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12 Dec

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    Re: 12 Dec

    Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope all is well in the world that is apart from the the crazy politicians we all seem to be suffering with. The one we have couldn't even lie straight in bed, they're still going on about the parties that never happened last year yeah right everyone turns up up for their work in silly hats and Christmas jumpers not. Plus 99 of his own party members turned against him last night in the vote about the plan b recommendations he has made full stop that's all about the hospitality industry and going to nightclubs and things like that at. I wonder how many of them have shares in those sort of places seems a bit Ludacris to me you have to wear masks in shops and yet you can go go out on the lash in a nightclub. Or is it that the virus goes to bed early and doesn't bother about drinking or clubbing. Anyway I digress. A lovely sunny day out here at the moment, both rabbits are out playing on the lawn well eating it as opposed to playing!

    Hiya techie lovely to see you my friend hope all is well with you you. If you don't jump in before can I wish you and yours all the best for crimble mate.

    Hiya teegee well how did the cooking go? Did it taste anything similar to Greek food? If so then you are a winner full stop if not then the Greeks don't know what they're missing! Yes every now and again I love square sausage on bread a sausage piece! You take care and look after yourself

    Hiya lav how are you today? Hope all is well full stop those Amish buggies fascinate me tell me are they all the same design or do you get big flash ones like cars? The sausage you are talking about, I love to eat them cold dipping it in Mustard or sliced in a sandwich. Glad your grandson is ok

    Hiya ppqp hey baby we're having a hot time! Hahaha I don't know what the weather over here is doing, I think it just makes it up as it goes along. I think a lot of the fog and mist has got to do with the fact we are on the Yorkshire Lancashire border the highest section of motorway in England is around this area in fact it is probably a mile up the road from me me and and it's like the hot from the South of England meeting the cold from Scotland and north of England get together and meet around here across the Pennine range whether that's true or not I don't know but it sounds pretty feasible to me. How's work? How is the new boss settling in? Is the head groveler still in place? Take care look after yourself

    Hiya det hope you're feeling better Squire. How did the shoot go? Look after yourself mate

    Right folks that's me done and dusted unlike his house! Which I need to get on with before Her Majesty get home so take care look after yourselves have a great day
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: 12 Dec

      Mae everybody, Mick there's been double standards throughout this whole pandemic, one set of rules for some,rules for the rest of us,it's sickening Det,great to see you sorry you still feel yucky,Lav glad grandson got sorted with his ear poor kid, Lou got better pretty quickly just waiting for the next bout to hit the way it's been going sheesh,hi PQ and Cyn hope everyone has a great BF day!
      I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

      I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
      Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


        Re: 12 Dec

        MAE ALL...

        So one of the 4 furnaces we have at the community centre decided to pack it in yesterday. Wasn't able to get a contractor out to look at it today, maybe tomorrow. This is just affecting the main hall so we have all the lights turned on, doors open to the hallway where we have boosted the temp and put in 3 space heaters. Hopefully nothing freezes overnight. We have been fighting with the HVAC system ever since I started here 10 years ago. Too bad for the new guy as he's the one who has to deal with it.

        Mick...the omicron variant is spreading here in Alberta so the premiere decided to change the restrictions over Christmas. Instead of having only 2 households with everyone vaccinated inside your house he changed it to unlimited households to a max of 10 people, not including children and youth under 18 and both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. What sense does that make! I fully expect a 5th wave after the holidays. Things with the boss are still going good so here's hoping it continues. Glad you're weather has improved I'm not talking about mine anymore.

        Pauly...good to see your post. Glad Lou is doing better.

        Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: 12 Dec

          Mae all -

          Pauly, good to see you! And glad to hear that Lou got better quickly... maybe his immune system is finally getting stronger, hope so.

          Lav, thanks for the recipe - I will try it while I'm still here in the east. My housemate here also needs to avoid dairy, so this seems like a good option. Happy to hear that your grandson saw a doc and seems better, that's a relief. You are industrious! Baking cookies! Lucky family...

          PPQ, dear me but that COLD! Happy to hear that you will be off for a good stretch... you deserve it! Sorry about the heating in the building...hope it gets fixed.

