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    Re: May29th

    Good evening friends,

    Hot & humid until dinnertime when the skies opened & poured rain, relief!!
    In my mind it was Friday all morning but something caught my attention around noon & I realized it’s Thursday, haha! See what happens when you stop going to work, geez!

    PQ, sounds like you’ll be ready for a big snowfall in September after all that summer heat, ugh! I hope the forecast is wrong & you get something better. This heat messes me up, haven’t slept right the past 3 or 4 nights even though we have the AC. I guess I’ve just gotten way too sensitive to it I guess. If it isn’t the bunnies tearing up our garden it’s the groundhogs & they really tear things up badly. I’m happier just buying the Amish grown produce, I don’t feel the need to grow veggies. I prefer growing flowers
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you re the CT scan.

    Mick, sorry Jeeves is unwell again. Hope he perks up so you can take off on your trip without worry.
    I heard a news report that the queen was experiencing some ‘discomfort’. Hope she’s OK for the celebration.

    Cyn, hello!

    Pauly, Det & Sam, hello as well.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: May29th

      Mae all -

      Quick post from a worn-out Cindy. I’ll take a pic of these 100-year-old glass partitioned window set that I cleaned, primed, And have 2 top costs of high-gloss enamel. A lot of ladder time!!! But they do look good, I hope my niece and family will be happy...

      Yesterday I heard from my step-daughter in Napa that she was under an evacuation watch. She is upper management for a healthcare concern in eastern CA... and she said that there were “multiple instances” of people going crazy and shouting about shooting someone... she is in an office with a door, but Is very worried about her staff... there is a guard there, but unarmed. I just can’t believe it has come to this... that copy-cat craziness might start to rule our lives... poor thing,I am worried for her...

      Mick, so sorry to hear about Jeeves! Hope he’s up and about soon. Lav, dear me, too much heat dnd humidity- so nice of you to bring the Girls a watermelon treat. PPQ, thinking of you, and hoping you get only good news.
      Hello to all dropping by - cheers to Pauly, Sam, and Det...
      May all be well-


        Re: May29th

        MAE ALL...

        TG...would love to see the work you did on the windows, they sound fantastic and I'm sure the family will be over the moon. So sorry about what's going on with your step-daughter, and the thought that copy-cat craziness might start to rule our lives is very scary. She's in my prayers. Thanks for your thoughts but I'm not really worried about the CT results, it's more of a keep an eye on it, and to be honest they only monitor this lung spot in people who smoke. Fingers crossed by June 15th that'll change. remind me of when I took Friday off and thought it was Saturday. Happens even when you do work. LOL Now I just have to figure out what month it is. I find it hard to sleep when the AC is running. I don't mind the boys running it during the day to keep the house cool but I usually shut it off at night. I mean really, I do live in Canada., not another emergency vet visit. This must be really hard on Jeeves let alone you. I hope going back to the original plan works and that you and Julie can get away worry free. I am definitely not available for ANYTHING this weekend work wise. Phone will be off and people can just figure out who the actual boss is. Had a great afternoon playing bridge, did a bit of work afterwards since I was the only one there and then left early.

        It's been a long day for me but wanted to post before heading to bed & book. Have a restful evening all....:smile:PPQP


          Re: May29th

          Hello and how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing well well. I am doing this on my phone so please excuse any mistakes, it is the phone's fault and it definitely not operator error! Jeeves is doing a lot better this morning, I don't know what it is with him but his sugars glucose everything else are normal the only thing that was wrong with him yesterday morning at the vets it's was that he was too cold to take a temperature from no bearing in mind he lives in a hutch full of hair inside the garage I don't know where that comes from. But eventually when they did check him he was ok I gave him medication last night and this morning and he is doing good so good in fact you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with him at all! So fingers crossed we will be away tomorrow full stop in actual fact in a way I'm pleased we didn't go today, listening to the traffic reports they are horrendous. One thing is funny 1 of the medicines I have to give Jeeves he absolutely hates colour I put the syringe down and Bonnie picked it up and started chewing it. It was raining this morning, and there are a lot of street parties scheduled for today so hopefully the rain will stay off hope everyone is doing ok over there, apologies for the length of this post but me and this phone aren't exactly the best of bedfellows when it comes to understanding each other. Take care and have a great weekend
          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


            Re: May29th

            Greetings friends,

            Glad to report yesterday’s storms did the trick & we had a beautiful & comfy day here, yay! It’s supposed to stay nice like this for a week, so they say haha!
            Nothing real special happening here & that’s fine with me. Granddaughter was happy to return to school today, one more week & all the grandkids are done for the summer.

