Greetings friends,
Still feeling grief over yesterday’s massacre in TX. Total count today, 19 children, 2 teachers & the shooter himself. This is just not OK, it breaks my heart every time something like this happens.
We NEED massive change in this country & we NEED it now!
Despite being retired I find myself busy with plenty of things to do every day. Started with a 10 am appt with my new NP. She was great. She said she doesn’t mind taking care of a cranky old retired nurse, Lol
My BP has been in the happy range for some time now so I’m happy. From there it was a run to Walmart for some stuff then a stop at Walgreens to pick up my renewed meds. Then it was time to get the grandson home from school & finally meet up with my embroidery customer to deliver her things. She ordered more so I will continue my busyness

PQ, hope the meeting with the boss went well for you. Sorry to hear the Champix was bothering you. I did real well on the nicotine replacement lozenges, just saying. I hope you can work out something that agrees with you& congrats on cutting down. Baby steps

Mick, we need to replace every stinking Republican in the senate, they’re all owned by the NRA & will always do their bidding. Next, we need to ramp up our ability to identify these nut jobs & do something BEFORE they act out their plans. It’s been reported the shooter was all over the internet boasting about his plan & no one thought to call 911

I think you like retirement as much as I do. Staying busy is key.
Cyn, glad to see you. We’ve had clouds for a few days but it’s mild & dry. Rain will be here for the weekend I believe.
Transferring an older person from bed to chair is not difficult provided they are able to put their full weight on their feet. Otherwise you are basically doing a lot of lifting & that can open you up for injury depending on their size. Hopefully you won’t have to do a lot of that.
I’m glad you are leaning on your happy memories of your husband :hug:
Pauly, we both have grandkids in school & it’s a constant worry about their safety. I don’t know what else we can do but vote out these Republican gun nuts & get some decent gun legislation passed.
Hello to Det & Sam.
Have a nice night all!