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so much for modding

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    so much for modding

    D, I hate that you are having to go through this, but you have done great and have inspired a lot of us. This is just a bump in the road, no more, no less. You're the man. I tried to mod several times, and I might as well have opened the bottle and thrown away the lid. Welcome back, we are here if you need us.
    What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
    ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


      so much for modding

      you're an inspiration Bear
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        so much for modding

        D. my friend, I hope you are going to withdraw comfortably. What meds did doc give you?

        I was a little worried how you would handle the drink that you talked about a couple of weeks ago. It's that sneaky feeling after long time sobriety that we get when we feel we are taking on the world.

        Your travel agenda has been enormous and posed a lot of threats to your sobriety. Once we feel that buzz again, we just want to keep it up. Just know it's your liver that is craving due to sugar cravings and is not your willpower giving in. It's a chemical thing.

        We are all here for you because you are a beloved member. How is Dx?

        Enlightened by MWO


          so much for modding

          Hillary you sweetheart, thank you. Dx is hanging in there pretty good. I expected her to be devestated but she can see my resolve is genuine and I'm trying really hard to lead a healthy life. Yes, travel while sober is so much better than long road trips hungover like the bad old days. We also hardly ever argue when I'm AF...always a good thing.
          I got chlordiazep and then for blood pressure clonadine....they seem to be least I can type again. yowch! xxxxxx
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            so much for modding

            D. I don't know you very well at all but I've missed chatting with you. right now I'm stuck with Rachel Ray on the food network and she isn't exactly my favorite. I'm sorry about your setback but you sound like you are on the mend and are ready to get back on the road to a healthy life. On my short journey I've learned the worst thing I can do is to think I'm doing OK. But, each time I slip I come back better. Fortunately my husband is wonderful and doesn't feel like he has to micro manage this process. He knows How much I want this. It sounds like you are in a similar place with DX.

            I just wanted to offer all the support I can. Keep us posted and come back and chat when you feel up to it.

            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


              so much for modding

              Melissa, I miss chatting with you too. as soon as I can get my internet connection back the way it should I'll be back. it's just so unstable right now that it keeps dropping me...boing! yes, I'd say we have a good many similarities in our lives. thanks so much
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                so much for modding

                Determinator -
                Thank you for teaching me how to be a friend.
                Forever your girl, Dx
                * * I love Determinator * *


                  so much for modding

                  D, you've got it all going for you now, you have Mrs D, the tools, this forum and us.. Use them all, with your attitude now, you can't fail..

                  Thinking of you, Louise xxx
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    so much for modding

                    I ditto what Irishlady says D. Love, Bella xxx


                      so much for modding

                      I hope you are feeling better. You sound so much better and you do have a ton of support. We are behind you all the way!! Hugs to you my friend.
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        so much for modding

                        I really am so very lucky. It tends to make me feel even more selfish at times but I'm dealing with that. I have an incredible wife, tons of MWO friends and a really nice family as well. Feeling somewhat better but still have that wierd "recovering" haze that will pass in a day or two. Thanks again team!!!!!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          so much for modding

                          Maybe a good recipe will help?

                          1 angel food cake
                          package of strawberries and blueberries
                          1 package softened cream cheese
                          1 small container cool whip
                          1 teaspoon almond extract
                          2 tablespoons sugar
                          2 tablespoons milk

                          put cream cheese, cool whip, almond extract, and sugar in the blender add milk to make consisitancy that will "soak" the angel food cake.

                          Layer torn apart angel food cake, berries and mixture.
                          sprinkle with cinnamon

                          Just threw the recipe together as you can see but it is a very good one!

                          Maybe you and the Mrs deserve a nice treat!
                          :h :h :h :h


                            so much for modding

                            ooooh, Quiescent that looks supa!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              so much for modding

                              Hi there Det and Dx,

                              I'm joining late in the discussion, but it's just morning here in Hanoi. Going sort or through the same motion at the moment with Mods. Have come to the same conclusion that moderation is not for me on the long run.

                              I seem to have been doing ok, but it's under stress when I seem to reach breaking point (i.e. the one-bottle of wine limit, which I some much dread). And it's the constant thinking of alcohol, and the whether-or-not to moderate that wears me out. The fact that in the back of my mind I know that moderation does honestly not work for me should be enough for me to just stop it all together ... And just the fact of thinking back to the productive time when I was AF and the things I could accomplish then, and now that after a couple of glasses of wine when I'm just even more tired (added to the tiredness and stress of the working day ...).

                              Anyway, sorry Det, not wanting to steel your thunder, but just wanted to express my empathy and show you that a number of us are going through similar lows at the moment and that we're all in the same boat ..


                              The Padster
                              Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                                so much for modding

                                yes Padster, can so relate to the mental fatique of worrying about the subject of modding. hang in there and maybe you won't completely fall on your face like me d-oh! Nice to hear from you BTW...seems I 've missed you for a little while. thanks very much
                                nosce te ipsum
                                (Know Thyself)

