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18th September
18th September
Hiya all just thought I'd start the post. Out detecting today. Weather lovely .got a few bits and pieces. Including an 1817 sixpence in good condition .hope all is well with everyoneaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12 -
Re: 18th September
Greetings friends,
Nice day here, just a bit warmer. I think we have a few days of showers ahead followed by dropping temps just in time for t he arrival of Fall. My all time favorite season
Mick, glad your day was productive & nice find
The TV coverage of the Queen’s funeral starts tomorrow at 05:30 - not sure I’ll be up but will tune in as soon as I can.
I’m trying not to read all the gossipy nonsense that’s been popping up on social media all day, geez. There’s a time & place for everything.
Cyn, not only have I walked into the kitchen & found the gas stove on but also the water running in the sink. Someone around here (not me) is really having some memory problems. I feel like I need to walk behind him & make sure he doesn’t burn the house down or flood us out
Aging is difficult, this I know but I believe we can be safe about it by not rushing & trying to multi-task. We just don’t do that safely anymore. I always wander around before going to bed checking on things - just in case. Oh & locking the 4 doors we have in this place, geez! Let’s stay safe!
PQ, how’s your weekend going?
Hello to Sam, Pauly & Det, check in sometime, please.
Have a decent night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 18th September
Hello my sober friends. I haven't been to this site in ages but decided to stop in today. It's sad to see how few people are posting here these days considering how much help it was to me.
It's good to see Lav and Mick! Hope all is well. All is as good as can be expected for me. We've got 4 grandkids now, so that's always a good thing.
Well, off to take a look around. Have a good night all.
Re: 18th September
hello everyone ....apologies for the late post ,but I have been watching Her Majesty all day ..A sad day ,a few tears shed ,but tbh it was memorable .She is now at peace ..The saddest part was when they handed her crown orb and sceptre back.The same ones she promised on when she was crowned .
Forget the gossip ..there are mippets everywhere ,plus the media are there to sell papers and get viewers ...not tell the truth . very proud ,Her Majestys prcession was led by the Mounties ....just to show that she had that special bond with Canada .dont forget ..she approved every detail beforehand .
Flyaway,...lovely to see you!!!!how are things with you?Congrats on the sound good ..Yes not so many posting nowadays ,I certainly dont think that world wide we have conquered the booze issue I dont know why .You take care.
hiya Lav,how are you today?hope all is you say aging is a process that happens to us all,and affects us in different ways ...I am famousfor lists ..I write everything down ...then tick it off when done ..and I write specifics down ...that might sound crazy ,but instead of writing do jobs in the garden ,I will write cut grass take out weeds in far bed ..otherwise you end up going into the garden thinking what was Igoing to do ..Same with shops ...write a list ..Keys ,go in one place only ..wallet goes to one known place ,etc ,plus I tell Julie and she tells me .I do exactly the same with the doors at night too...and due to previous occupation I always prove a door after Ive locked it!!you take care
If anyone elsehas any tips lets share them .
hiya teegee hope all is well with you...
305093350_5744396755611404_4733370392288748263_n.jpgaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 18th September
Sorry for MIA this weekend but I really needed to unplug. It has been incredibly busy at work and hopefully the rush is over.
Mick…thanks for kicking the new thread off yesterday before you went detecting. Glad the weather was good for you. I missed the actual funeral part but tuned in just as it was finished, and they were walking out with the coffin. Watched a lot of the precession then had to go to work. I thought it was an honor to have the Mounties leading. Everything was very nicely done.
Lav…fall is my all-time favorite season has well, I hope we get one. Cold today, rainy and overcast. If the temp was down just a couple of more degrees, it would be snowing. We’re supposed to bounce back for the rest of the week though. I hope the weather improves for your craft fair this weekend.
Hopefully I'll more energy this week to stay on top of my posts. Shout out to the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP
Re: 18th September
Greetings friends,
Well it’s hot again - near 90 today, makes me sad haha!
We have been promised cooler temps by the end of the week so I’m going to hold them to their promises!!! Still stitching away but will be done soon.
FlyAway, wow, hello to you! Thanks for stopping in & saying Hi. Congrats on the grandkids, they’re tons of fun. I have three & they have grown so fast.
Seems that some of us have never wandered away while others come & go frequently, who knows? It only takes a few minutes to check in & see h ow your friends are doing, right?
Mick, I did turn the TV on at 07:30 so I caught most of the queen’s funeral & the procession today. I even felt a little teary at times, she was an amazing woman, RIP.
