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18th September

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    Re: 18th September

    MAE ALL...

    Quiet day today, was actually able to work on the website, it needs some TLC. Boss wanted some changes to the Membership page so did what I thought was right and sent him the link to the draft page. He then came into my office to say he didn't have the login information so I sent that to him. After lunch he came into my office and said "About the membership page, I LOVE IT!" LOL Well that was definitely worth the effort I put into it. You have to understand, I'm not a web designer, I just fake it till I make it. glad to hear you got the van ok. Not surprised it's almost packed. LOL Haven't heard from my son, and didn't expect to. He's still up north which is a good sign. Hope you're getting your much needed rest.

    Lav...thanks for sending the pic of the gazebo. I love that design, it looks great. We're going to get a bit of an Indian Summer early next week which will be nice. No precipitation for the next couple of weeks but then an early snow is expected. I want more of a FALL than that. Send a pic of your craft fair setup if you can, I love seeing all your work.

    Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


      Re: 18th September

      Mae all,

      Mick, Bon voyage wherever you are going. Wow - that’s some weight loss... take it easy it you’ll disappear! I have to say that ever since I saw that Fell pony, I am dreaming of traveling to the Lake District and doing a tour with a Fell pony... I haven’t looked yet, but I imagine there must be something like that...

      Lav, congrats on getting everything ready for your Faire... it all looks SO adorable! I hope you have a huge sale! Your gazebo sounds great... a little protection for the fall season... and maybe you can sit in it next summer and have some shade? And hey, what’s the story with the cat and kittens... are they hanging around?

      PPQ, CONGRATS on the kudos from your boss.. that’s fantastic. Good job on instantly turning ourself into a web designer! I’m sorry to hear that snow is anywhere in your forecast... we’ve had such a strange time... yesterday was over 90, today in the 60s...(but I’ll take the 60s...

      I looked at the weather in the eastern states that I will travel through on my way to Connecticut... all looks perfectly sunny, so hopefully i have chosen my travel dates wisely...

      Got my booster 10 days ago, got my flu shot today, am armed with 6 COVID tests to take with me, so... hopefully health will not be an issue...

      Wishing all well- sending love to you, Polly, and hello to Det... take care all -


        Re: 18th September

        mae are we today then?hope everyone is doing good.I feel a bit rubbish today ,headache sneezing bunged up aching etc .Completely loaded the new van today ,madam not impressed should have taken 2 or 3 days!!I need abit of a rest now .hope I feel better for Tuesday Im supposed to get my covid booster .weather has definitely turned now ,sunny day but no heat in it

        hiya teegee,how are you doing ?hope you are ok .Best of luck all the way to Conneticut..stay safe ..As for the fell ponies in the lake district ...type into Google . Lake district tours with fell ponies .There are loads of them ...heres a couple of examples...

        Legends of the fell: Pony-walking in the Lake District

        Fell Pony Adventures

        Hiking with fell ponies in the Lake District | Wanderlust

        hiya are you then?hope you are good .well done on the Membership page...keep going brings the sound of pennies ..havent rested yet but I def need to now ..

        did you see this ? the world is nutso.

        MEGHAN MCCAIN: School teacher wearing fake boobs is proof we are paralyzed by political correctness | Daily Mail Online

        hope you have a good weekend.

        hiya Lav ,how are you doing?how did things go at the dentist?hope all went well.How did I lose the weight? No bread no dairy no crisps cake or sweets chocolate etc ,plenty of fruit eggs and a fairbit of walking .I havent starved thats a dead cert .You are right the van is like home already,Its interesting that we both have similar natural plants.we must have pretty similar climates ...well we know that .hope everything goes well for you at the fair. have a lovely weekend

        hiya pauly ,,hope all is well.

        take care all.
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 18th September

          Greetings friends,

          The trip to the dentist went pretty well, no complaints so far anyway haha!
          I need to finish packing up stuff to take to the craft fair, I think everything is ready. Looks like we’re going to have a cool sunny day & I’m happy with that.

          PQ, good job on the web work. I actually took a college course to learn how to do that & still can’t get it done, haha! Glad the boss approves too.
          Looks like the folks on your eat coast are going to be hit with hurricane Fiona that just made a big mess in Puerto Rico & Bermuda. There’s another forming that could end up hitting Florida at some point. Oh boy . I hope you get your wish for a stretch of seasonal weather before the snow starts.

          Cyn, I didn’t realize you were driving all the way back to CT. I think you should find the weather to be good.
          Have a safe trip & I’ll get some crafty pictures on FB.
          Luna the cat is still living on my deck, her two kittens come & go. I gave her an extra blanket last night since to was pretty chilly & she’s loving it from what I can see.

          Mick, sorry you’re coming down with something. Maybe take it easier for a day or two - if possible, hope you feel better soon
          I scheduled myself for the new Moderna booster & a flu shot on Sunday. Now to talk YB into getting it done too.

