a good word. I’m glad you didn’t have to drive in a snow storm.

          Mick…glad to hear you’ve got a break in the storms. It’s cold here too but like you the sun was out. Good for Julie ordering her work table and good on you for assembling it. Sorry to hear about the bad spell, that worries me. Sounds like you’ve been through it before and know what to do but just take care, ok? I saw the political party on our news last night, it really is a small world. No new snow and we’re supposed to be clear for the weekend. Colder next week but that’s ok, it’s the last week of work and then a 2 week paid winter break. We follow the school board calendar so it’s always an extra treat when Xmas rolls around.

          Pauly…sorry to hear about Lou, is homeschooling something that’s feasible for Kell? That might be a good solution. Hope you got through your day ok and I agree Christmas did come on too fast.

          Thinking of Pi, Det, Sam and QW, sending you good vibes. Have a good night all….:smile:PPQP


            Re: 5th December

            And good afternoon all how are we today then? Hope all is well. Julie is off work today, so we have been sorting out the decorations for the van etc and basically having a lazy day. It has been sunny for most of the day it has been very cold come on both rabbits are under the radiator in the conservatory sitting side by side. Hopefully I am metal detecting this weekend it just depends on the weather cold weather not a problem but if it's icy and snowing then no chance

            Hiya pauly great to hear from you. How is Lou doing? Hope he is better today. Are you planning anything for this weekend and or a quiet one?

            Hiya ppqp and how are you today then? Hope all is well. So she is Brown nosing to the new boss as well as she? You've got it in one stick to your job spec let them go on their own ways stop as long as it does not interfere with your life ifthat's all that matters. Yes that episode was little bit scary, but I guess it's just I put up with it job. Hope you have a good weekend

            Hiya lav, And how are you today then?hope all is good. Did you know that it's good luck to have a chimney sweep? Yes I think both you and I have the same sort of issues with blood pressure, at different times. How is your granddaughter today? Hope she is better full stop better that many bugs flying around at the moment it is unreal. Hope you have a good weekend

            Hiya teegee How are you today?hope all is on the right road for you

            Big shout out to everyone else..take care and have a good weekend
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 5th December

              Mae all,

              PPQ, really good work on just being concerned with only your area at work... the other person must be annoying, but as long as it's working for you... ��. Sorry about your lawyer experience. This part of the estate is small... but complicated. So, I am happy to have this lawyer take care of the details to satisfy the court, and take her fee out (not too much, as I basically did most of the work already). Plus, our meeting was fun because she had brought her 2-year old medium-sized labradoodle (named Lily) to the office. I might have given the dog more attention than the lawyer... Giving it to the atty is totally worth it for the piece of mind. All proceeds of the estate account will go to the family Trust, so I won't get direct cash, but that's okay... just as long as it gets done!

              Mick, I join all others in being concerned about the BP issues... you take care, and do all you can to stick around a long time, okay? Keep those bunnies warm... hoping for better weather for you.

              Lav, sheesh, I hope you get a break soon - you have been running and working so hard for a long time. And the Xmas dinner is coming up! I don't know yet where I will be, but if I will be staying where I am now (my lovely host will be going to see her children in Boston) then I will get a delicious dinner from the local grocery store... beef roast with all the trimmings. Sound delicious and peaceful, but we will see what the future brings. Car into the garage next Wednesday. (PS, hope that granddaughter get a better soon).

              Pauly, so great to hear from you, thank you! But sorry that Lou is still so sick, I hope they come up with some solution... How is the holiday looking to you? Will you be having the kids come over? They are still young enough to make Xmas fun. Hope you stay well, and take care. Keep stoping by!! ��.

              Hello to Det, QW, and all else stopping by... Cheers ...


                Re: 5th December

                Good evening friends,

                Work is done & delivered, yay! I doubt I’ll be taking on any more jobs until the new year. I’m the boss of me so I can do that, haha!!
                On to more important things like getting our order in for 10 lbs of fresh kielbasa for Christmas eve. We give half of it to our kids to take home & cook the rest for everyone to chow down on when they’re here.

