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    Re: Jan16

    Good evening all,

    Weird day of rain then snow then sun. Now the freezing over begins as the temp drops into the teens.

    Mick, I really did somehow miss yours & Pauly’s posts last night. Glad PQ is looking after me
    I hope Julie’s Dad is OK for the time being. Nothing in the healthcare arena over here is normal either. I feel bad for the folks who really need services right now. Hopefully things will ease up as we head into Spring (keeping fingers crossed).
    Zero thoughts about planting anything outside around here, haha!!

    Hello to everyone & wishing a nice night for all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: Jan16

      MAE ALL...

      Mick...I'm glad Julie's dad was able to go home. Boy, you guys had a long day. Maybe the neurologist can figure out what's going on and get him onto some kind of treatment. I know most of the senior meal services over here are frozen but to be honest I've never really had to check into it. I'm certainly grateful that I'm not dealing with any medical issues during this time. I hope you can get back on track with the medical and social assessments, he's been on his own for some time now. Wow, plants in the ground already! Even though it was above freezing today there's no way I could plant anything. Wood prices have soared here too. We put off redoing the gazebo because of the prices but one of my volunteers found a good deal. That will be a spring project. Of course you're going to make your raised bed out of d nailed pallets, I wouldn't expect any less from you. LOL Work continues to go good as long you ignore the accountant, which is easily done. LOL was raining here this morning on my way to work. Weird. Didn't get any snow. Or sun as a huge very dark chinook arch blanketed the sky. But that's ok, it was warm. We're going to stay above freezing through the weekend and most of next week. The boss asked me if I would take on the task of setting our rental rates for both events and long term rentals and I said yes. He said he felt like a huge boulder just rolled off his shoulders. LOL

      Waves to the rest of the gang. Have a good night....:smile:PPQP


        Re: Jan16

        Hello everyone and how are we today then , hope all is well. I am doing this on my phone so I will alter anything later on. Took Julie's car into the garage this morning, they are repairing all the dents scratch marks scrapes and everything else that everyone else in the world has done apart from Julie that is so she is now using my car. Been very cold over here today yet again, but at least it is dry. We dropped her car off this morning and spent most of the day bimbling around the shops . Ended up buying five cushions for the van, 3 large ones for across the top of the bed and two as cushions to lean back on. I am going up tomorrow to the proper place to get the pallet wood to make the raised beds in the greenhouse... instead of making One at 9 ft long, I am going to make 3 at 3 feet long that way when I put soil in them that isn't as much outward pressure I can put one stretcher in each of the beds to hold it if that makes sense. It was my brother's birthday yesterday, and he was in hospital they are trying out a new treatment on him . Don't know whether it has worked or not obviously it will take time, hopefully it does. It is my turn to make tea so tonight it is pork chops with bubble and squeak and leek sauce. Hope everyone is well well, take care and have a great weekend
        Last edited by Mick; January 21, 2022, 10:55 AM.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: Jan16

          Greetings friends,

          OK, now I have to ask: what is bubble & squeak with leek sauce??? I can’t even guess but apparently it goes well with pork chops Lol
          Still cold here & kind of gray looking. Sun due to arrive tomorrow which will be appreciated. Made a quick run to the store today for some fresh veggies to go along with my IP pasta & ground turkey in marinara sauce, yum

          PQ, enjoy the warmth, hope it lasts for a long time.
          I know YB will use old barn wood for some outside projects. He gets it from Amish lumber yards. Maybe you guys can find something like that too.
          Nice of you to relieve the boss of a job he really didn’t want to do, haha!

          Mick, we have a neighbor down the road who drags pallets home & stacks them in his yard. He uses them to fuel the smoker he has outside & always has that thing going it seems. That’s what real wankers do - shoot a deer & smoke. It, ugh. Your plan to make smaller boxes sounds like a good idea. We’ve also had trouble finding potting soil for the greenhouse over the past year or more. Everything is stillin short supply thanks to the pandemic. Hope Julie’s car is OK & her Dad as well.

          Hello to Cyn, Pauly & Det & anyone dropping by.
          Have a nice night all. I need tohop on my bike & ride 30 minutes to nowhere.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: Jan16

            MAE ALL...

