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4th September

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    4th September

    Hiya all.hope we are doing good. Just moved site. We are now on the coast next to the sea. Really hot and sunny today,hopefully everyone is having a decent weekend.
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: 4th September

    Greetings friends,

    Fairly decent here Mick if you like hot & humid weather haha! They’re calling for rain tomorrow, we certainly could use some.
    Quiet, no cookouts for the holiday weekend - just didn’t feel like all the work to be honest. As a matter of fact I reheated yesterday’s Mexican inspired casserole for dinner tonight, haha!
    Got YB to fix a few issues on my embroidery machine today. I was starting to get really frustrated with the thing but it’s good now. Not much else happening.

    Hello to PQ, Cyn, Sam, Pauly & Det -hope everyone is OK.

    Have a nice night all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 4th September

      Hiya all.hope we are doing good. Got a problem with the van so we are coming home early. Got a temporary repair done on it but it needs to go into a main dealer .not best pleased. Currently just outside lowestoft. It took the roadside rescue 23 hours to attend us.
      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: 4th September

        Good evening all!

        Wow Mick, sorry about the vehicle issues
        I hope you get home safely :hug:

        PQ, hello to you. I’ve been watching the news about the stabbings in Saskatchewan. One suspect is dead & the other is likely wounded & they’re brothers, incredible.
        Hope you had a good day!

        Cyn, hoping you are well!

        Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.

        Have a decent night all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: 4th September

          MAE ALL...

          Boss started texting me at midnight last night! An alarm going off and the monitoring company had no record of it. Turned out to be the chair lift, the kind that runs on a track up the stairs. There's an emergency button that you can push if you're stuck. It usually gets pushed when there are kids playing around and of course there was an event with people/kids in the building. The confusing thing was that we had lost power yesterday morning so there were all kinds of system alerts. I was able to reset the alarms remotely. Just glad I wasn't the one dealing with it at the building.

 sorry to hear about the van issues. I know that you maintain your vehicles and have safety inspections so I bet you're a little PO'd with whatever has happened. OMG 23 hours, you might have well been at an airport. Safe travels home, sorry you had to cut it short.

          Lav...thank you for the recipe link, much appreciated. So after dealing with my boss at midnight last night my phone, computer and tv started screaming alerts, about the Saskatchewan stabbings, suspect my be headed to Alberta, around 8am and is still continuing. There had been a mass murder/crime spree (22 dead and the criminal was dressed as a cop) in Manitoba, no alerts had been issued and the public was outraged. Apparently they weren't going to make that mistake again! I am tempted to turn my phone off just so I don't get an alert saying he's been captured! My plan for tomorrow is to finish sorting out the office moves and avoid answering my phone. LOL

          Thinking of Det, Sam, Pauly and TG...hoping all is well with you. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
          Last edited by porqoui; September 5, 2022, 09:13 PM.


            Re: 4th September

            Hiya all it's hammering down here with rain. Weare on thr way home tomorrow. Got the van booked in for a diagnostic test on Monday. See what happens then in the meantime fingers crossed it gets me up the road. Hope all is well
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Re: 4th September

              Greetings friends,

              We had nearly 3” of rain over 12 hrs so we’re pretty well soaked here, haha! We really need the rain so I’m happy.
              My herd of stray cats managed to stay mostly dry on the deck, Lol

              PQ, I seriously hate alarms & warnings waking me up at night. We have had a few Amber alerts recently (missing person, usually a child), ugh.
              I would turn my phone off at night but the mother in me would worry that my kids wouldn’t be able to get me in an emergency, we have no house phone anymore, gave that up many years ago.
              Glad you got things settled down quickly without having to leave home. I would be damned worried if a serial killer was roaming around my neighborhood, yikes!!
              Hope you had a break from the phones today.

              Mick, we are sharing your rain I guess. Hope you have a safe trip home & get some rest after all the excitement.

              Cyn, thinking of you :hug:

              Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det.

              Have a nice night everyone!
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Re: 4th September

                MAE ALL...

                Fairly quiet day at work, just had to remember it was Tuesday not Monday. LOL Boss back at work tomorrow so maybe I can get some things wrapped up that have been waiting for him.

                Mick...fingers crossed the van holds up for the trip home. Hope they can figure out what's wrong with it.

       rain here but it was fairly cool all day. I'm not ready for winter to arrive. I'm glad the cats are making themselves at home. I don't blame you for not turning off your phone I feel the same way.

                Shout out to the rest of the gang. Going to make it an early night. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


                  Re: 4th September

                  Hi guys... sorry to be away - good luck with all that each of you are dealing with. I have had some interesting days - will describe later... but decided to leave Tahoe, so packed up on Sunday and started driving yesterday. Long long day today, but ended up
                  In Wyoming, so one more long day tomorrow and I should be home...

                  Take care all - wishing you well...


                    Re: 4th September

                    Hello and how are we today then? Hope everyone is doing good. Not long home it took 5 and 1/2 hours there were a few sets of roadworks. The van gave me no problems at all on the way home ma, but that was exactly what happened the last time as well. I was talking to a man that works in the diesel engine trade just before I left the site, he was very knowledgeable on the subject and issues surrounding the van, and he reckoned it would if left as it is be about 7 or 800 miles before it did it again NH. Not a satisfactory arrangement, that is why it is going in in to get a diagnostic test done on Monday. The outcome of that will decide what we actually do in respect of both that vehicle or getting another one in the future. Just been out to the greenhouse to look at my tomatoes, I had the neighbour down the road looking after them for me me and they have done really well. the cabbages have done well ,the trouble is nobody is eating them! Hope everyone is doing well I will put a better post up tomorrow take care look after yourselves
                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 4th September

                      Good evening folks,

                      The rain has decided to return but it’s pretty light after yesterday’s nearly 3”. The best part is the temp right now is 67 degrees - YAY!!
                      I have had enough with the heatwaves this summer. I’m ready for some cooler days & nights

                      Mick, glad you got home OK. I’d be nervous driving any vehicle that I knew was going to break down without notice, geez. Hope you can get that sorted out.
                      Anything that grows around here that we don’t want to eat just goes in the chicken yard. Those beasts eat anything haha!