I’m with you in ignoring the gossip. I’m like you in that I have several ways of reminding myself of important stuff like taking those BP meds every morning. I know I am easily distracted so having reminders set - like hand written notes or even timers set on my phone help a lotwe actually have a 5th door to this house if you count the one that leads in from the attached garage. I either have to lock that one or be sure both garage doors are closed tight.
PQ, we’re sweating here & you’re inching toward snow - sounds crazy but true. I will be extremely happy to see the end of this super-swelter of a summer.
Get yourself some R&R!!!
Cyn, hope your day was excellent!
Hello to the ones we hardly see anymore, check in guys.
Have a nice night all!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 18th September
Mae all -
Well, I was up at 4 AM to see as much of the ceremonies as I could. I was totally blown away by the discipline, focus, and dedication of all... especially those 8 men bearing the coffin! Over and over!! I don’t know how they did it. Mick, yes the end of the Windsor service was completely heartbreaking... The breaking of the rod - how incredible. I sobbed when they showed Emma, the Queen’s Fell Pony... all alone there on the grounds.
I thought of you... the Scottish King’s Guards with the tall feather in their caps, the amassed pipe and drum corps, the lone piper. What an extraordinary day.
Lav, glad your stitching is getting done! Sorry about the return to the heat... good luck.
PPQ - hoping you will get some good Balance in your life soon...
Hello to all dropping by...
I’m worn out! To bed... see you all tomorrow...
Re: 18th September
It was a bit of a frustrating day with the event renter this weekend, I don’t know how many times I have to answer the same question. Then I started getting calls from the event organizer and the decorator, doesn’t anyone talk to each other anymore. Boss didn’t come in till noon today as he has to stay late so I got lots accomplished this morning.
Mick…I had to make sure I was on the right thread twice because I didn’t see a post from you. Will watch for updates tomorrow.
Lav…I’ll be glad to be done with the heatwaves, but I want a fall, not just into winter. Is that too much to ask for? That’s quite a routine you have for locking up at night. LOL When I was living with my sister I always locked the door to the garage regardless.
TG…hope you got a good sleep last night.
It’ll be an early night for me. Hope you all have a good evening…:Smile:PPQP
Re: 18th September
Good evening friends,
It has cooled down so I’m outside for a change. I am seriously done with the heat this year.
We had a 10 ft octagonal Amish gazebo delivered today, looks great. Going to have to decide what to put inside it for seating. It’s nice & sturdy, has screens all around to keep the stink bugs & lantern flies off you haha. Guess I’ll also look for some sales on native plants to put around it too.
Cyn, bless you for getting up sp early to watch the queen’s funeral. It was very somber & special, you could even feel that from over here.
I’m pretty sure we will be having decent weather for the event Saturday, grateful for that. This festival draws a big crowd every year & it’s a lot of fun.
PQ, communication is key to pretty much everything, don’t you think? It seems people have gotten pretty lazy about that the last few years.
We had some wind gusts this afternoon that I think brought in the cooler air. Yep, I want a nice fall too, I think we deserve one after this nasty summer.
Mick, hope all is well with you.
Hello to the rest of the gang & wishing everyone a nice night!
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 18th September
hiya all how are we doing? no doubt most saw the laying to rest of her majesty yesterday.A very moving tribute to her .I thought it was very poignant and shed a tear when they gave back the crown sceptere and orb that she had on her Coronation.the country did her proud ...a few nuggets but you get them everywhere.This house is like a bin....all the stuff I had on the van is now in the house..Plan is I pick it up Thursday..
hiya teegee,hope all is well with you .It was sad at Windsor ,but she is at peace with her family now.It was sad when they showed Emma and Sandy and Mick the corgis .I love the skirl of the pipes too.My old regiment was there I saw the pipers , plus there was a contingent of troopers from the regiment .Maybe Im biased but the pipes always send a shiver up my spine ,and I pull my heels in .hope you slept well.
hiya Lav how are you ? still got the high temps? you take care ...Shed a few tears ? I seem to have it sewn up with regards to remembering and doing things ...good for you .how are the chickens doing in this heat.?hope they are ok ..Iagree ,and this is not a dig at anyone so dont think it is ...for me being on here ,not only reinforcesme ,but hopefull
That was yesterday's post, but It hasn't all copied across
..been up to check that's its still OK for the van to pick up tomorrow. Done the insurance to start tomorrow.
Have you seen the latest on Russia?Putin has mobilised 300000 reserves, but the civilian population isn't impressed .one way airline tickets are selling for crazy money. A family ticket to South Africa..£44000!!!
