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friday 22 June

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    friday 22 June

    Morning, I can't believe I'm the first one up. Thanks for all the encouragement. I am firmly back in the non smoking/drinking camp.
    I'm in charge of me and I can survive a weekend in eurpoe with no cigarettes, I've done a festival before staying up until 5am each night so this should be a breeze.
    I plan to moderate that weekend as I will have done 4-5 weeks then. Plan is after that to drink once or twice a week and to have 6 drinks a week. NO WINE!!!!
    Have a good day all and thanks for the encouragement - I'm off to the gym tonight for a run and some weights,worked until gone 7 last night so I was too tired.
    Incredibly stressed out too, sobbing, and full of doom but today's a new day x
    one day at a time

    friday 22 June

    i was up b4 u!!!!! 6.45. have to get on b4 kids nag me off, all gone school now, where in europe!! sounds like u shud have cool time !!!
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      friday 22 June

      hey there early birds. Day two for me and just trying to be positive. I really thought after 94 days my brain would be "different" but alas 'tis not, so no sense in torturing myself with thought of mod'ing (everone's differnt but that's me). staying home today to recouperate and keep an eye on blood pressure. Can't wait til I can start to exercise again...sooon!
      be well everyone
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        friday 22 June

        Bear, why you bummed out? sounds like you are doing great?
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          friday 22 June

          Just realized there were 2 Friday threads. Want to share my gazing ball caper here as well in case someone misses it in the other one.

          Well, figured out the gazing ball mystery. Our neighbor who lives on the corner, his backyard is our side & he spoke to my hubby saying that Sat. night was a night. He spoke to the neighbor across from him & he said that someone smashed a "stained glass" object right in front of his gazing ball:upset: ! Then my neighbor said he found one of my lanterns in his front yard & placed it back in our yard.

          I must be a magnet for delinquent juvinile behavior. 6 yrs ago someone carved the F word on the back of my SUV. in a [parking lot. Then a couple of yrs ago on Christmas morning I looked out our window & some kids went around our neighborhood & took all the lighted reindeer decorations & "mounted" one on top of the other to all the houses that had them in thier yard (ours included). Ok-that one was funny because it looked like a reindeer orgy in my neighborhood & it was harmless. UGH. Kids.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            friday 22 June

            now Breez I'd pay for a picture of your neighborhood that day LOL!!!
            I don't have much patience for kids either...unless they are well Lushy!
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              friday 22 June

              Thanks D. I try to behave as much as I can.

              Breez, while I felt your pain at everything that has happened to you the "deers humping each other" story was hysterical!!!! Clever kids. Okay, wait, it's not funny. I will not condone that kind of behavior. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Damn, that is very funny.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                friday 22 June

                After noticing just ours & being mortified I untangled the the power cord mess quickly & I stepped back & looked across the street & then down the street & just chuckled! Imagine all the people who didn't notice & were getting guests over for Christmas. Never mind explaining to the kids who just got presents from Santa that morning what Blitzen is doing to Rudolph on their front lawn!:eeks:

                Attached files [img]/converted_files/270997=1161-attachment.gif[/img]
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  friday 22 June

                  Hi All,

                  I'm back from the conference in PA, which was really great. I really felt so energized about my work! Of course, the bar in the lobby was calling my name every day about 5pm, but I managed to walk by it and only drool a few times. Neither of my friends was drinking, and that made it so much easier on me. They're good friends!

                  Bear, I hope the stress eases up for you, but sobbing is a great stress reliever, I've found, once we let it out! I hope you're feeling better--you're right, today IS another day!

                  Breez, I'm glad that your mystery is solved. Maybe the backyard is a better place for the gazing ball, though. Love the thought of those humping reindeer! Yowzah!

                  Good to see you Determinator. I read your other thread too. It's very hard to moderate. I'm not much good at it! Keep up the good work though. You just conducted a little "experiment, and now you have the results! Chin up baby!

                  Scoobs, good to see you on the other thread. Fridays ARE hard. I'm glad I was occupied much of the day. I was craving a lot this evening though. I'm glad it's almost time to sleep. In fact, it is time to sleep. I've been really wound up these last two days, so I'm off.

                  Love you all!

                  Sorry if I missed anyone!

                  :l :l
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    friday 22 June

                    Kathy, they are great friends. Good friends like that are worth holding onto I feel really fortunate to have some really true friends in my life.

                    And Kath, it sounds like you've had a pretty stressful week... same here. Boy can I relate! Enjoy your weekend. Hey Kath, have you read the Allen Carr book? I found it really changed the way I think of alcohol, so I no longer drool over it or feel like I'm missing out. It might be a god investment for you.

                    I need to take an afternoon nap. I'm just so shagged baby!

                    Happy Saturday everyone!

                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

