Just kicking off the new thread. Making coffee for everyone so will be back soon....:smile:PPQP
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May 22
Re: May 22
Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope all is well well. I am doing this on my phone there is a reason behind it. Firstly this morning I went on the conservatory roof clean the gutters and finished up the job I had done previously. Up all so cleaned the gable end UPVC which meant a ladder on the garage roof. Finally finished that like a circus balancing act! Meanwhile Julie was touching up the paintwork in the conservatory comma from the same hot as it had been previously painted from and guess what it's dried a different colour so Madame is now painting the whole conservatory exit stage left for me. Was supposed to be going metal detecting but land is very scarce at the moment. Jeeves is now back in his not-so-happy state, I don't know what's up with him. I have given him medication so we shall see what happens. Cloudy over here today but very very warm full stop hope everyone is doing well well take care and have a great dayaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 22
Mick...OMG I thought you were going to say you were sitting in the emergency ward after falling off the ladder that was on the garage roof!! I'm surprised Julie hasn't killed you yet. So I'm ok if you're just going for a paint run. Has Jeeves stopped molting yet? He's lucky he has you to pick up on things in the early stages. Hope the quick care fixes whatever has started. Sunny over here but cool with strong winds.
Not up to much today other than cleaning and sorting odds and sods. It will be a low key day again today.
Shout out to the rest of the gang. I'll pop back later and see what everyone else is up to. Have a great Sunday all.....:smile:PPQP
Re: May 22
Greetings friends,
Not sure where yesterday went, haha! Never got around to posting here, that much I know!
We were invited out to dinner by our son yesterday, so that’s probably what threw me off my game. Shock, Lol. Just had a big thunderstorm roll thru here & I hope it took the heat & humidity along with it, ugh. It’s been disgusting outside. I thank God & the Universe for my central AC
Mick, it may be time for Julie to tie you to a chair. You make me nervous all the way over here!!!! Stop it!!!!
I had to pitch a fit to stop YB from getting on the tractor after lunch to cut grass. It was was over 100 degrees with the humidity again today - too hot for that BS activity! I sure hope Jeeves perks up again. He’s got a very delicate system apparently.
PQ, glad you’re enjoying an undisturbed long weekend
I did a little cleaning this morning as well so no one better make any mess. I have zero patience for that anymore haha! I have several projects in the works, just waiting for the weather to settle down before turning on the machines. Not risking power surges, no way.
Hello to Cyn, hope you are OK.
Pauly, Det & Sam, hello to all of you.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 22
Hello dear friends... so sorry to be AWOL...
short version of the story; I got a call on Tuesday night from a decades-old friend. Her mother is 106(!), she has 3 paid caretakers plus family - 2 caretakers got COVID, and the family Was headed to Mexico City for a family wedding. One family member was going to have to stay home from the trip unless they found a sub - so I got the call! I drove up on Wednesday, and got a quick course in taking care of an elder. Fortunately she is a dear soul, and very forgiving- she has some short-term memory loss, but told me story after story about her childhood in a farm in MN, how the town doctor got her into education,,etc. I was a nervous wreck cooking lunches and dinners for her, but it all turned out in the end...tomorrow I will see some friends close by, (where I lived for 25 years) stay over with another friend and head back to NE on Wednesday. Sunday I start my dog-sitting gig in a city an hour away from my apartment (my niece’s) after seeing my grandniece graduate from hi school. So, please know I am thinking of you all, even if I miss a few days...
Mick, ditto what Lav said!!!
PPQ, it sounds like things are going well for you - congrats!
Lav, what a nice thing to be invited for lunch. I wish we could mix up our weather... it is a hi of 60 (maybe) here, and I didn’t bring a coat!
Wishing all well - take care
Re: May 22
Hello everyone and how are we today? Hope the world is being good to you all. Very warm over here but again overcast with a promise of a massive thunderstorm tonight. Not been up to much today comma and actual back been out playing with my drone, I have had this fear of flying it over water in case I lost it. Today I flew it across and up and down over the top of a reservoir. Considering it was pretty windy it did ok and yes I never lost it! Jeeves is a lot better today day-to-day have limited is outside time to an hour in the morning an hour midday and an hour at night just to make sure he doesn't spend the day munching grass but definitely he seems a lot better again today. Julie has gone down to see her dad, the report that at the care assistant that comes to look after him put in this morning seems to indicate that he isn't too well. Up one of the signs of the advancement of dementia is an unwillingness to get out of bed and 3 days in a row now he has done that. We shall see what happens.
