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May 1st
May 1st
Hiya all..not long got here from Mull on the ferry we are now at a place called Bunree.the views are superb.Im on th Jacobean Express tomorrow..the Harry Potter train..hope everyone is goodaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: May 1st
Aren’t we supposed to say White Rabbits today?
Mick, thanks for the cool pics today & I’m pretty sure you’re enjoying your trip. Hope the weather continues to hold for you.
Not much happening here. I did actually walk thru another craft fait today & ended up buying a large candle poured into a wooden bowl & will give it to my DIL this week for her birthday.
It ended up getting cloudy & rainy this afternoon & now I’m aching in most parts. Can’t deal with this damp weather anymore. I am getting to be a real oldie I guess.
I am working on an application for another craft event in September called the Apple Festival. It draws a lot of people & has been cancelled the past 2 years because of covid. I think that should be a good one!!
Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pauly, Det & Sam! Hope everyone is doing OK
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 1st
Hello all hope you are all doing well. I've just got back. .an absolutely awesome day .it is 20.18 so it has been long .but fantastic pretty weary so apologies for the short post..take care allaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 1st
Greetings friends,
Hope everyone is doing well.
I had the thrill of spending $399 at the vet this afternoon just to get my dog her yearly shots, bloodwork done & her medications refilled, geez. I think she may have to go get a job at this rate, haha!!
Mick, thank you again for the awesome photos & videos. I think you two are definitely enjoying the trip
Hello to the rest of the group & wishing everyone a nice night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 1st
Hiya all (Lav) how are we today then?hope all is good ..a long relaxing day was very overcast and then the heavens opened so it was a quiet day by the side of the Loch. This is definitely one of the most scenic sites that there is.tomorrow we are off to a site called Morvech, for a couple of nights then on to Skye apologies for the short posts but with both the internet and time constraints it is a bit difficult. I've also sent lots of pics and photos out but don't really know if everyone got them.
Hiya Lav, how are you today then?all well?glad you liked the pics and video..I was chuffed with 2nd one going over the viaduct .a big ouch with the vet bills. If you manage to get her a job, ask if they have any vacancies for rabbits..specialities are eating and escape...ideal qualities...take care and have a good day.
Hello everyone else..hope all is well with youaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 1st
Greetings Mick & everyone!
Mick, I’m sure glad you are enjoying your big trip, thanks for the pics & videos of places I’ll never see
I think Matilda’s specialty is her beagle nose & her sharp bark, haha! She could have been taught tracking or hunting I imagine by another owner. She’s been a good friend keeping me company
Very nice day here, mostly sunny & 70 degrees but now the rain moves in overnight, naturally. Trying to catch up with spring cleaning & emptying closets of stuff no longer needed. Such excitement! LOL
Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 1st
Sorry for missing in action lately. I've been extremely busy and then I had a flare up on Sunday. Went into work for 1/2 a day yesterday then came home and slept. The inflammation is gone but still a little sore in places. Filed my taxes yesterday and ended up owing 2K that knocked the wind out of me. Obviously I'm not taking enough tax off my Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security. Geeze! Been working on our Community Cleanup, it's this Sunday and of course the temp is supposed to drop and it'll be raining. Great! I saw my smoking cessation councilor today and she's pretty good. I'm starting Champix again and also got the Nicorette mist to help with habits. Starting slow but have a 30 day quit date so hopefully May 31st will see me NF.
Mick...thanks for all the pics and videos and sorry for not responding to them. I've been a little overwhelmed lately. I'm living my vacation vicariously through you. We opened up tennis court bookings on a new platform May 1st and there were a couple of glitches, so that kept me busy. We did get a ton of people booking courts right away.
Lav...I haven't read back so not sure how the sale went on Saturday. Hope it was successful. Next on my agenda is to open up registration for our Christmas Craft Sale. We haven't run one for 3 years and the old prog coord changed it so much all I got was disgruntled emails. Going back to my version of the sale and running it 2 days. I'm sure people will be glad I'm organizing it again. I've got an open stage event on May 13th with 4 food trucks coming. So wouldn't you know it the school has decided to rent the City's Adventure Playground that afternoon and open it up to the public. I'm going to have to secure some parking spots for the food trucks and heaven help anyone who parks there. On a good note I'm starting the bridge group up again on Thursday so will be taking Thursday afternoons off so I can play.
I hope everyone else is doing ok. I will try to keep up more. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: May 1st
Mae all,
So sorry to be away! I have had lots of family time (in a city an hour away) - kids doing their final recitals, final tennis matches, soccer games, 4-H horse showing... so I am getting filled up with family time. But it's leaving me a little worn out and scattered.
Lav, I need to read back to see how the sale went... I hope it was great! Glad to hear that you are planning another one, that sounds perfect. So sorry about the vet bills... that is the ONLY good thing about not have a pet... and of course my special-needs, elder dog really took a chunk of change... but still, I miss him.
