Greetings friends,
Enjoying the warmup here although I just heard that Saturday’s temp will be near 60 then we have a 40% chance of snow Sunday. WTF?? The Philly news stations are calling it ‘weather whiplash’, haha!!
Last night I used the OTC lubricant eye drops I was given & man did they ever make a difference. I can actually read today for the first time in months. I will be going back for more testing tomorrow, not sure what all that involves. At least I can see better today.
PQ, let me put it this way, it’s your choice. You can continue smoking or you can quit now & avoid being oxygen dependent for the rets of your life. You don’t want that, trust me.
Quitting is fu*king hard, I know but you can do it!!! It’s only a matter of time before other problems crop up related to smoking. Smoking is also related to cataract growth, circulation problems, BP problems, you get the picture. Start thinking about the money you will save & what you can save for. I spent my savings on spoiling grandkids, LOL I posted on Quitnet for a long time, got lots of support from other quitters, just like we get here. Quitnet is no longer functional but theres a new one: Quitnet
Give it a try, you won’t be sorry. You can do this :hug:
There’s no arguing that getting old really sucks!
Mick, glad to hear you’re making progress with your diet choices. It’s a real pain in the neck but feeling good is more important. I’ve learned to live just fine without a number of foods that were on my No list.
I need to get outside soon & give the nesting boxes a good cleaning too, they get pretty gross.
Hello to Cyn, hope you are well!
Det & Pauly, hello to you.
Wishing everyone a nice night. I need to go hop on my stationary bike & ride to nowhere for the next 30 minutes