            Cyn, I’ll just bet that window looks gorgeous now, nice job
            Sorry your step-daughter is working scared, it just shouldn’t be like this. I’m reading about teachers & nurses all over the country quitting their jobs after a horrendous week of mass shootings. We need more & stronger Democrats to push gun legislation thru Congress to stop this nonsense. Hope your weekend is good.

            PQ, I finally slept last night but I had the central air AND the ceiling fan on, LOL. Can’t sleep when you’re sweating, right???
            I hope your weekend is all yours so you can do what you want to do

            Mick, glad to hear Jeeves is better. He sure keeps you on your toes!
            I hope your trip goes smoothly & the weather cooperates too. I imagine you’ll be taking a few more pics to share with us. Have fun & be safe

            Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam.

            Have a nice night all!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Re: May29th

              Mae all - quick post. Back from my animal “charges” and after a nap; all just fine ( long story waiting for the humans to arrive in the middle of the night... &#128521

              Sending best wishes and love to all... I walked down to my tiny lake, greeted the geese, and am headed to bed...



                Re: May29th

                MAE ALL...

                So glad it's the weekend, I feel exhausted. I will not be responding to anything that happens at the community centre, time for the boss to step up.

                Mick...glad Jeeves is doing ok, again. Boy he keeps you on your toes. Fingers crossed the weather is super for your trip.

                Lav...glad you got a break in the weather and that it should stay nice for awhile. The winds have picked up here and we're in for a wet and rainy weekend which is just fine by me!

                TG...glad you're home safe and sound and hope you have a great sleep. I won't be far behind you.

                Another quiet day at work and I only have one outstanding job to do, just couldn't bring myself to deal with it today so it can wait till Monday. As soon as the accountant left everyone else pretty much packed it in and went home, me included.

                Hope you all have a restful evening.....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: May29th

                  Hiya are we today then..I am in Bridlington on the site. Clouded over a bit but are we all doing ...Good I hope.. just had to move wifi. Now sorted. Short post so apologies.
                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: May29th

                    Greetings friends,

                    Really nice day here so I have no complaints for a change haha!!
                    Keeping busy with embroidery projects & that’s fine

                    Cyn, glad you made it home safely. I hope your weekend is peaceful.

                    PQ, sounds like you need a peaceful weekend too.
                    Having a job where you can leave things until Monday sounds good. I was never fortunate to have a job like that - dealing with sick people was another whole story. Your weather sounds right for a weekend on the sofa in front of the TV relaxing

                    Mick, glad you made it to your spot. I hope your stay is everything you want it to be!

                    Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam.

                    Take care all!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Re: May29th

                      Hello all -

                      I was just getting ready for bed, and realized I hadn't posted, so came out to the living room to get the computer... and right then heard huge booming noises, like humongous metal trash cans were being pounded... I couldn't see anything outside my window or balcony, but didn't want to go investigate. Finally the sound changed and was more like fireworks... so I hope that is what they were. At first I was concerned about it being gunshots, but it was too loud and repetitive. So many stories today in the news about gun violence... I may be getting jumpy.

                      Mick, I hope your trip is going well, glad that you found a spot with internet. I thought of you when I watched the video of the Queen "with" Paddington Bear. (couldn't get the whole thing, but saw a portion of it. So cute).

                      PPQ - hoping that you will be in for a quiet weekend, sounds like things have been hectic.

                      Lav, thank goodness you are not in nursing anymore... and wonderful that you are making beautiful embroidery! I hope that your better weather continues.

                      Wishing all well for tomorrow - "see" you later!


                        Re: May29th

                        Morning are we today. It's 6 am ..up early and bimblin around..not even had a coffee yet I was absolutely shattered last night, we went for a walk after we had moved the van.just 4 miles. Walked down to the beach and were going to walk into Bridlington itself but the tide was coming in.Its supposed to rain today .hopefully they have got that wrong
                        Hiya teegee...How's you today?so you watched Paddington bear and thought of Huddersfield there is a massive fireworks making company, and every so often they test?different fireworks I remember the first time I ever heard it echo through the hills I thought we were under attack!
                        Hope you have a great weekend.

                        Hiya lav how are you doing?hope all is well. Yes we are all settled down now .it's so nice just getting away in the van. I am so glad we bought it now. What with all the airport issues..some place in Cornwall are charging extortionate prices for accommodation. I checked my cabbage and cauliflower plants before I left..even in the greenhouse they have been munched we had our first red cabbage just before we left.

                        Hiya ppqp hope you're well. How is things in your neck of the woods.

                        Hiya pauly Sam det and everyone else....
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

