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January 02 2022

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    Re: January 02 2022

    Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope all is well. Television internet and everything went down yesterday completely would not work. What an absolute nightmare Julie end up phoning the company who were euro based in India now that was a conversation. The upshot was there was an engineer out today he has changed the modem upstairs and also the set-top box downstairs as well as as taking with some cables and splitter boxes. Sounds like I know what I'm talking about but trust me I don't! The upshot is the television telephone and everything are working now. It started snowing this morning but I turn to rain and is melting. I went for my blood tests this morning check my blood pressure as well it's seem to be a bit high so I came home and checked it myself twice and it was below what it previously was.

    Hiya ppqp I'm sorry I missed your birthday, but Happy Birthday to you anyway. Hope you had a decent day.

    Hiya lav how are you today then Hope all is well with you. A lot of places are shutting down over here because of the virus as well. It's about the spreading of it as opposed to the level of illness sickness and mortality and dare I say it the number of people that are using it as an excuse to dodge work. You take care and look after yourself and if the weather is anything to go by expect snow and rain over to you!

    Hiya teegee how are you today then? hope all is well with you you.

    Big shout to the rest of the gang
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: January 02 2022

      MAE ALL…

      I’m a little cheesed off with my son right now. He used my car yesterday and I specifically asked him if he plugged it in, to which he said yes. Went out this morning and it wasn’t plugged in. I did manage to get it started but it took awhile.

      TG…I don’t want the prize. LOL Hope the wind didn’t give you any grief.

      Mick…did take the day off yesterday but didn’t move from the couch. It is absolutely frigid out there. I wonder why the change in your blood test procedure. Too bad you couldn’t fix the jet and now you have to head back to where you got it. At least it’ll be somebody else’s problem. Glad you got your tv and internet back. I can just imagine the conversation Julie had. Thanks for the birthday wishes, another year wiser.

      Lav…thanks for the birthday wishes. Other than postponing the start of school till next Monday no other restrictions have surfaced. A couple of my client renters have elected to cancel their classes though so it’s quiet here in the community centre again. I saw the footage of the I-95, unbelievable. Glad it didn’t affect your son.

      Pauly…thanks for the birthday wishes I did have a good one. Refused to do any household chores. LOL I think you’re right about covid making the rounds. They say you can expect 1 in 3 have it.

      Shout out to the gang. Stay safe everyone….:smile:PPQP


        Re: January 02 2022

        Good evening friends,

        Currently 33 degrees & feels like snow. We are supposed to get a few inches overnight, glad I don’t have to go anywhere in the morning.
        Found myself vacuuming up a ton of dog hair today. Why is the dog shedding so much in the middle of winter? Probably for the same reason the forsythia tried to bloom this week too, weird.

        Pauly, sorry Louie has Covid. My grandson really didn’t have many symptoms at all, hopefully Louie will be good in a few days.
        I imagine the schools are going to go virtual again just to stop the transmission of the virus. Stay well!

        Mick, glad you got your internet & telephone issues resolved. Our internet company is based in Maryland, just a few miles away so calling them is not a problem, Lol
        My BP is always higher at the doctor’s office, ‘white coat syndrome’ it’s called. I’m still working to get my evening BP to a happy place, almost there. Take care

        PQ, glad your birthday was good. Next time tell your son to text you a picture of the car being plugged in, haha!
        Yep, that mess on I-95 was sure awful, I couldn’t stand being stuck like that. I hope you get some warmth move into your region soon, geez!

        Hello to Cyn, hope all is well with you.

        Hello to Det, Sam & Pie & anyone dropping by.
        Have a good night all!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: January 02 2022

          Mae all -
          Sorry to be away... I am in the middle of renting an apartment, getting the movers, the utilities, wifi, etc.
          I keep saying over and over " all will be well...".

          Lav, so glad your son was not in the storm! Good luck with all the next ones!

          Pauly, thank you so much for your New Year's post... So sorry about Louie, but yes, I think they are just saying for us to expect to get it... and then stay in so we don't infect any unvaccinated people. I feel that staying in is my civic duty - to help the hospitals and staff get through this hard time.

          Best belated birthday wishes, PPQ!!! Glad that you could stay home - and glad that the car started!

          Mick, that sounds like a lot of "fixing" going on at your house... glad that the internet, etc. got sorted. We are all so dependent on it now... (really, you have a rosebud?!)