          Mick, the soup turned out really well, thanks for asking. And it made a big pot - we both had it last night, and I just finished it up this evening. For some reason I find it comforting... All this talk of sausages is making me hungry for some... I guess that will be part of the next shopping trip. And good mustard. I hope you got everything 'done and dusted' before Madame got home ��.

          Well, just as I was saying yesterday that now I am somewhat worried about my drive... here came huge winds in the city that I am moving to! My brother got siren warnings and they had to go to their basement to wait out the storm - wind clocked at 80 mph there! So... hmmm. We'll see about when I go and how I will make my way. Not too thrilled just now...

          Det, I hope you are able to rest a bit... good luck. Hello to Techie, QW, and anyone dropping by. Listening right now to a light rain pattering on the window pane... kinda wish it was snow... but there's a bright moon out there somewhere!


            Re: 12 Dec

            Greetings friends,

            Freakishly warm here & we haven’t had any real rain here fora while, just light showers. Watching the news scares me a little, these storm all move west to east of course. Hanging close to home until this weather pattern is done.

            Cyn, you sure don’t want to be on the road heading west right now. You’ll know when the time is right.
            The vegan recipes are a good start for me & I know what I can safely add to them if I want to change things up a bit. Hope you like the soup. I made another pot of that Tuscan white bean soup today because I can happily live on soup, haha. I have sourdough resting in the fridge overnight & will bake a big loaf tomorrow

            PQ, wow that sure is cold!!!! I hope your building’s pipes survive, geez.
            I am also concerned about another covid wave after the holidays & our local hospital is closing it’s doors forever on the 31st of this month. We will have to drive to a hospital in Delaware for care, I think about 11 miles away. My plan is to stay healthy as long as humanly possible. Stay warm!!!

            Pauly, glad Lou is better. I’m glad I had the chance to lecture my grandson about NOT letting things like this go until he is in severe pain & losing his hearing, geez.

            Mick, the buggies are all pretty much identical. When they gather for a wedding or a funeral they are given a number to hold. The buggy gets the same number, the horse gets the same number & is walked to a large barn, when they are ready to leave they present the number to the kid who is in charge of the horses who brings the horse tothe right buggy. It’s Amish valet parking HAHA!!!

            Hello to Det, hope you’re OK today.
            Hello to Techie, QW, Sam & Pie.

            Have a nice night all.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: 12 Dec

              Mae everybody, Lav sounds like the Amish have a good little valet system there haha,yea hope your grandson doesn't get to that point with his ears again poor kid,I know Lou tends take alot of ear wax for some reason too,more than normal so who knows,Cyn the light rain sounds nice,we got some the other day,PQ,hope nothing freezes it's a terrible time for that to go out! Don't understand the limits on what we can do in our homes yet there's events going on all around here,really weird. Mick hope everything is going well with you, soooo tired this week,dunno if it's the weather,hormones,or Christmas stress,I just bought what I bought and hope everyone is happy with it,anyhoo have a great BF day all!
              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                Re: 12 Dec

                Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope everyone who's doing well. It is absolutely freezing here. I'm sitting with seven hats on and 5 coats. Well that's a bit of an exaggeration but there we go. I have been pretty busy today day coma I washed the van down comma for some mad reason it keeps getting black streaks on it and they are a pain to get rid of it's not just my van everyone's is the same. In addition to that that I have been busy downloading all the old photographs we have. I have a photo scanner and putting them all onto hard drive once I had got it set up it wasn't too bad so far I've downloaded 786 photographs. On my phone and I have 6220 photos and 386 videos. I just want to put the old paper photographs onto some sort of electronic device to preserve them as I say I have been pretty busy today although it seems like I haven't done anything so best I get my skates on now so I am going to hoover up wash the dishes and make the tea apologies for this being a short post but busy Bee day take care everyone look after yourself
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 12 Dec

                  MAE ALL…

                  If I thought yesterday was cold it was nothing compared to today. It’s -17C/1.4F with a windchill making it feel like -31F/-24F. It started snowing around noon so now we’re under a Blowing Snow Advisory. Sure glad I don’t have far to travel to get home tonight.