PPQ, I love your ideas for all the special activities! Good luck on everything - it seems like there is a new day at the center with you getting all these things done. Best of luck on the Chantrix - we are cheering you on! Best thing you can do for yourself...
Mick, wow I must log onto FB to see these pics, everything sounds so wonderful. I'll be thinking of you as you take the special train... what an incredible treat. So glad you are both feeling well and enjoying.
Sending a big hello to all who stop by - Cheers --
Re: May 1st
Hiya are you doing today then?hope all is well it hammered down through the night with rain, but it has faired up we are now at Morvich.a quiet site..we are here for 2 nights then we are off to Skye
The time has flown past over haf way thru now.
Hiya teegee sounds like you have been really busy. The train was absolutely fantastic a one-off experience but really good. You seem to be doing lots of things make sure you take time for yourself and take care
Hiya ppqp and how are you? Again you sound really busy, and then to get hit by The Taxman not very good! Glad the flare-up has finished and sorted itself out a bit. You take care of yourself as well! Good for you on the no smoking
Hiya lav and how are you today then? hope everything is doing good with matilda could have been trained. ?can you not train her to find the cash for the vet bills?some of the hills up here have still got snow on them
A big shout to one and all..take careaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 1st
Greetings friends,
Cloudy & damp all day, oh well. I did just get my walk done though, left the dog home & took YB haha!!
Got word today that the 38 yr old son of our oldest friends was the victim of a shooting yesterday. He’s still alive despite being hit in the head, chest & abdomen. He was at work, minding his own business but in a bad part of town. This country & their damned guns. He’s had several surgeries & is in the trauma unit where my daughter worked until recently. He has a wife & 4 kids, this is so sad.
PQ, sorry you had a flare up. Do you know what caused it?
Our taxes have been filed & I’m happy to pay the accountant to do it for us. We have confusing pension things & investments that make it near impossible to do our own taxes anymore. It’s all way above my pay grade, haha. Good job on the quit plan & I hope the Champix is helpful. I like that you have the Christmas craft fair again. My craft fair was a bummer unfortunately. Hoping for better fairs later on in the year.
Cyn, wow you have been a busy girl! Glad you’re getting good family time though
Turns out the fair on Saturday was primarily a big bunch of resellers, very few crafters including myself. The next fair doesn’t allow any resellers so it will probably be better.
Rest up when you can!
Mick, so glad you’re enjoying the heck out of your trip - or should I say Julie’s retirement trip?
We picked up more plants from the Amkish greenhouse we like today so tomorrow I can plant up the window boxes on the chicken house to make it look nice.
Hello to Pauly. Det & Sam.
Be well everyone!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 1st
Mae all,
Mick I actually signed on to FB just to see your pics! And it was so worth it!! Wonderful shots - I hope the day today cleared up and that your next days are clear - especially for the special train ride. Thanks for sharing...
Lav, what a tragedy about your friends' son!! What a horror. Yes. Guns in this country are out of control... and the way the politics are skewing... it seems like a really frightening time. I did read back about your event last Saturday, sorry it wasn't what you had hoped... but now you have lots of stuff to sell - on FB? You are always doing something of value, congrats.
PPQ - here's hoping that your Hump Day was okay and that all your plans are working out. Also hoping you are feeling well... take care and try to save some "me' time.
Maybe it is the in-between weather, but I am feeling quite "in-between" myself... trying to be productive (better job at that today) but the days seem long, and yet too short to accomplish what my mind sets out to do. I am so sad that my two geese mommas did not seem to bear any chicks, despite their diligent 28-day nest sitting...oh well, that's life I guess. I did a lot of professional writing for one job, and yesterday managed to get my TSA early-boarding renewed, a slight miracle. Tomorrow will try to get a new driver's license in this state (though I don't agree with the politics, waaaa). Onward.
Big hellos to Det, hi there Pauly, and cheers to anyone dropping by... stay strong all --
Re: May 1st
Hiya is your friend's lad Lav?hope he pulls through. You cannot legislate for scum. Agun is a tool it's the cretin that is behind it that's the issue although your laws do seem a bit mish mash depending on where you go.
It's pouring down with rain here again. But we went out for a walk only 5 miles but it was enjoyable. We found what we thought was a ruined church, but it is the resting place of all th chieftains of the clan McRae since the 1500s.some lovely views even in the rain
Glad you liked the pics teegee. Tomorrow we are off to the Isle of Skye..the weather is supposed to improve. Are you getting any time to yourself?hope so
Hiya ppqp how's you today then?are you OK?apart from the blooming taxman?you take care
Hiya lav how are you then .window boxes for the chickens?very posh!!and I thought my rabbits were spoiled!!!take care have a good one yes Julie's retirement trip is going well
Hiya pauly Sam det how are you doing?haven't heard from you for a good while det hope all is ok?af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 1st
Greetings friends,
Had a nice day but it all changes tomorrow. Rain (lots of it) & high winds move in & stick around until sometime next week, ugh. I’m just going to have to find an indoor project or two to keep me out of trouble, haha! I haven’t gotten any update on the young man’s condition today & I don’t want to pester his mother, my friend. She knows she can call me anytime.
