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30 Jan ...

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    Re: 30 Jan ...

    Good evening everyone,

    Well it’s 45 degrees right now & warming up to 54 overnight. It’s been raining all day & will rain all day tomorrow before the polar plunge arrives & the temp drops & everything freezes over. Not swell
    We just have to get thru this month then March usually brings us a little relief before it’s over, haha!

    Cyn, Yay on the good sleep, makes all the difference!
    Your windchill does sound awfully brutal, Brrr!! Bundle up big time before you head out again, stay warm. Maybe when you’re ready to get your own exercise bike let me know. I’ll point you to Costco online where I found mine. It’s small & folds up if you need to store it away. I’m glad your cardinal pillow is providing some comfort. I love that design & have made many of them for craft fairs. I love the color of red & use it a lot in & around the house too. I think I have had Tiger energy the past 2 days, just sayin

    Mick, costs are going up on everything & it’s going to be especially rough on some folks. Energy & even food prices are up as well, sad.
    I truly wonder WTH the anti-vaxers are thinking. Will they be shocked & surprised when they go to the ER sick with Covid (or anything really) & find that they may have a 30-40 hr wait to been seen? The conditions in the hospitals are horrendous & basically operating like zoos. No doctors, no nurses, no respiratory support staff - no one there!!
    I’m glad Julie got her Dad’s needs addressed & I hope he can safely stay at home as long as possible. I thank the universe every single day I am no longer involved in healthcare.
    My daughter was just telling me last night she gets calls & emails every day from recruiters. The funny thing is they are trying to fill the spot she had before she left the hospital to go work with the kids in schools, Lol. We all need to try our best to stay healthy & out of the healthcare systems until things are fixed, if ever.

    PQ, hope you had a fab day!

    Hello to Pauly & Det.
    Det, I did get your message on Messenger but couldn’t figure out how to respond to you, thanks.

    Have a nice night all & stay warm!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 30 Jan ...

      MAE ALL...

      Just a quick post to let you know that I'm still here and all is good. Been crazy busy trying to organize the spring programs and get instructor confirmations before my deadline tomorrow. I worked straight through yesterday and couldn't bring myself to turn on my computer when I got home. LOL Tomorrow I'll finish the programs then do the rest of my work that needs to get done for the newsletter. The boss is very aware of all the work I've been doing and lets me know how much he appreciates it. He has a board meeting on the 17th when he'll request my salary increase retroactive to Jan 21st. Will catch up with everyone over the weekend but wanted to let TG know that I dreamt I was adopted last night and I'm a twin! LOL

      Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP
      Last edited by porqoui; February 3, 2022, 07:13 PM.


        Re: 30 Jan ...

        Mae all,

        Mick, sounds like Julie has her hands full - I'm glad she is able to watch out for her dad like that... I hope the medical establishment gets its act together -- here, there, anywhere -- it would be a tough time to have a parent need care. Good luck with all that - sending good vibes for a sound solution. How is Amy doing? Wasn't she going through some transition recently? I recognize the name of the bush you said you purchased... is that the Butterfly Bush? Good luck with your new toy - yep, I understand, I have no patience for learning new technology, I just want it to work...

        PPQ, poor thing, long days! But soon it will all be settled, and thank heavens the boss sees that you are getting it all done. Wonderful news about the new computer - that takes a load of worry off... never a good idea to try to find a new computer and get it set up AFTER the old one dies... Wishing you warmth and strength to get through the next few days...

        Lav, I had gotten a (faux) green wreath to spruce up my apartment front door, then saw that adding red birds to it would be a good Feng Shui thing for the New Year... so now I have tiny cardinals and ladybugs on the wreath... I'll try to upload a pic - it is darn cute, and makes me smile whenever I see it, so that's a good thing. I have been missing my companion animals so much recently. Just a little bit of fur to reach down and touch absentmindedly... some day, but not soon. I will already be starting my traveling at the end of this month, so my plan is working - I'll see friends I haven't seen in a long time. I think I'll stick with the Apartment gym for now... they have elliptical machines (my favorite), standing bike, sitting bike, rowing, and of course treadmill (no thanks!). Anyway, believe me, there is not a closet here that has room for anything more than is already in them. The closets aren't stuffed, and I want to keep it that way! But great that you have found a good fold-able bike.