                  TG…with turning all the lights on, opening the doors and heating the hallway we were able to get the temp to stabilize at 19C/66F so frozen pipes. Our building guy got it working this morning when he got in. I wouldn’t be thrilled about traveling right now and ending up in a storm. Give it a lot of thought before you do go.

                  Lav…I hate that it’s freakishly warm there. We did have a fantastic November so I really can’t complain. It would just be nice to get back to normal temps, kinda like a normal life. LOL I’m concerned about wave #5 too, at least my hospital isn’t going anywhere. If you ever see the Amish valet parking in action please take a picture of it. I think that is great.

                  Pauly…I’m so tired for this week to be over too. Really looking forward to the next 2 weeks off. For you it’s probably all three weather, hormones and Xmas stress. Hope you had a good day.

                  Mick…didn’t mean to send my weather your way. How can you wash the van when it’s that cold out? I wonder where the black streaks are coming from. That’s quite the project with your photos, it’ll keep you busy for a while. Hope you got everything cleaned up and cooked before Julie got home.

                  Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a warm night all….:smile:PPQP


                    Re: 12 Dec

                    Greetings all,

                    Still very mild & dry here. Now I’m wondering when we’re going to be hit with the blizzard of the century, haha!!
                    Keeping busy but not doing all that much. I’m mixing up different cookie doughs & stacxking them in the fridge for baking day, whenever that will be

                    Pauly, the thing about ear wax is some people just make more than the rest. Then you have to factor in the lazy teenager thing. I think he’s learned a valuable lesson this week.
                    I’m so anti-shopping this year even the grandkids are getting gift cards, they know how to use them. I’m over all that crazy shopping & wrapping, etc. They all can come over for good food & go home happy with their gift cards. Don’t stress yourself!

                    Mick, your day sounded a lot like mine. Good job on the photo scanning. YB does a lot of that stuff too.

                    PQ, glad everything was OK & not frozen at work. That is some serious cold weather lady - be careful! I don’t want to have to think about our local hospital closing, still hoping for someone to come to our rescue.

                    Cyn, hope you had a good day!

                    Det, hope you are feeling better.

                    Hello to Sam, pIe, QW, Techie & all.

                    Have a nice night everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: 12 Dec

                      hiya all are we today then? All good I hope ..Cold and frosty morning ,but it is now lovely and sunny .Went to get some bits and pieces from the shops earlier on .before the crowds landed .
                      Did a fair bit of scanning and downloading yesterday, but a lot more to do ..didn't realise Chrimbo was next week....oops .

                      hiya Lav,how are you then today? hope all is well with you. Julie is of the same nature as you ,she does not go to the hops any more unless its a real necessity .She has even bought the Christmas presents online this year .One of her nephews, his girlfriend works in a care home ...and has covid for the second time ,hope this weather stays for next week ..

                      hiya pauly ,how are you then? hope all is good.I think its just the season where everyone feels weary .How is Lou? hope heis ok take care .

                      hiya ppqp..hows you then? hope you are keeping wrapped up...thats a pretty cold temp.the black streaks on the van come from the black window door seals etc .apparently over time the rubber denigrates and yuo have much to do over xmas at work or is that it jobdone?

                      hiya teegee hows you then?

                      stay safe good people .
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: 12 Dec

                        Mae all,

                        Busy trying to get a handle on all that I have here (in my room!) and hope to get it managed, condensed, and able to be put on my car. Strangely enough, the weather forecast for next week is really calm in the Midwest. Storms in the west and north - we are due for icy rain tomorrow, but then it goes away. So, Monday might be the day that I start out! I might grab this "window" since it is here...

                        Pauly, poor thing, I know - holidays are SO tiring! I'm sure everyone will be happy to be together for the holiday... try to take care of yourself - the Moms always end up taking g care of so much during holidays.

