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31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
mae all detecting this morning ..despite the fact that it is raining ..we moan about the sun we moan about the rain ...cant wait for the fog and snow !hope we are all doing good ..Jeeves is back to his normal self ..Im sure he just likes medicine ..take care a ll and have a good one .af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Mick...thanks for starting the thread before you headed out. Good luck with the detecting, is it the 3 of you again? Glad Jeeves is better, I'm sure it's the TLC he's after.
Will be hiding out indoors today, another scorcher and less chance of thunderstorms tonight.
Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a great day all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Greetings friends,
Last night’s concert was awesome, didn’t get home until almost midnight so I didn’t post. Not long after getting home some moron set off some sort of ‘bomb’ in the woods behind our houses. Scared the sh*t out of me & the dog - we both screamed at the same time, Lol. Kids do this dumb sh*t when they’re bored, especially the kids in Maryland (I’m pretty sure it was them). There’s an old covered bridge behind our houses & they like to mess around down there. Before we moved here they set the whole thing on fire I’m told & it had to completely rebuilt - little idiots.
I guess some of you have seen the pic I put on FB of YB & the bass guitarist Leland Sklar. We ran into him wander around Cracker Barrel, wasting time before the show. The guy is 75 years old & still touring with all these bands, we had a great chat. YB was beyond thrilled, he’s been following Leland on his youtube channel for ages. It was a good evening out!
Mick, it’s just started raining lightly, so thank you.
Hope your detecting day was fun & profitable. Glad Jeeves is on the mend, again.
PQ, thank for the AC, right? I just couldn’t deal with out it anymore.
Sounds like you had a pretty good storm, nice.
Cyn, it’s not supposed to be 90 degrees in the woods at that elevation
Hope the rest of your weekend went well.
Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Mae all -
Lav, that was great that you guys met up with an “icon”!
Mick, glad Jeeves is okay, and here’s hoping you got something good detecting.
PPQ,good luck monitoring all the pieces and parts...
I am okay, I was asked tonight to do some introductions as I used to... I am not as facile or mentally capable as I used to be, for sure!!
Wishing all well in this period of regrowth, new energy...
Cheers to all stopping by..,
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Mae all how are we doing then?hope all is well. It has gone crazy over here withe women winning the commonwealth football Cup..they certainly showed the overrated overpaid prima Donnas that are in the men's game. Absolutely fantastic. I watch the game it was superb, so I must say the attitude of the Germans left a lot to be desired in terms of gamesmanship. It is a lovely day out there, both rabbits are doing well and they are both outside. Went detecting yesterday the weather was pretty good 1 shower of rain that was all. There weren't many signals colour but I found a minted half penny of Edward the second who reigned between 1307 and 1327. It is Tiny the detail is unbelievable if you look at it consider it is probably half the size of one of your pennies
Hiya lav, how are you doing?a conc..Good for long as you enjoyed it that's what matters. So you have a share of Richard craniums too?it's a wonder your shouting didn't scare them off .you had any more rain?
Hiya ppqp how are you doing?did you have a good weekend?hope so.
Hiya teegee how are you doing?take your time with anything you do..Nice and slowly.
20220731_155205.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Evening greetings friends,
We ended up with a good half inch of rain overnight so the lawn isn’t as crunchy as it has been, Lol
Humid today but the real heat moves in later in the week. Not like we have a lot of choice. I was just reading that hurricane season is getting a slow startup this year, it’s August 1 & we’ve had no named storms yet. They will get here soon enough I’m sure.
Mick, that’s an awesome looking penny you found, good for you!
Glad the bunnies are happy & healthy. So last evening I went out to close up the chicken house for the night & found a flock of young turkeys (real turkeys haha) standing in the yard staring at the chickens. I have no idea where they came from but they were soaking wet from the rain. They didn’t look like the wild turkeys you sometimes see around here.
Cyn, at this point in your life it’s OK to say No to certain requests. Don’t feel like you have to please all the people all the time :hug:
As each year passes I find there’s something I can no longer do either, it’s just natural. Hope you’re getting some good down time.
PQ, are you still in heatwave mode up there? Take it easy!
Hello to Pauly & Det. Loved your food pics on FB Det
Sam, hope all is well with you & rehab is going well.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Well my phone's been going crazy with tornado warnings just north of us. Another extremely hot one today. Only went out a couple of time for about an hour and was exhausted when I got in. I heard on the news today that you can get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in the summer as well as the winter. Never knew that but it makes sense.
Lav...what a bunch of idiots setting off some sort of ‘bomb’ in the woods behind your house. I can just imagine what went through your mind. How great is it that YB was able to meet up with Leland Sklar before the concert, sounds like the event was a huge success. A/C is a life saver right now. I tend to forget that everyone doesn't have it until I hear "I haven't slept in days." Wow, I wonder where the turkeys came from, the Amish? What did you end up doing with them?'s great that you pop in so we know you're ok. I'm with Lav, it took me a long time to start saying NO but it made a huge difference. I started to not feel responsible for everything. Hope your introductions went ok. When does the festival wrap up?