            Well, it's been an interesting day. Boss had to go back to the building last night because the lock on the door broke and nobody could get out. LOL So he didn't come in till noon. The program coordinator left at 10:30am yesterday morning saying her husband had suffered an injury and she had to go. This morning she emailed the boss saying she has a Dr.'s note stating that she is unfit to work till Feb 22nd and has requested short term disability. What is that all about? Of course all her programs start on Monday so the boss asked if I was ok looking after things. I said sure, I've already done all the work, it's all automated now and the instructors can look after themselves. I think she has just shot herself in the foot.

            Mick...hope the repairs on Julie's car aren't too pricy. At least you got a shopping trip out of it. Sorry to rub it in but it was another spring like day here. I think the 3-3' raised bed is a good way to go. Nope the stretcher in the bed didn't make any sense. LOL I sure hope the new treatment works for your brother. Oooh I haven't had porkchops for awhile, thanks for the idea.

            Lav....I had never heard of bubble & squeak until my sister moved to London, England. You gotta like cabbage, which I do. Went to get fresh vegetables from one of the larger grocery stores yesterday and they had nothing. The whole produce section was bare. Things are going to get worse before they get better. We're only replacing some lattice work on the bottom half of the gazebo so are trying to match it up to the rest of the wood. The minute prices dropped he was able to pick some up so we're good to go in the spring. Not this spring but the real spring yet to come. LOL

            Don't have porkchops so will have to figure out what else to make for supper. Shout out everyone else. Have a good night....:smile:PPQP


              Re: Jan16

              Hello all and how are we today then ? hope everyone is well. It is really cold over here again today, but again dry. I saw three deer in the field almost at the back fence this morning it was absolutely brilliant to watch them. Ok here we go..... the recipe for bubble and squeak. Firstly,chop some potatoes into small pieces and boil them up adding salt and pepper as required. At the same time get either spring greens or cabbage, chop the leaves up and boil slightly. Once the potatoes are soft add milk and butter, mix it all in and mash it together then add the cabbage or green together with some sage seasoning. At this point it can be served, or in the traditional manner which was actually made to use leftover flatten it add it to a frying pan and brown both sides. To make the leek sauce... what you do is cut and chop a couple of small leeks or one large leek into pieces and some garlic Brown it in a frying pan then add some baking flour and mix it till it starts going into a paste then add some water and a little bit of sugar if required then and some chicken stock, and let it simmer this is your leek sauce.

              Hiya lav how are you today then ? hope all is well with you. did the sun make an appearance? Your neighbour sounds a real muppet. I can understand if you are in the middle of the wild and have to shoot to eat but not when you've actually got a store down the road from you as you say a complete asshole.As for potting compost, there is new new legislation come into existence over here this year ..As from May all compost has got to be peat free. I don't know what you have over there Julie's dad seems to be ok, but Julie has already experienced yesterday day the complete lack of coordination between the management of the social services and those that actually do the job, it is the same with nursing and healthcare here too. There is a massive gap between those that manage everything and those that do anything there is no Direction or clarity . Nurses are left to hang about doing their own thing in the hospital .what is missing is that old-fashioned middle management ....matrons and people like that. it seems like in most governmental agencies departments over here they removed the middle management layer completely whether it be the police, fire Service ,ambulance service, nursing or the prison service ...all cost cutting exercises all to make less robust management which nowadays is classed as bullying and harassment. we belong to an era where a good days work deserved a good day's pay . you knew what you were doing simply because somebody told you what to doand if you didn't you were in no doubt that your performance was unacceptable. Anyway rant over from this dinosaur!

