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January 23

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    Re: January 23

    Hello everyone and how are we today then? hope everyone is well. I am almost finished the raised.bed, it made me smile Julie reckon that we take me about 3 weeks to make it all got the 3-part right. Dry over here today, but it looks like it is going to rain down to her dad's to see how he was doing jeez he looks better than me!

    Hiya teegee and how are you today? Yes I understand things will be sad at times for you, but you have done really well full stop keep that :-) going! I have heard mendelssohn's hebridean Overture which includes Fingal's Cave it is a superb piece of music which he wrote after a visit to Scotland full stop it is interesting because the Rock formation on the Isle of Staffa is exactly the same as that of the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland basalt. I don't know why but there is another piece of music that reminds me very much of Fingal's Cave and that is Highland Cathedral when it is played on the bagpipes. That piece of music makes the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand up up glad you got yourself together and managed to put the table up up where there any pieces left over? Take care

    Hiya ppqp glad you are feeling better today. Made me smile when you said your arm was sore to touch I recall those sayings from when I was a kid and my mum saying well don't bloody touch it! Good shout with the boss yes of course I will fill in and continue monitoring the current programs we have have in return for a small financial remuneration! well done you I'm probably going to give it it about a month before I put the plants out that's in my head so in real terms I would say a fortnight take care and look after yourself

    Hiya lav how are you today ? Hope all is well so you are making soup are you you? Make sure you use a big pan when you make it because 3 lbs in a pan won't leave you mushroom yes ok I'll get my coat now. I've had stopped taking some meds as well. Op on a high dosage of turmeric daily as well as hyaluronic acid to keep my joints mobile especially my shoulders. Yes it worked on the joints however it killed my stomach cramps and everything. I got a phone call tomorrow at 11:45 the results on my blood tests who stop you take care and look after yourself people that's me good folks take care have a great day
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


      Re: January 23

      Mae all -
      Okay. Not to be paranoid or anything, but the post that appears above i wrote over a day ago... it references mick’s flowers... lol. Odd electrical things seem to be happening around me... i guess maybe i need to chill out a little more and stop sending out weird electrical impulses!?

      Mick, i’m so glad that you know the Mendelssohn piece, and yes that bagpipe as well. Pretty much anytime i hear a bagpioe i get that hair-raised feeling - it’s so other-worldly. Your primroses look so fantastic!! Beautiful colors , that will make such delight in the garden. Who will be taking care of the garden when you teo go on your Scottish adventure?

      PPQ, i am sorry you had such a reaction - i know it well, it happened for my second shot, and especially for my booster - terrible body aches, chills - i’m glad that the meds helped you to feel better! Congrats on your conversation with the boss! You go girl! So wonderful to be “seen” and valued.

      Lav, good to near that your BP seems better... what do you attribute that to? I always meant to tell you that one of my clients had heart issues right after her 2nd Covid dose... thank goodness she was at a hospital, so they took good care of her... she’s on heart meds now but doing fine. I think there’s a lot that we don’t know... but better to be safe with the vaccine. Interesting about the mushrooms... hopefully you’ll get some peat someday! I’m making the IP pork roast and yams tonight... last night i put my desk/dining table together. Still figuring out where everything will “live” but trying to be patient with the process.

      Pauly, i’d love to hear how you are doing! Det, what’s up? Good jobs for you? Greetings to all who stop by... are you all getting ready for the Lunar New Year? February 1st ushers in the year of the Tiger... fearsome, but also wise and loving...


        Re: January 23

        Greetings friends,

        Woke up to a chilly 8 degrees this morning. Everything was frozen outside & shining in the sun. Pretty but very chilly.
        I think tomorrow will actually be my soup day, that’s mushroom soup Mick

        PQ, glad you were feeling better so soon.
        My BP has come down SO much recently I’m starting to worry about bottoming out. Don’t want to risk a fall or accident if you know what I mean. I allowed myself a little more salt today, will see how that goes. I just finished reading that members of the Proud Boys white supremest group are in Canada egging on the truck drivers. I hope authorities can isolate them & toss them out. They were directly responsible for the Jan 6 attack in DC last year & a lot of them are on their way to prison now.
        Glad you & the boss have developed a good working relationship already, sounds good!

        Cyn, I think this storm is going to end up hugging the coast like the last one did. We probably won’t get slammed with snow - probably, haha!
        Getting back into cooking is a good thing. You’ll feel better knowing what your body likes & dislikes & cook accordingly. Good job on the table/desk. I used to love putting things together from Ikea even if there was a leftover piece or two

        Mick, can you get dirt delivered to your house to fill up the boxes? We’ve had that done a time or two when we needed a lot. Finding bagged soil around here is really difficult these days.
        I’ve been taking a turmeric/CoQ10 combo product for years that has really helped my joints, especially my knees. Makes gardening a lot less painful, haha! Have you heard there’s a new Omicron sub-variant? It’s already been detected in 17 states here, ugh.