Cyn, I think we have similar personalities where we both want to accomplish as much as humanly possible in a day, every day. I’m trying to give myself permission to let go of some of that. If I’m honest I just don’t have the energy needed for that lifestyle anymore & that’s OK. One thing i know for sure is that we will never be slugs :hug:
Mick, you certainly manage a lot even on a rainy dayThanks for the pics & videos sharing your trip with us. Have fun!!
PQ, hope you are OK.
Pauly, Det, Sam - hello to all of you!
Have a decent night all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 1st
Don’t know what happened yesterday, things just got away from me. With instructors wanting to make continuous changes to their fall programing schedules, people screwing up their tennis court bookings (at least the program works LOL) and everyone wanting to book a venue for high school grads I had a busy day. Got home, read the thread, then got interrupted with dinner requests, went to bed and then realized I hadn’t posted. Unlike Lav, I didn’t get up to do it.
TG…family time is good, even if it gets a little overwhelming. I was a 4H leader for my kids Beef club, raised and sold heifers and it was a good learning experience for them, and me. Things are going great at the centre and you can really notice the change in attitude with everyone. I’ve been told thanks for all I do from a couple of people now, feels like the good old days. Doing a slow quit with the smoking and implementing some of the new ideas I got including a cig tracker. Knowing we’ll be doing follow up appointments every 2 weeks helps keep me accountable. I like miracles, TSA early-boarding, and good luck with the driver’s license. I don’t agree with any of the politics these days. LOL
Mick…you need to do a map with those little lines on it depicting your vacation travel routes. That way I can visually see where all you went and match up the pics with the journey. I really enjoy getting the pics, although I quickly go through them when I get them I quite often log back in when I’m home to really look at them. Rain, smain, you’re an old hand at dealing with that. Hope you’ve seen the last of it though. Thanks for the support on quitting smoking again, this time it feels like I have a better plan in place. I’ve paid the taxes and have put it out of my mind. Tried to log in to up withholding taxes on my CPP and OAS but maneuvering around government websites Is like pulling teeth. I’ll deal with that next week.
Lav…I laughed when you said you left the dog at home and took YB instead. Sorry to hear about your friends son. There has been a huge outbreak in gun fire in Calgary lately. They contribute it to rival gangs. Calgary sure isn’t the cow town it used to be. I’m not sure why I get the flare ups but you can mark your calendar as they happen ½ way through my injections. My Doc said she could increase my doses to every 3 weeks but would prefer not to. They are short lived so for now I’m staying with my monthly schedule. I did read back on your craft fair, sorry it wasn’t as successful as I’d hoped it would be. I’m looking forward to our Christmas Craft Sale in Nov and am thinking of launching a Spring Vendor Sale for homebased businesses that can’t participate in November. That’s me, piling on the work. Our forecast has actually improved for the weekend so fingers crossed they’re right. Played bridge with the girls this afternoon and it was great to see everyone back. All you heard was it’s been so long I forget what I should do. Nobody cared, we were just glad to be together again.
I actually treated myself, and the boys, and brought dinner home. Cooking chore done. Hopefully I can stay awake and actually watch the 2nd game of the NHL playoffs.
Shout out to Det, Sam and Pauly. Have a good night all….:smile:PPQP
Re: May 1st
Mae all,
I just finished up ("done and dusted" as one of our pals here used to say) a big handful of Sponsorship Proposals for the Music Festival this summer. Yes, I will go out, but I will not be working at the festival itself... but I need some income right now, and this opportunity came up so I nabbed it. Tired eyes from working on the computer...
Lav, yes, I guess we are alike in the "can't sit around" category. I have been taking some breaks a few times each day now that I found out about the New York Times Puzzles... I never thought I was good at puzzles, but I seem to do okay at these. It's all about seeing the possibilities, which is a great lesson for me... I don't always assume 'the positive' ... glad you had a nice walk with YB... was the dog jealous?
PPQ, it sounds like you are going great guns... congrats, and keep on keeping on with the Quitting... best thing ever for you, even though it's tough at first, I'm sure. Good luck with the weather... we've had gloomy days and I guess rain tonight, which we need so that's good. Rain at night - could we then have a little sun in the day?
Mick - a 5 mile hike in the rain!? Good for you two! The place you found sounds fascinating... a family stronghold. Keeping fingers crossed for nice weather as you head to the Isle Skye...
Hello to Det, Pauly and Sam (when's the wedding?). Good luck to all - take care and be well --