Hiya ppqp..no never fell off the ladder though it came pretty close at one point..my feet slipped. Jeeves is still shedding his fur but nowhere near as bad as he was previously, he almost looks like a rabbit again! You take care and have a nice Monday
Hiya lav and how are you today then? hope all is well with you and yours. I think the only chair Julie wants to tie me into is an electric one! Yes you are right Jeeves has got a really delicate digestive system we all know that the only one that doesn't is him. Take care have a great day day I will send your thunderstorm back after we have had it tonight!
Hiya teegee how are you today then? You do some travelling about and I thought I was bad! As long as we know you are ok that's the main thing you are part of this gang now! Take care have a great day and first and foremost look after yourself
Right folks time to go..have a lovely day .af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 22
Good evening friends,
Last evening’s thunderstorms actually cleared the air, today was nice, mid 70s & sunny. Finally spring is back, haha!!
I need to get back to my works, was afraid to have my machines on last evening while the storm was raging.
Cyn, Wow, you have been a busy gurl
Taking care of the really old ones was always interesting. They have greta stories to tell & they don’t know that you may not know what you’re doing, Lol. They are usually happy to have someone to talk to.
You’re gaining all kinds of experience, good for you! Good luck with the rest of your travels. I think we did get your weather, thanks!
Mick, if you could just keep those storms moving east I’d be happy
Your flowers look great & I’m glad you didn’t suffer any injuries. Jeeves & Bonnie are depending on you, don’t forget that.
There’s a lot of reasons the elderly refuse to get out of bed. You kind of have to strongly encourage them while lowering their feet to the floor & transfer them to the chair quickly before they catch on to what you’re doing. And wear a smile the whole time. They may forget but we know getting out of the bed is good for your lungs, digestion, muscles, etc. the old adage ‘use it or lose it’ is very true.
Hello to PQ, hope your day was fab!
Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam.
Be well everyone,
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 22
morning all,
finally made it through the wedding extravaganza, cold raw wet day it was. now I'm trying to play catch up at work after taking a month to work at home. If I could afford it I'd retire in 2 shakes.
A wedding event makes it clear I made the right choice in quitting the drink, which lead me to realize how grateful I am in finding this site which was very instrumental in the quit. So to all you good folks here, THANK YOU!
SamLiberated 5/11/2013
Re: May 22
He hello hello and how are we today then question mark hope everyone is doing well. spent the last 20-minutes driving upper Road in a traffic jam I will put a picture up of what it was. The weather over here today is absolutely glorious again very hot and sunny as well. rabbits are doing well fingers crossed.
Sam glad the wedding went well. I have got to agree with you, the first time I ever went to a wedding after I quit drinking, it wasn't so much a nightmare the nightmare was trying to get sense and talk to people who are full of booze and talking complete and utter broken biscuits. I wonder how many got up the next day with that feeling never again! Hope you are ok friend
Hiya lav how are things with you. Hope you like the good weather I sent you! Julie's dad got out of bed this morning no problem at all in fact by the time the carer got there he was up and dressed! Not a lot happening over here today, it was quite funny last night after I took the picture of the peony rose a lady walked up the street knocked on the door and asked if it would be ok to take some pictures of them. you can't help but feel that little sense of achievement hope you have a good day day and the machines are running full pelt!
Hello everyone how are we today..
And now the traffic hold up.....you ready??
Screenshot_20220524-141659_Gallery.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 22
Greetings friends,
Cloudy & cool here but that made it easy to get a little outside work done this afternoon. Things are growing so fast it’s hard to keep up with the pruning of shrubs, etc.
Sam, so happy to hear the wedding went well despite not perfect weather.
Retirement is awesome, you can be as busy as you want, haha! I hope it can happen soon for you. We’re all mighty grateful to remain AF & avoid the idiot speech when we think we’re speaking just fine, haha! Take care!
Mick, I see your traffic jams are a lot like the ones we have around here, Lol. You never know what you’re going to see walking down the roads here.
I’m happy to hear the bunnies are well & Julie’s dad as well. Maybe he was just ‘resting’ for a few days, who knows?
Hello to PQ, hope you are well. How’s the smoking quit going? I just passed my 13 yr anniversary, wow.
Cyn, hope you are also well.
Hello to Pauly & Det.
Have a nice night all. Please say a prayer for the 14 children & a teacher who died in a texas elementary school mass shooting today. We suck as a country, it’s so sad.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: May 22
It was one of those putting out fires all day! Sure made the time fly but I never to get to the work I was planning on doing. The goal tomorrow is to get that done, have my one-on-one meeting with the boss, there's a lot on my agenda. Then it's bridge Thursday afternoon and I'm taking Friday off. WooHoo!