Mick...I watched the women's football team celebrate at Trafalgar Square, what a victory. Glad the weather was ok for your detecting yesterday, nice find. Other than having to go over to the community centre to meet up with the wasp exterminator I was able to avoid the building for the rest of the weekend. Will be going into work in the morning, my fall program registration opened up today and I already have 20 people signed up. Yay! Need to get articles submitted to the publisher for the September newsletter and all my craft vendors are wanting access to registration. So far happy with the fall roll out, will have to see what the program coord thinks if she comes back in September.
Thinking of Pauly, Det & Sam. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Hello friends,
I stayed away from the festival for a whole day, good for me! I did work with a person here for a couple of hours on an organizing project, so I felt useful, but since this was supposed to be a day off, I probably shouldn’t have done that - however this person is leaving soon and wanted to achieve some goals...
I checked in on a friend next door who is recuperating after COVID... she lost her husband in March (after a long illness) and is deeply grief-stricken, so we sat and talked and cried together for a bit, then I got her to walk down to the water for a bit and she felt better. (Pauly I am thinking of you - sending love -)
Lav, crazy days - turkeys, foolish kids, but a wonderful concert... so glad you enjoyed.
Mick - what an incredible find!!! Isn’t there a Xmas carol that has the line “...of you haven’t got a penny, a half-penny will do...”?
PPQ, you sound BUSY, so glad that the wasp issue is cleared up. Good luck on all -
Hellos to anyone stopping by... May we be well..,
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Hello everyone and how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing well. It was raining over here earlier on on but it has stopped but is very clammy. My phone up earlier on someone tried to empty her bank account, it is so easy to do so just thought I'd make you aware of it full stop firstly she gets a telephone call to say this is the Fraud Department of her bank. They say they will not ask for any passwords or details however just to confirm the first line of her address and the last two numbers of her bank account. No harm in that you think, they then go on to say that at such a time someone tried to withdraw money from her account. As is practice with their bank, de need to secure her current account how to stop a repeat performance then give her another sort code which looks the same as the bank is currently with and also a new account number full stop day then ask her to transfer her funding over to that at. But before or she does that they ask her to phone a number back just to confirm it is the Fraud Department of her bank. She then does so and is answered accordingly so obviously the number is a stitch up as well. She was just about to do it it when there was a word she couldn't hear and asked them to spell it the person on the other end spelled the word out out using the phonetic alphabet but instead ofkilo for the letter k he used Kitty. . That immediately sent alarm bells in her head because she used to use all that stuff on the telephone sales. She then put the phone down contact at her bank proper to find out there were no wishes at all. So just be aware they are very ingenious plausible and basically downright scumbags who care nothing for age status nothing.
Hiya lav how are things with you today then question mark hope all is well l did you find the owner of the turkeys? I am sure you will have storms on the way named or otherwise full stop my garden has suddenly gone really Green accept the tomatoes!
Hiya ppqp and how are you today then? It sounds like you are pretty busy at the moment who cares what the program coordinator thinks when they come back she will be answerable to you! Did the Wasp exterminator do his job question mark did he turn up in black and yellow striped jersey with a mask on? Take care have a great day
Hiya teegee. How are you today? Yes there is a rhyme I'm it goes like this Christmas is a coming, the geese are getting fat comma please put a Penny in The Old Man's hat. If you haven't a penny a Halfpenny it will do but if you haven't a half penny then god bless you. I remember that from when I was a kid. Hope you are feeling ok today day it does you good to let your emotions out now and again. The big thing is not to neglect your own well-being.
Hiya everyone else hope you are doing okaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Hey kids,
Heatwave #4 is officially on now, yuck. I really DO NOT like tis weather, not even a little.
I am busy collecting & gathering clothing & household goods to donate to Purple heart & have a pick up scheduled for the 26th. Good excuse for staying in the AC
PQ, those phone & TV warnings about tornadoes are scary but necessary when we have this kind of weather. Better to be prepared, right?
YB is still very happy about meeting his guitar idol Saturday, haha! I haven’t seen the turkeys & have no idea where they went. They well well could belong to the new Amish neighbors, no one else raises them. Around here that I know of anyway. Maybe they found their way home.
Cyn, keep practicing saying No to every request, you will get the hang of it I promiseYou know full well you need to look after yourself first & foremost.
It is nice that you spent time with your grieving neighbor though, I’m sure it helped her a lot. Haven’t heard any more explosions in the woods so I’m happy about that. Knowing i have two young grandsons makes me happy they’re not out trying anything like that - yet! I will be talking to them about this so they don’t get any ideas.
Mick, I have no patience for those scammers on the phone. I’ve had a few questionable calls & I ripped their heads off, Lol
I felt so bad for my former neighbor who did fall for a few of these calls, fortunately her son got wind of what was going on. Too many older folks with dementia being taking advantage of every day.
There’s no rain on our forecast until Friday or Saturday. Until then we swelter with temps in the 90’s & humidity >70%.
Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det. Thinking of you all.