          Hello to anyone stopping by; stay warm, take care, and be safe.
          Last edited by treegirl; January 7, 2022, 10:02 AM.


            Re: January 02 2022

            hiya all are we then? its snowing here today again .it snowed earlier,turned to rain and now snow again with a forecast for ice tonight .Television and internet all working ok now thank goodness.dont thin I will be going detecting this weekend .

            hiya teegee...hope all is well you sound weary ....keep your chin up .definitely no need to apologise anywhere near the end of the tunnel?

            hiya Lav ...welcome to the snow....forsythia blooming already?Ive still got a bloom on a rose ..and the buds on the fuschia.checked my bp this morning ..126 over 78...thats a bit nearer reality .have a good weekend .

            Pauly ...hows Louie ?hope he is ok ?how are the rest of you?take care of yourselves wishing you all the best

            hiya ppqp ..not surprised that you were cheesed orf at your son.yep titnternet is up and running .Van back to dealer next weekend to admit the dealer is sound as a pound.dontknow about the change in blood tests ..they are still testing for the full hit ...there are about 10 things they check....sanity not being one of them..have a good weekend ..

            big hello to everyone else

            ENGLAND CRICKET TEAM : Avoid humiliation in the next ashes series in Australia by not getting vaccinated.

            I was interviewing candidates for a job helping out with the cattle on my farm. Literally the second guy came in and said straight away - "Alright la, I'm from Liverpool. I'm a scouser!"

            "Liverpool you say. Fantastic. Say no more. You've got the job. I'll take you to the cow" - I said offering my hand in congratulations.

            We shook hands but he looked confused and said - "Just like that? Don't you want to interview me first? And why straight to the cow?"

            "Cos you said you're a scouser" - I replied.

            "I know that no matter what happens, you'll keep milking it"

            The doctor just gave me a diagnoses of CDO. It’s very similar to OCD but the letters are in the CORRECT ALPHABETICAL ORDER as the are supposed to be.

            Darth Vader is planning on unleashing a new Covid variant that will rapidly spread all throughout the Galaxy.

            It will be called the Omi-cron Kenobi variant.

            Q: Why did Novak Djokovic pay for his flights to Australia with American Express?

            A: Because his Visa wasn't accepted.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: January 02 2022

              MAE ALL…

              Our weather is supposed to change starting this weekend. Can hardly wait. It’ll go from -26C/-14.8F to 10C/50F by Monday. What a mess that’ll make of the roads.

              Lav…did you get the predicted snow? Dog shedding, flowers blooming, it’s a crazy world. Son would actually carry his phone to text me a pic. You can believe he’ll get the 3rd degree next time he asks for the car.

              TG…thanks for the belated wishes. Yes it was nice to have an unexpected day off. Good luck with getting everything set up for the move and you’re right all will be well.

              Mick…good thing you got the internet and tv working as I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere, especially detecting! I’m glad you like the dealer things could be much worse. You’re probably lucky the blood test doesn’t check for sanity.

              Looking forward to a quiet night and the warm up. Shout out to the rest of the gang…:smile:PPQP


                Re: January 02 2022

                Greetings friends,

                We did have about 4” of snow overnight, not too bad. But the temp dropped during the day so now everything is icing over, icicles hanging everywhere, Brrr!!
                Found a turkey breast in the bottom of the freezer a few days ago, thawed it & convection roasted it today, yum. Lots of leftover to play with haha!

                Cyn, sounds like things are going right for you. You’ll be in your new apartment very soon & can settle down, finally. I am happy for you
                Yes, ‘all will be well’ with you very soon.

                Mick, I walked down the driveway to our mailbox on the road & almost got blown off my feet. Pretty windy here today haha.
                Tried to coax the chickens out for some fun in the sun but they weren’t having any of that. Try checking your BP in the evening as well & see if there’s a big difference. I’m still working on getting the evening reading down.

                Hello to PQ, hope you’re not freezing!!!!

                Hello Pauly & Det, Sam & Pie & everyone.

                Have a nice night all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: January 02 2022

                  Mae all dear friends,

                  Well, I set foot in my apartment today! I took it , sight unseen, as I knew this was the area I wanted to be in. My mother was in this complex the last few years of her life, and so it holds a special feeling for me, though I am in a different area than she was.