                        Lav, that is an hysterical story about the Valet parking! LOL! Sorry to hear about your hospital - same thing is happening here in CT. But the next closest hospital is more like 20 miles... scary in an emergency. I just heard from some New Yorkers who are cancelling Xmas plans in NYC. Apparently Omnicrom is a huge problem, and spreading fast. Young people are getting sick - no news yet about how severe it is. What a world we live in... just when we started to think things might get better. I am so grateful for the vaccines...

                        PPQ, oh my gosh I am so sorry for your cold temps!!! So glad that today is the last day for awhile - have some hot cider when you get home!!

                        Mick, good job on the photos! That is my plan as well, but I need to wait until I have a real place to hang my hat before I get anything else... my car is going to be full

                        Hello to all stopping by, and as Mick says "look after yourselves"


                          Re: 12 Dec

                          Greetings friends,

                          Still on the mild side here but tomorrow is bringing rain, we’ll see.
                          Loaded on on more flours at the Amish store today, so the baking continues. I will be sure to send the majority of these cookies home with the kids next week, trust me.

                          Mick, shopping online is pretty typical for me since we have to go so far to find stores, haha. I think it’s smart to do right now considering all the cooties flying around out there.
                          I am worried about a few friends still working in hospitals. They’re worked to exhaustion & exposed to the virus all day long - not a good combo. They all deserve the best seats in heaven.

                          Cyn, I’m glad you’re watching driving conditions carefully. I don’t blame you for scooting out when you can.
                          It’s weird that the closest hospital will be in Delaware. Our county hospital is something like 23 miles away, double the distance of the Delaware hospital. Trying not to make myself crazy about this stuff but it is a concern. Our son volunteers with the local fire/ambulance companies & he’s very concerned about how they are going to staff ambulances & the length of time they will be out of the station for each call. It’s all a huge bummer.

                          Hello to Pauly & Det, hope you guys are OK.
                          Hello to Sam, pie, QW & Techie.

                          Have a nice night all!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: 12 Dec

                            MAE ALL...

                            It's finally Friday Eve :yay: I am really looking forward to this break. We had a really nice staff xmas lunch and then about 3:30pm the furnace packed it in again. Got a contractor out again who doesn't know what's wrong and nobody knows who the actual contractor was who bought and installed the new one. Only proves not taking the GM job was the right decision. At 4:30 I was out the door. I do have to spell off with the new boss and go in and check on things a couple of times over the break. That's ok, I can handle that.

                   was bitterly cold again this morning but at least the sun was out, makes all the difference. We're getting a heat wave tomorrow, going up to -2C/28F. Will pop out and stock up on groceries and then I'm staying put. So you're going to add to the already stacked cookie dough in the fridge. I bet the kids love it when you get into the baking mood. Forgot that your son and how this is going to affect him. I hope someone comes to your rescue with the hospital too.

                   can get caught up in your projects can't you. I'm sure Julie wouldn't let you forget about Chrimbo. Crowds are crazy around here as well. You've got to add on an extra 1/2hr for anything you do, even if it's just to the corner store for milk! I would have never guessed the streaks were from the rubber on the doors. I don't think I've owned a car long enough for that to happen. Normally that would be it, job done for me. But with the building superintendent living outside of the city I'll spell off with the boss checking things. Wouldn't want our insurance to be null and void, we might need it.

                            TG...whatever doesn't fit in the car you can donate. Nice that there is a break in the weather and you're right about taking advantage of it. We'll all be following your trip with you. Yes, I am looking forward to this break. It sounds like even if Omnicrom is more easily spread it's not as serious as the Delta virus. A nurse friend of the boss in Toronto said their numbers have been doubling every day but not one hospitalization. Maybe this will help with the herd immunity theory. Regardless, I know I won't be traveling anywhere or visiting anyone. Staying put until I get my booster in January.

                            Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: 12 Dec

                              Thank you folks, I appreciate it. Happy Holidays to you all!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Re: 12 Dec

                                Another sunny day here today ,hope everyone is doing good .despite it being nice outside both rabbits are lying in the sun in the conservatory .I am ou metal detecting tomorrow ....same place different fields .

                                hiya techie good? all the best to you my friend

                                hiya ppqp ...hows you ? a Xmas lunch? hope it went well till the furnace died down .yep Ithink you were right not taking the gm job despite being more than capable ..what are you up to over the weekend? just chill time? no ,not literally ..whatever you do have good one .

                                hiya Lav ,how are you then? has the wet weather got to you yet?Does your son have to take daily tests at his work for covid?Julie does at her work.Amy had to isolate again as her boyfriend had to take a test ,and she obviously wasnt allowed to work in the hozzy until it came back..Test came back as negative ,so it seems he just has a cold ...there are loads of them floating around .Anyway ...happy baking today .

                                hiya teegee..hows you then? all ok I hope ..Ive done all the pics now apart from about 300.then I have to do the videos and convert them to mp4 format .yep the omicron is a big deal here one knows what the outcomes are ..yes it spreads a lot faster,but as for the level of illness/hospitalisation ,it doesn't seem as bad .mind you we have a government that are about as good as a handbrake on a canoe ..hope you have a good weekend ..

                                hiya pauly hope all is well with you ?

                                One night at the lodge of a hunting club, two new members were being introduced to other members and shown around. The man leading them around said, "See that old man asleep in the chair by the fireplace? He is our oldest member and can tell you some hunting stories you'll never forget."

                                They awakened the old man and asked him to tell them a story.

                                "Well, I remember back in 1944, we went on a lion hunting expedition in Africa. We were on foot and hunted for three days without seeing a thing. On the fourth day, I was so tired I had to rest my feet. I found a fallen tree, so I laid my gun down, propped my head on the tree, and fell asleep. I don't know how long I was asleep when I was awakened by a noise in the bushes. I was reaching for my gun when the biggest damn lion I'd ever seen jumped out of the bushes at me like this: RRROOAARRR! ...........I tell you, I just shit my pants."

                                The young men looked astonished and one of them said, "I don't blame you, I would have shit my pants too if a lion jumped out at me."

                                The old man shook his head and said, "No, no... not back then, just now, when I said RRROOAAARRR!"

                                While making rounds, a doctor points out an X-ray to a group of medical students.

                                "As you can see," she says, "the patient limps because his left fibula and tibia are radically arched. Michael, what would you do in a case like this?"

                                "Well," ponders the student, "I suppose I'd limp too."

                                David Beckham decides to go horse riding. Although he has had no previous experience he skillfully mounts the Horse and appears in complete command of the situation as the horse gallops along at a steady pace.

                                Victoria admiringly watching her husband.

                                After a short time David becomes a little casual and he begins to lose his grip in the saddle, he panics and grabs the horse around the neck shouting for it to stop.

                                Victoria starts to scream and shout for someone to help her husband as David has by this time slipped completely out of the saddle and is only saved from hitting the ground by the fact that he still has a grip on the horses neck.

                                David decides that his best chance is to leap away from the horse, but his foot has become entangled in one of the stirrups. As the horse gallops along David's head is banging on the ground and he is slipping into unconsciousness.

                                Victoria is now frantic and screams and screams for help!!!!

                                Hearing her screams, the Tesco's Security Guard comes out of the store and unplugs the horse.

                                I recently returned from a trip to the Middle East.

                                It was an experience I will long remember. I had expected to find nomads living in the middle ages. Instead I found the area to be firmly in the twentieth century. I remember most the faithful Muslims being called to come to prayer.

                                They now use microphones. They have become ... Mecca-nized.

                                A blonde was visiting Washington, DC. This was her first time to the city, so she wanted to see the Capitol Building. Unfortunately, she couldn't find it, so she asked a police officer for directions.

                                "Excuse me, officer," the blonde said, "how do I get to the Capitol Building?"

                                The officer said, "Wait here at this bus stop for the number 54 bus. It'll take you right there."

                                The blonde thanked the officer and he drove off.

                                Three hours later the police officer came back to the same area, and sure enough, the blonde was still waiting at the same bus stop.

                                The officer got out of his car and said, "Excuse me, but to get to the Capitol Building, I said to wait here for the number 54 bus. That was three hours ago. Why are you still waiting?"

                                The blonde said, "Don't worry, officer, it won't be long now. The 45th bus just went by!"
                                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

