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July 10

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    July 10

    Time for a new thread kids

    Hope everyone is doing well. I see Mick is on his way home but dealing with traffic jams on the hot roads. Safe travels Mick!

    Quiet around here today & that’s just fine. The sun is back & it’s not too hot yet. I know that won’t last too long haha!
    Saw a huge wagon full of Amish kids traveling down my road to the new neighbor’s 2 doors down. Their Youth group meets every Sunday at someone’s house to do whatever it is they do, Lol

    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Pauly, Sam & Det

    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    Re: July 10

    MAE ALL...

    Lav....thanks for kicking off this weeks thread. I've been hiding indoors temps have been in the high 20's and we're heading to 30 next week. Typical Stampede weather. I did get a call from the boss yesterday. Apparently the weekend clean team went to the centre to let a Saturday night renter in but didn't disarm the alarm. Because there were various alarms the police were automatically called. LOL

    Mick...I hope you finally got out of the traffic jam and are safely on your way home. It sounds like you had a great time and I'm glad the weather was good for you.

    TG...enjoy the music festival, you deserve it.

    Shout out to Sam, Det and Pauly. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


      Re: July 10

      hiya everyone ,finally home .stopped over in Tewksebury last night .never slept a wink...temp during the night was hardly any different from the day time ..up early doors ,and shot off .the temps over here are hot ...we have had a hot heat warning ..todays temp week they are looking at possibles of 40/42 degrees .
      Well thats it done ...look forward to the next one .next trip out is to Southport flower show.

      hiya are you then? looks like you are getting the same sort of stuff as we are ..Yes we had a superb time ,I think its just clicking to Julie that she is no longer working ....hope all is well with you .take care stay hydrated.

      hiya Lav how are you doing?...hope you are good .have you got the heat yet?My tomatoes havent done too brilliantly,but the cabbages both red and white have done great as have the onions ..

      hiya teegee how did the moosik fest go ..?what type was in ?classical?

      hiya pauly det and sam are you all?

      have a good day all
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: July 10

        Good evening friends,

        Beautiful, a sunny 82 degree day here but that ends tomorrow, haha!
        Got my hair cut, picked up necessities at 3 different stores & I just finished up blending a new dairy free Swiss cheese recipe. It has to sit in the fridge overnight but hopefully tomorrow I’ll be able to slice it & give it a try

        PQ, keep yourself cool even if it means hiding indoors, yuck.
        Alarm systems are funny things, great when you remember to disarm them, LOL. We have one here but rarely ever have it set. Our fire alarm system is tied in so that’s always ‘on’. The first system we had wasn’t too great & we had the fire company here for a few false alarms. We apologized to them & got a new system.

        Mick, glad you’re home safe & had such a great trip! Thanks again for all the pics
        How far do you have to go for the flower show? That sounds like a cool trip too.
        Hope you two can stay cool during these hot spells. I hear the. Power grid in Texas is about to fail again but they keep putting non-science believers in charge down there so…..

        Hello to Cyn, hope everything is going well for you.
        Hello to Pauly, thinking of you.

        Hello to Det, saw your video in FB, very cool!!!!

        Sam, hope you are doing well.

        Have a nice night all.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: July 10

          MAE ALL...

          It was 27C/82F but it sure felt hotter than that. Tomorrow's forecast is 30+ so glad my office has central air conditioning. The boss actually ordered a fan his office was stifling. It did make a difference when I turned the AC on as it also cools the hallway. It was a very busy Monday, Tennis Lessons starting, Summer Camp starting and people trying to register for fall programs even though it says Registration Opens August 1st. Trying to get my newsletter article written and the program created for the Christmas Craft Sale in November and it's only July 11th! No wonder I never know what day/month/year it is.

 more complaining about my heat, 42! that's Pauly weather! I'm sure glad Lav took all your rain, you were due for a nice weather vaca. Is there room in the camper for a 3rd? Won't be able to make Southport in mid August but a trip with you and Julie would be a blast. Do you play cards? LOL It will click in for Julie when she realizes Fridays just don't mean the same.

, you had a busy and productive day. I immediately thought of corned beef on rye. The boss just shook his head at me today and said Why would the weekend staff not know to turn off the alarm when letting someone into the building? I just laughed. I told him according to the doorbell cam I was watching they let the clients in and then left. LOL I'm watching for a bill from the police.

