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so much for modding

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    so much for modding

    Thank you everyone for your love and support. Determinator cherishes each of you.
    I know that he is intent on finding the path to a good life, and that alcohol keeps him from that path. I have no doubt.
    * * I love Determinator * *


      so much for modding

      De and Dx......:l 's

      Don't make me come over there with a crapload of whoopa_ _ garlic or something!

      :h Nancy
      "Be still and know that I am God"

      Psalm 46:10


        so much for modding

        Hi Determinator

        This problem causes so much pain and yet once sober, so many people get sucked back into it again.

        I have read a lot of your posts and you are definitely going in the right direction. I am sure you will learn a lot from this setback. Glad you have a supportive wife on board too.


          so much for modding

          D, I don't usually check in here so I almost missed this .........

          Ditto the wonderful Irishlady, you have all the tools especially Dx, you CAN so this ...........

          Love & hugs, BB xx


            so much for modding

            Hi D and Dx!

            Hey there is a very silver lining in this, and that is you only fooled yourself into "moderating" for two weeks. I've done it for months, and some peeps for years and have had to really climb out of a big, deep hole again. You've done great by not succumbing to self-pity and getting right back on track.

            Everyone knows you can do it. It's hard! You are strong and you've got a terrific partner!

            All the best to the Garlic Guy and the Woman Who Loves Him!:h


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              so much for modding

              You are an incredible person D. Incredible that you stepped up so soon. I admire you a great deal. And as one say, don't beat yourslef up, it really is simply brain chemistry. It is physical.

              Patrick Kennedy was on a talk show the other day. He categorizes it within mental illness & is trying to pass health reform here to enable all people with this problem to get treatment. We also need more $$ for research. He treats it like any disease. He has it and realizes he is able to be in recovery because he has good doctors as well as spiritual support.

              Well, you are going to be fine. Pat yourself on the back. Let the Dx give you an extra hug. You are the furthest thing in the world from a "loser".

