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30 October

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    Re: 30 October

    I can’t believe you’re already that cold outside (1-3 degrees F) there in Canada, PQ! And when the slush freezes, there’s the dangerous combo of uneven ice underneath the snow. It poured rain here all evening yesterday, too, on top of the afternoon rain.
    Yes, I’m allowed to crawl back out of the basement too! Ha!

    I guess I needed the nap yesterday -thought I’d be wide awake at bedtime, but no; very tired, and slept through the night until 5:30 am.
    I have been rubbing magnesium oil spray into my knees and feet at bedtime lately, and that has been helping me to sleep through the night.

    I do precious little now that my leg is broken. Today I’m avoiding chasing three plus hours across the state to watch my college-age daughter swim in a swim meet. Thankfully I can use my leg as an excuse to not have to do that. I know: bad parent. The measure of a good parent these days is that you never miss any of your children’s sporting events….but I don’t really like sports & competition much, and swimming can be particularly dull to watch. I hope she can do well though, now that her sprained ankle is healing.

    Aren’t some of the people in their 90s just the best, TG?! I love old friends like that. They have so much wisdom & humor to share.

    Definitely have to pack the truck the night before, Lav! I remember when packing kids up for college, the colleges stressed to be sure to pack the vehicle the night before.

    Happy weekends to all!
    Last edited by Slo; November 5, 2022, 09:30 AM.
    Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


      Re: 30 October

      hiya are we doing today then?its pouring down with rain here today...bonfire night tonight with all the fireworks ...Guy Fawkes night mebbes there wont be too many bonfires.Was going to go metal detecting tomorrow but,if it isnt raining then Julie and I will go out .About a year ago we were detecting ,when my friend found a little silver statue ,he handed it in to see what it was has been declared finally as treasure its 14th century ,and there is no precedent .Lincoln museum are buying it ,so we get the buy price which we are splitting with the farmer .Rabbits doing ok ,its pretty cold here today as well.

      hiya Slo,how are you doing ?yep early morning do it for me too...I like getting up early in the morning the day come in ...but the paying price is pushing out zeds later on in the day.Oh I dont know ..there are worse things to watch than swimming snowball making ..the world paint drying championships ,or the North American leaf clearing competition take it easy and have a good weekend .

      hiya Lav ,how are you doing?hows the craft fair going ...hope you have kept a coupla cushions to have a nap of luck to you.

      hiya ppqp..tis the weekend off .I am useless with an i pad ...they make good frisbees ..Did it all freeze up?Any word on the payrise?hope its a big un.

      hiya teegee,yep computer is doing good now ...wonder how long it will be before I break it ....

      hiya pauly det sam..

      Q. Where do you go to weigh a whale?
      A: A whale weigh statiom

      I phoned the Weak Bladder Helpline about my problem. It's 1p a minute.

      I bought a new SatNav it's really good,,,
      Yesterday I drove past a Zoo and it said Bear Left .....
      Now that's clever !

      I got work this morning to find a lump of Plasticine on my desk.
      I don't know what to make of it.

      Q What happened to the guy who assaulted the laughing psychic?
      A He was arrested for striking a happy medium.

      I've been charged with murder for killing a man with sandpaper.
      I only intended to rough him up a bit.

      Murphy said to Paddy, "what the f@#k are you doing talking into envelope",
      Paddy said "I'm sending a voice mail you thick b@$t@rd"

      Q: What go's peck peck Bang, peck peck Bang...?
      A: A flock of chickens in a mine field!

      Last night i tried sharing a bag of chips with a homeless man who was sat on the curb...
      he said sod off and get your own bl@@dy chips.

      Knock knock.
      Who's there.
      Doorbell repair man.

      Last night I dreamed I was the author of Lord of the Rings...
      I was Tolkien in my sleep.

      Did you hear about the Italian chef?
      He pasta away!

      Q: Why have elephants got big ears?
      A: Cos' Noddy won't pay the ransom!


      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


        Re: 30 October

        Hey friends,

        Great day at the craft sale, happily tired now. The Christmas shoppers were definitely there today
        My grandson offered to come over & watch baby Daisy, so that was a help. Felt guilty having to leave her cooped up all day.

        Cyn, it takes a while to recover after all that travel, glad you’re back to feeling like yourself.
        I enjoyed the stories from the older folks too, another era for sure.

        Slo, don’t blame you for missing that swim event. You can catch up at some point when you’re more mobile.
        The next carft fair is Dec 3. & we can actually fgo the night before to set up like we did last year, that was much easier.
        Take care of your knees & I’m glad the magnesium is helping. I have some in a spray bottle I use from time to time.

        Mick, rain & more rain for you, sorry. It was foggy this morning when we left the house but the sun arrived & burned it off. My allergies are so bad the past few days I’m popping an extra antihistamine each day, ugh. That’s awesome about the statue find, good job!!

        PQ, hope today was peaceful & snow free as well.

        Hello to the others & wishing everyone a nice night. Turning the clocks back an hour tonight.

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Re: 30 October

          Mae all,

          Love to hear how all are doing -

          Lav, congrats on the sale today! I'm sure you are tired... all the setup, then the rush of people... but at least you sold a lot, that's just great. Glad the next one will be a setup on the night before. So nice of grandson to kitty-sit! Wonderful. I hope that you have a restful day tomorrow - you deserve it!

          Mick, congrats on the prize for the 14th century find! Awesome! I hope if you and Julie go out that you find some great stuff tomorrow!

          Slo - I agree with Lav; there's a time and a place to support your kids in person... you concentrating on healing well now will surely make the future better and easier to do special trips!

          PPQ - I hope you are getting some good time off, and that the weather is not too terrible. We had flurry warnings this morning, and it was plenty cold, but no flurries developed...

          It turned out to be a nice day today, which was great because we had a family wedding here - and now that I have moved close to my family home, I got to see lots of relatives that I grew up with and haven't seen for decades. It was a beautiful wedding, and a lovely dinner after - even my sweet but taciturn brother danced with his wife! I was sorry not to have my beloved by my side, but I was grateful for my lovely extended family that has embraced me so warmly...

          Hello to Pauly, Det, Sam, and all else stopping by - cheers


            Re: 30 October

            I’m using my extra hour from ‘Fall Back’ time to post early this morning!
            I’m up at daughter’s house already because it was super windy out all day yesterday, and my power was out. So I drove up here last night.
            Fell asleep again yesterday afternoon on yet another gray, rainy day, and now my sleep is all screwed up. Soon the full moon will be over, and I won’t be so tired.

            I didn’t realize that Julie went detecting with you, Mick! That’s cool about the statue. I like the knock knock joke. I guess iPads aren’t great for everything, as I can’t read the two visual jokes on it.

            I have to cut this short, as both grandchildren are awake now!
            Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.