                  I just took a 3-day intensive course on Feng Shui- hoping to hone in on best practices wherever my new home is... (I recommend Katie Rogers highly!) . So I walked through the apartment with those thoughts in mind. I am happy with my decision, even though the place really hasn't been updated since the 70s, lol. That's okay.... I consider it retro. And the complex itself is wonderful. After 19 months of wandering, it seems that I may have a home.

                  Worn out from everything... sending love to all... ����⭐️
                  Last edited by treegirl; January 7, 2022, 11:27 PM.


                    Re: January 02 2022

                    Good afternoon all. How are we today then? Hope everyone is doing well. Just stopped raining definitely not going out detecting tomorrow.

                    teegee....well done you ..glad you have settled down...hopefully you will be fine where you are especially with all the memories of your mum being in the same for the retro....that's in vogue nowadays ..home is where you make it ...

                    hiya ppqp..well how are you then? did you get the predicted weather change? Thats certainly a big change in temperatures. Anything scheduled for the weekend? Or take it as it comes? Whatever you decide to do ..have a good weekend

                    hiya pauly hows Lou doing? and the rest of you? Hope all is well.

                    hiya Lav,how are you today ?all good I hope .you aint going to believe this ...before I even saw your post ..this morning I went through our freezer too ..found all sorts of odds and ends.Is your weather better today?take care and have a good weekend ...

                    a big hello to everyone else
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: January 02 2022

                      Good evening friends,

                      Cold but sunny today with freezing rain & sleet predicted for Sunday - not great. Got out to the food market for essentials now I’m staying home. The sun finally drew the chickens out this afternoon. I hate it when they’re cooped up too many days in a row, they get grumpy, haha! Made a really good pot of vegetarian pasta fagioli this afternoon, hit the spot

                      Cyn, that’s wonderful news, I am very happy for you!
                      I actually still have some of the macrame wall hangings I made in the 70’s, they look great in any setting. I can’t do that stuff anymore due to arthritic hands unfortunately. I’m sure you’ll find a way to make th place your own :hug:

                      PQ, how aee you?

                      Mick, it’s either too muddy or too frozen outside for almost anything right now. I guess you can use your Sunday to work on your trains on something around the house.
                      We had turkey sandwiches to go along with the soup tonight, great use of leftovers

                      Hello to Pauly & Det, Sam & Pie & everyone.

                      Have a nice night all.

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: January 02 2022

                        MAE ALL...

               looks like we posted at the same time yesterday. LOL Looked like more than 4 inches from your pic and the icicles looked really cool. Freezing rain and sleet sounds terrible, glad you're able to stay in tomorrow. We on the other hand are supposed to start our warm up with temps going up to -4C/25F. Then we're headed into a heatwave with temps around 10C/50F. Can hardly wait. The sun does make all the difference, glad the chickens ventured outside.

                        TG...well done on securing the apartment. I'm glad you're happy with your decision and I'll have to check out Katie Rogers. I'm sure you'll make the place your own in no time.

               change has started, I am so tired of the deepfreeze. Nothing scheduled for the weekend. Haven't been feeling 100% the last few days so will just be taking it easy. Didn't have the energy to cook so tonight it's pizza and spaghetti. Haven't had that in awhile so am looking forward to it. You stay dry.

                        Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: January 02 2022

                          Mae all - not much to report tonight. I went back to the apartment and can't quite figure how/where things might go, so some things will have to be decided on move day or after. I am definitely buying a couple of sets of those plastic disk "furniture movers". The whole place is carpeted (except the kitchen) and so I will leave the gliders under the questionable pieces until things feel right. I came back and delved more deeply into Feng Shui - I figured out where each room is in the Bagua (map). Just knowing what "elements" and what colors, what images will work for each space has really clarified my thinking on what might go where. I found 2 sites that I liked and that made sense to me, so that was good. Onward!

                          Windy as all get-out here tonight... it's really howling... I am so grateful and lucky to have had safe places to stay for all these months, and my lovely family who cares for me and watches over me. Gratitude. They have done so much cooking (and I help and also do the cleanup, but still...) so I went to a nice Noodle place and brought their pick of dinners back to them. It was good food, they were happy, and I was glad they didn't have to work.

                          I can barely stay awake, so I bid everyone a good night, and send wishes that all are safe, warm, and healthy.