          Thinking of Sam, Det, Pauly and TG. Have a great night all....:smile:PPQP


            Re: July 10

            hiya are we then? guess what it is overcast here ,and yes raining too...very very humid..rabbits are back ..great to see them,there is a fair bit of grass for them.the country has gone into panic mode about the weather watch it will snow!!

            hiya ppqp ...hows you then?hope all is well.theres plenty of room in the van there are 2 double beds. when you make the cab one sounds like you are pretty busy.
            Corned beef? love it corned hash with onions ...hope your day goes well.

            hiya lav how are you then?all good I hope.have you sliced the cheese? did it work ok..?the southport flower show is about 30 miles away for the heat ,yes Ive got a couple of fans and the loft is left open . you take care

            hiya pauly how are you?

            teegee. hope all is well with you ...

            Beer made from recycled TOILET WATER takes off in Singapore 'I couldn't tell!'
            Its been around for years its called Bud

            Paddy and Murphy went to a Rolling Stones gig and it took them an hour to get out of the car park.

            Paddy said, "Imagine how long it would've taken if we'd come by car."

            What's does the government and atoms have in common.

            They make up everything.

            What do Eskimos have from an Indian takeaway?

            Ig aloo.

            I just phoned the wife to tell her I'd finished work and was leaving.

            She asked when I'd be home.

            I said, "I won't, I'm leaving."

            I came out of Asda this morning and there was a woman crying her eyes out. She'd lost all her holiday money. I felt so sorry for her I gave her ?50.
            I don't usually do that kind of thing but I'd just found ?2000 in the carpark.
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: July 10

              Greetings friends,

              A nice. Thunderstorm just rolled through, feels a little better out there. It’s still going to heat up to > 90 the next few days, ugh. A tornado warning was posted for a county way north of here,
              The Swiss cheese tastes good but it didn’t get as firm as I was hoping. I used agar powder because that’s what I had while recipe actually called for agar flakes. I’ll order some on Amazon, can’t buy anything like that in cow country haha!

              PQ, so who’s in charge of supervising & training weekend staff? Haha!!!
              These severe heat spells are just awful for everyone. Stay as cool as possible.

              Mick, if you get snow feel free to ship some over this way, Lol
              I really hate the way this extreme heat beats up the flower beds, making them look old before their time. Not much we can do I guess.
              I guess your bunnies will be busy trimming all that grass for you

              Hello to Cyn, Pauly, Det & Sam. Hope everyone is OK

              Have a nice night all!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: July 10

                MAE ALL...

                Man it's hot out there. We are now under a Heat Warning. Down on the stamped grounds the temps are 42C/107F, you wouldn't catch me down there. So glad I have A/C at the office and at home.

       can send some of that rain this way but I'm not ready for snow yet. Glad the peskies are home, make sure Jeeves doesn't make a pig out of himself. Things are settling down at work, the lull before the storm. LOL Boss had made my job easier by filling up all the open days and times with programs in the fall. So my response to people looking to book for an event is sorry that room isn't available.

                Lav...glad you got a bit of a break with the weather. It is a shame what the heat does to the flower beds, we've been lucky with underground irrigation, they seem to be doing ok. That reminds me, wonder how Micks irrigation system is doing. At least the Swiss cheese tasted ok. I chuckled when you said you can't find agar flakes in cow country. The boss actually gave the weekend staff the previous weekend off. He should have known he'd have to retrain. Haha.

                Pauly...hope things are getting better for you.

                TG...don't be volunteering for anything you don't want to do and have a great time.

                Det...I'd like to follow you on Facebook. Would it be okay if Lav gave me your information so I could send a friend request?

                Sam...any luck on the new truck?

                Wishing everyone a restful night....:smile:PPQP


                  Re: July 10

                  morning all,
                  it rained hammers, picks, and shovels last night. I thought for sure we might end up in Oz last night.
                  PQ, still haven't bought a truck, new ones are too expensive and so are the old ones! but I've got to make a decision. I'm using an old Toyota rav (2003). It has 330,000 miles on it and still running strong, for now. Decisions, decisions.... not my strong point

                  today is friday 13 on a wednesday, be careful everyone!
                  Liberated 5/11/2013


                    Re: July 10

                    Hello everyone and how are we today then question mark hope everyone is doing ok. The thunderstorm didn't last too well or too long, we are back to a heatwave again today. Government warnings here to keep the curtains closed in your house don't go out between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. all sorts of other mad ideas. Give it a fortnight and we will have snow warnings! I know I'm keeping it to myself if it happens! Just sorting out the stuff for both the car and van they are both you their yearly service and road testing + the van has to get the habitation check plus I've got to put road tax on the two of them. So to my unorganised mind that is a nightmare! So guess what I lift it and take them all off as they are done. Just checked insurance quotes for the van, and so far between the lowest and highest there is a difference of £700 and how you manage to get that beats me but that's what it is for the same insurance cover. Both rabbits are doing well Jeeves hasn't made a pig of himself yet.