        Hello to Det and Pauly, sending good wishes your way - drop a line sometime, okay?

        Well, only day 3 if the 20-some days of the Lunar New Year celebration... I like when these holidays have plenty of days... easier to enjoy! Be well all -


          Re: 30 Jan ...

          hiya all..howz the world today then? better than the one over here I hope ..its completely nuts .Dishonest politicians ,energy prices thru the roof ..all sorts of mad stuff ...crazy times .I have just made some soup and added curry powder to it ...jeez its a tad hot ....keep eating ,be able to turn the heating down/off ...
          Out detecting this weekend ,a place called Edwinstowe .

          hiya teegee ,how are you then today? hope all is well with you .Yes Julie has her hands full,and the problem is ,there isnt too much I cant do about it save help and support her.Im not too convinced on the medical establishment .
          Yes its the butterfly bush,the buddlia seems to attract Red Admiral an Peacock butterflies as opposed to the brimstone and cabbage whites .Amy had a big issue with her house almost fell through ,but fortunately she has managed to get it back on track.She moves on the 18th of this month .

          hiya ppqp how are you doing today? hope you are ok ..and hows the twin doing ...qqpq?hope you have a lovely weekend ...

          hiya Lav ,hows you then today?hope all is well with you today ...Just been down to Costco for fuel...its 1.40 per litre as opposed to stations which are currently sitting at 1.49 per wonder there was a queue. Amy was on nights the other night,with a doctor ,who committed an unsafe practice .she never went into detail ,but phoned her boss as it was committed ,..apparently this doctor had form for it of these you are a nurse and Im a doctor ..she would not go into the detail,but the could have been life damaging and changing ..She has tons of support .....meanwhile still no rotkohl in the shops ..was there this morning .

          right folks have a good one ..

          Since the Credit Crunch began, many commentators have accused the banks of 'playing Monopoly' with people's life savings.

          Nonsense. When playing Monopoly, you can actually get sent to jail.

          An elderly couple were sat in the arrivals area at New York JFK airport. An eskimo woman walked past. " I wonder what state she's from" said the wife. " I think I'll ask her" said her husband.

          Bruce lee was fast but do you know about his even faster brother?
          Sudden Lee. also his other brother who was addicted to cereal, mues lee..

          We had the house valued recently and sold it for £10,000 less to get a quick sale.

          Our old landlord still hasn't found us.

          Details are slowly emerging of the so-called comic relief talks in Kiev earlier this week. Those details are still a bit sparse but it appears that one of the clowns refused to take the other seriously.
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: 30 Jan ...

            Good evening friends,

            We’ve had rain all day again & now the temp is dropping below freezing. Hoping we don’t wake up to see an ice city out there. YB is out driving an Amish teen home from his job in southern Lancaster county. At leas the can put the truck in 4 wheel drive 7 get a better grip on the road.

            PQ, hey busy can be a good thing especially when you’re going to be paid adequately, that’s awesome, good for you!!

            Cyn, I’ll have to look for an embroidery design to match your wreath, sounds very nice
            I know what you mean about missing our fur friends. I still have Matilda but I’m missing a big dog. One of these days I’ll find the right one. I think it’s gfreat youhave a gym at the apartment, I’d use it too, believe me, haha!! Have a great weekend!

            Mick, we always fuel up at Costco too, especially when we’re in the truck with it’s overly big gas tank, Lol. I think gas was $1.30/gallon last time we were there.
            I have a butterfly bush too. It’s one of the first things I planted when we built this house. It’s always full of bees & butterflies too.
            Yuo tell Amy she absolutely did the right thing reporting that doctor’s actions. I’ve done it too & to hell with how mad they get, haha! I reported each & every incident I witnessed right to my boss & let her deal with the fallout.

            Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a nice night!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: 30 Jan ...

              MAE ALL…

              It was a marathon but I got everything done. Even with the boss agreeing to a new spring program with the yoga instructor at noon today. So had to come up with pricing and a write up on top of organizing the other 7 programs! Got everything sent off to the publisher and then updated the booking steps for our Summer Day Camps so childcare could launch registration on Monday. I’m telling you, if it doesn’t rain it pours.

              TG…I had to get it finished or knowing me I’d be doing it tomorrow morning. I was determined to not have work on my mind this weekend. I haven’t even setup the new laptop yet but there it is sitting in front of me and I just smile every time I look at it. LOL

              Mick…the world is just as crazy over here but I’m staying in my lane. A detecting outing eh? Hope you find some treasures. I just laughed at the qqpq. Good for Amy doing the right thing. I know how hard it is to call out your boss! I’m glad she has tons of support.

              Lav…been through that rain/freeze scenario and it can be tricky. Hope YB’s trip is uneventful even with the 4 wheel drive. The busy days were actually really rewarding for me. I knew what had to be done and knew I had the authority to do it. What a big change from the old boss. Looking forward to not thinking of work this weekend. LOL

              Hoping everyone else is doing ok. Have a good night all…:smile:PPQP
              Last edited by porqoui; February 4, 2022, 09:17 PM.


                Re: 30 Jan ...

                Mae all ,
                Short post... exhausted from my biking exercise (maybe other things as well?) Though i wish a move-in fairy would finish the work of getting this place settled, i guess it’s up, to me...not too much to report, I heard a broadcast of my beloved’s ... a wonderful work for piano and orchestra... made me pretty emotional... but moving on...Wishing everyone well, okay temps, and useful work for us all...


                  Re: 30 Jan ...

                  hiya all how are we today then? hope all is has been crazy ,wet rainy ,and now sleet ..tomorrow is forecast sunshine ..mad weather .out detecting tomorrow,fingers crossed....

                  hiya Lav how are you today then? all good watch your feet if it gets slippy .So YB is out driving the Amish ..?here you go ..what do you call an Amish man with his hand up a horses backside?a mechanic.Amy has had no flak about or from that doctor .I keep getting stomach pains and grumbling so we are going thru the what Im eating scenario has just happened relatively recently it may be the left over residue effects from the turmeric ..or the other thing I have started eating is wholemeal bread may be that its a case of slow investigation .hope you have a good weekend.

                  hiya teegee hows you then? hope you are doing will get there ..dont know where but thats what they say .hope your weekend goes ok.

                  hiya ppqp hows you then? hows the marathon runner ..Good move that .your boss bouncing right back to help you with the spring programme...that could have been a bit of a boo boo with the yogi instructor..

                  your post " I’m telling you, if it doesn’t rain it pours."hope you have taken that into account with the summer programme .

                  right thats it short and sweet ...take care .

                  An atheist professor was teaching a college class and he told the class that he was going to prove that there was not a God.

                  He said, "God if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you 15 minutes!"

                  Ten minutes went by. He kept taunting God, saying, "Here I am God, I'm still waiting"

                  He got down to the last couple of minutes and a Huge 250-pound rugby player happened to walk by the door and heard what the professor said.

                  The rugby player walked into the classroom and in the last minute, he walked up, hit the professor full force, and sent him flying off the platform.

                  The professor got up, obviously shaken and said, "Where did you come from, and why did you do that?"

                  The football player replied, "God was busy; He sent me!"

                  Little Johnny noticed that Jimmy was wearing a brand new, shiny watch. "Did you get that for your birthday?" asked Little Johnny.

                  "Nope." replied Jimmy. "Well, did you get it for Christmas then?". Again Jimmy says "Nope." "You didn't steal it, did you?" asks Little Johnny. "No," said Jimmy. "I went into Mom and Dad's bedroom the other night when they were 'doing the nasty'. Dad gave me his watch to get rid of me.

