Greetings everyone,
Just us here today PQ?
The thermometer hit 80 today with a lot of humidity. My AC turned itself on for a while then the thunderstorm rolled in & dropped half an inch of rain in a few minutes, geez. Now the sun is back

PQ, I feel like I am always doing something…… I don’t sit for long periods of time & I never get bored.
Were you instructed to use any drops in your eye, maybe just for comfort? Since I’ve been using the lubricating drops my eyes feel more ‘normal’. Nothing will ever fix the scar I have but at least they don’t hurt anymore. I really haven’t made plans for the weekend yet, we tend to do things last minute in this family usually because of work schedules. I picked up chocolate bunnies for the. Kids yesterday & they will get them at some point. I really don’t feel like doing the big holiday meals anymore, getting old haha! Hope your weekend is good, stay inside & stay warm!
Hello to Mick, Cyn, Pauly, Det & Sam. Hope everyone is OK.
Have a nice night all!