Greetings friends,
Not quite as busy today but still got stuff done. I have to get started on some embroidered items for a regular customer & will get to that tomorrow.
Now they say Saturday’s temp is going up to 96 degrees - WAY too HOT!!!
PQ, your co-workers sound like they are operating on a different planet or something, what the heck is wrong with them? You have a good rapport with the boss so make sure he’s fully aware of the whackos doings, Lol. Good luck in the playoffs, sounds exciting

Mick, it truly is a huge project going on at Longwood! We haven’t been there much since Covid but we are members so we get regular email updates oin what they’re doing. I hope we’re still alive 7 well enough to see the project finished. There is definitely something for everybody there. We’re only about 22 miles from there, easy trip really. I hope youhave your van roof secured now, could be important haha!! Tell Jeeves I’d like some of his special medication too please, Lol
Hello to Cyn, hope you are well!
Pauly, Det & Sam, hello to all!
Have a nice night all.