Hiya lav...How's you. ,have you been in the gazebo?it looks good. What are the native plants to you?.is your weather doing better today ? Have a good day
Hiya ppqp how are you today?yes my post didn't post at all...communication is a skill that no-one seems to do .hope today is a better one for you.
Hiya teegee how are you. ?hope all is well with you .catch up on your sleep
Take care everyoneaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 18th September
Hallo all -
Everything is good here, I am just working away at the To-Do list before o depart for the East on Saturday.
Hoping all are feeling well and going forward... I have been so strangely affected by the Queen’s death that I feel as if I should be taking the 7 days of Quiet... if only! But I am getting slowly packed up for the next trip and “go-round”.
Hoping all are well...
Re: 18th September
Good evening kids,
Warmish today but not too bad for the last full day of summer
I think I have more than enough stitched for the craft fair, now I just need to get my thoughts together about how to present it all. The weather will be perfect, yay!!
Mick, my chickens seem to be enjoying the season change, some are still molting which means I get slightly fewer eggs daily but that’s fine,
I don’t see myself moving away from this site anytime soon either. I really enjoy staying in touch with all of you
Here’s a list of native plants I would love to have but it may take some time to locate them Pennsylvania Native Plants for the Perennial Garden
The gazebo looks very happy where it is like it’s been there all along. Good luck with the van pick up & I hope it takes you two as far as you want to go.
I did read today about the Russian exodus. I guess they don’t all think like Putin, huh???
Hello to Cyn & PQ, hope you ladies are well.
Cyn, where are you off to now? How far east??
Hello to Pauly. Det & Sam.
Have a nice night all!
LavLast edited by Lavande; September 21, 2022, 05:23 PM.AF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:
Re: 18th September
Warmer day today but the north wind has a bite to it. Hope the weather improves for the Minister of Health's BBQ on Saturday. I will be nowhere to be found. LOL Very productive day, amazing how the stress disappeared when I turned the crazy Fri/Sat renter over to the boss. LOL Accountant is in full blown audit mode with the auditors onsite. I am so glad I'm not sitting out at reception where the photo copier is, she has been back and forth and can be very distracting.
Mick...well at least you got part of your post back. So excited for you to pick up your van tomorrow. Fingers crossed all goes off without a hitch.
Lav...I've been searching around on here and Facebook but can't find a picture of the gazebo. Did I miss something? Your craft fair items look awesome! I'm sure you'll have a great sale especially with the good weather.
TG...what! you're off again! Was this planned or did something come up? You pace yourself girl.
Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP
Re: 18th September
Hiya are we then?got the van earlier on today ..really smart..and guess what we have almost loaded it!!pretty weary, so going to have an early night. .I was at yoga last night, and aching a bit..a good ache though.
Hiya ppqp how are you doing today?hope all is well. Yes the van is good to follow. How is the audit doing?hope things are going OK with it .how is your son doing?is he any better?
Hiya lav how are you?looking at your list of native plants, a lot of them are similar to those over here I'm eating a lot more eggs now. Not eating bread at all,and I've now lost16lbs since I came back from Cornwall .
Interesting times in the Ukraine, Russia certainly aren't getting their own way. Take care
Hiya teegee..away on your travels again?are you not weary?that's you away on Saturday? Hope all goes well for you.
Hiya everyone else hope you are doing goodaf since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12
Re: 18th September
Greetings friends,
Happy Fall to all
This summer was so freaking hot, a nightmare really. Glad to see it gone now!
I think I’m ready for the craft fair….I think haha! I still have tomorrow if I think of anything else I need to get done.
PQ, I will send you some pics of the gazebo like I did to Mick. Hadn’t even thought of putting them on FB so no, you didn’t miss anything. Haha!
Glad the auditors weren’t after you, just the accountant. Temps will be dipping down in the 50’s tonight, nice
Mick, glad the van is in your possession. I’m sure you’ll make it like home very quickly.
Sounds like we can share native plants - cool!! So tell me how you lost that much weight so fast? It took me 12 months to lose 13 lbs. I refuse to starve myself at this point in my life so the slower weight loss was expected. My secret hope is to get off one or two of these B/P meds. My readings have been very, very low lately, almost too low. We will see what happens. I get to see the dentist tomorrow morning, lucky me.
Cyn, hope you are doing well.
Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam.
Have a nice night all.
LavAF since 03/26/09
NF since 05/19/09
Success comes one day at a time :thumbs: