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Boxing Day Dec 26

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    Boxing Day Dec 26

    Hello everyone how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing ok. We had a good Christmas yesterday went for a walk play the couple of games filled my face , was absolutely bloated Julie played a blinder with Christmas dinner it was absolutely great . It poured down with rain all night, but checking the weather forecast where we live it has been snowing pretty heavily hopefully it will be all gone by the time we go home. There are a lot of vans coming in today, all those that's spent Christmas at home are coming up here for New Year.

    Hiya lav how are you doing? How is your son? Hope he is ok and getting better. Did you have a house full for Christmas Day? As long as you enjoyed it

    Hiya ppqp how are you doing , Merry Christmas to you hope you had a nice time. Always another 364 days to Christmas. Take care

    Hiya pauly how are you doing how is your daughter? Hope she is getting better. How did your Christmas day go question mark are you going to have another one when she is better? Take care look after yourself
    Hiya teegee how are things with you?hope all is well with you. Did you have a good Christmas?hope so

    Big hello to everyone else on here. Take care


    Last edited by Mick; December 26, 2021, 09:59 AM.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

    Mae everybody, Kell brought the boys over and we unwrapped most of their stuff but then her boyfriend called his brother cuz they were supposed to go to the other grammas house and yep the brother has covid too! He sounded sick as a dog on the phone so basically Kell went home and isolated the boys,herself and boyfriend cuz they were all just around the brother a few days ago,this thing is a a mess and annoying, spent the day blue as hell just cuz it's never ending and it really sux,anyhoo waves to the gang and wishes for a great BF Sunday
    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


      Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

      MAE ALL...

      All quiet here, just hiding from the cold. Will have to pop over to the community centre tomorrow to check on things, hopefully the car starts.

      Mick...thanks for kicking off the new thread. You're always thinking of us. Wow, what a great looking meal. Now you've made me hungry. Glad you were able to get out for awhile. I bet the rain sounds great in the van. No new snow here for now, it's too cold to snow. -27C/-16F That's quite a group of vans there. When are you guys heading back?

      Lav...good job on dropping off food, you know where I live. Just saying. Glad to hear everyone seems ok. glad you made it safe and sound. Hope you continued to test negative and that you were able to enjoy a great Christmas.

      Pauly...yeah you're right it does suck but it will end. Keep your chin up. Hope Kell and everyone is ok.

      Waves to Pi, Sam, Det and QW. Have a great day all and stay warm....:smile:PPQP


        Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

        Greetings friends,

        Quiet day of sitting on the sofa doing nothing once again. Very unusual for me but since I picked up YB’s leftover manflu I have had no energy, haha.
        Just grateful we tested negative.

        Mick, we’re glad to know you two are eating well, Lol. Sorry about all the rain, better than snow I guess.
        We had no visitors here Christmas day, just daughter & her family Christmas eve. The rest of my family is in quarantine, I think they’re doing OK

        Pauly, it’s a bummer with this latest Covid outbreak. I just hear that all of the hospitals in a neighboring county (where we used to live & work) are on divert. So that gives you an idea of how bad things are here. OUr local hospital is closing doors 12/31 so we’re screwed if we need any services. Hang in there, things have to get better. Keeping the kids safe is number 1 right now!

        PQ, sorry I couldn’t get to your doorstep with a bag of leftovers, haha! The kids did appreciate it though.
        Stay warm & cozy & good luck venturing out in the morning

        Hello to Cyn, Det & Sam & anyone else dropping by later.
        Have a nice night all.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

          Well, wrote a long post, but when I tried to post, the internet dropped out, aargh! (I am at my brother's house)

          Wishing all well -

          Pauly, sorry for all the upset; hope everyone gets better soon.

          Lav, sorry about the man-flu... hope your rest makes you feel better.

          PPQ, take care and stay warm!

          Mick, the lights are great - hope your weather clears.

          I have had a good family time for the holiday (kept testing myself, and all was negative, so I felt okay about being with them). Onward to trying to find a place to live here... we'll see what turns up...

          Take care all, stay safe - sending lots of holiday cheer!


            Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

            Hiya all how are we today then?hope all is well. That's it ..home tomorrow ..been a nice little break..especially for Julie..not being disrespectful, but it takes a lot to look after her dad . Plus the mental pressure and memories. We went out this morning flying the drone. Good fun

            Hiya teegee..welcome to the ethereal thread.. where they all disappear. Glad you had a good Christmas..and still not positiive .decorations are down in the van now.

            Hiya are you doing especially with man flu...though in fairness you got one thing wrong..manfully doesn't come in itty bitty left over whacks you with a serious vengeance..hope the rest of the family are doing ok..we are back home tomorrow.

            Hiya pauly. Sounds like you had a pretty tough time.. aww big hugz to you hope everyone is on the mend. When they are better you can have your own make believe Christmas

            Hiya ppqp how are you doing?..did the car start OK today?we are back tomorrow, chilling time then day after Amy is coming down and I'm going to pick up the peskies got a couple of issues to sort out in the van..the mattress for makes my shoulders ache when I'm sleeping. It's a quality mattress just perhaps a little too hard for my daily frame...its either osteoarthritis or old injuries. Probably get a soft mattress topper .failing that ....plan b ..

            Hiya everyone else hope you are well. .all the very best to you.

            Take care..pop in say hiya let us know you are doing good
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

              MAE ALL...

              Typical, pick the coldest day of this deepfreeze to have to go over to the community centre. Car started ok and only took a little time to warm up. That's the nice thing about smaller engines. Had a call from the security company last night that there was a power failure. They would monitor the system and if the battery backup died they'd phone the boss. I texted the boss and he called me. Said he had gone over and plugged in 4 space heaters for the hall and it might have just blown a fuse. Yup that was the case.

    're forgiven for not dropping off leftovers. I'm glad you tested negative but sorry you ended up with the flu. Hope you're feeling better. At least you had an excuse to avoid the boxing day sales. I have never gone, not the shopping type. It was -32C/-25F but we're expecting a heat wave tomorrow only -17C/+1.4F YooHoo. May go and restock the fridge.

              TG...I second Mick's welcome to the ethereal thread. You've officially been inducted. LOL I have started writing my posts in word and then pasting them onto the thread. That way at least I have a backup. Glad you were able to be with everyone at Christmas. Good luck with finding your new residence and remember, Rome wasn't build in a day.

              Mick...I'm glad you and especially Julie were able to get a break. Even a couple of days from it all is healing, believe me I know. Wow, so glad you were able to fly the drone. Any pics? Nice that Amy is coming in and I'm sure the Peskies will be happy to see you. Hope you didn't get a lot of snow. Sorting out the mattress would be a big priority, a mattress topper might do the trick.

              Pauly...hope the blues have blown away and things are looking up. There's a small strip mall by my house and the community hairdresser is looking for a stylist. Wish you were here, you'd love the spot.

              Hello to Pi, Det, Sam & QW....have a good day all....:smile:PPQP
              Last edited by porqoui; December 27, 2021, 05:23 PM.


                Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                Mae all,

                Sounds like all are hanging in there...

                PPQ, glad the boss was on the ball, and answered your call! Holy cow, still in the deep freeze - wishing you well - bundle up!

                Mick, it sounds like you and Julie had a good time, I'm so glad. Of course it is a strain on Julie... how good of you to give her a break. Good luck on that topper... sounds like a fix.

                Pauly, how are things turning out at your house? Are you still okay? Hope so...

                Lav, I am wondering about your health too - the flu is nothing to sniff at... I hope you are mending...

                I am in the apartment hunt, which is fairly exhausting... my head is spinning, oh well!

                Det, QW and all dropping by... wishing you well and safe --


                  Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                  Good evening friends,

                  Still looking for the end of this respiratory funk, don’t even know what it is. We both had flu shots, I’ve had no fever, it’s not Covid so what is this stuff? It’s way more than a cold…..I don’t know at this point.
                  We were given a box of fresh mushrooms as a gift so I made mushroom soup today & have done nothing else, haha! Our son asked for one of the extra home test kits we have so he can get a negative result 7 return to work. Everyone is having a hard time finding test kits around here. He tested negative so he’s happy. I haven’t talked to the boys yet today, hope they’re doing OK.
                  Our Amish friend just announced the birth of a new grandson on Christmas day - this makes 80 some grandchildren for him!!!! Can you just imagine????? WOW!

                  Cyn, glad you were with your family for Christmas. Sorry about the lost post, happened to me too recently.
                  Searching for an apartment sounds like fun on one hand but I know it’s exhausting on the other. I hope you find the perfect place real soon.

                  Mick, glad your trip has been basically successful. Enjoy your visit with Amy when you get home.
                  We had a covering of snow late this morning & now it’s below freezing so we’ll see what happens. Safe trip home for you & Julie.

                  Pauly, how are you today?
                  Det, how about you?
                  Hello to Sam, QW & anyone dropping by.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                    Mae everybody, yup Lav the tests are all sold out around here, when Lb first tested hubs ran to Walgreens and they had TONS then the day after Christmas NOBODY had any,it's crazy! Glad your son is clear to go to work PQ,I wish I could find a nice,independent owned salon to work at,instead of this crazy lady she fired another girl for no reason on Christmas eve over text and I read the text and it makes no sense,tbh I'm starting to think the new owner has alcohol issues? Her texts are rambling and usually later in the evening so it's got me thinking that may be the problem who knows,Cyn yep those dissapering posts always baffle me too,Mick hope you're staying warm and safe where you are my friend,wishing us all a great BF day!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                      hiya all...that's us back home now ...rained all the way but there we go .its nice to be home ,but its nice on the van too. Slept better last night as well...still painful but nowhere near as bad .did a load of rotational exercises yesterday as opposed to anything else .Next trip out is February ...same place ..there is a steam railway gala. After that who knows where we will end up .

                      hiya pauly ,how are you doing? hows the family doing? that's crazy about the test kits ..keep your looking head on after christmas ,for an independent stylist ...dont give up .

                      hiya Lav ,hows you feeling today then? Have you still got gunkitis? thats the medical term for respiratory tract and coughing issues ...yeah ok ..again crazy about the test kits ..we order them online from the nhs ,and they are shipped by mail within 24 hrs ..pity I couldnt ship you some .Glad your lad tested ok. 80 kids? that's some Amish family ...this place looks good without snow ...lets hope it stays as such.

                      hiya ppqp. .how's you then?hope all is well with you ..I saved a fortune at the boxing day sales never went or used tinternet .yes def getting a mattress topper ..the break was good. Thanks .hardly any snow ...lots of rain though .take care ..

                      hiya teegee are you then?any luck on the apartment hunting or is it early days?best of luck to you...

                      a big shout to everyone else..


                      'The Covid jab is designed to kill anyone who gets it, it's part of the NWO's plan to depopulate the planet!'

                      What, and only leave the idiots alive?

                      An armed man has been arrested after breaking into the grounds of Windsor Castle on Christmas Day.

                      The Police have said, "He had a big white beard and a sackful of toys"...

                      My wife said she was leaving me because I'm lazy and never do any DIY.

                      'Don't let the front door hit your ass on the way out!' I shouted.

                      'There's not much chance of that,' she replied, 'It's still in bubblewrap in the fcking garage!'
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                        Evening greetings one & all,

                        Chilly & damp here still but I’m staying inside mostly so who cares? Haha
                        Just talked to son & grandson, they’re both fine. Now to keep everyone healthy - any ideas?? Seems like you do everything you can but end up getting sick anyway, bummer.
                        Turns out the incubation period for Omnicron is only 3 days, not 5 days as for Delta. Be careful!

                        Pauly, it’s sad that we still don’t have the supplies we need to battle this virus. I always thought the US had the ability to step up production when needed, apparently not
                        I really wish you could find a salon you like. Have you gone thru business listings & made any calls to introduce yourself? Dion’t be shy.

                        Mick, glad you’re home safe & sound. Most of yesterdays snow is gone now, it was nice for a few hours, haha.
                        I feel like it’s going to take a few more days to get over this junk occupying my head, Lol but I am getting better. Since we live in a real tri-state area it’s easy to go off in different directions & shop for test kits in 3 different states but the need has exceeded supply everywhere.

                        Hello to Cyn & PQ, hope you are well.
                        Hello to Det, Sam & everyone.

                        Have a nice night all!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                          MAE ALL…

                          It felt like a heatwave out there today. Even though it only got to -17C/1.4F it wasn’t that bitterly cold heavy air. Lots of other people out about today as well, think everyone had to restock. Colder tomorrow but warmer on Thursday when I have to check on the community centre again. This time I picked the right day. LOL

                          TG…we’re going to get a reprieve this weekend and then back to the deepfreeze for the start of the work week next week. Don’t exhaust yourself with the apartment hunting, you’ve been through quite a bit and nobody would blame you for taking it easy for awhile.

                          Lav…sorry you’re still struggling with the respiratory funk but at least it’s not covid. The mushroom soup sounds like a winner and I’m glad you did nothing else yesterday. Glad to hear your son tested negative and was able to go back to work. I don’t know, 80 grandchildren, I can just imagine Christmas. Do they celebrate Christmas? Staying inside mostly today is a good plan, who cares what the weather is doing then. That’s my plan for tomorrow.

                          Pauly…we can’t get test here either. I think your assumption about the crazy lady may be correct. I wish you could find an independently owned salon too.

                          Mick…glad you’re home safe and sound and that you didn’t drive into a snow storm, rain is bad enough. Sounds like the rotational exercises helped but the topper will also be a benefit. So you’re home till February, don’t forget about Valentine’s Day. It’s great you’re new found escape place has all kinds of train events, just up your alley. Good job on saving a fortune on Boxing Day. LOL

                          Waves to Pi, Det, Sam and QW….have a good night all….:smile:PPQP


                            Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                            Mae all,

                            Just finished up helping to clear away all the stuff from an Open House my brother and sister-in-law gave for me - cousins, and their kids, people I haven't seen for a long time. It was so nice to have the welcome, and even the 20-somethings who don't usually get to see each other had a good time - so I am finding the silver lining in being close to family. No decisions on an apartment yet... I have my favorites, but must wait until I get my proof of income - not until after the first of the year, so we'll see if my choices will still be there. Going into the deep freeze this weekend, and a big snow storm on Sunday. I won't mind the snow, and I did remember to pack my long underwear (!).

                            Mick, glad you ar home safe and sound... keep on with the exercises, good man- - sounds like it helps.

                            Lav, so sorry this "crud" is still getting you down... whatever it is, I hope it moves along soon!

                            Pauly, I agree with all - I hope you can find a different shop where you are valued as you should be!

                            PPQ, already getting ready to go back to work? Wow, those weeks flew by. Well, I guess that it a warming trend, but goodness it still is cold! Take care.

                            Det, QW, and anyone stopping by -wishing you well - we'll be arriving at a new moon soon -


                              Re: Boxing Day Dec 26

                              Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope all is well. We have just had Amy and her boyfriend down, then I've just left so we need to get tea on the go. Picked the rabbits up this morning full stop on the way there the car didn't feel quite right and I thought it was just the rain on the roads full stop that is until I got to to the rabbit boarding place and discovered I had a puncture full stop fortunately I had a tyre pump with me me so I pump the top and that held until I got home but tomorrow is new tyre day. Apparently over here today we have run out of test kits for the virus as well and and it is impossible to book a test for the next 48 hours this is because they have reduced the amount of isolation time over here on the proviso that you produce and negative lateral flow test at the end of the isolation period full stop to be honest with you I think they are making it up up as they go along. Hope everyone is doing well, it has been called today but apart from the rain this morning the rest of the day has been good. Did my exercise again today de-ai think this is going to be a regular thing I'm putting it down to to a previous injury as opposed to old age haha. Apologies for this being so shorter post Julie has gone down to see her Dad and I'm doing the tea by doing I mean cooking not cremating or anything! Take care look after yourselves have a lovely day
                              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