        Hello to Pauly & Det, hope you guys are oK.
        QW, Sam & Pie, hello to you as well.

        Have a nice night all.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: January 23

          MAE ALL…

          Mick…so that would be 3 days eh? LOL Glad Julie’s Dad is doing good. Yup, got the same thing from my Mom. This is the first time a boss asked me to do more work and then said of course you’ll be compensated for it. Sounds about right mind, a month, reality, a fortnight. LOL

          TG…Oh No, I hope my missing posts don’t start showing up, it’ll confuse the hell out of everyone. LOL It is true that some people emit electrical impulses and if they work in IT they have to wear a grounder before they touch any type of computer. LOL The boss really did make me feel “seen” and valued.

          Lav…it was a little cooler today but very sunny. Our weather is turning come Monday and we’re back to -25C/-13F with snow next week. I was thinking about your BP getting too low, it happened to me just once and I thought I was going to pass out. My BP is usually very stable. Yup the Proud Boys must be around because now the talk is about storming the fences when they get to Ottawa, just like DC.

          Ooops, the oven timer just went off, the ribs are ready. Have a good night all….:smile:PPQP


            Re: January 23

            Mae everybody, hoping everyone has a great BF Friday, much love to all!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: January 23

              hiya all how are we today then? all good ? Just got back from the shops ,went to see if I could get some topsoil ...nope no chance..and the price of compost has gone thru the roof ..It has all got to be peat free over here now ...because of the ozone it the same in your respective countries or just this one?Dry outside today,but it looks like rain..Julie off work today,it makes it seem like a Saturday will soon all be Saturdays!!!

              Hiya Pauly ,how are you doing?ok I hope .howz your gang doing? how is work?hope you have a good weekend .

              hiya ppqp ..hows you then?hope all is good ..yes your weather sounds pretty iffy next week...tbh I've always thought snow looks better in Canada than round here ...Yes Julies dad (touch wood )is doing ok .hope you have a good weekend up to anything ? no work allowed

              hiya Lav how are you then today?all good despite the cold start yesterday?so today is the day of the soup is it?best of luck ...making soup is boring ..especially for the likes of me ..Im just a fungi..pass me my coat ..
              got the result of my blood tests today ..they tested about 10 different things ..BP was spot on too..cholesterol was 5.1 0.1 over she asked if there was any not really says I shoveling cake into face ..I have made an appt at the doctor to review bp.. Ive got to take my readings for a fortnight .Bought a box of wild flower seeds ..over 20000 seed so that will look good if and when they come through .
              Yep apparently that sub variant has been doing the rounds,over here for about a fortnight ..the mutation seems to be even weaker than the omicron..Ive got to go for a pneumonia vaccine on Wednesday ..another one to my collection .Im going to take the hyaluronic acid tabs that is going back ...acid tabs !!and see if there is any reaction .hope you have a good weekend..

              hiya teegee..hows you then?all ok have a table now ..but stuff with nowhere to live?sur la table sounds a safe bet to me!when I go away Im going to get the lad down the road to look after the plants for me.
              you up to anything this weekend?enjoy whatever you do .

              big hello to everyone else .

              I bought my son a protective case for an iPhone 13 Pro Max for his birthday.
              It was expensive, but it was worth it just to see his face as he opened his final present and realised I hadn't bought him the phone to go with it.

              I had a bit of a lazy day sitting in my underpants looking for jobs online.

              My boss was furious.

              Few women admit their age.

              Few men act it...

              1. The roundest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi.

              2. I thought I saw an eye doctor on an Alaskan island, but it turned out to be an optical Aleutian .

              3. She was only a whiskey maker, but he loved her still.

              4. A rubber band pistol was confiscated in an algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption.

              5. The butcher backed into the meat grinder and got a little behind in his work.

              6. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery.

              7. A dog gave birth to puppies near the road and was cited for littering.

              8. A grenade thrown into a kitchen in France would result in Linoleum Blownapart.

              9. Two silk worms had a race. They ended up in a tie.

              10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

              11. A hole has been found in the nudist camp wall. The police are looking into it.

              12. Atheism is a non-prophet organization.

              13. Two hats were hanging on a hat rack in the hallway. One hat said to the other, 'You stay here; I'll go on a-head.'

              14. I wondered why the baseball kept getting bigger.. Then it hit me.

              15. A sign on the lawn at a drug rehab center said: 'Keep off the Grass.'

              16. A small boy swallowed some coins and was taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephoned to ask how he was, a nurse said, 'No change yet.'

              17. A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion.

              18. The short fortune-teller who escaped from prison was a small medium at large.

              19. The man who survived mustard gas and pepper spray is now a seasoned veteran.

              20. A backward poet writes inverse.

              21. In democracy it's your vote that counts. In feudalism it's your count that votes.

              22. When cannibals ate a missionary, they got a taste of religion.

              23. Don't join dangerous cults: Practice safe sects!
              af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                Re: January 23

                Good evening friends,

                We had snow showers all day but it didn’t amount to much. Sometime overnight is when the big storm moves in so we’ll see what happens. I’m ready, Lol

                Cyn, I think we crossed posted last evening.
                I believe my BP has improved because I’ve lost 11 lbs so far exercising at least an hour daily & I’m on 3 new meds. I just want to be sure it doesn’t dip too low!!
                Glad your client stabilized quickly. I agree that despite the unknowns the vaccine is a must for all of us. I hope your IP meal turned out well with lots of delicious leftover
                I had a half of a turkey tenderloin in the fridge so I turned it into pot pie tonight, yum.

                PQ, I heard that a week from today the temp is going to be near 60, haha!! Whatever snow is left will surely melt & that’s oK with me.
                Better prepare for a frosty week next week. Please feel free to lock up the Proud Boys & throw away the key. We seem to have more & more fringe group in this country than ever. They’re damn stupid & dangerous Hope your weekend is marvelous.

                Pauly, nice to see you & hope you & the family are well.

                Mick, hello to you & hope everything is OK.

                Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night.
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Re: January 23

                  Mae all,

                  Mick, in answer to your Sir Circumference joke: this is one of my favorites (told to me by a brit.) “you know of course about Sir francis Drake, who circumcised the globe with his 100-foot clipper.” ��. Glad to hear that the medical profession is keeping an eye on you - hopefully all will be well... ��

                  Pauly, thanks for popping in to give us a Friday shout. I am finally getting settled enough so that i actually remembered what day it was... and then you confirmed it! How is work going? Kids all feeling better?

                  PPQ, so sorry to hear of the return of the cold cold weather... but at least soon it will be February, and closer to spring... best of luck.

                  Lav, looks like the snow will miss you. Not such good news for my friends in southeast Connecticut - they’re looking at at least 2 feet. Some of you on the thread will remember that it snowed a couple of times that much in the northwest corner of CT where i lived... remember when I had to dig out the septic for a repair? Good thing i liked to shovel... �� your turkey pot lie sounds delish. Yes, i made a nice pork tenderloin and yams... and yes there are leftovers! take care in the storm

                  Well, i had a tough time falling asleep last night (2:30 AM! ). But slept in a bit in the morning... so a little bit of a foggy day, but i did get out and get some other crucial things... someday i’ll get this place whipped into shape. I still can’t quite figure out how 720 square feet could be so complicated... I don’t remember this being so hard before... but now i’m a little older? And maybe having less space is harder? Whatever... it is what it is. Final push to clear out stuff tomorrow, then clean and get ready for the Lunar New Year. New energy...
                  hello to all dropping by - cheers -


                    Re: January 23

                    MAE ALL...

                    Well I'm just sitting here kinda snickering to myself. This morning I went to turn on my laptop and nothing! I thought yup, this will be the time that it packs itself in because my finances are pretty stretched right now. I am in the process of purchasing a new laptop for childcare and just received the quote from my IT support team. Boss approved the quote and I asked him if he would be willing to purchase a second one for me and have payments deducted from my pay cheque over time. He said yes not a problem. I brought one of the office laptops home to use over the weekend and when the battery got low I went to plug it in and discovered that the power to my laptop had been unplugged. I do not have battery in my laptop for reasons I won't go into. Plugged the power into my laptop and voila it booted up just fine. LOL I'm still going to go ahead with the new laptop so I'm ready for anything.

                    Pauly...thanks for popping in and hope you had a great BF Friday.

                    Mick...I haven't heard anything about peat free over here. We actually have a stockpile of top soil and compost to replenish the community garden plots this spring. By the sounds of it I'm glad we do. I laughed about it'll soon be all Saturdays. She'll miss her Fridays. No plans for this weekend and definitely no work. My son has been on clean streak lately. I came home yesterday and he had vacuumed and washed the rugs on the main floor. So I might organize and put away a few stack of items and see if he does the rest. LOL

                    Lav...I'm glad you're ready if the big one hits tonight. I hope not and will be waiting to hear what happens. Your weather sounds as whacky as mine. I've sent the word out to go ahead and lock up the Proud Boys. It will be interesting to see what happens in Ottawa tomorrow. I really think carrot head had a lot to do with the increase in your fringe groups.

                    TG...I logged in to post, clicked on Read New Message, went back a page to read Pauly's post and then Read New Message popped up again and there you were. LOL February can be a really rough month for us, even March for record snowfall. I'm ok with the short bursts of freezing weather as long as a chinook rolls in. One year we hit -30 in October and it stayed that way till January. Hope you get a better sleep tonight. I hate being awake all night and then falling asleep for a couple of hours then having to deal with the foggy day. My Mom always said with a smaller space everything has it's place. Here's to the Lunar New Year's new energy.

                    I'm hoping the rest of the gang is all well and doing good. Have a good night....:smile:PPQP


                      Re: January 23

                      Hello all and how are we today then? Hope all is well well. It isn't raining here, but we are in the middle of a real wind storm apparently there is a storm coming down the coast and we have got the wind side of it full stop it is really blowing a Hooley. Success at last I was looking at the Facebook marketplace last night and found a guy that was getting rid of topsoil I went and picked it up this morning in the car are it worked out out at at 19 bags I have now filled the raised beds with compost topsoil and manure a total capacity of 930 litres. It is starting to look good.

                      Hiya TG how are you today then? Hope all is well with you. Yes I'm getting my money's worth at the National Health Service! Yes the circumference joke is an old one but sometimes old is best! Glad you are finally getting sorted out. Take care have a great weekend

                      Hiya lav how are you today then? Hope all is well. Must be honest since I got back out into the garden it's given me a new boost. I'm going to grow some veg in the raised bed will be interesting to see if there is any difference between those I used to go outside and the ones inside. Hope you have a good weekend

                      Hiya ppqp how are you today then? Hope all is well. It seems like the new boss is taking a more of an interaction with you all as well well as being a pretty decent guy. Yes the shops over here and allowed to sell compost containing peat anymore in order to save the ozone layer full stop another of these rules. Are you up to anything this weekend? As I say it is really windy over here but the sun is out I've got both rabbits lying at the conservatory door sunbathing! Hope you have a good weekend

                      Hiya pauly hope all is well with you you and the weekend is a good one take care take care everyone and have a great weekend
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        Re: January 23

                        Mae everybody, just wishing us all a great BF weekend!
                        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                          Re: January 23

                          Greetings everyone,

                          Yep, the majority of the winter storm headed north up the coast to New England. We only got a few inches of powdery snow, not bad but enough to make the chickens refuse to go outside, haha.
                          Made my mushroom soup & a dozen baked donuts, great meal Lol

                          Cyn, I do remember when you had to do all that digging for the septic repair, oh boy. That’s a once in a lifetime event, I hope.
                          I imagine it must be hard downsizing but once you’re done, you’ll be comfy. I have so much stuff that I don’t need or use I should just start tossing now & make it easier for the future. Hang in there, you’re getting a lot done.

                          PQ, we do have whacky weather, haha! Hey if your sons like cleaning you have my address LOL
                          You deserve a new laptop, treat yourself

                          Mick, I’m jealous of your 19 bags of dirt, that’s great. I hope we can find some somewhere in the near future. Such a weird thing to not have in this big farming area.
                          Enjoy your veggie growing. I’m going to order up another big bag of zinnia seeds like I did lastyear. They were pretty & the birds & bees enjoyed them too.

                          Pauly, hello to you & hope everyone is good.

                          Det, busy working?

                          Hello to Sam, Pie & QW & anyone stopping by.
                          Have a nice night all.

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: January 23

                            Mae all,

                            Mick, your whole garden plan sounds wonderful! Sorry about the wind but glad that I didn’t come with rain as well. I love my mental picture of the rabbits sunbathig in the doorway... i wonder what conversation is about? Take care, and hoping that Julie’s dad is still doing okay.

                            Lav, yay that most of the snow missed you! Your chickens sound like they’ve gotten a bit spoiled with a less-snow winter. I know you are treating them well! Mushroom soup,sounds delish... i think that will be on the menu for tomorrow. Beautiful day here, it almost reached 50 - lots of people outside with no coats on! I’m grateful for a little break... and love a full day of sun!

                            PPQ, glad that you found the problem with your laptop, and glad that you’ve worked out getting a new one! Sorry about the change in weather... i guess you’ll habe to bundle up for awhile.. take care.

                            Greetings to Pauly, Det, and all who stop by...

                            I didn’t get my cleaning in today... did errands instead, and i am not used to this city driving yet, so that was stressful. Another poor night of sleep (this time awakened by a dream at 3:30 AM) i was still foggy and achey. Hoping for better sleep and energy to clean tomorrow!

                            Wishing all well —-