                    Hiya Sam and how are you today then mate? That is some mileage on the Toyota 330000 miles not bad at all a great advertisement for a company see if you can get a freebie from them! Take care my friend and

                    Hiya ppqp and how are you today then? Hope all is well the irrigation system performed really well. What things have settled down at work for you, and there is nothing in the pipeline to upset the applecart! Take care and look after yourself

                    Hiya lav it feels kind of thunder over here today, hopefully we will get a downpour. It must be the same for me as it is the plant the sunshine is making me look old and decrepit as opposed to the 21-year old I am! I washed the van this morning and I must say the ceramic coating that they put on it works wonders. A quick wash over job done no long dirty black marks or anything like that. Take care have a great day

                    Hiya pauly how are you today?hope you are a little better.

                    Hiya teegee how are things with you .whatever you are doing take care. Right folks on with the day...have a good one
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: July 10

                      Greetings kids,

                      Hot & humid - no change, Lol
                      Little to no chance of rain for the next several days so I guess I need to be watering what hasn’t burned up yet, geez.

                      PQ, yeah, that’s way too hot to enjoy doing anything outdoors. Be like me & stay close to the AC
                      I actually have to buy quite a bit of stuff on Amazon, the stores her only have the real basics. That’s OK with me the reason I have a Prime membership.

                      Mick, we have to have our vehicles inspected yearly for safety stuff & also an emissions test. I use one insurance company that covers our car/trailers & our home insurance. Only started using this company since we moved down this way because their rates are so much better than the rates you get nearer to Philadelphia. Just made sense to have one company to deal with. Glad to hear Jeeves is behaving

                      Sam, I’m just seeing news footage of the flooding & downed trees & power lines in VA. glad you’re OK. That’s scary stuff!
                      The truck thing must be frustrating but I hear a lot of people saying the same thing. My son is in the market for a car to replace the Kia whose engine blew up recently on a trip, ugh.

                      Hello to Cyn & Pauly. Thinking of you both!

                      Det, keep up the good work!!

                      Have a nice night all!!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: July 10

                        Hi everyone and how are we today then?hope all is well. Back to normal again .hot temperatures. It's supposed to be a cool weekend then blast really hot next week. Went down the shops earlier and already people are buying ice cream as if it is going out of fashion. Watched them cutting and baling the hay in the field last night. The horses were watching. It was the combination of animal man and machine that looked good. Ok so I'm nuts!!!

                        Hiya lav how are you today?do the Amish use farm machinery, or do they prefer draught animals?I bought a a was supposed to be hypericum. Like heck it is..the leaves are definitely of a currant variety...of which I know not.our insurance is worth shopping around. The prices vary so much it is unbelievable. I got a renewal notice with a price, I then got a separate and brand new quote..same gang and that was cheaper!!customer loyalty doesn't exist. Have a good day

                        Hello everyone else...hope you are all good.
                        Take care all20220713_202048.jpg
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Re: July 10

                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: July 10

                            MAE ALL...

                            Was going to post after I got home yesterday but relaxing took priority and then when I went to bed realized I hadn't. Didn't really have anything to say anyway. LOL Only 2 people showed up for bridge today so we a few rounds of 3 handed bridge and then called it a day, so I'm home extra early today...and I have tomorrow off!!

                            Lav...I have never ordered from Amazon too many package thieves around here. However I'm sure my twin made up for it. We're up to the low 30's for the next 3 days. The rain and cooler temps have now been pushed back to Monday, just in time for work. Had to do my portion of the annual employee review today as it's due tomorrow. I was brutally honest about the my value to the company. We shall see how the boss reacts on his portion of the review.

                  're not nuts. In this crazy world of digital everything and instant gratification watching farmers baling hay kinda brings you back to a normal way of life. It looks like they had a good sized hay crop and the summer grass looks like it'll last till the bales are needed. I've been with the same insurance company for years. Although prices went up a bit when the government took off the claims cap I'm still happy with them. I pay off my car in October and then I can take off everything except PL & PD which will drop my premiums considerably.

                            Sam...I hope all the storms have moved on.

                            Waves to Pauly, Det and TG. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                              Re: July 10

                    , I just saw the news about the flooding. Glad you're all ok.