                      Cyn, glad to hear from. You & hope you get home easily & safely :hug:

                      PQ, glad you’re getting the cooler weather too!
                      I just heard they’ve arrested the second brother related to the stabbings - good!!
                      Good luck getting the boss’s attention back into work mode, Lol

                      Special Hello to Pauly today & wishes for a happy & healthy birthday today.

                      Hello to Sam & Det too.

                      Have a nice night all!

                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: 4th September

                        MAE ALL...

                        TG...I thought you were home. I just can't keep up with you. Safe travels and then take some down time.

               Lav I'd be nervous driving the van knowing there is an issue. Hope it's not too serious and that it can be fixed. I think you too have enjoyed it. I'm glad you're home safe and sound.

                        Lav...glad you're getting some cooler weather too. It's supposed to rain tomorrow so we will see. Heard the news about the brother being arrested when I left work today. So glad that's over, those poor people. I know there's various healing circles (?) happening throughout Saskatchewan tonight so the arrest came at a good time. I actually had my one-on-one with the boss this afternoon so we were able to go over everything and I got all the answers I needed. LOL Still trying to get used to my new office. Keep turning and reaching for things that just aren't there. One of the new part time hires that was supposed to be trained tonight emailed the boss to say there had been a family emergency and he's off to Vancouver. Wonder if the boss is actually going to stay till 8pm.

                        Pauly....HAPPY BIRTHDAY...hope you're doing ok.

                        Shout out to Det & Sam. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


                          Re: 4th September

                          Hiya all hope are we doing?hope all is well. As you know doubt know her majesty the Queen is not well.the family are all at her beds..even that ned that lives in America. She is a good age, but hopefully she pulls through she is the epitome of Royalty. Went to look at another van today . A beauty but we shall see it is a 2019 van with a euro 6 engine and a full size double bed and a massive garage .we shall see picked the rabbits �� up today. Jeeves is moulting

                          Hiya ppqp how are you today then?all good?yes must be honest, I was apprehensive driving home in case it went pear-shaped. Hows the new office doing?did the boss stay,

                          Hiya lav.hows you doing then?weather over here has turned too yes with regards to the vehicle apparently euro 5 engines were particularly the worry is yes,it could be fixed but will it happen we will see. We have the same here. Just change chickens for rabbits

                          Hiya teegee .hope all is good
                          af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                            Re: 4th September

                            Mae all -

                            Mick, glad to hear you are home safely. Just as I walked in the door from collecting all my mail, my phone buzzed with the news of the Queen’s passing... I send my deep condolences to you — your monarch for your whole life... Seems like the whole world is changing.
                            Good luck with the decision about a new van... it seems like having a really good one would be a fine idea... less worry!

                            PPQ, so relieved to hear that those criminals have been caught. Yes, a new office is like a new pair of shoes... it takes time to be comfortable; good luck!

                            Lav, glad that YB was able to fix your machine - you have to be happy working with it! I’m sure you have lots to get ready for the Autumn shows. What kind of Mexican-inspired dish did you make over the weekend?

                            Pauly, happy belated birthday!! These “firsts” are hard... I hope your family was with you, and that you were celebrated for the special person that you are... 💜

                            I had a good long sleep last night in my own bed, thank goodness. Yesterday AM in the hotel in WY, I woke up at 4 AM and couldn’t go back to sleep ... waited for the free 6 AM breakfast, then hit on the road. Drove across WY and NE, and arrived home just as city rush-hour was picking up... Yikes! was glad to arrive back safely.

                            Lots of errands and crucial tasks today, but then I just had to have a nap - but was awakened by a scary dream. I think my brain is working out all the worry that I suppressed while driving... but all is well...

                            Hello to any stopping by - Sam, how are you feeling? Det, hope all is well...

                            Wishing all well...


                              Re: 4th September

                              Greetings friends,

                              Sad new about Queen Elizabeth. I figured it was going to happen today as all the family was called to her side.
                              I grew up hearing something about her from my mom every single day. She was crowned the year I was born, yes I’m that old. She will be missed by many worldwide.

                              PQ, sunny & 80 here today, not bad at all. I prefer it a little cooler, haha!
                              Glad you had your questions answered, makes things easier at work. So the new hire needs to be replaced? That’s a shame but the world doesn’t stand still for any of us.
                              Glad that stabber was taken down, relief for everyone I imagine.

                              Mick, so sorry about the Queen. Sounds like she has a long & slow but comfortable ending. That’s something to be grateful for honestly.
                              I’m having a hard time picturing Charles as King but I guess he will figure it out.
                              Glad you’re home safe, bunnies too. I have several molting chickens right now, they look ridiculous, Lol

                              Cyn, glad to hear you are also home safely. I wouldn’t be able to do all that driving alone, I like having someone to talk to on a long trip, but that’s just me.
                              I’ll get that link for the Mexican dish - it was pretty good but it involved tomatoes & salsa that you may not want to use. Sweet Potato Black Bean Casserole is tasty + healthy! | Recipe | Vegetarian recipes healthy, Vegetarian enchiladas, Vegetarian recipes dinner
                              Get some rest & get used to being home for a while :hug:

                              Hello to Pauly, Sam & Det.

                              Be well everyone!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