                PQ, I think the chimney cap will be well researched before anything happens, believe me. It’s going to be an expensive job because it’s somewhat oversized apparently. No rush!
                Heading up to 70 tomorrow so no snow in the forecast, LOL The accountant sounds like she doesn’t have enough to do if she has all that time to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong, haha!

                Mick, I don’t know about good luck but at least we feel safer having the chimney flue inspected. Definitely less chance of a fire in there
                I was told my granddaughter was better & went to school today, that’s great. YB is suffering from a horrible case of man flu though, haha!!
                I think we need to be sure we are adequately hydrated & as I mentioned adding a little salt to your diet if your BP is indeed is too low. A neighbor today found the Amish guy who is moving in 2 doors down with about 9 or 10 of his friends walking through the wooded acreage behind our houses. They were all carrying rifles & attempting to chase deer up onto his property. The entire area is POSTED, no hunting.& there’s no gun hunting allowed in this area of the county. The Game Warden was notified & YB will be talking to their Bishop who is a friend of ours. He will straighten those guys right out!!!! This is a situation we never thought would happen, geez.

                Hello to Cyn, Pauly, Det, Sam & Pie.
                Hope everyone is oK

                Have a nice night all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: 5th December

                  Hello and how are we today then? Hope all is well with everybody. Pouring down with rain yet again today, But it is supposed to be nice tomorrow a whole 12゚ thank goodness for that I am going metal detecting. My friend is coming at 5:30 tomorrow morning so I need to be up about 4:30. Had to get a new tire for my car today it had as much tread as my head has hair. Lee
                  Julie is away up to her brother's grave It is 5 years today since we said good bye to him . Where ever. you are Tony hope you are at peace. I've also been up in a loft this afternoon cleaning the tracks On the railway. I was talking to a lad last night who has just started.. he hasn't got a lot and I have a lot of spare track that I don't and won't use so I will give it to him.
                  Hiya lav..don't you be mocking the man flu it is a very serious illness you know. It stops you doing things like shopping tidying up hoovering gardening and various other tasks too numerous to mention but as and when required certainly not in a fit condition to carry them out. Very debilitating! From what I have seen on the programmes the bishop certainly will sort out the would be cowboys. He certainly seems to be the head man in their way of life. Have a great weekend.

                  Hiya teegee how are you today then? Hope everything is well with you. You seem to have got yourself a decent lawyer very much on a par with hens teeth! Don't worry about me I checked my bank account this morning there is still money in the account so I intend to hang around for a little while longer haha post-op was interested in you story with regards to the Labradoodle is that where the story ends? Ou words I may have have taken more interest in the dog is there an and goes with that like and I am considering getting another pooch? Just saying like! Have a great weekend look after yourself

                  Hiya pauly hope all is well with you today. How is Lou? Hope he is on the mend have a great weekend

                  Hiya ppqp and how are you today then? Hope all is well have you any plans for the weekend? Or just a chill after a week at work. Whatever you do have a good one

                  Right folks that's me take care everyone look after yourself and see you after I have found a massive hoard of gold tomorrow haha as he wakes up!
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 5th December

                    Greetings friends,

                    Very windy here today but nothing like the people of Kentucky, Tennessee & Illinois went thru last night with several huge tornadoes. The body count is still rising, it’s sadly going to be quite high.
                    A candle factory was destroyed with >100 people working inside as well as an Amazon warehouse filled with workers. Prayers going out to all those victims & their families.
                    We have made a dent in the holiday decorating today & I will be turning my attention to baking in a day or two.

                    Mick, I sure hope it’s not too muddy for your detecting day. That’s nice that you can help a young guy get started with his own train addiction, haha!!
                    YB insisted on getting a rapid test kit today though I knew it wasn’t necessary. He gets the same upper respiratory infection every single year just prior to Christmas. No fever, headache, sore throat & chest congestion. The test was negative of course, but it just goes to show he DOESN’T LISTEN to me, oh well Lol

                    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pauly, Det & everyone.

                    Have a good night all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

