Hiya teegee how are you then? Have you mastered using the iPad yet? I'll let you into a secret I never could! Hope you're settling in well.
Hiya lav and how are you today then? hope all is well full . yes that's exactly how bubble and squeak was invented using leftovers. It actually makes a proper meal nowadays you can put all sorts of things through it ...cheese bacon anything you want. Let's hope your Amish neighbour has a bigger gun than the Deer Hunter. I don't know what it is but again today I tried three other shops and still no red cabbage either raw or pickled. Yes, like you I started on the shop floor made my way to Middle management then ended up as senior management . the actual reason I ended up as senior management was that they restructured the rank system in the prison service I would quite easily have been the highest uniform grade which was chief officer class 1 but in the restructure they did away with that that. Basically the chief one was the regimental Sergeant Major, but to make the service less militaristic they did away with that rank and replace them with governor grades which actually took you out of uniform and put you into a suit. No big deal I was always a believer in your respect the person not the rank but it's certainly changed the structure of the service as a similar thing in the National Health Service where they did away with the rank of matron anyway we digress the world has moved on and is a much better place for it haha. Yes get yb growing red cabbage there is definitely a market for it!
Hiya ppqp, pauly etc hope you are all doing well big shout to you all.