Have a nice night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
mae all how are things doing today then? hope all is well with you .overcast and windy today ,but dry .not a lot happening atm ,just waiting for Amy to turn up .yes and still no red tomatoes ..lots of cabbage but the dont look or indeed taste like tommies..!!
hiya lav sorry about the heatwave,like you Im not into the the turkeys have gone?stay cool and watch the chickens .
hiya everyone else how are we then?has anyone heard from Det ...or for that matter pie?hope they are ok.
take care all...
The teacher asked the class,
"What do you think the effect of having two left feet would be to a person?"
"Please Miss, " shouted Winston, " footwear would be a lot easier to steal.
The wife said it's not working between us and she's leaving me.
I said "Why what have I done".
"Well for starters you're always telling stupid jokes and puns".
"And for the main course"?
I was born with a rare condition ,, I only had one bum cheek .
Anyway i recently had an operation to correct the problem. I can't thank the surgeons enough. They made a complete arse of it.
Quite frankly autocorrect, I'm getting a bit tired of your shirt
What do you give a lemon when it gets hurt?
Lemon Aid
I bought a ceiling fan the other day.
Complete waste of money. He just stands there applauding and saying “Ooh, I love how smooth it is.”
What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work?
A can’t opener!
How many tickles does it take to tickle an octopus?
What do prisoners use to call each other? Cell phones!
I just watched a documentary about beavers.
It was the best dam show I ever saw!
What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?
You know what the loudest pet you can get is?
A trumpet.
Why shouldn’t you write with a broken pencil?
Because it’s pointless!af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
TG...good for you staying away from the festival for a whole day. LOL I'm sure your friend appreciated your visit instead.
Mick...wasp job complete but it would have been funny to see him in a black and yellow striped jersey with a mask on. Thanks for the heads up on the Fraud Department scam, it really upsets me that seniors get targeted by these jerks. Are you sure you didn't plant "those little green tomatoes"? Although it's cooled down a bit it is very clammy here.
Lav...I agree about the alerts, I'd rather know then get blindsided. I'm glad the turkeys have left, maybe they were just checking out the chickens before they ended up with the Amish when they are older. We have cooled down, thankfully, and the next heat event isn't going to happen till next week.
Had my Employee Review today, didn't know it was happening! It was very positive and lots of recognition for the stepping up I've done. He ended by saying he would be addressing staff raises/bonuses individually with the board as he doesn't have his budget approved for next year. Any salary increases would be retroactive to Sep 1st though.
Hope everyone has a good night....:smile:PPQP
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Greetings friends,
Hot & humid, still……..
Busied myself inside the AC & got some organizing done. We’re under severe heat warnings for the next few days, can’t imagine it getting any worse out there.
Mick, not to make you jealous but we have been eating our red tomatoes, Lol. I don’t think they had any choice but to turn red being out in this sun & heat.
No more turkey sightings so I guess they have moved on. I’m still feeding a feral cat & her two kittens but they haven’t been near the chicken house yet as far as I know.
PQ, nice on the upcoming raise. Hard work should be recognized & rewarded!!
If the Amish own those turkeys I know they will end up eating them. That’s just the way it goes with them, if it isn’t nailed down they eat it, haha!!! Enjoy your nice weather.
Cyn, hope you had a good day!
Pauly, thinking of you.
Sam, how’s the rehab going?
Det, hello to you as well.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
hiya all how are we today then?all good hopefully ..just had a bit of a nap in from yogalast night about 9 ,went to bed ,didnt sleep up at 1.30,took Amy to the airport home at 3.30 this morning was wide awake ..She has just sent me a pic of them sitting in Milan in Italy having a meal.they stop in Milan for a couple of days and then off to Lake Como..they are back next Tuesday night so its only a short break.Windy here today ,and dry though.
hiya Lav ...yes,I saw your pics of the red tommies ...thanks .mine are still green.I think you had a bad dealthere ,,,shoulda had the turkeys stay not cats ..!!We have got heat warnings for the weather coming on take care .
hiya are you doing?hope all is well with you.congrats on getting a good annual report ...a retrospective pay award ..good for you ..did he mention anything about the co-ord coming back and the chain of management?Ive just been awarded the state pension ...which doesnt get taxed ,so instead they tax my prison service one and my army one ..for what I would love to know ..but thats a political argument everyone wants to know.Is this bridge day?If so best of luck .
teegee hope you are okand you had a good day
Pauly,how are things? thinking of you.Take care..
Det, hello ......where are you mate?af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 31st July and still no red tomatoes!!
Good evening friends,
It was a hot 93 degrees & very humid today. No relief until next week they say, geez.
I’m getting a little tired of being cooped up in the house but I am getting things done haha!! My granddaughter had braces put on her teeth today so I sent her a gift card for the Sims Xbox game she plays to cheer her up a little. She seems pleased. I found out last night that my oldest grandson (14 in November) has reached 6’2” this summer - WOW! No more little buddy there Lol
Mick, honestly our garden is so overgrown with weeds right now we were lucky to find those tomatoes this morning, haha. It’s just been too hot to spend a lot of time out there. We did plant a bunch of milkweed last evening that YB had grown from seed. The butterfly population will be happy
Amy’s trip sounds really nice, I hope they have a great trip.
PQ, hope you are well.
Cyn, same to you!
Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.
Be well everyone, stay cool!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: