Hot as you can get here today, the sun seems extra strong or something.
I have been feeding a stray cat who has 5 kittens following her around. They spend most of their time hiding underneath one of YB’s trailers he has parked in the meadow area, out of the way. For some reason the kittens brought themselves all the way across the yard & decided to explore underneath the deck. Well the dog found them & completely lost her sh*t, haha! They were scared but unharmed & made their way back to the trailer area where the dog cannot go because of the electric fence, geez. I can’t tell how old they are but they move pretty darn fast when they want to. Too much excitement for a hot day!
Mick, I hope your trip is fantastic with decent weather.
Cyn, you sound like me, forgetting to eat when you’re busy! Better hang some pot it note reminders to feed yourself once in a while.
PQ, hope the weekend has been al yours

Pauly, love to you!
Hello to Det & Sam.
Have a good night all!