Sam...glad the wedding went ok despite the weather. That's done and dusted, now onto the catch up. Yes, this place has saved my bacon a couple of times, we're all grateful.
Mick...the pics of your flowers are great, well done you. I bet you were well chuffed when she asked to take her own pictures. Glad Julies Dad is doing better, got a feeling it'll be off and on days for some time. As long as he's getting the care he needs, which it sounds like he is. Good plan on limiting Jeeves' time outside. Maybe he'll get the hint, not! One of my coworkers took the day off today, she had to have her dog put down. He had been suffering from increasing seizures so I do believe he's in a better place.
Lav...glad you had some cooler weather and was able to get some outdoor chores done. We were warm and sunny today but the sky is turning black as I type. At least there's no snow in the forecast. The quit is not going so good. I found the Champix made me nauseous, strange because that never happened before. I did manage to cut my use in half though and I have a consult with my clinical pharmacist on Friday so she may have some more ideas for me. One thing for sure I'm not going to quit quitting. I will be saying a prayer for the children and teacher in Texas, so sad.
Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP
Re: May 22
Mae everybody, Lav I broke into tears on hearing about Texas! Those poor babies all probably happy cuz it was their last day of school and that shit happensI don't know what the answer is to all this madness and it makes me furious and sad,waves to the gang and much love to all! Have a great BF Wednesday all
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: May 22
Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing OK. Firstly let's remember all those who were cruelly massacred Yesterday. I agree with the American constitution in as much as the right to bear arms To defend lovely your life the life of those around you and Property. In this country we do not have that, But I do think there should be some sort of constraints put on that allowance over there. I am no politician nor am I looking for an argument over the political feud, But it does seem crazy to me That time and time again The news reports of killings and shootings and not just singular. As I say we have the opposite as I say we have the opposite over here whereby we have no rights yet we have no right to carry weapons Perhaps there should be a happy medium I don't know. I have lovely carried weapons in the past obviously, Which didn't at the time bother me in the slightest however however over the years my attitude has changed very much so . As I say this is not about causing a political argument it's just to give it some thought which clearly cannot be done by the political leaders.
Hiya lav how are you today then?raining here so not a lot getting done. Julie is painting the kitchen so out of the road I stay!!I fully concur with your comments about retirement. Now then what shall I do today!!!
Hiya ppqp how are you doing ?hope you get the work done that you need to then bridge tomorrow and Friday off?go for it over here everyone is getting ready for the Queen's platinum jubilee. Street party time we go away on the 4th. Here's a crazy one. Part of the platinum jubilee the Queen gave city status to 10 towns .one of them being Doncaster where Amy lives by making it a city,it has upped the house prices by £10k hope you have a good day.
Hiya all, wherever you are take care and look after yourselfaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then America..now proudly marching into year 12
Re: May 22
Mae all,
Glad to hear that everyone is safe and well. I was driving back to NE from Minnesota yesterday, and heard the first reports of the shooting, then kept hearing more as I drove through blinding rain the next few hours. Such a tragedy for the families... sending prayers non-stop. I lived in Connecticut when the Sandy Hook massacre happened, and I drove through that town many times in the following years... maybe more people will now wake up to the dangers...
Pauly, thank you for stopping in... you were on my mind yesterday - anyone with school age children must have been absolutely terrified. Sending you hugs, friend.
Mick, glad to hear that you have a "plan" to keep Jeeves healthy. I loved the pic of your "traffic Jam"... looks like they were on their way to get the momma sheep sheared! Glad to know after the fact that you didn't slip off of the ladder, yikes. Thanks also for the picture of the peony - I could almost catch the scent of it...
Sam, so good to know that the wedding went off well. Sorry about the weather, but I think rain is supposed to bring wealth to the couple, right? Thank you also for acknowledging the power of this site, and of the sober friends here. So many lives saved.
Lav, glad to hear that your weather has improved! And good luck with all your embroidery - I hope that you can still get out and enjoy the sunshine. Cloudy and rainy here again today, but I am grateful for the rain, it is badly needed. And thanks for that mini-instruction on how to get elders out of bed! I didn't have to do that part, as my person's regular overnight helper was always able to be there. But if I need that info at some point, I'll be ready!
PPQ - hope you get some good help from your medical people. In the meantime, it's great to hear of your resolve. In the words of Winston Churchill, "never, never, never give up!"
Today is the second anniversary of my husband's passing... I am concentrating on gratitude, being so thankful that we had years together. He loved children... I am seeing him greet the lights of the children that passed yesterday, and welcoming their spirits...
Sending everyone comfort and wishes for all safety ---