          Hello to Pauly & Det & Sam too.

          Have a good night all!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 18th September

            MAE ALL...

            It was a quiet, drama free day until 2:30pm when the event people for tonight showed up! I just kept sending people to the boss if they had a question. The event actually started at 4pm and if I thought it was crazy earlier, OMG! So unorganized and demanding. Just looked at the boss and said I'm out of here. LOL

            TG...I can't believe you're heading out again. It does sound like you picked the right travel days. Of course you're going to go to the Lake District and do a tour with a Fell Pony. Surprised you haven't booked it already. LOL I'm with you, I'll take the 60's anytime. You be safe on your travels.

            Mick...sounds like you've exhausted yourself, no wonder your body is complaining. I'm hoping if you get some rest you'll be good for you Covid booster. My son was telling me about the Meghan McCain story. I thought it was just a bunch of made up rubbish but apparently not. You're right the world is getting nutso. I plan on unplugging this weekend, at least from any work related texts/emails. The event tonight is on again tomorrow, there's a dinner party in another room tomorrow, and the Minister of Health's BBQ is on Sunday. The boss will be involved as his 2nd part time staffer hasn't started yet. Aw...

            Lav...not sure about the "so far" comment after your dentist trip. LOL Sounds like the weather is just what you called for tomorrow, best of luck at the sale and I'll watch for pics. It was nice that the boss recognized my work and was pleased with it. Will be emphasizing that on my next review. LOL Yes, the news is full of stories and videos of what's happening on the East coast. Tonight will be the build up for the actual arrival tomorrow. There is a positive side to being a land-locked province. I'm waiting 14 days since my biologic injection to get my phenomena shot, there's a new non-live virus available. Not sure if I can combine it with flu or covid booster but will check it out. Glad to hear Lulu is still there.

            Thinking of Sam, Det and Pauly. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


              Re: 18th September

              Mae all -

              Mick, sounds like you have worn yourself out even before your trip starts! Or are you traveling? I’m not sure if your plans. And PS / be careful scheduling anything close after the Booster... you might not feel great for a day...
              Thank you for the Fell Pony trekking info! I really feel strongly about this... so I think I will make a plan and save pennies... and maybe add in a trek on my own 2 feet too... We’ll see...

              Lav, I think today was your event, right? I hope it was stellar, and the weather was great -
              I’ll be headed to your coast, so please keep the storms down, okay? 😉 At least things look good for this weekend when I am driving...

              PPQ, wow it sounds like things are hopping at your work... so glad you can take the weekend off... I hope you will have a well-deserved rest. And maybe even enjoy outside if the weather is good? I feel like these are bonus days...

              Pauly, thinking of you —

              Hello to all dropping by - May we be well —


                Re: 18th September

                hiya all how arewe doing then? hope everyone iswell.I feel a bit better today ,though my eyes feel real heavy and still snottering .Aching a bit but not as bad as yesterday...been messing in the van this morning ,got the alarm guy coming tomorrow.Dry today,but pretty cold.We are away on the 3rd till the 6th just to try it out .

                hiya teegee ..hope ll is well best of luck with your travels..

                yoohoo ppqp ...hope all is well, dont know if you are unplugged to the world ..if not ..hiya hope the weekend is good .sounds like a busy weekend at your workl...put everything on answerphone .

                hiya Lav ,how are you doing?glad the dental trip went ok for you is the craft fair doing?hopevthings are doing good for you .So Luna is still around ..thats good ...and a blanket too? dont you ever laugh at me with the rabbits!!best of luck to you for today.

                hiya pauly hope you are doing ok ...

                a big hello to everyone else out there .
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 18th September

                  Good evening friends,

                  Great craft fair today & now I am completely exhausted haha!
                  We had perfect weather so lots of people were there. I made $300 for myself & another $100 for my Ukrainian Relief effort so I am happy
                  I am going for my flu & Covid booster tomorrow but still haven’t gotten YB to agree to go for his. Why so stubborn???

                  PQ, I really hope you get the quiet weekend you want after all that business yesterday. Enough is enough, haha!
                  These hurricanes are getting stronger & more frequent but people still deny global warming, crazy. Glad you don’t have to deal with them.

                  Cyn, there’s now another hurricane forming & aiming for Florida which will likely head up the coast when it’s done there. I am keeping an eye on that one, for sure.
                  There was live music at the fair today, all kinds including our county symphony (didn’t even know we had one). It was fun hearing all the different music including some good old fashioned gospel music.
                  I hope you have a very safe trip, take care :hug:

                  Mick, sounds like your viral situation is improving a bit. Get some rest. Lots of liquids to drown the virus too.
                  I have to get back & look at all those pics you sent today - didn’t have a spare minute to do that all day

                  Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam.

                  Have a nice night all!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

