Hello all,
Chilly but sunny here so no problems. Working on my usual stuff when I’m not waiting Hand & foot on some animal, haha!!
Mick, im-patsa, love it haha!!
Your rabbits are real magicians, aren’t they? If they only understood we lock them up for their own safety. Every time the kitten is allowed to run loose in the house I end up almost stepping on her or the dog snarls at her so I put her back in the big old dog crate for a while - for her safety!! I’m sure you’ll work out something for your train setup in the right size. Use your plentiful imagination

Slo, do you have a good mechanic nearby? I had one who kinda ‘helped’ me look out for my car’s welfare while I was on my own. Gentle reminders or suggestions are always welcome as far as I’m concerned. I did sell 2 baby Yoda pillows at the last sale so I’m making 2 more for the upcoming sale. Whatever they like, right?
Cyn, check your messenger for Cat in The Hat photo, he’s ready to go. I hope your weather isn’t too harsh & yuo have a comfy weekend.
PQ, I hope you’re having a full weekend off without calls from work. I know your craft sale was on again today, hope that went off well.
Hello to Pauly, Det & Sam, check in guys, we’d love to hear from yuo.
Have a nice night all.