              Hiya ppqp how are you today then? hope all is well with you. so you have taken over the programs now have you? Yes she may have shot herself in the foot, but not at no cost to you there must be some remuneration to you either financially or timewise. I'd love to know what short-term disability is either are unable to do something or you do it. if you can't do it then how can you put a time limit on? The repairs on Julie's car are pretty good to be honest with you. It is the same guy that fixed the van when I reversed into the post that time. All. in all it is costing £220 and that's all the work done completely. That is obviously mates rates a garage proper would start at 400. I'm glad you are having a lovely spring day when I mentioned a stretcher across the bedding what you do is make the frame, and if you didn't support it in any way as soon as you put soil in it it would stretch front and back and putting in a bend at the very least possibly breaking the wood. So what you do is put two stretchers between the front and the back basically to wood spars screwed into hold the front and back together. The smaller the bed is in length the less pressure there is over the distance. So by reducing the length reduces the amount of pressure that may be put on it . the price of wood over here has quadrupled at least .I know what you mean about some things missing, do you know what I can't get my hands on at the moment and I loved it? Red cabbage pickled red cabbage can't be bought anywhere I went to 5 different shops and it is a no-no There is obviously a shortage in cabbage land. Hope you have a good weekend take it easy

              hello everyone else how are we today day?hope your weekend is going well
              Last edited by Mick; January 22, 2022, 10:16 AM.
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: Jan16

                Good evening friends,

                Woke up to a balmy 11 degrees this morning & it never went above 30 this afternoon, Brrr. But we did have sun all day so that helped my mood at least, haha!
                I’m working on a new bread recipe for a multigrain sandwich bread & need to get it baking in a few minutes.

                PQ, sounds like your coordinator hit the wall or something. Ihope watching over her projects isn’t too big of a pain in the butt for you.
                As far as pork chops go I started buying the thin cut , bone in chops. Yuo just coat them in seasoned flour & cook them 3 minutes on each side & that’s it!!! They’re really good & quick.

                Mick, thanks for the meal explanation. Sounds kinda like something my Mom would do with leftovers. Speaking of red cabbage, I haven’t seen one over here in a long time either. What’s up with that? I’ll get YB to suggest growing red cabbage to some of the Amish guys, haha! I think the new Amish neighbors moved in one night when no one was looking although the electric wires are still attached to the house. I guess the electric company will get here eventually to take the wires down. They don’t own anything they can plug in. The wanker meat smoking neighbor I mentioned is on the other side of the Amish folks although there’s a big open space between them. It will be interesting to see them interact, Lol. I know I would be one very unhappy nurse if I was still working today. I was middle management & worked my tail off making sure the 7 other people on the floor were doing what they needed to do & keeping patients safe. I interacted with the docs, the social workers, dietitians & all the other humans needed. I also got off my ass & helped the floor nurses when they needed assistance moving a patient or whatever. I was the first one in every day & the last one to leave. I can’t imagine how much the patient care is suffering these days. No wonder nurses are leaving hospital jobs in droves. Yes, I am a dinosaur too!!!

                Hello to friends Cyn, Pauly & Det. Hello to anyone else dropping by later.
                Have a nice night all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: Jan16

                  Hello all dear ones...

                  I have tried to post the last 3 nights (on my phone), and when i went back to check, every singl one of them was gone. Seriously. So, finally got out my husband’s fancy iPad,,and am trying to learn to use it. The “keyboard” displays as all caps, though it doesn’t show up that way ... so,@ little confusing. I sure hope that this post stays on the page.

                  Mick, sorry about the scare with Julie’s dad... i hope all of that is getting sorted... thanks for all the meal ideas... though not sure that i will be trying bubble and squeek any time soon... your garden plans sound very adventuresome , as always. I hope ot all goes well.

                  PPQ,that story about the PC is just weird, what is her deal anyway? I’m sure that the boss is impressed with your ability to roll with all these changes. Good for you! Take care of yourself though...

                  Lav, you are the model nurse... i would have requested you if i ever was in trouble health-wise! I think the hospital system is now so broken... who knows how and when things will be back to any kind of “normal”. Your stories about the Amish are really eye-opening. Nothing that can be plugged in... what about well pumps, etc. ? How does the bathroom stuff work? Do they use outhouses? I’m thinking that might be a bit chilly...

                  Speaking of chilly, se have spent several days and nights hovering around 0... but made it into the low 20s today... i am so lucky to have a garage spot in an underground semi-heated garage. That has made these days much easier...

                  Sending hellos to Pauly, Det, and all who drop by... take care, and stay well.
                  Last edited by treegirl; January 22, 2022, 08:07 PM.

