Good evening friends,
Glad to report the 10 day heatwave is OVER!!!!!!!
Today’s high temp was 86 & not nearly as humid. We had an inch & a half rain overnight so I’m sure that helped

It’s nice being able to breathe when you step outside for a change. The chickens look happier too.
Mick, it’s hard to believe your water levels are so low. It seems like you get plenty of rain, who knows? I hope things ease up soon, I worry about fires, etc,
Sadly, last evening a 20 yr old Amish guy lost his life after jumping into a pond, he never resurfaced. Poor guy was scheduled to be married soon. He was the youngest of a big family nearby.
Cyn, I am glad to hear you have decided to separate yourself from the festival. You have done so much for them over the years, it’s time for you to look out for yourself :hug:
None of us know what the future holds, you surely will figure out your way. Stay positive & stay open, always.
PQ, hope all is well with you!
Sam, Pauly & Det, hello to all.
Wishing everyone a decent night!