                  Little Johnny was extremely impressed with this idea, and extremely jealous of Jimmy's new watch. He vowed to get one for himself. That night, he waited outside his parents' bedroom until he heard the unmistakable noises of
                  lovemaking. Just then, he swung the door wide open and boldly strode into the bedroom. His father, caught in mid stroke, turned and said angrily. "What do you want now?" "I wanna watch," Johnny replied.

                  Without missing a stroke, his father said, "Fine. Stand in the corner and watch, but keep quiet."

                  No Nursing Home for Me

                  About 2 years ago my wife and I were on a cruise through the western Mediterranean aboard a Princess liner. At dinner we noticed an elderly lady sitting alone along the rail of the grand stairway in the main dining room. I also noticed that all the staff, ships officers, waiters, busboys, etc, all seemed very familiar with this lady. I asked our waiter who the lady was, expecting to be told that she owned the line, but he said he only knew that she had been on board for the last four cruises, back-to-back.

                  As we left the dining room one evening I caught her eye and stopped to say hello. We chatted and I said, "I understand you've been on this ship for the last four cruises".

                  She replied, "Yes, that's true".

                  I stated, "I don't understand" and she replied, without a pause, "It's cheaper than a nursing home".

                  So, there will be no nursing home in my future. When I get old and feeble, I am going to get on a Princess Cruise Ship. The average cost for a nursing home is $200 per day. I have checked on reservations on a Princess and I can get a long term discount and senior discount price of $135 per day That leaves $65 a day for:

                  1. Gratuities which will only be $10 per day.

                  2. I will have as many as 10 meal s a day if I can waddle to the restaurant, or I can have room service (which means I can have breakfast-in-bed every day of the week).

                  3. Princess has as many as three swimming pools, a workout room, free washers and dryers, and shows every night.

                  4. They have free toothpaste and razors, and free soap and shampoo.

                  5. They will even treat you like a customer, not a patient. An extra $5 worth of tips will have the entire staff scrambling to help you.

                  6. I will get to meet new people every 7 or 14 days.

                  7. T.V., Broken Light bulb need changing, Need to have the mattress replaced, No Problem! They will fix everything and apologize for your inconvenience.

                  8. Clean sheets and towels every day, and you don't even have to ask for them.

                  9. If you fall in the nursing home and break a hip you are on Medicare; if you fall and break a hip on the Princess ship they will upgrade you to a suite for the rest of your life.

                  Now hold on for the best! Do you want to see South America, the Panama Canal, Tahiti, Australia, New Zealand, Asia or name where you want to go?

                  Princess will have a ship ready to go. So don't look for me in a nursing home, just call shore to ship.

                  PS: And don't forget, when you die, they just dump you over the side – No charge.

                  Flight Tower Conversation at Dublin’s Main Runway

                  As they approached Dublin number 1 runway, the tower heard:

                  PILOT - Bejeesus will ya look how fookin shart dat runway is?

                  CO-PILOT - Yer nat fookin kiddin, Paddy

                  PILOT - Dis is ganna be one a de trickiest landings ever, Shamus!

                  CO-PILOT - Yer nat fookin kiddin, Paddy !!

                  PILOT - Right, Shamus, when I say 'go' put de engine in reverse!!

                  CO-PILOT - Royt, I'll do dat !!

                  PILOT - An den ya put de flaps down!!

                  CO-PILOT - Royt, I'll do dat, too !!

                  PILOT - An den stamp an de brakes as hard as yer can an pray ta de Holy Mudder a Gad !!!

                  CO-PILOT - I'm prayin already, but I'll hit de brakes as hard as I can.

                  So, as the wheels hit the ground, Shamus put the engines in reverse, puts the flaps down, stamped on the brakes and continued to pray to the Holy Mother with all his soul. The brakes screeched, the tyres squealed,and there was smoke everywhere but, to the relief of all the passengers and; not least of all, Paddy and Shamus, the aircraft came to a stop a few metres from the end of the runway!!!

                  As Paddy and Shamus sat in the cockpit regaining some composure,

                  Paddy looked out of the window and said to Shamus, "Dat has gat ta be de shartist fookin runway in de world!"

                  Shamus replied, "Yes, but da ya see how fookin wide it is"?
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 30 Jan ...

                    Good evening friends,

                    It never went above freezing all day but it was full on sunny
                    The roads are in pretty good shape around here if you exclude all the potholes that have opened up wanting to eat your tires, geez. We made a few stops today - the Amish hardware store (you would love it Mick), the Amish market for some fresh locally grown veggies, drugstore to pick up an Rx, etc.

                    PQ, you’re a working machine lady!!! Good for you & I’m glad the boss is decent.
                    I trust YB’s driving for the most part - it’s what he did all his life in a police car, Lol. It’s the other idiots on the road that don’t bother to slow down or use any common sense when the weather & roads are bad. He said there were few cars out last night so that was a help.

                    Cyn, you’re allowed to be tired. Take a break, take a nap, whatever you need. You’ll get your place set up in good time., no worries. Wish I could give you a hand, I seem to have a little extra energy the past few days. I’m sure hearing your husband’s music must be tough, hopefully it will soon just be good memories :hug:

                    Mick, good luck on your detecting mission Sunday!
                    You know as we age it just gets harder & harder to digest our food. We need to make dietary changes slowly to avoid upsets. YB is going thru this right now too. When you add a wholegrain bread or pasta, something with lots of fiber it’s going to take a while before you gut knows what to do with it, haha. Dial it back a little until you’re comfortable again then add new foods, slowly & one at a time. At the end of the day your body will thank you for eating healthier

                    Hello to Pauly, Det, Sam & everyone.
                    Have a nice night all!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: 30 Jan ...

                      Mae all,

                      Lav, i saw you were on at the same time i was, and wanted to wait to see what you had to say... then i got on a tangent, trying to make sense of my office stuff... now almost 9:30 pm, and here i am. I did put together 2 cubbies that have 4 squares each... i was a little nervous putting them together, as they did not seem like they would be sturdy, but in the end, they have worked out fine and are holding alot. So, one more cluttered corner has a home, but a few boxes need to go int storage... if i can fit them... it is getting nearly full. My brain is worn out from choosing, finding places, wondering if i should keep documents (my business). But it’s done for now.

                      I have my first guests tomorrow... i’m hosting my brother and sister-in-law for brunch. That kept my motivation pretty high today, as the office/den is also the dining room! So we’ll see how well my desk/dining table works. My brother is very artistic and has a great eye, so he will also hang my pictures for me... thank heavens. One less thing to try to figure out.

                      Mick, glad to hear about Amy’s house - Cross fingers it all works out. And good for her for reporting the doc! Wow, thank goodness for nurses that guard our health - and what was that doc thinking? I guess he for got the “do no harm” part of the job. I hope your tum feels better... even though it is supposed to be healthy, i can’t tolerate a lot of fiber in baked things... i eat white sourdough and call it quits. (Mmmm... i have found some sourdough english muffins, yum). I hope your weather turns out to be good for detecting... enjoy.

                      PPQ, i hope that (now you and your twin are done working double-time to meet your deadline ��) and hope you were able to get some rest today and also will on Sunday - you deserve it! I also hope you have a little warmer air on the way.

                      Lav it’s funny to me that the Amish son can work for the “english” as long as he can get a ride... seems a little convoluted, but whatever. How do their horses do in the cold? I guess horses have been doing that I promise that i will slow down soon... things are coming better into focus... i just don’t do well when I can’t find things, or there are heaps and unidentified pikes around. Getting there...

                      I hope that all are doing well -sending greetings to Pauly, Det, and Sam... and all others that drop by... last night i saw the moon, low in the sky in the west... it seemed huge! Like a hollywood film or something - so very beautiful. This physical world we inhabit is amazing... cheers all -

