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9th October

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    Re: 9th October

    Greetings friends,

    Lots of rain today but it seems to be ending. It’s getting dark so early these days.
    Luna & kitties seem to be fine. She’s keeping them dry in her hiding spot behind the garage. It’s not like I didn’t have two other preferred dry spots for her haha! I guess she knows what she’s doing. I can’t put any food out there for her though, it would attract groundhogs & raccoons so she’s still appearing on the deck for meals.

    PQ, that’s a real shame about the childcare worker. I hope she has family to look after her now.
    The next 3 days are predicted to be sunny & dry. I would love to get out of here & actually do something non-work related for a change, Lol. Glad to hear your weather is holding up too.

    Mick, make sure you share that sunshine with us tomorrow
    Glad Jeeves is happy again. We never did get those high winds they were talking about unless they’re coming later.
    My grandson is fine, he was back in school today. It was just a 24 hr variety stomach virus. I am still working on getting yB in for flu & updated covid vaccines. He’s a tough customer to convince. I keep telling him he has Amish people in his truck every day & they carry all sorts of viruses & refuse vaccines so it’s only a matter of time

    Hello to Cyn, hope you are OK.
    Hello Pauly, Det & Sam.

    Have a nice night all!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Re: 9th October

      MAE ALL...

      Just before quitting time yesterday my computer was acting up. Really slow and then finally I couldn't open anything. Spoke with my IT guy this morning and he suggested rebooting the server, it may help, otherwise he thought it might be my hard drive. The server reboot didn't help so he headed over to do a diagnostics on it. Everything looked fine. Then he clicked on a different part of the mouse (way down in the front of it) and everything worked, I had even put new batteries in it. He said the only reason he figured it out was because he'd seen it before. Although you could see the pointer it was transmitting any signal. Just something to keep in mind if your computer starts acting up.

      Mick...although it was at freezing this morning, it warmed up to 20C and was bright and sunny. I'll ship some sun off to Lav, I've got lots coming. We're all chuffed that Jeeves is doing so well. Day improved when I replaced my mouse. LOL I told the accountant all she could do was reach out to the programs support to figure out how to edit bookings without loosing any existing data. I know I could probably figure out a workaround but quite frankly I'm way too busy. even after you moved her back to the deck she chose her new digs. LOL She must know something. I'm glad she still knows where the food is. Yes, the childcare worker does have family. She lives about 40 minutes west of the city and other than her watching the children we're concerned about her driving in the winter. They're still trying to figure out what to do. I saw my rheumatologist on the 5th but when I went to refill my biologic the insurance hadn't been renewed. A few phone calls, leaving messages, and someone finally called me back and said they think they've got it all sorted out. Was told to try to refill it again tomorrow, I need to take it on Saturday. So we shall see.

      TG...hope you're still slowing down and making some headway on the clarity.

      Shout out to the rest of the gang. Have a good night all....:smile:PPQP


        Re: 9th October

        Hiya all how are we today then?hope all is well. I am in the dentist at the moment, just a check up. Nice sunny morning yet again. Both rabbits are doing good. The meds he is on makes him a lot hungrier...

        Hiya ppqp how's you?hope all is well. You need the basic course in computer technology.
        Computer fails..switch off unplug
        Plug in and restart
        Computer fails. Swear and walk away
        Look for someone else to blame.
        No one there?open window (optional)
        Launch said computer
        Make coffee

        That will solve it short term....have a great day

        Hiya lav how are things with you then?hope all is well. Luna is lucky to have you looking after her. We were having sunshine this morning .ermmmmm not any is pouring down now. Supposed to be out metal detecting this weekend, fingers crossed. Hope you have a good day.

        Hiya teegee how are you doing .hope all is good.

        Anyone watching the charade of British politics ��
        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


          Re: 9th October

          Greetings friends,

          The sun came back today so I’m happy. Somehow the kittens managed to stay dry thru all that rain yesterday. I think Luna must be a genius haha!
          Kids only had a half day of school today, don’t know why. I asked my grandson if he knew why & he had no idea, Lol….whatever…..

          PQ, I am learning a lot about cat behavior, interesting creatures to say the least!
          When my ancient computer that runs my embroidery machine starts acting up I start to pray since it can’t be replaced haha. YB has been able to keep it going, so far. My laptop I don’t even use that much, I’m on my iPad now, just easier to use. Glad yours got straightened out. Enjoy. The sun while you have it, it comes & goes this time of year.

          Mick, glad your fur friends are happy & doing well. Hope the visit to the dentist was easy!
          I haven’t watched anything about your politics lately because I am focused on ours - especially in my state. We have a TV doctor (Oz) trying to buy a senate seat & a guy who looks like a turtle wanting to be governor so he can take away women’s healthcare rights . Oz is being spurned on by Trump & the other one wants to be tRump - such BS!!

          Cyn, hello & hope you are well.

          Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam.

          Have a good night all!

          Last edited by Lavande; October 14, 2022, 05:15 PM.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Re: 9th October

            MAE ALL...:yay: It's The Weekend :yay:

            Uneventful day at work, got a lot done including my Employee Objectives for the year. Geeze, the boss is a spreadsheet fanatic!

            Mick...another checkup? Glad you're not having tooth issues. Are you nervous that the meds makes Jeeves hungrier? My weather was similar to yours, bright and sunny in the morning but the wind has picked up and it's trying to rain. Won't last long it's supposed to be a gorgeous weekend. Thanks for the computer course, that would have worked until I got to "open window", nope couldn't do that. LOL

            Lav...all elementary kids have Friday afternoons off here. Man, I swear, they're off school more than they're in school. Sure wasn't that way when I was in school. I think Luna is a genius too, you'll learn a lot from her. LOL I know you've had issues with your embroidery computer and I'm amazed that you're still able to keep it going. Guess when it finally bites the dust you'll be retiring. Hope you have many more years of stitching. I've seen some of Mick's political charades but had no idea about yours. I'm also too busy watching our provincial charades, all involving the bosses sister. We don't talk politics at work anymore. LOL

            Hello to TG, Det, Sam and Pauly. Have a good night all...:smile:PPQP


              Re: 9th October

              Hi all -
              Mick, such great news about the Leslie’s, I’m relieved that Jeeves seems to be continuing his good streak. Thx for all the jokes!!

              PPQ, thx for the info about the computer mouse! Sorry about your coworker and memory sad. Good luck on all those spreadsheets!

              Lav, you found a brilliant cat momma, I love hearing the stories! That’s pretty awesome that she found a good place to stay dry in the storm... I’m sending good vibes to your computer so that you can continue to make wonderful things that bring such ha point to folks...

              I am working away here, trying to get the major tasks accomplished for my people. Getting a little worn out from the constant decluttering, but it’s nice to see their spaces become more serene...

              Sending greetings to all... cheers -


                Re: 9th October

                Hello everyone how are we today then? Hope all is doing well. We have had a great morning weather wise but it has just started hammering down with rain. I'm supposed to be going metal detecting tomorrow so that will be interesting! Both rabbits seem to be doing pretty good, it is interesting when I give Jeeves his medication! I've never had to fight a rabbit to take the syringes from it it.

                Hiya lav and how are you today then? How is Luna doing? Sounds like you have got the other half of the world idiots has politicians in your County, whilst we've got the other half over here. Perhaps we should forget nationalities put all the names into a hat and see what happens. hope you keep the embroidery machinery going. Have a great weekend

                Hiya ppqp, how are things with you then? Did the computer get fixed? Spreadsheets are an absolute gift for anyone that has a little bit of Bluff you can make them actually say anything you want just by size shape and colour. I didn't realise your boss his family were involved in politics. Take care and have a quiet weekend.

                Hiya teegee how are you today then?hope things are OK with you. I take it that you are having a quiet weekend?take care.

                Hiya everyone else hope you are good
                af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                  Re: 9th October

                  af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                    Re: 9th October



                    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                      Re: 9th October

                      Hey kids,

                      We had a nice day here, no complaints.
                      We walked over to the neighbors across the road this afternoon, they were having a pre-Halloween party. Lots of kids there carving pumpkins & running around having fun. Got to hold a brand new baby they are fostering to adopt (likely). I did a pillow & book for him to enjoy at some point. I gave Halloween pillows to the 2 older boys, they were happy.

                      PQ, this is the weekend so I hope you’re enjoying
                      Spreadsheets are not something I’ve ever had to deal with, I would be clueless haha!

                      Cyn, glad you’re making progress with your clients. I seriously would not have the patience to do all that, blessings on you

                      Mick, Jeeves certainly is the model patient, taking his meds like a champ!!
                      Luna & the kittens are fine today. They will be a week old tomorrow & have nearly doubled in size so I’d say everything is OK
                      Hope you get to go detecting as planned if it’s not too muddy. Have fun with that. I’m taking the weekend off from all the political BS, it’s making me crazy. What a huge bunch of fools

                      Hello to all & wishing everyone a nice night!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Re: 9th October

                        MAE ALL...

                        A little cooler today but wow, what a fall. Next week we're back up to record high temps. After that we're supposed to be back to normal, which means snow suits under the Halloween costumes. Boss has got his daughter working part time and she's on tonight for the event. A lot of confusion when the group arrived, she called her Dad who intern called me. i popped over to see what was going on and all was good. I guess 2 work free weekend in a row was not in the cards. LOL

                        TG...spreadsheets completed before I left work. YAY I can see the reward of a job well done when everything comes together and your clients space is transformed but it sounds like it's time to move on. Sorry if I spoke out of turn but I hope you're still working on what's next. Take care.

                        Mick...that was hilarious watching you try to get the syringe back. He's certainly doing great. Yes, it's interesting with the boss's sister being the Premiere of Alberta, I do not agree with her politics and apparently so do a lot of others. She was voted in as the leader of the conservative party when the current one resigned. There is a provincial election in May and I think the party will loose. That will be a whole different ambiance in the office. LOL I hope the weather improves for your detecting tomorrow.

                        Lav...sounds like the pre-Halloween party was a hit. How fun. It's funny that each new General Manager just assumes his staff is computer literate. When I started it was like moving them off typewriters onto computers. Lots of "What is he talking about", "How do i do that?" LOL Sounds like Luna and the Kits are thriving and I'm sure you are playing a major role in that. Hope your weather continues to give you no complaints.

                        Wishing all a good night...:smile:PPQP

